Voting Record For Graves (D), 2010

Other Years for Graves (D)
Other members for 2010

An 'X' in the P column indicates a vote where a Representative's vote differs from the vote of the majority of their Party.

Vote NumberVotePDateIssueQuestionResultDescription
1Present12-JanQUORUMCall of the HouseP 
2NayX13-JanH J RES 64On Passage, Objections of the President NotwithstandingFMaking further continuing appropriations for FY 2010
3Yea13-JanH RES 1002On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePHonoring the life and work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and encouraging the continued commitment to the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day as a national day of service
4Yea13-JanH RES 860On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as AmendedPSupporting the initiatives of Chicago Wilderness and the Childrens Outdoor Bill of Rights
5Yea13-JanH R 3892On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPTo designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 101 West Highway 64 Bypass in Roper, North Carolina, as the E.V. Wilkins Post Office.
6Yea19-JanH RES 1004On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePCongratulating the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine for its 150 years of commitment to advancing science and improving health
7Yea19-JanH RES 1015On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePCongratulating the Penn State womens volleyball team on winning the 2009 NCAA Division I national championship
8Yea19-JanH RES 991On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePCommending the University of Virginia mens soccer team for winning the 2009 Division I NCAA National Championship
9Nay20-JanH RES 1017On Ordering the Previous QuestionPRule providing for consideration of H.R. 3254, H.R. 3342, and H.R. 1065
10Nay20-JanH R 3726On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedFCastle Nugent National Historic Site Establishment Act of 2010
11Yea20-JanH R 3538On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedFIdaho Wilderness Water Resources Protection Act
12Nay21-JanH R 3254On PassagePTaos Pueblo Indian Water Rights Settlement Act
13Nay21-JanH R 3342On PassagePAamodt Litigation Settlement Act
14Nay21-JanH R 1065On PassagePWhite Mountain Apache Tribe Water Rights Quantification Act of 2009
15Yea21-JanH RES 1021On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePExpressing condolences to and solidarity with the people of Haiti in the aftermath of the devastating earthquake of January 12, 2010
16Yea21-JanH R 730Suspend the Rules and Concur in the Senate AmendmentPNuclear Forensics and Attribution Act
17Yea26-JanH RES 990On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePExpressing support for designation of January 2010 as National Mentoring Month
18Yea26-JanH RES 1011On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePRecognizing the importance of cervical health and of detecting cervical cancer during its earliest stages and supporting the goals and ideals of Cervical Health Awareness Month
19Yea26-JanH RES 1003On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as AmendedPExpressing support for the designation of January 10, 2010, through January 16, 2010, as National Influenza Vaccination Week
20Nay27-JanH RES 1038On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for consideration of H.R. 3726, Castle Nugent National Historic Site Establishment Act of 2010; and H.R. 4474, Idaho Wilderness Water Facilities Act
21Yea27-JanH RES 1024On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePExpressing support for designation of January as Poverty in America Awareness Month
22Yea27-JanH R 4474On PassagePIdaho Wilderness Water Facilities Act
23Nay27-JanH R 3726On PassagePCastle Nugent National Historic Site Establishment Act of 2010
24Yea27-JanH R 4508On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPTo provide for an additional temporary extension of programs under the Small Business Act and the Small Business Investment Act of 1958, and for other purposes
25Yea27-JanH RES 1020On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePHonoring the 95th anniversary of the signing of the Rocky Mountain National Park Act
26Yea2-FebH R 4495On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPTo designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 100 North Taylor Lane in Patagonia, Arizona, as the Jim Kolbe Post Office.
27Yea2-FebH RES 957On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePHonoring Jimmie Johnson, 2009 NASCAR Sprint Cup Champion
28Yea2-FebH RES 1014On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePRecognizing and supporting the goals and ideals of North American Inclusion Month
29Nay3-FebH RES 1051On Ordering the Previous QuestionPProviding for consideration of H.R. 4061, the Cybersecurity Enhancement Act
30Nay3-FebH RES 1051On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for consideration of H.R. 4061, the Cybersecurity Enhancement Act
31Yea3-FebH RES 1043On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as AmendedPRecognizing Brescia University for 60 years of leadership in higher education
32Yea3-FebH RES 901On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as AmendedPRecognizing November 14, 2009, as the 49th anniversary of the first day of integrated schools in New Orleans, Louisiana
33Yea3-FebH RES 1044On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as AmendedPCommemorating the 65th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, a Nazi concentration and extermination camp, honoring the victims of the Holocaust, and expressing commitment to strengthen the fight against bigotry and intolerance
43Yea4-FebH R 4061On PassagePTo advance cybersecurity research, development, and technical standards, and for other purposes
44Yea4-FebH RES 1022On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePHonoring the life and sacrifice of Medgar Evers and congratulating the United States Navy for naming a supply ship after Medgar Evers
45Nay4-FebH RES 1065On Ordering the Previous QuestionPProviding for consideration of the Senate amendment to the joint resolution (H.J. Res. 45) increasing the statutory limit on the public debt
46Nay4-FebH RES 1065On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for consideration of the Senate amendment to the joint resolution (H.J. Res. 45) increasing the statutory limit on the public debt
47Yea4-FebH R 4532On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPSocial Security Disability Applicants Access to Professional Representation Act
