Freeciv for MacOS X development page

a collection of random notes at this point on how to get things done.

get used to using Terminal. I've found that gdb in the terminal is more responsive and easier to work with than ProjectBuilder's debugger. Also, the freeciv server has no Aqua GUI at all yet, so it has to be run from Terminal.

./configure --enable-client=no
Do this and then drop in the MacOS dev tarball from this site.
Build server and libraries of common code in the normal way with 'make'.

need to use "cc -no-cpp-precomp" to get around an optimization NeXT/Apple added that isn't compatible with GNU mainline. see config.status script. running this should generate makefiles that work.

Just so there's no confusion, unless you're using exactly the same freeciv source I was using, don't use config.status. What you want are the commands:

./configure --with-client=no
make "CC=cc -no-cpp-precomp"

If you find yourself rebuilding the server or libraries a lot, and tire of the longish make line, you can edit config.status that your configure generates and change the value of CC, run that script, and your Makefiles will now do the right thing.

I haven't done any coding on it in over a year. I did all my coding on it in a fitful burst of 2-3 weeks. Until my muse moves me to such again, the next person to make a major advance on the code is welcome to the title of maintainer for the port.

Every month or so someone comes along and mentions interest, but so far no one seems to have done much actual development. Well, to whomever may be interested, good luck, and happy hacking.

Freeciv for MacOS X home page