Voting Record For McGovern (D)

An 'X' in the P column indicates a vote where a Representatives vote differs from the vote of the majority of their Party.

Vote NumberVotePDateIssueQuestionResultDescription
1Present7-JanQUORUMCall By StatesP 
3Yea7-JanH RES 5On motion to commit with instructionsFAdopting Rules for the One Hundred Eighth Congress
4Nay7-JanH RES 5On Agreeing to the ResolutionPAdopting Rules for the One Hundred Eighth Congress
5Nay8-JanH RES 14On Ordering the Previous QuestionPProviding for the Consideration of S. 23, to Provide for 5-Month Extension of the Temporary Extended Unemployment Compensation Act of 2002 and for a Transition Period for Individuals Receiving Compensation when the Program under such Acts Ends
6Yea8-JanS 23On motion to commit with instructionsFTo Provide for a 5-Month Extension of the Temporary Extended Unemployment Compensation Act of 2002 and for a Transition Period for Individuals Receiving Compensation when the Program under such Acts Ends
7Yea8-JanS 23On PassagePTo Provide for a 5-Month Extension of the Temporary Extended Unemployment Compensation Act of 2002 and for a Transition Period for Individuals Receiving Compensation when the Program under such Acts Ends
8Nay8-JanH RES 15On Ordering the Previous QuestionPProviding for consideration of H.J. Res. 1 and H.J. Res. 2, joint resolutions making further continuing appropriations for FY 2003
9YeaX8-JanADJOURNOn Motion to AdjournF 
10Nay8-JanH J RES 1Table the appeal of the ruling of the ChairPMaking further continuing appropriations for the fiscal year 2003, and for other purposes
11Yea8-JanH J RES 1On Motion to Recommit with InstructionsFMaking further continuing appropriations for the fiscal year 2003, and for other purposes
12Yea8-JanH RES 10On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePCongratulating the Ohio State University football team for winning the 2002 NCAA Division I-A collegiate football national championship.
13Yea27-JanH RES 26On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as AmendedPHonoring the Contributions of Catholic Schools
14Yea27-JanH RES 25On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePSupporting Efforts to Promote Greater Awareness of the Need for Youth Mentors and Increased Involvement with Youth through Mentoring
15Nay28-JanH J RES 13Table the Appeal of the Ruling of the ChairPFurther Continuing Appropriations for FY 2003
16Yea28-JanH J RES 13On Motion to Recommit with InstructionsFFurther Continuing Appropriations for FY 2003
17Yea29-JanH J RES 2On Motion to Instruct ConfereesFMaking Further Continuing Appropriations for the Fiscal Year 2003, and for other purposes
18Yea5-FebH J RES 18On Motion to Recommit with InstructionsFMaking further continuing appropriations for the fiscal year 2003, and for other purposes.
19Yea5-FebH RES 51On Agreeing to the ResolutionPExpressing the Condolences of the House of Representatives to the Families of the Crew of the Space Shuttle Columbia, and for other purposes
20Yea11-FebH CON RES 27On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePCondemning the Selection of Libya to Chair the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, and for other purposes
21Yea11-FebH CON RES 22On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePHonoring Czech Republic President Vaclav Havel
22Yea11-FebH RES 61On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePCommending the People of Israel for Conducting Free and Fair Elections, Reaffirming the Friendship between the Government and Peoples of the United States and Israel, and for other purposes
23Yea11-FebH J RES 19On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPRecognizing the 92nd Birthday of Ronald Reagan
24Yea12-FebH R 346On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPAmerican Spirit Fraud Prevention Act
25Yea12-FebH RES 62On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePRecognizing the courage and sacrifice of those members of the United States Armed Forces who were held as prisoners of war during the Vietnam conflict and calling for a full accounting of the 1,902 members of the Armed Forces who remain unaccounted for from the Vietnam conflict
26Yea12-FebH R 395On PassagePDo-Not-Call Implementation Act
27Yea13-FebH R 4On Agreeing to the AmendmentFKucinich of Ohio Substitute Amendment
28Yea13-FebH R 4On Agreeing to the AmendmentFCardin of Maryland Substitute Amendment
29Yea13-FebH R 4On Motion to Recommit with InstructionsFPersonal Responsibility, Work, and Family Promotion Act
30Nay13-FebH R 4On PassagePPersonal Responsibility, Work, and Family Promotion Act
31Yea13-FebH J RES 2Recommit Conference Report with InstructionsFMaking Further Continuing Appropriations for the Fiscal Year 2003, and for other purposes
32Yea13-FebH J RES 2On Agreeing to the Conference ReportPMaking Further Continuing Appropriations for the Fiscal Year 2003, and for other purposes
33Yea25-FebH RES 46On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePHonoring the life of Al Hirschfeld and his legacy.
34Yea25-FebH CON RES 40On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePPermitting the use of the rotunda of the Capitol for a ceremony as part of the commemoration of the days of remembrance of victims of the Holocaust.
35Yea26-FebH CON RES 36On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePEncouraging the People of the United States to Honor and Celebrate the 140th Anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation and Commending Abraham Lincolns Efforts to End Slavery
36Yea26-FebH R 258On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPAmerican 5-Cent Coin Design Continuity Act
37Yea27-FebH R 534On Agreeing to the AmendmentFGreenwood of Pennsylvania Substitute Amendment
38Yea27-FebH R 534On Motion to Recommit with InstructionsFHuman Cloning Prohibition Act
39Nay27-FebH R 534On PassagePHuman Cloning Prohibition Act
40Yea4-MarH RES 106On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePCongratulating Lutheran schools, students, parents, teachers, administrators, and congregations across the Nation for their ongoing contributions to education, and for other purposes.
41Yea4-MarH CON RES 54On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePExpressing the sense of the Congress that there should be established an annual National Visiting Nurse Association Week.
42Yea4-MarH RES 111On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePHonoring the legacy of Fred Rogers and his dedication to creating a more compassionate, kind, and loving world for children and adults.
43Yea5-MarJOURNALOn Approving the JournalP 
44Nay5-MarH R 743On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedFSocial Security Protection Act
45Yea5-MarH R 1047On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPMiscellaneous Trade and Technical Corrections Act
46Yea5-MarH J RES 27On PassagePRecognizing and Commending the Continuing Dedication, Selfless Service, and Commitment of Members of the Armed Forces and their Families during the Global War on Terrorism and in Defense of the United States
47Yea6-MarH R 13On PassagePMuseum and Library Services Act
48YeaX6-MarADJOURNOn Motion to AdjournF 
49NayX6-MarJOURNALOn Approving the JournalP 
50Yea11-MarH R 441On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPTo amend Public Law 107-10 to authorize a United States plan to endorse and obtain observer status for Taiwan at the annual summit of the WHO Assembly in May 2003 in Geneva, Switzerland, and for other purposes
51Yea11-MarH CON RES 77Suspend rules and agree, as amendedPCommemorating the 60th anniversary of the historic rescue of 50,000 Bulgarian Jews from the Holocaust and commending the Bulgarian people for preserving and continuing their tradition of ethnic and religious tolerance
52Yea11-MarH RES 19On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePDesignating the room numbered H-236 in the House of Representatives wing of the Capitol as the Richard K. Armey Room
53Yea12-MarJOURNALOn Approving the JournalP 
54Yea12-MarH RES 122On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePRecognizing the bicentennial of the admission of Ohio into the Union
55Yea12-MarH CON RES 85On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePSense of Congress with respect to improved fire safety in nonresidential buildings in the aftermath of the tragic fire at a nightclub in Rhode Island
56Yea12-MarH R 659On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPHospital Mortgage Insurance Act
57Yea12-MarH R 389On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPAutomatic Defibrillation in Adams Memory Act
58Yea12-MarH R 342On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPMosquito Abatement for Safety and Health Act
59Yea12-MarH R 399On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPOrgan Donation Improvement Act
60Yea12-MarH R 663On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPPublic Safety and Quality Improvement Act
61Nay13-MarH RES 139On Ordering the Previous QuestionPProviding for the consideration of H.R. 5, Help Efficient, Accessible, Low Cost, Timely Healthcare (HEALTH) Act
62Nay13-MarH RES 139On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for the consideration of H.R. 5, Help Efficient, Accessible, Low Cost, Timely Healthcare (HEALTH) Act
63Yea13-MarH R 5On Motion to Recommit with InstructionsFHelp Efficient, Accessible, Low Cost, Timely Healthcare (HEALTH) Act
64Nay13-MarH R 5On PassagePHelp Efficient, Accessible, Low Cost, Timely Healthcare (HEALTH) Act
65Yea18-MarH CON RES 26On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePCondemning the punishment of execution by stoning as a gross violation of human rights, and for other purposes.
66Yea18-MarH R 868On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPNicaragua Property Dispute Settlement Act
67Yea18-MarH RES 109On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as AmendedPUrging passage of a resolution addressing human rights abuses in North Korea at the 59th session of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, and calling on the Government of North Korea to respect and protect the human rights of its citizens.