48Nay4-FebH J RES 45On Adoption of the second portion of the divided questionPStatutory Pay-As-You-Go Act
49No Vote22-FebH R 4425On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPTo designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 2-116th Street in North Troy, New York, as the Martin G. Marty Mahar Post Office
50No Vote22-FebH R 4238On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPTo designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 930 39th Avenue in Greeley, Colorado, as the W.D. Farr Post Office Builiding
51Nay23-FebH RES 1083On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for consideration of the bill (H.R. 2314) to express the policy of the United States regarding the United States relationship with Native Hawaiians and to provide a process for the recognition by the United States of the Native Hawaiian governing entity
52Yea23-FebH RES 1066On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePRecognizing the bravery and efforts of the United States Armed Forces, local first responders, and other members of Operation Unified Response for their swift and coordinated action in light of the Haiti earthquake
53Yea23-FebH RES 1059On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as AmendedPHonoring the heroism of the seven U.S. Agency for International Development and Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance supported urban search and rescue teams deployed to Haiti
54Yea23-FebH RES 1039On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePSupporting the goals and ideals of American Heart Month and National Wear Red Day
55Yea23-FebH RES 1046On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePRecognizing the significance of Black History Month
56Yea23-FebH R 2314On Agreeing to the AmendmentFHastings of Washington Amendment to the Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute
57Yea23-FebH R 2314On Agreeing to the AmendmentFFlake of Arizona Amendment to the Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute
58Nay23-FebH R 2314On Agreeing to the AmendmentAAbercrombie of Hawaii Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute
59Nay23-FebH R 2314On PassagePTo express the policy of the United States regarding the United States relationship with Native Hawaiians and to provide a process for the recognition by the United States of the Native Hawaiian governing entity
60Nay24-FebH RES 1098On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for consideration of the bill (H.R. 4626) to restore the application of the Federal antitrust laws to the business of health insurance to protect competition and consumers
61Yea24-FebH RES 1074On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePHonoring the life of Miep Gies, who aided Anne Franks family while they were in hiding and preserved her diary for future generations
62Yea24-FebH RES 944On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as AmendedPExpressing the sense of the House of Representatives on religious minorities in Iraq
63Yea24-FebH R 4626On Motion to Recommit with InstructionsFHealth Insurance Industry Fair Competition Act
64Yea24-FebH R 4626On PassagePHealth Insurance Industry Fair Competition Act
65Yea24-FebH RES 1085On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePHonoring and celebrating the contributions of African-Americans to the transportation and infrastructure of the United States
66Nay25-FebH RES 1105On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for consideration of the bill (H.R. 2701) to authorize appropriations for FY 2010 for intelligence and intelligence-related activities of the U.S. Government, the Community Management Account, and the CIA Retirement and Disability System, waiving a requirement of clause 6(a) of rule XIII
67Yea25-FebH R 3961On Motion to Concur in Senate AmendmentsPMedicare Physician Payment Reform Act
68Yea25-FebH CON RES 227On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as AmendedPSupporting the goals and ideals of National Urban Crimes Awareness Week
72Yea26-FebH R 2701On Motion to Recommit with InstructionsFIntelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010
73Nay26-FebH R 2701On PassagePIntelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010
74Yea26-FebH CON RES 238On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePRecognizing the difficult challenges Black veterans faced when returning home after serving in the Armed Forces, their heroic military sacrifices, and their patriotism in fighting for equal rights and for the dignity of a people and a Nation
75Yea2-MarH RES 1072On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as AmendedPRecognizing Louisiana State University for 150 years of service and excellence in higher education
76Yea2-MarH R 3820On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPNatural Hazards Risk Reduction Act of 2009
77Yea2-MarH RES 1097On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePSupporting the goals and ideals of National Engineers Week, and for other purposes
78Nay3-MarH RES 1126On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for the consideration of H.R. 4247, the Preventing Harmful Restraint and Seclusion in Schools Act
79Yea3-MarH RES 747On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePCongratulating the United States Military Academy at West Point on being named by Forbes magazine as Americas Best College for 2009
80Yea3-MarH RES 1096On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as AmendedPEncouraging individuals across the United States to participate in the 2010 Census to ensure an accurate and complete count beginning April 1, 2010, and expressing support for designation of March 2010 as Census Awareness Month
81Yea3-MarH R 4247On Agreeing to the AmendmentAFlake of Arizona Amendment
82Nay3-MarH R 4247On PassagePPreventing Harmful Restraint and Seclusion in Schools Act
83Yea3-MarH RES 1127On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePExpressing concern regarding the suicide plane attack on Internal Revenue Service employees in Austin, Texas
84Yea4-MarH RES 699On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as AmendedPExpressing the appreciation of Congress for the service and sacrifice of the members of the 139th Airlift Wing, Air National Guard
85Yea4-MarH RES 1086On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePRecognizing the importance and significance of the 2010 Census and encouraging each community within the Indian Country to name an elder to be the first member of that community to answer the 2010 Census
