An 'X' in the P column indicates a vote where a Representatives vote differs from the vote of the majority of their Party.
Vote Number | Vote | P | Date | Issue | Question | Result | Description |
1 | Present | 23-Jan | QUORUM | Call of the House | P | ||
2 | Yea | 23-Jan | H R 700 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree to Senate Amendment | P | To reauthorize the Asian Elephant Conservation Act | |
3 | Yea | 23-Jan | H R 2234 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, As Amended | P | Tumacacori National Historical Park Boundary Revision Act | |
4 | Yea | 24-Jan | S 1762 | On Passage | P | Higher Education Act Amendments | |
5 | Yea | 29-Jan | H RES 335 | On Motion to Suspend Rules and Agree | P | A resolution honoring the contributions of Catholic Schools. | |
6 | Yea | 5-Feb | H R 577 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as amended | P | To require any organization that is established for the purpose of raising funds for the creation of a Presidential archival depository to disclose the sources and amounts of any funds raised. | |
7 | Yea | 5-Feb | S 970 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass | P | Designating the facility of the US Postal Service located at 39 Tremont Street, Paris Hill, Maine, as the Horatio King Post Office Building. | |
8 | Yea | 6-Feb | H RES 342 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Providing for the Consideration of Motions to Suspend the Rules | |
9 | Yea | 6-Feb | S 1888 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass | P | Correct a Technical Error in the Codification of Title 36 of the United States Code | |
10 | Yea | 6-Feb | H CON RES 312 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree | F | Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that the scheduled Tax Relief Provided by the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 passed by a Bipartisan Majority in Congress should not be suspended or repealed | |
11 | Yea | 6-Feb | H J RES 82 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass | P | Recognizing the 91st birthday of Ronald Reagan | |
12 | Yea | 7-Feb | H RES 343 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for consideration of H.R. 3394; Cyber Security Research and Development Act | |
13 | Yea | 7-Feb | H R 3394 | On Passage | P | Cyber Security Research and Development Act | |
14 | Yea | 7-Feb | JOURNAL | On Approving the Journal | P | ||
15 | Yea | 12-Feb | H R 2998 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree to Senate Amendment | P | Radio Free Afghanistan Act | |
16 | Yea | 12-Feb | H R 3699 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass | P | To revise certain grants for continuum of care assistance for homeless individual and families | |
17 | Yea | 13-Feb | JOURNAL | On Approving the Journal | P | ||
18 | Nay | 13-Feb | ADJOURN | On Motion to Adjourn | F | ||
19 | Nay | X | 13-Feb | H R 2356 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Armey of Texas Substitute Amendment |
20 | Nay | 13-Feb | H R 2356 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Ney of Ohio Substitute Amendment | |
21 | Yea | X | 13-Feb | H R 2356 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Shays of Connecticut Substitute Amendment |
22 | Nay | X | 13-Feb | H R 2356 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Hyde of Illinois Amendment |
23 | Yea | 13-Feb | H R 2356 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Green of Texas Amendment | |
24 | Nay | X | 13-Feb | H R 2356 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Pickering of Mississippi Amendment |
25 | Nay | X | 13-Feb | H R 2356 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Watts of Oklahoma Amendment |
26 | Nay | X | 13-Feb | H R 2356 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Sam Johnson of Texas Amendment |
27 | Nay | X | 13-Feb | H R 2356 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Combest of Texas Amendment |
28 | Yea | 13-Feb | H R 2356 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Wamp of Tennessee Amendment | |
29 | Nay | X | 13-Feb | H R 2356 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Emerson of Missouri Amendment |
30 | Nay | X | 13-Feb | H R 2356 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Wicker of Mississippi Amendment |
31 | Nay | X | 14-Feb | H R 2356 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Reynolds of New York Amendment |
32 | Yea | 14-Feb | H R 2356 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Kingston of Georgia Amendment | |
33 | Nay | X | 14-Feb | H R 2356 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Ney of Ohio Substitute Amendment |
34 | Yea | X | 14-Feb | H R 2356 | On Passage | P | Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act |