68Yea19-MarH R 314On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPMortgage Servicing Clarification Act
69Yea19-MarH R 417On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPTo Revoke a Public Land Order with Respect to Certain Lands Erroneously Included in the Cibola National Wildlife Refuge, California
70Yea19-MarH R 699On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPComprehensive Study of the Rathdrum Prairie/Spokane Valley Aquifer
71Yea19-MarH R 975On Agreeing to the AmendmentFSherman of California Amendment
72Yea19-MarH R 975On Agreeing to the AmendmentFNadler of New York Substitute Amendment
73Yea19-MarH R 975On Motion to Recommit with InstructionsFBankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act
74Nay19-MarH R 975On PassagePBankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act
75NayX20-MarJOURNALOn Approving the JournalP 
76Yea20-MarH R 1307On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPArmed Forces Tax Fairness Act
77Yea20-MarH RES 132On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePExpressing the Sense of the House of Representatives Concerning the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Ruling in Newdow v. United States Congress
78Yea20-MarH CON RES 95On Agreeing to the AmendmentFHill of Indiana Substitute Amendment
79Nay20-MarH CON RES 95On Agreeing to the AmendmentFToomey of Pennsylvania substitute amendment
80YeaX20-MarH CON RES 95On Agreeing to the AmendmentFCummings of Maryland Substitute Amendment
81Yea20-MarH CON RES 95On Agreeing to the AmendmentFSpratt of South Carolina Substitute Amendment
82Nay21-MarH CON RES 95On Agreeing to the ResolutionPCongressional Budget for FY 2004
83Yea21-MarH CON RES 104On Agreeing to the ResolutionPExpressing the Support and Appreciation of the Nation for the President and the Members of the Armed Forces Who are Participating in Operation Iraqi Freedom
84Yea25-MarH R 788On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPGlen Canyon National Recreation Area Boundary Revision Act
85Yea25-MarH R 961On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPUpper Mississippi River Basin Protection Act
86Nay26-MarH RES 160On Ordering the Previous QuestionPProviding for consideration of H.R. 1104; Child Abduction Prevention Act
87Yea27-MarH R 1104On Agreeing to the AmendmentAFeeney of Florida Amendment
88Yea27-MarH R 1104On Agreeing to the AmendmentASmith of Texas Amendment
89Yea27-MarH R 1104On PassagePChild Abduction Prevention Act
90NayX27-MarH RES 153On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePRecognizing the public need for fasting and prayer in order to secure the blessings and protection of Providence for the people of the United States and our Armed Forces during the conflict in Iraq and under the threat of terrorism at home
91Yea27-MarH CON RES 118Suspend rules and agree, as amendedPConcerning the treatment of members of the Armed Forces held as prisoner of war by Iraqi authorities
92Nay31-MarH R 1463On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassFTo provide benefits for certain individuals with injuries resulting from administration of a smallpox vaccine, and for other purposes
93Yea31-MarH CON RES 58On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePHonoring the City of Fayettville, NC, and its many partners for the Festival of Flight, a celebration of the centennial of Wilbur and Orville Wrights first flight, the first controlled, powered flight
94Yea31-MarH R 1166On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPTo amend the Small Business Act to expand and improve the assistance provided by Small Business Development Centers to Indian tribe members, Native Alaskans, and Native Hawaiians
95Yea1-AprH CON RES 95On Motion to Instruct ConfereesPCongressional Budget for FY 2004
96Yea1-AprH R 1412On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPHigher Education Relief Opportunities for Students Act
97Yea1-AprH CON RES 109On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as AmendedPExpressing the sense of the Congress regarding the Blue Star Banner and the Gold Star
98Yea2-AprH R 522On PassagePFederal Deposit Insurance Reform Act
99Nay2-AprH RES 168On Ordering the Previous QuestionPProviding for the consideration of H.R. 743, Social Security Protection Act
100Yea2-AprH R 743On Agreeing to the AmendmentFGreen of Texas Substitute Amendment
101Yea2-AprH R 743On Motion to Recommit with InstructionsFSocial Security Protection Act
102Yea2-AprH R 743On PassagePSocial Security Protection Act
103Nay3-AprH RES 172On Ordering the Previous QuestionPProviding for the consideration of H.R. 1559, Emergency Wartime Supplemental Appropriations Act
104Nay3-AprH R 1559On sustaining the ruling of the ChairPEmergency Wartime Supplemental Appropriations Act
105Nay3-AprH R 1559On Agreeing to the AmendmentFCunningham of California Amendment
106Yea3-AprH R 1559On Agreeing to the AmendmentFMcGovern of Massachusetts Amendment
107YeaX3-AprH R 1559On Agreeing to the AmendmentFDeFazio of Oregon Amendment
108Yea3-AprH R 1559On PassagePEmergency Wartime Supplemental Appropriations Act
109Yea7-AprH R 1055On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPDr. Roswell N. Beck Post Office Building Designation Act
110Yea7-AprH RES 127On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as AmendedPExpressing the sense of the House of Representatives that a month should be designated as Financial Literacy for Youth Month.
111Yea7-AprH R 1368On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPNorman Shumway Post Office Building Designation Act
112Yea8-AprH R 1559On Motion to Instruct ConfereesPEmergency Wartime Supplemental Appropriations Act
113Yea8-AprH R 273On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPNutria Eradication and Control Act
114Yea8-AprH R 108On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPTo Amend the Education Land Grant Act to Require the Secretary of Agriculture to Pay the Costs of Environmental Reviews with Respect to Conveyances under that Act
115Yea8-AprS 380On PassagePPostal Civil Service Retirement System Funding Reform Act of 2003
116Yea8-AprH R 205On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPNational Small Business Regulatory Assistance Act
117Yea8-AprH RES 179On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePStating the sense of the House of Representatives regarding the systematic human rights violations in Cuba committed by the Castro regime; calling for the immediate release of all political prisoners and supporting free elections for Cuba
118Yea8-AprH R 1584On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPClean Diamond Trade Act
119Nay9-AprMOTIONtable appeal of the ruling of the chairP 
120Yea9-AprH R 1036On Agreeing to the AmendmentFScott of Virginia Amendment
121Yea9-AprH R 1036On Agreeing to the AmendmentFLinda Sanchez of California Amendment
122Yea9-AprH R 1036On Agreeing to the AmendmentFMeehan of Massachusetts Amendment
123Yea9-AprH R 1036On Motion to Recommit with InstructionsFProtection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act
124Nay9-AprH R 1036On PassagePProtection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act
125Yea9-AprH RES 170On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePRecognizing the 40th anniversary of the sinking of the U.S.S. Thresher
126Yea9-AprH RES 149On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePExpressing the condolences of the House of Representatives in response to the assassination of Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic of Serbia.
127Yea10-AprS 151On Agreeing to the Conference ReportPProsecutorial Remedies and Tools Against the Exploitation of Children Today Act of 2003 or PROTECT Act
128Yea10-AprH CON RES 141On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePExpressing the sense of the Congress that the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 should be fundamentally reformed to be fairer, simpler, and less costly and to encourage economic growth, individual liberty and investment in American jobs.
129Yea10-AprH RES 165On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as AmendedPExpressing support for a renewed effort to find a peaceful, just, and lasting settlement to the Cyprus problem.
130Nay10-AprH RES 189On Ordering the Previous QuestionPProviding for consideration of H.R. 6, Energy Conservation and Research
131Nay10-AprH RES 189On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for consideration of H.R. 6, Energy Conservation and Research
132Yea10-AprH R 6On Agreeing to the AmendmentFBoehlert of New York Amendment
133Yea10-AprH R 6On Agreeing to the AmendmentFDingell of Michigan Amendment
134Nay10-AprH R 6On Agreeing to the AmendmentAWilson of New Mexico Amendment
135Yea10-AprH R 6On Agreeing to the AmendmentFMarkey of Massachusetts Amendment
136Yea10-AprH R 6On Agreeing to the AmendmentATom Davis of Virginia Amendment
137Yea10-AprH R 6On Agreeing to the AmendmentFBrown of Ohio Amendment
138Yea10-AprH R 6On Agreeing to the AmendmentFUdall of New Mexico Amendment
139Nay11-AprH RES 190On Agreeing to the ResolutionPWaiving a requirement of clause 6(a) of rule XIII with respect to consideration of certain resolutions reported from the Committee on Rules.
140Nay11-AprH RES 191On Agreeing to the ResolutionPWaiving points of order against the conference report to accompany H. Con. Res. 95 establishing the congressional budget for the US Government for FY 2004 and setting forth apprpriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2003 and 2005 through 2013.
141Nay11-AprH CON RES 95On Agreeing to the Conference ReportPCongressional Budget for FY 2004
142Yea11-AprH R 6On Agreeing to the AmendmentFKind of Wisconsin Amendment
143Yea11-AprH R 6On Agreeing to the AmendmentFRahall of West Virginia Amendment
144Yea11-AprH R 6On Motion to Recommit with InstructionsFEnergy Conservation, Research, and Development
145Nay11-AprH R 6On PassagePEnergy Conservation, Research, and Development
146Yea29-AprH RES 204On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePCongratulating Charter Schools Across the United States
147Yea29-AprH CON RES 156On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePExtending Congratulations to the United States Capitol Police on the Occasion of its 175th Anniversary
148Yea29-AprH CON RES 149On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as AmendedPExpressing Support for the Celebration of Patriots Day and Honoring the Nations First Patriots
149Nay30-AprH RES 206On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for consideration of H.R. 1350; to reauthorize the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
150Yea30-AprH R 1350On Agreeing to the AmendmentAVitter of Louisiana Amendment
151Nay30-AprH R 1350On Agreeing to the AmendmentFDeMint of South Carolina Amendment
152Nay30-AprH R 1350On Agreeing to the AmendmentFMusgrave of Colorado Amendment
153Nay30-AprH R 1350On Agreeing to the AmendmentFTancredo of Colorado Amendment
154Nay30-AprH R 1350On PassagePTo Reauthorize the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
155Nay1-MayH R 1298On Agreeing to the AmendmentAStearns of Florida Amendment
156Nay1-MayH R 1298On Agreeing to the AmendmentFSmith of Michigan Amendment
157Nay1-MayH R 1298On Agreeing to the AmendmentAPitts of Pennsylvania Amendment
158Yea1-MayH R 1298On PassagePUnited States Leadership Against HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria Act
159Yea6-MayH R 1596On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPTimothy Michael Gaffney Post Office Building
160Yea6-MayH R 1625On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPRobert P. Hammer Post Office Building
161Yea6-MayH R 1740On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPDr. Caesar A.W. Clark, Sr. Post Office Building
162Yea7-MayH R 1609On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPAdmiral Donald Davis Post Office Building
163Yea7-MayH R 100On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPServicemembers Civil Relief Act
164Yea7-MayH CON RES 96On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePNational Peace Officers Memorial Service
165Yea7-MayH R 766On Agreeing to the AmendmentFBell of Texas Amendment
166Yea7-MayH R 766On Agreeing to the AmendmentFBell of Texas Amendment
167Yea7-MayH R 766On PassagePNanotechnology Research and Development Act
168Yea7-MayH CON RES 53On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as AmendedPGreater Washington Soap Box Derby
169Yea7-MayH R 866On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPWastewater Treatment Works Security Act
170Nay8-MayH RES 221On Ordering the Previous QuestionPProviding for consideration of H.R. 1261; Workforce Reinvestment and Adult Education Act
171Nay8-MayH RES 221On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for consideration of H.R. 1261; Workforce Reinvestment and Adult Education Act
172Yea8-MayH R 874On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPRail Passenger Disaster Family Assistance Act
173Yea8-MayH R 1261On Agreeing to the AmendmentAVitter of Louisiana Amendment
174Yea8-MayH R 1261On Motion to Recommit with InstructionsFWorkforce Reinvestment and Adult Education Act
175Nay8-MayH R 1261On PassagePWorkforce Reinvestment and Adult Education Act
176Yea8-MayH RES 213On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePExpressing the Sense of the House of Representatives that Public Service Employees Should be Commended for their Dedication and Service to the Nation during Public Service Recognition Week
177Yea9-MayJOURNALOn Approving the JournalP 
178Nay9-MayH RES 227On Ordering the Previous QuestionPProviding for the Consideration of H.R. 2, to Amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to Provide Additional Tax Incentives to Encourage Economic Growth
179Nay9-MayH RES 227On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for the Consideration of H.R. 2, to Amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to Provide Additional Tax Incentives to Encourage Economic Growth
180Nay9-MayH R 2Table Appeal from the Ruling of the ChairPJobs and Growth Reconciliation Tax Act
181Yea9-MayH R 2On Motion to Recommit with InstructionsFJobs and Growth Reconciliation Tax Act
182Nay9-MayH R 2On PassagePJobs and Growth Reconciliation Tax Act
183Yea13-MayH R 281On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPTony Hall Federal Building and United States Courthouse
184Yea13-MayH CON RES 160On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as AmendedPExpressing the sense of Congress that the United Nations should remove the economic sanctions against Iraq completely and without condition.