86Yea4-MarH RES 1111On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePDesignating March 2, 2010 as Read Across America Day
87Nay4-MarH RES 1137On Ordering the Previous QuestionPProviding for consideration of the Senate amendment to H.R. 2847, making appropriations for the Departments of Commerce and Justice, and Science, and Related Agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2010, and for other purposes
88Nay4-MarH RES 1137On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for consideration of the Senate amendment to H.R. 2847, making appropriations for the Departments of Commerce and Justice, and Science, and Related Agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2010, and for other purposes
89Yea4-MarH RES 362On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as AmendedPExpressing the support of the House of Representatives for the goals and ideals of the National School Lunch Program
90Nay4-MarH R 2847Concurring with an Amdt to the Senate Amdt to the House Amdt to the Senate AmdtPHiring Incentives to Restore Employment Act
91Yea4-MarH RES 1079On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as AmendedPCongratulating the National Football League Champion New Orleans Saints for winning Super Bowl XLIV and for bringing New Orleans its first Lombardi Trophy in franchise history
92Nay9-MarH R 3650On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedFHarmful Algal Blooms and Hypoxia Research and Control Amendments Act
93Yea9-MarH RES 1069On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePCongratulating Willard S. Boyle and George E. Smith for being awarded the Nobel Prize in physics
94Yea9-MarH RES 935On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePHonoring John E. Warnock, Charles M. Geschke, Forrest M. Bird, Esther Sans Takeuchi, and IBM Corporation for receiving the 2008 National Medal of Technology and Innovation
95Nay10-MarH RES 1146On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for consideration of the concurrent resolution (H.Con.Res. 248) directing the President, pursuant to section 5(c) of the War Powers Resolution, to remove the United States Armed Forces from Afghanistan
96Yea10-MarH RES 1088On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as AmendedPRecognizing the plight of people with albinism in East Africa and condemning their murder and mutilation
97Yea10-MarH R 4621On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPPrevent Deceptive Census Look Alike Mailings Act
98Nay10-MarH CON RES 248On Agreeing to the ResolutionFDirecting the President, pursuant to section 5(c) of the War Powers Resolution, to remove the United States Armed Forces from Afghanistan
99Yea10-MarH CON RES 249On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePCommemorating the 45th anniversary of Bloody Sunday and the role that it played in ensuring the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965
100Yea10-MarH RES 1144On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePExpressing condolences to the families of the victims of the February 27, 2010, earthquake in Chile, as well as solidarity with and support for the people of Chile as they plan for recovery and reconstruction
101Present11-MarQUORUMCall of the HouseP 
102Yea11-MarH RES 1031On Agreeing to Article I of the ResolutionPImpeaching G. Thomas Porteous, Jr., judge of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana, for high crimes and misdemeanors
103Yea11-MarH RES 1031On Agreeing to Article II of the ResolutionPImpeaching G. Thomas Porteous, Jr., judge of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana, for high crimes and misdemeanors
104Yea11-MarH RES 1031On Agreeing to Article III of the ResolutionPImpeaching G. Thomas Porteous, Jr., judge of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana, for high crimes and misdemeanors
105Yea11-MarH RES 1031On Agreeing to Article IV of the ResolutionPImpeaching G. Thomas Porteous, Jr., judge of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana, for high crimes and misdemeanors
106Yea11-MarH RES 1164On Ordering the Previous QuestionPRaising a question of the privileges of the House
107Yea11-MarH RES 1164On Motion to Refer the ResolutionPRaising a question of the privileges of the House
108Yea11-MarH RES 1107On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePRecognizing the 189th anniversary of the independence of Greece and celebrating Greek and American democracy
109Nay12-MarH R 3650On PassagePHarmful Algal Blooms and Hypoxia Research and Control Amendments Act
110Nay12-MarJOURNALOn Approving the JournalP 
111Yea12-MarH R 4506On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPBankruptcy Judgeship Act of 2010
112Yea15-MarH RES 1145On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as AmendedPRecognizing the University of Arizonas 125 years of dedication to excellence in higher education
113Yea15-MarH RES 1170On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePCongratulating the winners of the Voice of Democracy national scholarship program
114Yea15-MarH RES 1163On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePRecognizing Washington State University Honors College for 50 years of excellence
115Yea15-MarH RES 267On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePRecognizing the cultural and historical significance of Nowruz, expressing appreciation to Iranian-American for their contributions to society, and wishing Iranian-Americans and the people of Iran a prosperous new year
116Yea16-MarH R 4628On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPTo designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 216 Westwood Avenue in Westwood, New Jersey, as the Sergeant Christopher R. Hrbek Post Office Building
117Yea16-MarH RES 311On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePExpressing the support of the House of Representatives for the goals and ideals of Red Cross Month
118No Vote16-MarH RES 605On motion to suspend the rules and agree, as amendedPRecognizing the continued persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China on the 10th anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party campaign to suppress the Falun Gong spriritual movement and calling for an immediate end to the campaign to persecute, intimidate, imprison, and torture Falun Gong practitioners
119Yea16-MarH RES 1128On motion to suspend the rules and agree, as amendedPThanking Vancouver for hosting the world during the 2010 Winter Olympics and honoring the athletes from TEAM USA.