35 | Yea | 14-Feb | JOURNAL | On Approving the Journal | P | ||
36 | Yea | 14-Feb | H RES 347 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Providing for the Consideration of the Senate Amendments to H.R. 622, To Amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to Expand the Adoption Credit, and for other purposes | |
37 | Yea | 14-Feb | H RES 347 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for the Consideration of the Senate Amendments to H.R. 622, To Amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to Expand the Adoption Credit, and for other purposes | |
38 | Yea | 14-Feb | H R 622 | On motion to agree to Senate amendments with amendments | P | Adoption Credit Expansion | |
39 | Yea | 26-Feb | H R 1892 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree to Senate Amendment | P | Family Sponsor Immigration Act | |
40 | Yea | 26-Feb | H CON RES 304 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, As Amended | P | Expressing sympathy to the people of the Democratic Republic of the Congo who were tragically affected by the eruption of the Nyriagongo volcano on January 17, 2002. | |
41 | Yea | 27-Feb | JOURNAL | On Approving the Journal | P | ||
42 | Yea | 27-Feb | H RES 350 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for consideration of H.R. 1542; Internet Freedom and Broadband Deployment Act | |
43 | Yea | 27-Feb | H R 1542 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Upton of Michigan Amendment | |
44 | Nay | 27-Feb | H R 1542 | On Ordering the Previous Question | F | Internet Freedom and Broadband Deployment Act | |
45 | Yea | 27-Feb | H R 1542 | On Passage | P | Internet Freedom and Broadband Deployment Act | |
46 | Yea | 28-Feb | H R 3448 | On Motion to Instruct Conferees | P | Bioterrorism Response Act | |
47 | Yea | 5-Mar | H CON RES 305 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as Amended | P | Permitting the Use of the Rotunda of the Capitol for a Ceremony to Present a Gold Medal on Behalf of Congress to Former President Ronald Reagan and his Wife Nancy Reagan | |
48 | Yea | 6-Mar | JOURNAL | On Approving the Journal | P | ||
49 | Yea | 6-Mar | H RES 354 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Providing for consideration of motions to suspend the rules | |
50 | Yea | 6-Mar | S J RES 32 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass | P | Congratulating the United States Military Academy at West Point on its Bicentennial Anniversary, and Commending its Outstanding Contributions to the Nation | |
51 | Yea | 7-Mar | H RES 360 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Providing for consideration of Senate Amendment to H.R. 3090; Job Creation and Worker Assistance Act | |
52 | Yea | 7-Mar | H R 3090 | On Agreeing to Senate Amendment with an Amendment | P | Job Creation and Worker Assistance Act | |
53 | Yea | X | 12-Mar | H RES 365 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree | P | Providing for the concurrence by the House with amendments in the amendment of the Senate to H.R. 1885. |
54 | Yea | 13-Mar | JOURNAL | On Approving the Journal | P | ||
55 | Yea | 13-Mar | H RES 367 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Providing for consideration of H.R. 2341; Class Action Fairness Act | |
56 | Nay | 13-Mar | H R 2341 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Waters of California Amendment, as Modified | |
57 | Nay | 13-Mar | H R 2341 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Lofgren of California Amendment, as Modified | |
58 | Nay | 13-Mar | H R 2341 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Conyers of Michigan Amendment, as Modified | |
59 | Nay | 13-Mar | H R 2341 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Jackson-Lee of Texas Amendment, as Modified | |
60 | Nay | 13-Mar | H R 2341 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Frank of Massachusetts Amendment, as Modified | |
61 | Nay | 13-Mar | H R 2341 | On Motion to Recommit with Instructions | F | Class Action Fairness Act | |
62 | Yea | 13-Mar | H R 2341 | On Passage | P | Class Action Fairness Act | |
63 | Nay | 14-Mar | H R 2146 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Conyers of Michigan Amendment | |
64 | Yea | 14-Mar | H R 2146 | On Passage | P | Two Strikes and Your Out Child Protection Act | |
65 | Yea | 19-Mar | JOURNAL | On Approving the Journal | P | ||
66 | Yea | 19-Mar | H RES 368 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree | P | Commending the great work that the Pentagon Renovation Program and its contractors have completed thus far, in reconstructing the portion of the Pentagon that was destroyed by the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001 | |
67 | Yea | 19-Mar | H R 2509 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | Bureau of Engraving and Printing Security Printing Amendments Act | |