185Yea13-MayH RES 222On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePCommending those individuals who contributed to the debris collection effort following the Space Shuttle Columbia accident. 0
186No Vote14-MayH RES 230On Ordering the Previous QuestionPProviding for the Consideration of H.R. 1000, Pension Security Act
187Yea14-MayH R 1000On Agreeing to the AmendmentFAndrews of New Jersey Substitute Amendment
188Yea14-MayH R 1000On Motion to Recommit with InstructionsFPension Security Act
189Nay14-MayH R 1000On PassagePPension Security Act
190Nay15-MayH RES 229On Ordering the Previous QuestionPProviding for consideration of H.R. 1527; to authorize appropriations for the National Transportation Safety Board for fiscal years 2003 through 2006.
191Nay15-MayH R 1527Sustain the ruling of the ChairPNational Transportation Safety Board Reauthorization Act
192Yea19-MayH CON RES 166On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePExpressing the Sense of Congress in Support of Buckle Up America Week
193Yea19-MayH R 1018On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPJames L. Watson United States Court of International Trade Building
194Yea19-MayH CON RES 147On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as AmendedPCommemorating the 20th Anniversary of the Orphan Drug Act and the National Organization for Rare Disorders
195Nay20-MayH RES 239On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for the consideration of H.R. 1904; Forests Restoration Act
196Yea20-MayS 330On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPVeterans Memorial Preservation and Recognition Act
197Yea20-MayH R 1925On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPRunaway, Homeless, and Missing Children Protection Act
198Yea20-MayH R 1904On Agreeing to the AmendmentFGeorge Miller of California Amendment
199Yea20-MayH R 1904On Motion to Recommit with InstructionsFHealthy Forests Restoration Act
200Nay20-MayH R 1904On PassagePHealthy Forests Restoration Act
201Nay21-MayH RES 245On Ordering the Previous QuestionPProviding for consideration of H.R. 1588; National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004
202Nay21-MayH RES 245On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for consideration of H.R. 1588; National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004
203Yea21-MayH R 1170On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPChild Medication Safety Act
204Yea21-MayH R 1911On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPTo amend title 38, United States Code, to enhance cooperation and the sharing of resources between the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Department of Defense
205Nay21-MayH R 1588On Agreeing to the AmendmentAHunter of California Amendment
206Nay21-MayH R 1588On Agreeing to the AmendmentAGoode of Virginia Amendment
207Nay22-MayH RES 247On Ordering the Previous QuestionPProviding for further consideration of H.R. 1588; National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004
208Nay22-MayH RES 247On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for further consideration of H.R. 1588; National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004
209Yea22-MayH R 1683On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPVeterans Compensation Cost-of-Living Adjustment Act
210Yea22-MayH R 1257On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPSelected Reserve Home Loan Equity Act
211Nay22-MayH RES 249On Ordering the Previous QuestionPWaiving a requirement of clause 6(a) of rule XIII with respect to consideration of certain resolutions reported by the Committee on Rules
212Nay22-MayH RES 249On Agreeing to the ResolutionPWaiving a requirement of clause 6(a) of rule XIII with respect to consideration of certain resolutions reported by the Committee on Rules
213Nay22-MayH RES 248On Ordering the Previous QuestionPProviding for the Consideration of H.R. 2185, Unemployment Compensation Amendments of 2003
214Nay22-MayH RES 248On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for the Consideration of H.R. 2185, Unemployment Compensation Amendments of 2003
215Yea22-MayH R 1588On Agreeing to the AmendmentFLoretta Sanchez of California Amendment
216Yea22-MayH R 1588On Agreeing to the AmendmentFTauscher of California Amendment
217Yea22-MayH R 1588On Agreeing to the AmendmentAGoss of Florida Amendment
218Nay22-MayH R 1588On Agreeing to the AmendmentASaxton of New Jersey Amendment
219Yea22-MayH R 1588On Agreeing to the AmendmentFDreier of California Amendment
220Yea22-MayH R 1588On Motion to Recommit with InstructionsFNational Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004
221NayX22-MayH R 1588On PassagePNational Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004
222Yea22-MayH R 2185On Motion to Recommit with InstructionsFUnemployment Compensation Amendments of 2003
223Yea22-MayH R 2185On PassagePUnemployment Compensation Amendments of 2003
224Nay23-MayH RES 253On Ordering the Previous QuestionPWaiving points of order against the conference report to accompany H.R. 2, Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act
225Nay23-MayH R 2On Agreeing to the Conference ReportPJobs and Growth Reconciliation Tax Act
226Nay23-MayH CON RES 191On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for a conditional adjournment of the two Houses
227Yea2-JunH RES 159On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePExpressing Profound Sorrow on the Occasion of the Death of Irma Rangel
228Yea2-JunH RES 195On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePCongratulating Sammy Sosa of the Chicago Cubs for Hitting 500 Major League Home Runs
229Yea2-JunH R 1465On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPGeneral Charles Gabriel Post Office
230Nay3-JunS 222On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassFZuni Indian Tribe Water Rights Settlement Act
231Nay3-JunS 273On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassFGrand Teton National Park Land Exchange Act
232Yea3-JunS 763On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassFBirch Bayh Federal Building and United States Courthouse
233Yea3-JunH J RES 4On Agreeing to the AmendmentFWatt of North Carolina Substitute Amendment
234YeaX3-JunH J RES 4On PassagePProposing an Amendment to the Constitution of the United States Authorizing the Congress to Prohibit the Physical Desecration of the Flag of the United States
235Yea3-JunH RES 231On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePSupporting the Goals and Ideals of Peace Officers Memorial Day
236Nay4-JunH RES 257On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for consideration of the bill (H.R. 760) to prohibit the procedure commonly known as partial-birth abortion.
237Yea4-JunH CON RES 177On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as AmendedPRecognizing and commending the memebers of the U.S. Armed Forces, and the alliesof the United States and their armed forces, who participated in Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan and Operation Iraqi Freedom in Iraq and the dedication of military families and countless others for their support.
238Yea4-JunH RES 201On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePExpressing the sense of the House of Representatives that our Nations businesses and business owners should be commended for their support of our troops and their families as they serve our country in many ways, especially in these days of increased engagement of our military around the world.
239Yea4-JunH R 1954On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPArmed Forces Naturalization Act
240Yea4-JunH R 760On Agreeing to the AmendmentFGreenwood of Pennsylvania Substitute Amendment
241Yea4-JunH R 760On Motion to Recommit with InstructionsFPartial-Birth Abortion Ban Act
242Nay4-JunH R 760On PassagePPartial-Birth Abortion Ban Act
243Nay5-JunH RES 256On Ordering the Previous QuestionPProviding for the Consideration of H.R. 1474, Check Clearing for the 21st Century Act
244Nay5-JunH RES 258On Ordering the Previous QuestionPProviding for the consideration of S. 222, Zuni Indian Tribe Water Rights Settlement Act and S. 273, Grand Teton National Park Land Exchange Act
245Nay5-JunH RES 258On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for the consideration of S. 222, Zuni Indian Tribe Water Rights Settlement Act and S. 273, Grand Teton National Park Land Exchange Act
246Yea5-JunH R 1474On PassagePCheck Clearing for the 21st Century Act
247Yea5-JunS 222On PassagePZuni Indian Tribe Water Rights Settlement Act
248Yea5-JunS 273On PassagePGrand Teton National Park Land Exchange Act
249Yea9-JunH R 1610On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPWalt Disney Post Office Building
250Yea9-JunH CON RES 162On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePHonoring the city of Dayton, Ohio, and its many partners, for hosting Inventing Flight: The Centennial Celebration, a celebration of the centennial of Wilbur and Orville Wrights first flight.