120Yea17-MarH RES 1089On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, As AmendedPRecognizing the 150th anniversary of Augustana College
121Yea17-MarH RES 1167On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePExpressing the support of the House of Representatives for the goals and ideals of Professional Social Work Month and World Social Work Day
122YeaX17-MarH RES 1184On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePCongratulating the 2009-2010 University of Maryland Mens Basketball Team, Greivis Vasquez, and Coach Gary Williams on an outstanding season
123Yea17-MarH RES 1141On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePHonoring the accomplishments of Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day OConnor, the first woman to serve on the United States Supreme Court
124Yea17-MarS 1147On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPPrevent All Cigarette Trafficking Act
125Yea17-MarH R 3954On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPFlorida National Forest Land Adjustment Act of 2009
126Yea17-MarH R 946On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPPlain Writing Act of 2010
127Yea17-MarH R 4825On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPTo require any amounts remaining in a Members Representational Allowance at the end of a fiscal year to be deposited in the Treasury and used for deficit reduction or to reduce the Federal debt
128Yea18-MarH R 4214On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPTo designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 45300 Portola Avenue in Palm Desert, California, as the Roy Wilson Post Office
129Nay18-MarH RES 1190On Ordering the Previous QuestionPProviding for consideration of motions to suspend the rules.
130Nay18-MarH RES 1190On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for consideration of motions to suspend the rules.
131Yea18-MarH RES 1193On Motion to Refer the ResolutionPRaising a question of the privileges of the House
132Nay18-MarH RES 1194On Motion to TablePRaising a question of the privileges of the House
133Yea18-MarH R 3542On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPState Admission Day Recognition Act of 2009
134Yea18-MarH R 3509On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPAgricultural Credit Act of 2009
135Yea18-MarH RES 1173On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePRecognizing the 100th anniversary of the Vermont Long Trail, the oldest long-distance hiking trail in the United States, and congratulating the Green Mountain Club for its century of dedication in developing and maintaining the trail
136Nay19-MarH RES 1192On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for consideration of (H.R. 3644), the Ocean, Coastal, and Watershed Education Act and (H.R. 1612), Public Land Service Corps Act of 2009
137YeaX19-MarH R 3671On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPUpper Mississippi River Basin Protection Act
138Yea19-MarH R 2788On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPDistinguished Flying Cross National Memorial Act
139Yea19-MarH R 3644On Agreeing to the AmendmentAFlake of Arizona Amendment to the Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute
140Nay19-MarH R 3644On Agreeing to the AmendmentACapps of California Substitute Amendment, As Amended
141Yea19-MarH R 3644On Motion to Recommit with InstructionsFOcean, Coastal, and Watershed Education Act
142Nay19-MarH R 3644On PassagePOcean, Coastal, and Watershed Education Act
143Nay19-MarH R 4003On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPHudson River Valley Special Resource Study Act
144Yea19-MarH R 4395On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPTo revise the boundaries of the Gettysburg National Military Park to include the Gettysburg Train Station, and for other purposes
145Yea19-MarH RES 1133On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePRecognizing the extraordinary number of African-Americans who have overcome significant obstacles to enhance innovation and competitiveness in the field of science in the United States
146Yea19-MarH RES 1027On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePRecognizing the 50th anniversary of the historic dive to the Challenger Deep in the Mariana Trench, the deepest point in the worlds oceans, on January 23, 1960, and its importance to marine research, ocean science, a better understanding of the planet, and the future of human exploration
147Yea19-MarH CON RES 244On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as AmendedPExpressing support for the designation of March 20 as a National Day of Recognition for Long-Term Care Physicians
148Yea20-MarH R 1612On Agreeing to the AmendmentABishop of Utah Amendment
149Yea20-MarH R 1612On Agreeing to the AmendmentACole of Oklahoma Amendment
150Yea20-MarH R 1612On Motion to Recommit with InstructionsPPublic Lands Service Corps Act of 2009
151Nay20-MarH R 1612On PassagePPublic Lands Service Corps Act of 2009
152Yea20-MarH R 4887On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPTRICARE Affirmation Act
153YeaX20-MarJOURNALOn Approving the JournalP 
154Yea20-MarH RES 1040On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePHonoring the life and accomplishments of Donald Harington for his contributions to literature in the United States
155Yea21-MarH R 4840On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPClarence D. Lumpkin Post Office Designation
156Yea21-MarH RES 1174On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePSupporting the goals and ideals of National Womens History Month
157Nay21-MarJOURNALOn Approving the JournalP 
158Yea21-MarH RES 1075On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as AmendedPCommending the members of the Agri-business Development Teams of the National Guard for their efforts, together with personnel of the Department of Agriculture and the United Sates Agency for International Development, to modernize agriculture practices and increase food production in war-torn countries.
159Nay21-MarH RES 1203Will the House Now Consider the ResolutionPProviding for consideration of the Senate Amendments to H.R. 3590 , Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act , and providing for the consideration of the bill H.R. 4872 , Reconciliation Act of 2010
160Nay21-MarH RES 1203Will the House Now Consider the ResolutionPProviding for consideration of the Senate Amendments to H.R. 3590 , Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and providing for the consideration of the bill H.R. 4872, Reconciliation Act of 2010.
161Yea21-MarH RES 900On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as AmendedPSupporting the goals and ideals of a Cold War Veterans Recognition Day to honor the sacrifices and contributions made by members of the Armed Forces during the Cold War and encouraging the people of the U.S. to participate in local and national activities honoring the sacrifices and contributions of those individuals
162Nay21-MarH RES 1203On Ordering the Previous QuestionPProviding for consideration of the Senate Amendments to H.R. 3590 , Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and providing for the consideration of the bill H.R. 4872, Reconciliation Act of 2010.
163Nay21-MarH RES 1203On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for consideration of the Senate Amendments to H.R. 3590 , Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and providing for the consideration of the bill H.R. 4872, Reconciliation Act of 2010.
164Yea21-MarH RES 925On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as AmendedPExpressing the sense of the House of Representatives regarding the meritorious service performed by aviators in the United States Armed Forces who were shot down over, or otherwise forced to land in, hostile territory yet evaded enemy capture or were captured buy subsequently escaped
165Nay21-MarH R 3590On Motion to Concur in Senate AmendmentsPPatient Protection and Affordable Care Act
166Yea21-MarH R 4872On Motion to Recommit with InstructionsFReconciliation Act of 2010
167Nay21-MarH R 4872On PassagePReconciliation Act of 2010
168Yea21-MarH RES 1099On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as AmendedPRecognizing the 65th anniversary of the Battle of Iwo Jima
169Yea21-MarH RES 1119On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as AmendedPExpressing the sense of the House of Representatives that all people in the United States should participate in a moment of silence to reflect upon the service and sacrifice of members of the United States Armed Forces both at home and abroad
170Yea22-MarH R 4810On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPEnd Veteran Homelessness Act of 2010
171Yea22-MarH R 4667On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPVeterans Compensation Cost-of-Living Adjustment Act of 2010
172Nay23-MarH RES 1205On Ordering the Previous QuestionPProviding for consideration of the bill (H.R. 4849) to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide tax incentives for small business job creation, extend the Build America Bonds program, provide other infrastructure job creation tax incentives, and for other purposes
173Nay23-MarH RES 1205On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for consideration of the bill (H.R. 4849) to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide tax incentives for small business job creation, extend the Build America Bonds program, provide other infrastructure job creation tax incentives, and for other purposes
174Yea23-MarH J RES 80On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPRecognizing and honoring the Blinded Veterans Association on its 65th anniversary of representing blinded veterans and their families
175Yea23-MarH RES 1186On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePExpressing support for designation of April as National Distracted Driving Awareness Month
176Yea23-MarH R 3976On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPHelping Heroes Keep Their Homes Act of 2009
177Yea23-MarH R 4592On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPEnergy Jobs for Veterans Act
178Nay24-MarH CON RES 257On Agreeing to the Concurrent ResolutionPAdjournment Resolution
179Nay24-MarH RES 1204On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for consideration of H.R. 4899, making emergency supplemental appropriations for disaster relief and summer jobs for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2010, and for other purposes
180Yea24-MarH RES 917On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as AmendedPRecognizing the Florida Keys Scenic Highway on the occasion of its designation as an All-American Road by the U.S. Department of Transportation
181Yea24-MarH R 4849On Motion to Recommit with InstructionsFSmall Business and Infrastructure Jobs Tax Act
182Nay24-MarH R 4849On PassagePSmall Business and Infrastructure Jobs Tax Act
183Yea24-MarH R 4098On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPSecure Federal File Sharing Act
184Yea24-MarH R 1879On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPNational Guard Employment Protection Act of 2009
185Nay24-MarH R 4899On Motion to Table the Appeal of the Ruling of the ChairPMaking emergency supplemental appropriations for disaster relief and summer jobs for fiscal year ending September 30, 2010, and for other purposes
186Nay24-MarH R 4899On PassagePMaking emergency supplemental appropriations for disaster relief and summer jobs for fiscal year ending September 30, 2010, and for other purposes
187Yea25-MarH RES 1220On Motion to Refer the ResolutionPRaising a question of the privileges of the House
188Nay25-MarH RES 1212On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for consideration of the Senate amendments to H.R. 1586 to impose an additional tax on bonuses received from certain TARP recipients, and for other purposes
189YeaX25-MarJOURNALOn Approving the JournalP 
190Nay25-MarH R 1586On Concurring in Senate Amendments, With Amendment to Senate Amendment To TextPTo impose an additional tax on bonuses received from certain TARP recipients, and for other purposes
191Nay25-MarH RES 1125On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as AmendedFSupporting the goals and ideals of National Public Works Week, and for other purposes
192Yea25-MarH R 4360On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPMajor Charles R. Soltes, Jr., O.D. Department of Veterans Affairs Blind Rehabilitation Center
193Nay25-MarH RES 1225On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for consideration of the Senate amendments to the bill (H. R. 4872) to provide for reconciliation pursuant to Title II of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2010 (S. Con. Res. 13).
194Nay25-MarH R 4872On Motion to Concur in Senate AmendmentsPReconciliation Act of 2010
195Yea25-MarH RES 1215On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as AmendedPExpressing support for Bangladeshs return to democracy
196Yea13-AprH RES 1222On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePSupporting the goals and ideals of National Library Week
197Yea13-AprH RES 1041On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePCongratulating and commending the University of Idahos football team for winning the 2009 Humanitarian Bowl in Boise, Idaho
198Yea13-AprH RES 1042On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePCommending the Boise State University Broncos football team for winning the 2010 Fiesta Bowl
199Yea14-AprH RES 1236On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePHonoring the coal miners who perished in the Upper Big Branch Mine-South in Raleigh County, West Virginia, extending condolences to their families and recognizing the valiant efforts of emergency response workers at the mine disaster.
200Yea14-AprH R 4994On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPTo amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to reduce taxpayer burdens and enhance taxpayer protections, and for other purposes.
201Yea14-AprH R 3125On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPTo require an inventory of radio spectrum bands managed by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration and the Federal Communications Commission.