251Yea9-JunS 763On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPBirch Bayh Federal Building and United States Courthouse
252Nay10-JunH RES 263On Ordering the Previous QuestionPProviding for consideration of the bill H.R. 2143; Unlawful Internet Gambling Funding Prohibition Act
253Nay10-JunH RES 263On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for consideration of the bill H.R. 2143; Unlawful Internet Gambling Funding Prohibition Act
254Yea10-JunH R 2143On Agreeing to the AmendmentFSensenbrenner of Wisconsin Amendment
255NayX10-JunH R 2143On PassagePUnlawful Internet Gambling Funding Prohibition Act
256Yea10-JunH RES 252On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as AmendedPExpressing the sense of the House of Representatives supporting United States efforts within the WTO to end the European Unions protectionary and discriminatory trade practices regarding agriculture biotechnology
257Nay11-JunH RES 265On Ordering the Previous QuestionPProviding for the Consideration of H.R. 2115, Flight 100--Century of Aviation Reauthorization Act
258NayX11-JunH RES 265On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for the Consideration of H.R. 2115, Flight 100--Century of Aviation Reauthorization Act
259Yea11-JunH CON RES 110On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePExpressing Support for the Goals and Ideals of Human Genome Month and DNA Day
260Yea11-JunH R 1320On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPCommercial Spectrum Enhancement Act
261Yea11-JunH R 2350On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPWelfare Reform Extension Act
262Yea11-JunH R 2115On Agreeing to the AmendmentAManzullo of Illinois Amendment
263Yea11-JunH R 2115On Agreeing to the AmendmentAPitts of Pennsylvania Amendment
264Yea11-JunH R 2115On PassagePFlight 100--Century of Aviation Reauthorization Act
265Nay12-JunH RES 269On Ordering the Previous QuestionPProviding for the consideration of H.R. 1115, Class Action Fairness Act
266Nay12-JunH RES 269On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for the consideration of H.R. 1115, Class Action Fairness Act
267NayX12-JunJOURNALOn Approving the JournalP 
268Yea12-JunH R 1115On Agreeing to the AmendmentFJackson-Lee of Texas Amendment
269Yea12-JunH R 1115On Agreeing to the AmendmentFLofgren of California Amendment
270Yea12-JunH R 1115On Agreeing to the AmendmentFSandlin of Texas Substitute Amendment
271Yea12-JunH R 1115On Motion to Recommit with InstructionsFClass Action Fairness Act
272Nay12-JunH R 1115On PassagePClass Action Fairness Act
273Nay12-JunH RES 270On Ordering the Previous QuestionPRelating to consideration of the Senate amendments to the bill H.R. 1308 to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to end certain abusive tax practices, to provide tax relief and simplification, and for other purposes.
274Nay12-JunH RES 270On Agreeing to the ResolutionPRelating to consideration of the Senate amendments to the bill H.R. 1308 to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to end certain abusive tax practices, to provide tax relief and simplification, and for other purposes.
275Yea12-JunH R 1308On Motion to Instruct ConfereesPTax Relief, Simplification, and Equity Act
276Yea16-JunH R 2254On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPDesignating the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 1101 Colorado Street in Boulder City, Nevada, as the Bruce Woodbury Post Office Building.
277Yea16-JunH CON RES 220On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePCommending Medgar Wiley Evers and his widow, Myrlie Evers-Williams, for their lives and accomplishments.
278Yea16-JunS 703On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPCarl T. Curtis National Park Service Midwest Regional Headquarters Building
279Nay17-JunH RES 276On Ordering the Previous QuestionPWaiving points of order against the conference report to accompany S. 342 to amend the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act to make improvements to and reauthorize programs under the Act, and for other purposes.
280Yea17-JunH RES 171On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePCommending the University of Minnesota Duluth Bulldogs for winning the NCAA 2003 National Collegiate Womens Ice Hockey Championship.
281Yea17-JunH R 658On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPAccountant, Compliance, and Enforcement Staffing Act
282Yea17-JunS 342On Agreeing to the Conference ReportPKeeping Children and Families Safe Act
283Yea17-JunS CON RES 43On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePExpressing the sense of Congress that Congress should participate in and support activities to provide decent homes for the people of the United States.
284Nay18-JunH RES 281On Ordering the Previous QuestionPProviding for consideration of H.R. 8 to make the repeal of the estate tax permanent.
285Nay18-JunH RES 281On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for consideration of H.R. 8 to make the repeal of the estate tax permanent.
286NayX18-JunJOURNALOn Approving the JournalP 
287Yea18-JunH R 8On Agreeing to the AmendmentFPomeroy of North Dakota Substitute Amendment
288Nay18-JunH R 8On PassagePDeath Tax Repeal Permanency Act
289Nay19-JunH RES 283On Ordering the Previous QuestionPProviding for consideration of H.R. 660 to amend title I of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 to improve access and choice for entrepreneurs with small businesses with respect to medical care for their employees.
290Nay19-JunH RES 283On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for consideration of H.R. 660 to amend title I of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 to improve access and choice for entrepreneurs with small businesses with respect to medical care for their employees.
291Yea19-JunH R 1528On Agreeing to the AmendmentFMcDermott of Washington Substitute Amendment
292Yea19-JunH R 1528On Motion to Recommit with InstructionsFTaxpayer Protection and IRS Accountability Act
293Nay19-JunH R 1528On PassagePTaxpayer Protection and IRS Accountability Act
294Yea19-JunH R 660On Agreeing to the AmendmentFKind of Wisconsin Substitute Amendment
295Yea19-JunH R 660On Motion to Recommit with InstructionsFSmall Business Health Fairness Act of 2003
296Nay19-JunH R 660On PassagePSmall Business Health Fairness Act of 2003
297Yea23-JunH RES 264On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePExpressing sympathy for the victims of the devastating earthquake that struck Algeria on May 21, 2003.
298Yea23-JunH RES 177On motion to suspend the rules and agree, as amendedPCommending the people of the Republic of Kenya for conducting free and fair elections, for the peaceful and orderly transfer of power in their government, and for the continued success of democracy in their nation since transition.
299Yea23-JunH CON RES 209On motion to suspend the rules and agree, as amendedPCommending the signing of the United States-Adriatic Charter, a charter of partnership among the United States, Albania, Croatia, and Macedonia.
300Yea23-JunH R 2465On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPFamily Farmer Bankruptcy Relief Act of 2003
301Nay24-JunH RES 293On Ordering the Previous QuestionPProviding for the consideration of H.R. 2555, Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2004
302Nay24-JunH RES 293On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for the consideration of H.R. 2555, Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2004
303Yea24-JunH R 923On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPPremier Certified Lenders Program Improvement Act
304Yea24-JunH R 1460On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPVeterans Entrepreneurship Act
305Nay24-JunH R 2555On Sustaining the Ruling of the ChairPDepartment of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2004
306Yea24-JunH R 2555sustain ruling of the chairPDepartment of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2004
307Yea24-JunH R 2555On Agreeing to the AmendmentFFilner of California Amendment
308Yea24-JunH R 2555On Agreeing to the AmendmentAMarkey of Massachusetts Amendment
309Nay24-JunH R 2555On Agreeing to the AmendmentFTancredo of Colorado Amendment
310Yea24-JunH R 2555On PassagePDepartment of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2004
311Yea24-JunH R 1416On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPHomeland Security Technical Corrections Act
312Yea25-JunS 858On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPTo Extend the Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission, and for other purposes
313Yea25-JunH R 2474On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPBill Emerson and Mickey Leland Hunger Fellowships
314Yea25-JunH J RES 49On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPForeign Agricultural Service 50th Anniversary
315Yea25-JunH CON RES 49On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePExpressing the sense of the Congress that the sharp escalation of anti- Semitic violence within many participating States of the OSCE is of profound concern and efforts should be undertaken to prevent future occurrences.
316Yea25-JunH RES 199On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as AmendedPCalling on the Government of the Peoples Republic of China immediately and unconditionally to release Dr. Yang Jianli, calling on the President of the United States to continue working on behalf of Dr. Yang Jianli for his release.
317Yea25-JunH RES 294On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePCondemning the terrorism inflicted on Israel since the Aqaba Summit and expressing solidarity with the Israeli people in their fight against terrorism.
318Yea26-JunH R 2417On Agreeing to the AmendmentAHastings of Florida Amendment
319YeaX26-JunH R 2417On Agreeing to the AmendmentFKucinich of Ohio Amendment
320Yea26-JunH R 2417On Agreeing to the AmendmentFLee of California Amendment
321Nay26-JunH RES 299On Ordering the Previous QuestionPProviding for the Consideration of H.R. 1, Medicare Prescription Drug and Modernization Act of 2003 and H.R. 2596, Health Savings and Affordability Act of 2003
322Nay26-JunH RES 299On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for consideration of H.R. 1, Prescription Drug Coverage under Medicareand for consideration of H.R. 2596, to allow a deduction to individuals for amounts contributed to health savings security accounts and health savings accounts***
323Nay26-JunH RES 297On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for Consideration of Motions to Suspend the Rules
324Nay26-JunH RES 298On Ordering the Previous QuestionPProviding for consideration of H.R. 2559, Military Construction Appropriations Act, 2004
325Yea26-JunH R 2559On PassagePMilitary Construction Appropriations Act, 2004
326Yea26-JunH RES 277On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePExpressing Support for Freedom in Hong Kong
327NayX26-JunJOURNALOn Approving the JournalP 
328Nay26-JunH R 2596On PassagePHealth Savings and Affordability Act
329Present27-JunQUORUMCall of the HouseP 
330Yea27-JunH R 1On Agreeing to the AmendmentFRangel of New York Substitute Amendment
331Yea27-JunH R 1On Motion to Recommit with InstructionsFMedicare Prescription Drug and Modernization Act
332Nay27-JunH R 1On PassagePMedicare Prescription Drug and Modernization Act
333Yea27-JunH R 2417On PassagePIntelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004
334Nay8-JulH R 2658On Agreeing to the AmendmentFHostettler of Indiana Amendment
335Yea8-JulH R 2658On PassagePDepartment of Defense Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2004
336Yea8-JulH R 1761On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPDesignating the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 9350 East Corporate Hill Drive in Wichita, Kansas, as the Garner E. Shriver Post Office Building.