202Nay14-AprH RES 1249On Motion to Refer the ResolutionP 
203Yea14-AprH RES 1246On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePExpressing sympathy to the people of Poland in the aftermath of the tragic plane crash that killed the countrys President, First Lady, and 94 others on April 10, 2010
204Nay15-AprH RES 1248On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for consideration of the bill (H.R. 4715), Clean Estuaries Act of 2010 and waiving a requirement of clause 6(a) of rule XIII with respect to consideration of certain resolutions reported from the Committee on Rules, and providing for consideration of motions to suspend the rules
205Yea15-AprH RES 1062On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as AmendedPRecognizing the Coast Guard Group Astorias more than 60 years of service to the Pacific Northwest, and for other purposes
206Yea15-AprH RES 1255On Motion to Refer the ResolutionPRaising a question of the privileges of the House
208Yea15-AprH R 4715On Motion to Recommit with InstructionsFTo amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act to reauthorize the National Estuary Program, and for other purposes.
209Nay15-AprH R 4715On PassagePTo amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act to reauthorize the National Estuary Program, and for other purposes.
210Yea15-AprH RES 1242On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePCongratulating the Duke University mens basketball team for winning the 2010 NCAA Division I Mens Basketball National Championship
211Nay15-AprH R 4851On Motion to Concur in the Senate AmendmentPContinuing Extension Act
212Yea20-AprH RES 1257On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePSupporting the goals and ideals of National Financial Literacy Month, 2010, and for other purposes
213Yea20-AprH RES 1271On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePHonoring the life and achievements of Rev. Benjamin Lawson Hooks
214Yea21-AprS 1963On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPTo amend title 38, United States Code, to provide assistance to caregivers of veterans, to improve the provision of health care to veterans, and for other purposes
215Yea21-AprH RES 1104On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePSupporting the mission and goals of 2010 National Crime Victims Rights Week
216Yea21-AprH RES 1216On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePCongratulating Reverend Daniel P. Coughlin on his 10th year of service as Chaplain of the House of Representatives
217Yea22-AprH RES 1287On Ordering the Previous QuestionFFlake Privileged Resolution
218Yea22-AprH RES 1287On Motion to Refer the ResolutionPFlake Privileged Resolution
219Yea22-AprH R 2194On Motion to Instruct ConfereesPComprehensive Iran Sanctions, Accountability, and Divestment Act
220Yea22-AprH RES 1270On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePExpressing support for Mathematics Awareness Month
221Yea26-AprH R 4543On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPAnthony J. Cortese Post Office Building
222Yea26-AprH RES 1103On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as AmendedPCelebrating the life of Sam Houston on the 217th anniversary of his birth
223Yea26-AprH R 4861On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPSteve Goodman Post Office Building
224Yea27-AprH RES 1131On Motion to Suspend and Agree, as AmendedPExpressing support for designation of the week of April 18, 2010 through April 23, 2010, as National Assistant Principals Week
225Yea27-AprH R 5017On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPRural Housing Preservation and Stabilzation Act
226Yea27-AprH R 5146On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPTo provide that Members of Congress shall not receive a cost of living adjustment in pay during fiscal year 2011
229Yea28-AprH R 5013On Motion to Recommit with InstructionsPImplementing Management for Performance and Related Reforms to Obtain Value in Every Acquisition Act of 2010
230Yea28-AprH R 5013On PassagePImplementing Management for Performance and Related Reforms to Obtain Value in Every Acquisition Act of 2010
231Nay29-AprH RES 1305On Ordering the Previous QuestionPProviding for consideration of the bill (H.R. 2499) to provide for a federally sanctioned self-determination process for the people of Puerto Rico
232Nay29-AprH RES 1305On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for consideration of the bill (H.R. 2499) to provide for a federally sanctioned self-determination process for the people of Puerto Rico
233Nay29-AprH RES 1305Table Motion to ReconsiderPProviding for consideration of the bill (H.R. 2499) to provide for a federally sanctioned self-determination process for the people of Puerto Rico
241Yea29-AprH R 2499On Motion to Recommit with InstructionsFPuerto Rico Democracy Act
242Nay29-AprH R 2499On PassagePPuerto Rico Democracy Act
243Yea4-MayH RES 1307On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePHonoring the National Science Foundation for 60 years of service to the Nation
244Yea4-MayH RES 1213On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePRecognizing the need to improve the participation and performance of Americas students in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields, supporting the ideals of National Lab Day, and for other purposes
245Yea4-MayH RES 1132On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as AmendedPHonoring the USS New Mexico as the sixth Virginia-class submarine commissioned by the U.S. Navy to protect and defend the United States
246Yea5-MayH RES 1320On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as AmendedPAttempted Terrorist Attack in Times Square on May 1, 2010
247Yea5-MayH RES 1272On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePCommemorating the 40th anniversary of the May 4, 1970, Kent State University shootings
248Nay5-MayH RES 1301On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as AmendedPSupporting the goals and ideals of National Train Day
249Nay6-MayH RES 1329On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for consideration of the bill (H.R. 5019) to provide for the establishment of the Home Star Retrofit Rebate Program, and for other purposes
250Yea6-MayH RES 1295On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePCelebrating the role of mothers in the United States and supporting the goals and ideals of Mothers Day
251YeaX6-MayH R 1722On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedFTelework Improvements Act
254Yea6-MayH R 5019On Motion to Recommit with InstructionsPHome Star Energy Retrofit Act
255Nay6-MayH R 5019On PassagePHome Star Energy Retrofit Act
256Yea11-MayH RES 1294On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePExpressing support for designation of the first Saturday in May as National Explosive Ordnance Disposal Day to honor those who are serving and have served in the noble and self-sacrificing profession of Explosive Ordnance Disposal in the United States Armed Forces
257Yea11-MayH RES 1328On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePHonoring the life and legacy of William Earnest Ernie Harwell
258Yea11-MayH RES 1299On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePSupporting the goals and ideals of Peace Officers Memorial Day
259Nay12-MayH RES 1344On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for consideration of the bill H.R. 5116, the America COMPETES Reauthorization Act of 2010
260Yea12-MayH R 5014On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPTo clarify the health care provided by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs that constitutes minimum essential coverage
261Yea12-MayH CON RES 268On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePSupporting the goals and ideals of National Womens Health Week, and for other purposes
270Yea13-MayH R 5116On Motion to Recommit with InstructionsPAmerica COMPETES Reauthorization Act
271Nay13-MayH RES 1338On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePRecognizing the significant accomplishments of AmeriCorps
272Yea13-MayH RES 1337On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePExpressing the sympathy and condolences of the House of Representatives to those people affected by the flooding in Tennessee, Kentucky, and Mississippi in May, 2010
273Nay18-MayH R 2288On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPEndangered Fish Recovery Programs Improvement Act of 2009
274Yea18-MayH R 4614On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPKatie Sepich Enhanced DNA Collection Act of 2010
275Yea18-MayH RES 1327On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePHonoring the life, achievements, and contributions of Floyd Dominy
276No Vote19-MayH R 1514On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPJuvenile Accountability Block Grants Program Reauthorization Act of 2009
277No Vote19-MayH R 5325On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassFAmerica COMPETES Reauthorization Act
278No Vote19-MayH RES 1325On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as AmendedPRecognizing National Missing Childrens Day
279No Vote19-MayH RES 1362On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePCelebrating the life and achievements of Lena Mary Calhoun Horne and honoring her for her triumphs against racial discrimination and her steadfast commitment to the civil rights of all people
280No Vote19-MayH R 5099On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPMichael C. Rothberg Post Office
281No Vote19-MayH RES 403On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as AmendedPExpressing the sense of the House of Representatives that there should be established a National Teacher Day to honor and celebrate teachers in the United States
282No Vote19-MayH RES 1292On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as AmendedPCongratulating the Emporia State University Lady Hornets womens basketball team for winning the 2010 NCAA Division II National Championship
283No Vote19-MayH RES 1364On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePHonoring the historic and community significance of the Chatham County Courthouse and expressing condolences to Chatham County and the town of Pittsboro for the fire damage sustained by the courthouse on March 25, 2010
284Yea20-MayH R 5327On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPTo authorize assistance to Israel for the Iron Dome anti-missile defense system
285Yea20-MayH RES 1256On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePCongratulating Phil Mickelson on winning the 2010 Masters golf tournament
286Yea20-MayH RES 1336On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePCongratulating the University of Texas mens swimming and diving team for winning the NCAA Division I national championship
287Yea20-MayH RES 1361On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as AmendedPRecognizing North Carolina Central University on its 100th anniversary
288Nay20-MayH RES 1363On Ordering the Previous QuestionPGranting the authority provided under clause 4(c)(3) of rule X of the Rules of the House of Representatives to the Committee on Education and Labor for purposes of its investigation into underground coal mining safety
289Yea20-MayH RES 1363On Agreeing to the ResolutionPGranting the authority provided under clause 4(c)(3) of rule X of the Rules of the House of Representatives to the Committee on Education and Labor for purposes of its investigation into underground coal mining safety
290Yea20-MayH R 5128On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPTo designate the Department of the Interior Building in Washington, District of Columbia, as the Steawart Lee Undall Department of the Interior Building
291No Vote24-MayH CON RES 278On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePExpressing the sense of Congress that a grateful Nation supports and salutes Sons and Daughters in Touch on its 20th Anniversary that is being held on Fathers Day, 2010, at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, the District of Columbia
292No Vote24-MayH R 1017On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPChiropractic Care Available to All Veterans Act
293No Vote24-MayH R 5330On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPTo amend the Antitrust Criminal Penalty Enhancement and Reform Act of 2004 to extend the operation of such Act for a 5-year period ending June 22, 2015, and for other purposes
294No Vote25-MayH R 5145On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPAssuring Quality Care for Veterans Act
295No Vote25-MayH RES 1258On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as AmendedPExpressing support for designation of May 2010 as Mental Health Month
296No Vote25-MayH RES 1382On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePExpressing sympathy to the families of those killed by North Korea in the sinking of the Republic of Korea Ship Cheonan, and solidarity with the Republic of Korea in the aftermath of this tragic incident
297No Vote25-MayH RES 584On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePRecognizing the importance of manufactured and modular housing in the United States
298No Vote25-MayH R 3885On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPVeterans Dog Training Therapy Act
299No Vote25-MayH R 2711On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Concur in the Senate AmendmentsPSpecial Agent Samuel Hicks Families of Fallen Heroes Act
300No Vote25-MayH RES 1189On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePCommending Lance Mackey on winning a record 4th straight Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race