337Nay9-JulH RES 309On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for the Consideration of H.R. 438, Teacher Recruitment and Retention Act
338Nay9-JulH RES 310On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for the Consideration of H.R. 2211, Ready to Teach Act
339Yea9-JulH R 2211On Agreeing to the AmendmentAGingrey of Georgia Amendment
340Yea9-JulH R 2211On PassagePReady to Teach Act
341Nay9-JulH RES 312On Ordering the Previous QuestionPProviding for the consideration of H.R. 2660, Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education Appropriations, 2004
342Yea9-JulH RES 311On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for the Consideration of H.R. 2657, Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, 2004
343Yea9-JulH R 438On PassagePTeacher Recruitment and Retention Act
344NayX9-JulJOURNALOn Approving the JournalP 
345Yea9-JulH R 2657On PassagePLegislative Branch Appropriations Act, 2004
346No Vote10-JulJOURNALOn Approving the JournalP 
347Yea10-JulH R 2660On Motion to Strike the Enacting ClauseFDepartments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2004
348Yea10-JulH R 2660On motion to strike the enacting clauseFDepartments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2004
349Yea10-JulH R 2660On Agreeing to the AmendmentFRahall of West Virginia Amendment
350Yea10-JulH R 2660On Agreeing to the AmendmentFAllen of Maine Amendment
351Yea10-JulH R 2660On Agreeing to the AmendmentFObey of Wisconsin Amendment
352Nay10-JulH R 2660On Agreeing to the AmendmentFToomey of Pennsylvania Amendment, As Modified
353Nay10-JulH R 2660On PassagePDepartments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2004
354Yea14-JulH R 2673On Agreeing to the AmendmentFRehberg of Montana Amendment
355Yea14-JulH R 2673On Agreeing to the AmendmentABlumenauer of Oregon Amendment
356Nay14-JulH R 2673On Agreeing to the AmendmentFHefley of Colorado Amendment
357Yea14-JulH R 2673On Agreeing to the AmendmentFAckerman of New York Amendment
358NayX14-JulH R 2673On PassagePAgriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2004
359Yea14-JulH R 1On Motion to Instruct ConfereesFMedicare Prescription Drug and Modernization Act
360Nay15-JulH RES 316On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for consideration of H.R. 1950, State Department Authorization for fiscal years 2004 and 2005
361Yea15-JulH R 2330On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPBurmese Freedom and Democracy Act of 2003
362Nay15-JulH R 1950On Agreeing to the AmendmentASmith of New Jersey Amendment
363Nay15-JulH R 1950On Agreeing to the AmendmentFKolbe Amendment, Modified, to Hyde Amendment, as Amended
364Nay15-JulH R 1950On Agreeing to the AmendmentFPaul of Texas Amendment
365Nay15-JulH R 1950On Agreeing to the AmendmentFKing of Iowa Amendment
366Yea15-JulH R 1950On Agreeing to the AmendmentFTauscher of California Amendment
367Nay15-JulH R 1950On Agreeing to the AmendmentAHostettler of Indiana Amendment
368Yea16-JulH R 1950On Agreeing to the AmendmentAHyde of Illinois Amendment, as Amended
369Yea16-JulH R 1950On PassagePForeign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 2004 and 2005
370Yea16-JulH R 1308On Motion to Instruct ConfereesFTax Relief, Simplification, and Equity Act
371Nay16-JulH RES 319On Ordering the Previous QuestionPProviding for consideration of the bill H.R. 2691 making appropriations for the Department of the Interior and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2004, and for other purposes.
372Nay16-JulH RES 319On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for consideration of the bill H.R. 2691 making appropriations for the Department of the Interior and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2004, and for other purposes.
373Yea16-JulH R 2122On PassagePProject BioShield Act
374Yea16-JulH CON RES 6On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePSupporting the Goals and Ideals of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Awareness Month
375Yea16-JulH R 1588On closing portions of the conferencePNational Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004
376Yea17-JulH R 2691On Agreeing to the AmendmentASlaughter of New York Amendment
377NayX17-JulH R 2691On Agreeing to the AmendmentFDeFazio of Oregon Amendment
378Nay17-JulH R 2691On Agreeing to the AmendmentFHefley of Colorado Amendment
379Nay17-JulH R 2691On Agreeing to the AmendmentFTancredo of Colorado Amendment
380Yea17-JulH R 2691On Agreeing to the AmendmentFBlumenauer of Oregon Amendment
381Nay17-JulH R 2691On Agreeing to the AmendmentFShadegg of Arizona Amendment
382NayX17-JulH R 2691On Agreeing to the AmendmentFGallegly of California Amendment
383Yea17-JulH R 2691On Agreeing to the AmendmentFRahall of West Virginia Amendment
384Yea17-JulH R 2691On Agreeing to the AmendmentFUdall of New Mexico Amendment
385Yea17-JulH R 2691On Agreeing to the AmendmentFHolt of New Jersey Amendment
386Yea17-JulH R 2691On Agreeing to the AmendmentFInslee of Washington Amendment
387Yea17-JulH R 2691On Agreeing to the AmendmentABereuter of Nebraska Amendment
388Nay17-JulH R 2691On Agreeing to the AmendmentATaylor (NC) Amendment to Udall (CO) Amendment
389Nay17-JulH R 2691On PassagePDepartment of the Interior Appropriations and related agencies for fiscal year ending September 30, 2004
390Yea17-JulH R 1308On Motion to Instruct ConfereesFTax Relief, Simplification, and Equity Act
391YeaX18-JulH R 2754On Agreeing to the AmendmentFAndrews of New Jersey Amendment
392Yea18-JulH R 2754On Agreeing to the AmendmentFUdall of Colorado Amendment
393Nay18-JulH R 2754On Agreeing to the AmendmentFHefley of Colorado Amendment
394YeaX18-JulH R 2754On Motion to RecommitFEnergy and Water Appropriations, FY 2004
395Yea18-JulH R 2754On PassagePEnergy and Water Appropriations, FY 2004
396Yea18-JulH R 1308On Motion to Instruct ConfereesFTax Relief, Simplification, and Equity Act
397No Vote18-JulH RES 324On Motion to TablePResolution Raising a Question of the Privileges of the House
398Yea21-JulH R 1308On Motion to Instruct ConfereesFTax Relief, Simplification, and Equity Act
399Yea21-JulH R 1516On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPNational Cemetery Expansion Act of 2003
400Yea21-JulH CON RES 212On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as AmendedPRecognizing and Supporting the Goals and Ideals of the Year of the Korean War Veteran, and for other purposes
401Nay22-JulH RES 326On Ordering the Previous QuestionPProviding for consideration of H.R. 2799, Commerce, Justice, State, the Judiciary, Appropriations for FY 2004
402Nay22-JulH R 2799On Motion that the Committee RiseFCommerce, Justice, State, the Judiciary Appropriations FY 2004
403Nay22-JulH R 2799On Motion that the Committee RiseFCommerce, Justice, State, the Judiciary Appropriations FY 2004
404YeaX22-JulH R 2799On Motion that the Committee RiseFCommerce, Justice, State, the Judiciary Appropriations FY 2004
405Nay22-JulH R 2799On Agreeing to the AmendmentFPaul of Texas Amendment
406Nay22-JulH R 2799On Agreeing to the AmendmentAHostettler of Indiana Amendment
407Yea22-JulH R 2799On Agreeing to the AmendmentFHinchey of New York Amendment
408Yea22-JulH R 2799On Agreeing to the AmendmentAOtter of Idaho Amendment
409Nay22-JulH R 2799On Agreeing to the AmendmentFTancredo of Colorado Amendment
410Nay23-JulH RES 330On Motion to TablePResolution Raising a Question of the Privileges of the House
411Nay23-JulH R 2799Sustain the Ruling of the ChairPCommerce, Justice, State, the Judiciary Appropriations FY 2004
412Nay23-JulADJOURNOn Motion to AdjournF 
413Nay23-JulH RES 329On Ordering the Previous QuestionPProviding for the Consideration of H.R. 2738, Unites States-Chile Free Trade Agreement Implementation, and for the Consideration of H.R. 2739, United States-Singapore Free Trade Agreement Impementation
414Nay23-JulH RES 329Table motion to reconsider ordering previous questionPProviding for the Consideration of H.R. 2738, Unites States-Chile Free Trade Agreement Implementation, and for the Consideration of H.R. 2739, United States-Singapore Free Trade Agreement Impementation
415Nay23-JulH RES 329On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for the Consideration of H.R. 2738, Unites States-Chile Free Trade Agreement Implementation, and for the Consideration of H.R. 2739, United States-Singapore Free Trade Agreement Impementation
416Nay23-JulH RES 329Table motion to reconsiderPProviding for the Consideration of H.R. 2738, Unites States-Chile Free Trade Agreement Implementation, and for the Consideration of H.R. 2739, United States-Singapore Free Trade Agreement Impementation
417Nay23-JulADJOURNOn Motion to AdjournF 
418No Vote23-JulH R 2799On Agreeing to the AmendmentAOse of California Amendment
419Nay23-JulH R 2799On Agreeing to the AmendmentAHostettler of Indiana Amendment
420Yea23-JulH R 2799On Agreeing to the AmendmentFHinchey of New York Amendment
421YeaX23-JulH R 2799On Agreeing to the AmendmentFRush of Illinois Amendment
422Yea23-JulH R 2799On PassagePCommerce, Justice, State, the Judiciary Appropriations FY 2004
423Nay23-JulH R 2800On Motion that the Committee RiseF 
424YeaX23-JulH R 2800On Motion that the Committee RiseFForeign Operations Appropriations, FY 2004
425Yea24-JulH R 2800On Agreeing to the AmendmentFKilpatrick of Michigan Amendment
426Yea24-JulH R 2800On Agreeing to the AmendmentFMcGovern of Massachusetts
427Nay24-JulH R 2800On Agreeing to the AmendmentFHefley of Colorado Amendment
428NayX24-JulH R 2800On Agreeing to the AmendmentFWeiner of New York Amendment
429Yea24-JulH R 2800On PassagePForeign Operations Appropriations, FY 2004
430Nay24-JulH R 2739On Engrossment and Third ReadingPUnited States-Singapore Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act
431Nay24-JulH R 2739Table Reconsider Engrossment and Third ReadingPUnited States-Singapore Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act
432Nay24-JulH R 2739On PassagePUnited States-Singapore Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act
433YeaX24-JulADJOURNOn Motion to AdjournF 
434Nay24-JulH R 2738On Engrossment and Third ReadingPUnited States-Chile Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act
435Nay24-JulH R 2738Table Reconsider Engrossment and Third ReadingPUnited States-Chile Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act
436Nay24-JulH R 2738On PassagePUnited States-Chile Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act
437Nay24-JulADJOURNOn Motion to AdjournF 
438YeaX24-JulADJOURNOn Motion to AdjournF 
439Yea24-JulH RES 335On Ordering the Previous QuestionPProviding for consideration of H,R, 2427, Pharmaceutical Market Access Act
440YeaX24-JulADJOURNOn Motion to AdjournF 
441Yea25-JulH R 2210On Agreeing to the AmendmentFWoolsey of California Amendment
442Yea25-JulH R 2210On Agreeing to the AmendmentFGeorge Miller of California Substitute Amendment
443Yea25-JulH R 2210On Motion to Recommit with InstructionsFSchool Readiness Act
444Nay25-JulH R 2210On PassagePSchool Readiness Act
445Yea25-JulH R 2427On PassagePPharmaceutical Market Access Act
446Yea25-JulH R 1308On Motion to Instruct ConfereesFTax Relief, Simplification, and Equity Act
447Yea25-JulH R 1308On Motion to Instruct ConfereesFTax Relief, Simplification, and Equity Act
448Nay25-JulH RES 339On Ordering the Previous QuestionPProviding for the consideration of H.R. 2859, Emergency Supplemental Appropriations for FY 2003
449Yea25-JulH R 1308On Motion to Instruct ConfereesFTax Relief, Simplification, and Equity Act
450Nay25-JulH RES 338On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for the Consideration of H.R. 2861, Departments of Veterans Affairs and Housing and Urban Development, and Indepenent Agencies Appropriations Act, 2004
451Yea25-JulH R 2861On Agreeing to the AmendmentASmith of New Jersey Amendment
452Nay25-JulH R 2861On Agreeing to the AmendmentFStearns of Florida Amendment
453Yea25-JulH R 2861On Agreeing to the AmendmentANadler of New York Amendment
454YeaX25-JulH R 2861On Agreeing to the AmendmentFMarkey of Massachusetts Amendment
455Yea25-JulH R 2861On Agreeing to the AmendmentFLee of California Amendment
456Yea25-JulH R 2861On PassagePDepartments of Veterans Affairs and Housing and Urban Development, and Independent Agencies Appropriations Act, 2004
457Yea25-JulH CON RES 259On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for an adjournment or recess of the two Houses
458Nay25-JulH R 2859On Agreeing to the AmendmentFToomey of Pennsylvania Amendment
459Yea25-JulH R 2859On PassagePEmergency Supplemental Appropriations for FY 2003
460Yea3-SepH RES 350On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePCongratulating Lance Armstrong for Winning the 2003 Tour de France
461Yea3-SepH R 2309On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPJ. Stephen Horn Post Office Building
462Yea3-SepH R 1533On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPTo Amend the Securities Laws to Permit Church Pension Plans to be Invested in Collective Trusts
463NayX4-SepH RES 351On Ordering the Previous QuestionPProviding for Consideration of H.R. 2989, Departments of Transportation and Treasury Appropriations Act, 2004
464Nay4-SepH RES 351On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for Consideration of H.R. 2989, Departments of Transportation and Treasury Appropriations Act, 2004
465Nay4-SepH RES 351On Motion to Table the Motion to ReconsiderPProviding for Consideration of H.R. 2989, Departments of Transportation and Treasury Appropriations Act, 2004
466Yea4-SepH R 2989On Motion that the Committee RiseF 
467YeaX4-SepH R 2989On Motion that the Committee RiseFTransportation, Treasury, and Independent Agencies Appropriations Act, 2004
468YeaX4-SepH R 2989On Motion that the Committee RiseFTransportation, Treasury, and Independent Agencies Appropriations Act, 2004
469Yea4-SepH R 2989On Agreeing to the AmendmentAPetri of Wisconsin Amendment
470Nay4-SepH R 2989On Agreeing to the AmendmentFTancredo of Colorado Amendment
471Yea4-SepH R 2989On Agreeing to the AmendmentFHastings of Florida Amendment
472Yea4-SepH R 2989On Agreeing to the AmendmentAHooley of Oregon Amendment
473Nay4-SepH R 2989On Agreeing to the AmendmentFKennedy of Minnesota Amendment
474Yea4-SepH R 2989On Agreeing to the AmendmentFJackson-Lee of Texas Amendment
475Yea4-SepH R 2989On Agreeing to the AmendmentFCooper of Tennessee Amendment
476Yea5-SepH R 6On Motion to Instruct ConfereesFEnergy Conservation, Research, and Development
477Yea5-SepH R 1308On Motion to Instruct ConfereesFTax Relief, Simplification, and Equity Act
478Nay5-SepH R 2765On Agreeing to the AmendmentATom Davis of Virginia Amendment
479Yea5-SepH R 2765On Agreeing to the AmendmentFNorton of the District of Columbia Amendment
480Nay5-SepH R 2765On Agreeing to the AmendmentFHefley of Colorado Amendment
481Nay9-SepH R 2989On Agreeing to the AmendmentFHefley of Colorado Amendment
482Nay9-SepH R 2989On Agreeing to the AmendmentFSessions of Texas Amendment
483Yea9-SepH R 2989On Agreeing to the AmendmentAFlake of Arizona Amendment
484Yea9-SepH R 2989On Agreeing to the AmendmentADelahunt of Massachusetts Amendment
485Yea9-SepH R 2989On Agreeing to the AmendmentASanders of Vermont Amendment
486Yea9-SepH R 2989On Agreeing to the AmendmentFHastings of Florida Amendment
487Yea9-SepH R 2989On Agreeing to the AmendmentAVan Hollen of Maryland Amendment
488Yea9-SepH R 2989On Agreeing to the AmendmentADavis of Florida Amendment
489Yea9-SepH R 2989On PassagePTransportation, Treasury, and Independent Agencies Appropriations Act, 2004
490Nay9-SepH R 2765On Agreeing to the AmendmentATom Davis of Virginia Amendment
491Nay9-SepH R 2765On PassagePDistrict of Columbia Appropriations for FY 2004
492Yea10-SepH RES 359On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePWelcoming His Holines the Fourteenth Dalai Lama and Recognizing his Commitment to Non-Violence, Human Rights, Freedom, and Democracy
493Yea10-SepH R 1308On Motion to Instruct ConfereesFTax Relief, Simplification, and Equity Act
494Yea10-SepH R 2555On Motion to Instruct ConfereesPDepartment of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2004
495Yea10-SepH R 2622On Agreeing to the AmendmentFSanders of Vermont Amendment
496Yea10-SepH R 2622On Agreeing to the AmendmentFKanjorski of Pennsylvania Amendment
497Yea10-SepH R 2622On Agreeing to the AmendmentAFrank of Massachusetts Amendment
498Nay10-SepH R 2622On Agreeing to the AmendmentANey of Ohio Amendment
499Yea10-SepH R 2622On PassagePFair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act
500Yea10-SepH R 1588On Motion to Instruct ConfereesPNational Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004
501Yea10-SepH R 1308On Motion to Instruct ConfereesFTax Relief, Simplification, and Equity Act
502Yea10-SepH R 1On Motion to Instruct ConfereesFMedicare Prescription Drug and Modernization Act
503Yea16-SepH R 2658On Closing Portions of the ConferencePDepartment of Defense Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2004
504Yea16-SepH RES 352On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePRemembering and Honoring the March on Washington of August 28, 1963
505Yea16-SepS 678On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPPostmasters Equity Act of 2003
506Yea17-SepH R 7On Agreeing to the AmendmentFCardin of Maryland Substitute Amendment
507Yea17-SepH R 7On Motion to Recommit with InstructionsFCharitable Giving Act
508Yea17-SepH R 7On PassagePCharitable Giving Act
509Yea23-SepH R 1308On Motion to Instruct ConfereesFTax Relief, Simplification, and Equity Act
510Yea23-SepH R 1On Motion to Instruct ConfereesFMedicare Prescription Drug and Modernization Act
511Yea23-SepH R 1588On Motion to Instruct ConfereesPNational Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004
512Nay23-SepH R 1409On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPEastern Band of Cherokee Indians Land Exchange Act
513Yea24-SepH R 2658On Agreeing to the Conference ReportPDepartment of Defense Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2004
514Yea24-SepH R 2555Recommit the Conference Report with InstructionsFDepartment of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2004
515Yea24-SepH R 2555On Agreeing to the Conference ReportPDepartment of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2004
516Yea24-SepH R 2657Recommit the Conference Report with InstructionsFLegislative Branch Appropriations Act, 2004
517Yea24-SepH R 2657On Agreeing to the Conference ReportPLegislative Branch Appropriations Act, 2004
518Nay24-SepH R 2557On Agreeing to the AmendmentFRohrabacher of California Amendment
519Yea24-SepH R 2557On PassagePWater Resources Development Act
520Yea25-SepH J RES 69On PassagePMaking continuing appropriations for the fiscal year 2004, and for other purposes
521Yea25-SepH R 3161On PassagePTo Ratify the Authority of the Federal Trade Commission to Establish a Do-Not-Call Registry
522Yea25-SepH R 1On Motion to Instruct ConfereesFMedicare Prescription Drug and Modernization Act
523Yea25-SepH R 1588On Motion to Instruct ConfereesPNational Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004
524Yea30-SepH R 1On Motion to Instruct ConfereesFMedicare Prescription Drug and Modernization Act
525Yea30-SepH R 1308On Motion to Instruct ConfereesFTax Relief, Simplification, and Equity Act
526Yea30-SepH RES 357On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePHonoring the Life and Legacy of Bob Hope
527Yea1-OctH R 2691On Motion to Instruct ConfereesPDepartment of the Interior Appropriations and related agencies for fiscal year ending September 30, 2004
528Yea1-OctH R 1On Motion to Instruct ConfereesFMedicare Prescription Drug and Modernization Act
529Yea1-OctH R 1308On Motion to Instruct ConfereesFTax Relief, Simplification, and Equity Act
530Nay2-OctS 3On Agreeing to the Conference ReportPPartial-Birth Abortion Ban Act
531Yea2-OctH R 2660On Motion to Instruct ConfereesPDepartments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2004
532Yea7-OctH CON RES 274On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePCommending the National Endowment for Democracy for its contributions to democratic development around the world on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the National Endowment for Democracy.