301No Vote25-MayH RES 1172On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePRecognizing the life and achievements of Will Keith Kellogg
302No Vote26-MayH RES 1347On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePHonoring the workers who perished on the Deepwater Horizon offshore oil platform in the Gulf of Mexico off the coast of Louisiana, extending condolences to their families, and recognizing the valiant efforts of emergency response workers at the disaster site
303No Vote26-MayH RES 1385On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePRecognizing and honoring the courage and sacrifice of the members of the Armed Forces and veterans, and for other purposes
304No Vote26-MayH RES 1316On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as AmendedPCelebrating Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month
305No Vote26-MayH RES 1169On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as AmendedPHonoring the 125th anniversary of Rollins College
306No Vote27-MayH CON RES 282On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for an adjournment or recess of the two Houses
307No Vote27-MayH RES 1404On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for consideration of the bill H.R. 5136, the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2011
308No Vote27-MayH RES 1161On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePHonoring the Centennial Celebration of Women at Marquette University, the fist Catholic university in the world to offer co-education as part of its regular undergraduate program
309No Vote27-MayH RES 1372On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePHonoring the University of Georgia Graduate School on the occasion of its centennial
319No Vote28-MayJOURNALOn Approving the JournalP 
320No Vote28-MayH RES 1391On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as AmendedPCongratulating Israel for its accession to membership in the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
321No Vote28-MayH RES 1403On Ordering the Previous QuestionPProviding for consideration of the Senate amendment to the bill (H.R. 4213) to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to extend certain expiring provisions, and for other purposes
322No Vote28-MayH RES 1403On Agreeing to the AmendmentASlaughter of New York Amendment
323No Vote28-MayH RES 1403On Agreeing to the Resolution, as AmendedPProviding for consideration of the Senate amendment to the bill (H.R. 4213) to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to extend certain expiring provisions, and for other purposes
324No Vote28-MayH R 4213On concurring in Senate amdt with amdt (except portion comprising section 523)PAmerican Workers, State, and Business Relief Act of 2010
325No Vote28-MayH R 4213On concurring in Senate amdt with portion of amdt comprising section 523AAmerican Workers, State, and Business Relief Act of 2010
326No Vote28-MayH R 5116First Portion of the Divided Question, Proposing to Strike Section 228FAmerica COMPETES Reauthorization Act
327No Vote28-MayH R 5116Second Portion of the Divided Question, Proposing to Strike Sections 406(b) and (c)FAmerica COMPETES Reauthorization Act
328No Vote28-MayH R 5116Sixth Portion of the Divided Question, Proposing to Amend Section 702FAmerica COMPETES Reauthorization Act
329No Vote28-MayH R 5116Seventh Portion of the Divided Question, Proposing to Add a Section 704PAmerica COMPETES Reauthorization Act
330No Vote28-MayH R 5116Eighth Portion of the Divided Question, Proposing to Add a Section 705PAmerica COMPETES Reauthorization Act
331No Vote28-MayH R 5116Ninth Portion of the Divided Question, Proposing to Add a Section 706FAmerica COMPETES Reauthorization Act
332No Vote28-MayH R 5116On PassagePAmerica COMPETES Reauthorization Act
334No Vote28-MayH R 5136Table Appeal of the Ruling of the ChairPNational Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2011
335No Vote28-MayH R 5136On Motion to Recommit with InstructionsPNational Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2011
336No Vote28-MayH R 5136On PassagePNational Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2011
337Yea8-JunH R 1061On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPHoh Indian Tribe Safe Homelands Act
338Yea8-JunH RES 518On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as AmendedPHonoring the life of Jacques-Yves Cousteau, explorer, researcher, and pioneer in the field of marine conservation
339Nay9-JunH RES 1424On Ordering the Previous QuestionPProviding for consideration of the bill H.R. 5072, the FHA Reform Act
340Nay9-JunH RES 1424On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for consideration of the bill H.R. 5072, the FHA Reform Act
341Nay9-JunH RES 989On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreeFExpressing the sense of the House of Representatives that the United States should adopt national policies and pursue international agreements to prevent ocean acidification, to study the impacts of ocean acidification, and to address the effects of ocean acidification on marine ecosystems and coastal economies
342Yea9-JunH RES 1178On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as AmendedPDirecting the Clerk of the House of Representatives to compile the cost estimates prepared by the Congressional Budget Office which are included in reports filed by the committees of the House on approved legislation and post such estimates on the official public Internet site of the Office of the Clerk
343Yea9-JunH R 4173On Motion to Instruct ConfereesFWall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2009
344Yea9-JunH RES 1330On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as AmendedPRecognizing June 8, 2010, as World Ocean Day
345Yea9-JunH R 5278On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPTo designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 405 West Second Street in Dixon, Illinois, as the President Ronald W. Reagan Post Office Building
346Yea9-JunH R 5133On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPTo designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 331 1st Street in Carlstadt, New Jersey, as the Staff Sergeant Frank T. Carvill and Lance Corporal Michael A. Schwarz Post Office Building
353Yea10-JunH R 5072On PassagePFHA Reform Act of 2010
354Yea10-JunS 3473On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPTo amend the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 to authorize advances from Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund for the Deepwater Horizon oil spill

183 Yea, 74 Nay, 2 Present, 47 No Vote (7.08 %)
6 votes (0.90 %) not with majority of D-party.

Other Years for Graves (D)
Other members for 2010