533Yea7-OctH R 1On Motion to Instruct ConfereesFMedicare Prescription Drug and Modernization Act
534Nay7-OctH R 1On Motion to Instruct ConfereesFMedicare Prescription Drug and Modernization Act
535Yea8-OctH R 3108On PassagePPension Funding Equity Act
536Yea8-OctH R 2297On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPVeterans Benefits Act
537Yea8-OctH R 2998On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPTo amend title 10, United States Code, to exempt certain members of the Armed Forces from the requirement to pay subsistence charges while hospitalized.
538Yea8-OctH RES 355On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePCommemorating the 100th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the United States and Bulgaria
539Yea8-OctH RES 372On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePExpressing the condolences of the House of Representatives in response to the murder of Swedish Foreign Minister Anna Lindh.
540Yea15-OctH R 6On Motion to Instruct ConfereesPEnergy Conservation, Research, and Development
541Yea15-OctH R 1308On Motion to Instruct ConfereesFTax Relief, Simplification, and Equity Act
542Yea15-OctH R 1On Motion to Instruct ConfereesFMedicare Prescription Drug and Modernization Act
543Yea15-OctH R 1828On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPSyria Accountability and Lebanese Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2003
544Nay16-OctH RES 396On Ordering the Previous QuestionPProviding for the Consideration of H.R. 3289, Emergency Supplemental Appropriations for Defenase and for the Reconstruction of Iraq and Afghanistan for Fiscal Year 2004
545Yea16-OctH RES 198On Agreeing to the Resolution, as AmendedPExpressing the sense of the House of Representatives that France, Germany, and Russia, can initially best contribute to the reconstruction of Iraq by forgiveness of outstanding debt
546Yea16-OctH R 3289On Agreeing to the AmendmentFObey of Wisconsin Amendment
547Yea16-OctH R 3289On Agreeing to the AmendmentFObey of Wisconsin Amendment
548Yea16-OctH R 3289On Agreeing to the AmendmentFWaxman of California Amendment
549Yea16-OctH R 3289On Agreeing to the AmendmentAKirk of Illinois Amendment
550Yea16-OctH R 3289On Agreeing to the AmendmentFMarkey of Massachusetts Amendment
551Yea16-OctH R 3289On Agreeing to the AmendmentFHolt of New Jersey Amendment
552Yea16-OctH R 3289On Agreeing to the AmendmentFLoretta Sanchez of California Amendment
553Yea17-OctH R 3289On Agreeing to the AmendmentFKind of Wisconsin Amendment
554Yea17-OctH R 3289On Agreeing to the AmendmentFStupak of Michigan Amendment
555Yea17-OctH R 3289On Agreeing to the AmendmentFReyes of Texas Amendment
556Yea17-OctH R 3289On Agreeing to the AmendmentFJackson-Lee of Texas Amendment
557Yea17-OctH R 3289On Agreeing to the AmendmentASherman of California Amendment
558NayX17-OctH R 3289On Agreeing to the AmendmentFWeiner of New York Amendment
559Nay17-OctH RES 401On Ordering the Previous QuestionPProviding for Further Consideration of the bill (H.R. 3289) making Emergency Supplemental Appropriations for Defense and for the Reconstruction of Iraq and Afghanistan for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2004, and for other purposes.
560Nay17-OctH RES 401On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for Further Consideration of the bill (H.R. 3289) making Emergency Supplemental Appropriations for Defense and for the Reconstruction of Iraq and Afghanistan for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2004, and for other purposes.
561Yea17-OctH R 3289On Motion to Recommit with InstructionsFEmergency Supplemental Appropriations for Defense and for the Reconstruction of Iraq and Afghanistan for FY 2004
562Nay17-OctH R 3289On PassagePEmergency Supplemental Appropriations for Defense and for the Reconstruction of Iraq and Afghanistan for FY 2004
563Yea20-OctH RES 356On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePExpressing the sense of the House of Representatives regarding the man- made famine that occurred in Ukraine in 1932-1933.
564Yea20-OctH RES 400On Motion to Suspend Rules and Agree, as AmendedPHonoring the 25th anniversary of Pope John Paul IIs ascension to the papacy.
565Yea20-OctH R 3288On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPTo amend title XXI of the Social Security Act to make technical corrections with respect to the definition of qualifying State
566Nay21-OctH RES 407On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for the Consideration of H.J. Res. 73, Further Continuing Appropriations for FY 2004
567Yea21-OctH R 3289On Motion to Instruct ConfereesPEmergency Supplemental Appropriations for Defense and for the Reconstruction of Iraq and Afghanistan for FY 2004
568Yea21-OctH J RES 73On PassagePFurther Continuing Appropriations for FY 2004
569Yea28-OctH RES 377On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for the Recommittal of the Conference Report to accompany H.R. 2115, Federal Aviation Administration Reauthorization
570Nay28-OctH R 2359On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedFBasic Pilot Extension Act of 2003
571Yea28-OctH R 6On Motion to Instruct ConfereesPEnergy Conservation, Research, and Development
572Yea28-OctH R 1308On Motion to Instruct ConfereesFTax Relief, Simplification, and Equity Act
573Yea28-OctH R 1On Motion to Instruct ConfereesFMedicare Prescription Drug and Modernization Act
574Nay29-OctH RES 417On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for consideration of the joint resolution (H.J. Res 75) making further continuing appropriations for the fiscal year 2004, and for other purposes.
575Nay29-OctH RES 418On Agreeing to the ResolutionPWaiving points of order against the conference report to accompany the bill (H.R. 2691) making appropriations for the Department of the Interior and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2004, and for other purposes.
576Yea29-OctH R 1720On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPVeterans Health Care Facilities Capital Improvement Act
577Yea29-OctH R 1516Suspend the Rules and Agree to Senate AmendmentsPNational Cemetery Expansion Act of 2003
578Yea29-OctH R 3365On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPFallen Patriots Tax Relief Act
579Yea29-OctH RES 414On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePTo encourage the Peoples Republic of China to fulfill its commitments under international trade agreements, support the United States manufacturing sector, and establish monetary and financial market reforms
580YeaX30-OctADJOURNOn Motion to AdjournF 
581NayX30-OctJOURNALOn Approving the JournalP 
582Yea30-OctH CON RES 291On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePExpressing deep gratitude for the valor and commitment of the members of the United States Armed Forces who were deployed in Operation Restore Hope to provide humanitarian assistance to the people of Somalia in 1993.
583Yea30-OctH J RES 75On PassagePMaking further continuing appropriations for the fiscal year 2004, and for other purposes.
584YeaX30-OctADJOURNOn Motion to AdjournF 
585YeaX30-OctADJOURNOn Motion to AdjournF 
586Nay30-OctH RES 422On Ordering the Previous QuestionPProviding for consideration of the conference report to accompany H.R. 2115, FAA Reauthorization
587Nay30-OctH RES 422On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for consideration of the conference report to accompany H.R. 2115, FAA Reauthorization
588YeaX30-OctADJOURNOn Motion to AdjournF 
589YeaX30-OctADJOURNOn Motion to AdjournF 
590YeaX30-OctADJOURNOn Motion to AdjournF 
591Yea30-OctH R 2115On Motion to Recommit the Conference ReportFFlight 100--Century of Aviation Reauthorization Act
592Nay30-OctH R 2115On Agreeing to the Conference ReportPFlight 100--Century of Aviation Reauthorization Act
593Yea30-OctH RES 409On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePRepudiating anti-Semitic remarks expressed by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad.
594Yea30-OctH R 2691On Motion to Recommit the Conference ReportFDepartment of the Interior Appropriations and related agencies for fiscal year ending September 30, 2004
595Nay30-OctH R 2691On Agreeing to the Conference ReportPDepartment of the Interior Appropriations and related agencies for fiscal year ending September 30, 2004
596Yea30-OctH CON RES 302On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePSense of Congress welcoming President Chen Shui-bian of Taiwan to the United States on October 31, 2003
597Nay30-OctH RES 421On Agreeing to the ResolutionPWaiving a requirement of clause 6(a) of rule XIII with respect to consideration of certain resolutions reported from the Committee on Rules.
598Yea30-OctH R 6On motion to instruct confereesFEnergy Conservation, Research, and Development
599Yea30-OctH R 1On motion to instruct confereesFMedicare Prescription Drug and Modernization Act
600Yea31-OctH R 3289On Motion to Recommit with InstructionsFEmergency Supplemental Appropriations for Defense and for the Reconstruction of Iraq and Afghanistan for FY 2004
601Nay31-OctH R 3289On Agreeing to the Conference ReportPEmergency Supplemental Appropriations for Defense and for the Reconstruction of Iraq and Afghanistan for FY 2004
602Yea4-NovH CON RES 176On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePSupprting the goals and ideals of Financial Planning Week
603Yea4-NovH CON RES 94On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as AmendedPSense of Congress that community inclusion and enhanced lives for individuals with mental retardation or other developmental disabilities is at serious risk because of the crisis in recruiting and retaining direct support professionals which impedes availability of a stable workforce
604Yea5-NovH R 2443On Agreeing to the AmendmentFDeFazio of Oregon Amendment
605Yea5-NovH J RES 76On PassagePFurther continuing appropriations for FY 2004, and for other purposes
606Yea5-NovH R 2559On Agreeing to the Conference ReportPMilitary Construction Appropriations Act, 2004
607Yea5-NovH R 2620On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPTrafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2003
608Yea5-NovH R 3214On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPAdvancing Justice Through DNA Technology Act
609Yea5-NovH R 3365Suspend the Rules and Agree to Senate AmendmentsPFallen Patriots Tax Relief Act
610Nay6-NovH R 1829On Agreeing to the AmendmentFGreen of Wisconsin Amendment
611Nay6-NovH R 1829On Agreeing to the AmendmentFJackson-Lee of Texas Amendment
612Yea6-NovH R 1829On PassagePFederal Prison Industries Competition in Contracting Act
613Yea6-NovH R 2660On Motion to Instruct ConfereesPDepartments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2004
614Yea6-NovH R 1308On Motion to Instruct ConfereesFTax Relief, Simplification, and Equity Act
615Yea6-NovH R 1On Motion to Instruct ConfereesFMedicare Prescription Drug and Modernization Act
616Yea7-NovH R 1588On Motion to Recommit the Conference ReportFNational Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004
617NayX7-NovH R 1588On Agreeing to the Conference ReportPNational Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004
618Yea7-NovH R 6On Motion to Instruct ConfereesFEnergy Conservation, Research, and Development
619Yea7-NovH R 1On Motion to Instruct ConfereesFMedicare Prescription Drug and Modernization Act
620No Vote17-NovS J RES 22On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPRecognizing the Agricultural Research Service of the Department of Agriculture for 50 years of outstanding service to the Nation through agricultural research
621No Vote17-NovS J RES 18On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPCommending the Inspectors General for their efforts to prevent and detect waste, fraud, abuse, and mismanagement, and to promote economy, efficiency, and effectiveness in the Federal Government during the past 25 years
622No Vote17-NovH CON RES 299On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePHonoring Mr. Sargent Shriver for his dedication and service to the United States of America, for his service in the United States Navy, and for his lifetime of work as an ambassador for the poor and powerless citizens of the United States of America, and for other purposes
623No Vote17-NovMOTIONOn Hour of MeetingP 
624Yea18-NovH R 2673On Motion to Instruct ConfereesPAgriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2004
625Yea18-NovH RES 444On Agreeing to the ResolutionP 
626NayX18-NovJOURNALOn Approving the JournalP 
627Yea18-NovH R 3300On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPWalter F. Ehrnfelt, Jr. Post Office Building
628Nay18-NovH RES 443On Ordering the Previous QuestionPWaiving points of order against the conference report to accompany the bill (H.R. 6) to enhance energy conservation and research and development, to provide for security and diversity in the energy supply for the American people, and for other purposes
629Nay18-NovH RES 443On Agreeing to the ResolutionPWaiving points of order against the conference report to accompany the bill (H.R. 6) to enhance energy conservation and research and development, to provide for security and diversity in the energy supply for the American people, and for other purposes
630Nay18-NovH R 6On Agreeing to the Conference ReportPEnergy Conservation, Research, and Development
631Yea18-NovH R 2754On Agreeing to the Conference ReportPEnergy and Water Appropriations, FY 2004
632Yea18-NovH R 1274On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPTo direct the Administrator of General Services to convey to Fresno County, California, the existing Federal courthouse in that county
633Yea18-NovH R 2417On Motion to Instruct ConfereesPIntelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004
634Yea19-NovH R 1006On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPCaptive Wildlife Safety Act
635Yea19-NovH CON RES 320On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePExpressing the sense of Congress regarding the importance of motorsports
636Yea19-NovH R 3491On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPNational Museum of African American History and Culture Act
637Yea19-NovH R 1On Motion to Instruct ConfereesFMedicare Prescription Drug and Modernization Act
638Yea19-NovH R 2420On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPMutual Funds Integrity and Fee Transparency Act
639Yea19-NovH RES 427On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as AmendedPExpressing the sense of the House of Representatives regarding the courageous leadership of the Unified Buddhist Church of Vietnam
640Yea19-NovH CON RES 83On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePHonoring the Victims of the Cambodian Genocide that took place from April 1975 to January 1979
641Yea19-NovH CON RES 288On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePHonoring Seeds of Peace
642Yea19-NovH RES 393on Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as AmendedPCommending Afghan Women for their Participation in Afghan Government and Civil Society
643Yea19-NovH RES 423On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as AmendedPRecognizing the 5th anniversary of the signing of the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998 and urging a renewed commitment to eliminating violations of the internationally recognized right to freedom of religion and protecting fundamental human rights.
644Yea19-NovH R 3140On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPFairness to Contact Lens Consumers Act
645Yea20-NovH RES 450On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for the consideration of the joint resolution (H.J. Res. 78) making further continuing appropriations for the fiscal year 2004, and for other purposes.
646Yea20-NovS 286On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPBirth Defects and Developmental Disabilities Prevention Act of 2003
647Yea20-NovS 686On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPPoison Control Center Enhancement and Awareness Act Amentdments 2003
648Yea20-NovH J RES 78On PassagePMaking further continuing appropriations for the fiscal year 2004, and for other purposes.
649Nay20-NovH R 2417On Agreeing to the Conference ReportPIntelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004
650Yea20-NovH R 1On Motion to Instruct ConfereesFMedicare Prescription Drug and Modernization Act
651Yea20-NovH R 2660On Motion to Instruct ConfereesPDepartments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2004
652Yea20-NovH J RES 63Suspend the Rules and Concur in Senate AmendmentsPCompact of Free Association Amendments Act of 2003
653Yea20-NovH CON RES 209Suspend the Rules and Agree to the Senate AmendmentsPCommending the signing of the United States-Adriatic Charter, a charter of partnership among the United States, Albania, Croatia, and Macedonia.
654Yea20-NovH R 1828Suspend the Rules and Agree to the Senate AmendmentsPSyria Accountability and Lebanese Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2003
655Yea20-NovH R 253On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPNational Flood Insurance Reauthorization
656Nay21-NovH R 1904On Agreeing to the Conference ReportPHealthy Forests Restoration Act
657Yea21-NovH RES 453On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as AmendedPCondemning the terrorist attacks in Istanbul, Turkey, on November 15, 2003, expressing condolences to the families of the individuals murdered and expressing sympathies to the individuals injured in the terrorist attacks, and standing in solidarity with Turkey in the fight against terrorism.
658Yea21-NovS 1156On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPVeterans Health Care, Capital Asset, and Business Improvement Act
659Nay21-NovH RES 459On Ordering the Previous QuestionPWaiving a requirement of clause 6(a) of rule XIII with respect to consideration of certain resolutions reported from the Committee on Rules (Relating to Medicare)
660Nay21-NovH RES 459On Agreeing to the ResolutionPWaiving a requirement of clause 6(a) of rule XIII with respect to consideration of certain resolutions reported from the Committee on Rules (Relating to Medicare)
661Nay21-NovH RES 458On Ordering the Previous QuestionPWaiving a requirement of clause 6(a) of rule XIII with respect to consideration of certain resolutions reported from the Committee on Rules (Regarding certain appropriations bills.)
662Nay21-NovH RES 458On Agreeing to the ResolutionPWaiving a requirement of clause 6(a) of rule XIII with respect to consideration of certain resolutions reported from the Committee on Rules (Regarding certain appropriations bills.)
663Yea21-NovH CON RES 206On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePSupporting the Bone Marrow Donor Program
664Yea21-NovH J RES 79On PassagePMaking further continuing appropriations for the fiscal year 2004, and for other purposes
665Nay21-NovH RES 463On Ordering the Previous QuestionPWaiving points or order against the conference report to accompany H.R. 1; Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act
666Nay21-NovH RES 463On Agreeing to the ResolutionPWaiving points of order against the conference report to accompany H.R. 1; Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act
667Yea21-NovH R 2622Suspend the Rules and Agree to the Conference ReportPFair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act
668Yea22-NovH R 1Recommit the Conference Report with InstructionsFMedicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act
669Nay22-NovH R 1On Agreeing to the Conference ReportPMedicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act
670Nay22-NovH R 1Table the Motion to ReconsiderPMedicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act
671Yea22-NovS 877On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPControlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act of 2003
672Nay8-DecH RES 465On Ordering the Previous QuestionPWaiving a requirement of clause 6(a) of rule XIII with respect to consideration of certain resolutions reported from the Committee on Rules
673Nay8-DecH RES 465On Agreeing to the ResolutionPWaiving a requirement of clause 6(a) of rule XIII with respect to consideration of certain resolutions reported from the Committee on Rules
674Nay8-DecH RES 473On Ordering the Previous QuestionPWaiving points of order against the conference report to accompany the bill (H.R. 2673) making appropriations for Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2004, and for other purposes
675Nay8-DecH RES 473On Agreeing to the ResolutionPWaiving points of order against the conference report to accompany the bill (H.R. 2673) making appropriations for Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2004, and for other purposes
676Nay8-DecH R 2673On Agreeing to the Conference ReportPAgriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2004
677Nay8-DecH RES 474On Motion that the Resolution be Laid on the TablePA resolution regarding a question of the privileges of the House regarding Roll Call 669.

451 Yea, 215 Nay, 2 Present, 8 No Vote (1.18 %)
42 votes (6.20 %) not with majority of D-party.