68 | Yea | 19-Mar | H R 2804 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass | P | James R. Browning United States Courthouse | |
69 | Yea | 20-Mar | JOURNAL | On Approving the Journal | P | ||
70 | Yea | 20-Mar | H RES 339 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as Amended | P | Urging the Government of Ukraine to Ensure a Democratic, Transparent, and Fair Election Process Leading Up to the March 31, 2002 Parliamentary Elections | |
71 | Yea | 20-Mar | H R 3924 | On Passage | P | Freedom to Telecommute Act | |
72 | Yea | 20-Mar | H RES 371 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree | P | Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives regarding Womens History Month | |
73 | Nay | 20-Mar | ADJOURN | On Motion to Adjourn | F | ||
74 | Nay | 20-Mar | ADJOURN | On Motion to Adjourn | F | ||
75 | Yea | 20-Mar | H RES 372 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Providing for consideration of H.Con.Res. 353; Budget Resolution for Fiscal Year 2003 | |
76 | Yea | 20-Mar | H RES 372 | Table Motion to Reconsider | P | Providing for consideration of H.Con.Res. 353; Budget Resolution for Fiscal Year 2003 | |
77 | Yea | 20-Mar | H RES 372 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for consideration of H.Con.Res. 353; Budget Resolution for Fiscal Year 2003 | |
78 | Yea | 20-Mar | H RES 372 | Table Motion to Reconsider | P | Providing for consideration of H.Con.Res. 353; Budget Resolution for Fiscal Year 2003 | |
79 | Yea | 20-Mar | H CON RES 353 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Congressional Budget Resolution | |
80 | Yea | 9-Apr | JOURNAL | On Approving the Journal | P | ||
81 | Yea | 9-Apr | H RES 377 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree | P | Recognizing the Ellis Island Medal of Honor and commending the National Ethnic Coalition of Organizations. | |
82 | Yea | 9-Apr | H R 3958 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge Settlement Act | |
83 | Nay | 10-Apr | H R 3925 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Waxman of California Amendment | |
84 | Yea | 10-Apr | H RES 363 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as Amended | P | Congratulating the people of Utah, the Salt Lake Organizing Committee and the athletes of the world for a successful and inspiring 2002 Olympic Winter Games | |
85 | Nay | X | 10-Apr | H R 3991 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | F | Taxpayer Protection and IRS Accountability Act |
86 | Yea | 10-Apr | H R 2646 | On Motion to Instruct Conferees | P | Farm Security Act | |
87 | Yea | 11-Apr | H RES 386 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Providing for the Consideration of H.R. 3762, Pension Security Act | |
88 | Yea | 11-Apr | H RES 386 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for the Consideration of H.R. 3762, Pension Security Act | |
89 | Yea | 11-Apr | JOURNAL | On Approving the Journal | P | ||
90 | Nay | 11-Apr | H R 3762 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | George Miller of California Substitute Amendment | |
91 | Nay | 11-Apr | H R 3762 | On Motion to Recommit with Instructions | F | Pension Security Act | |
92 | Yea | 11-Apr | H R 3762 | On Passage | P | Pension Security Act | |
93 | Yea | 16-Apr | H R 1374 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass | P | Philip E. Ruppe Post Office Building Designation Act | |
94 | Yea | 16-Apr | H R 4156 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | Clergy Housing Allowance Clarification Act | |
95 | Yea | 16-Apr | H R 4167 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass | P | Family Farmer Bankruptcy Extension Act | |
96 | Nay | 17-Apr | H R 476 | On Motion to Recommit with Instructions | F | Child Custody Protection Act | |
97 | Yea | 17-Apr | H R 476 | On Passage | P | Child Custody Protection Act | |
98 | Yea | 17-Apr | JOURNAL | On Approving the Journal | P | ||
99 | Yea | 18-Apr | JOURNAL | On Approving the Journal | P | ||
100 | Yea | 18-Apr | H R 2646 | On Motion to Instruct Conferees | P | Farm Security Act | |
101 | Yea | 18-Apr | H RES 390 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Providing for the Consideration of the Senate Amendment to H.R. 586, Fairness for Foster Care Families Act | |
102 | Yea | 18-Apr | H RES 390 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for the Consideration of the Senate Amendment to H.R. 586, Fairness for Foster Care Families Act | |
103 | Yea | 18-Apr | H R 586 | On Motion to Agree to the Senate Amendment with an Amendment | P | Fairness for Foster Care Families Act | |
104 | Yea | 23-Apr | H R 3839 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | Keeping Children and Families Safe Act | |
105 | Yea | X | 23-Apr | H R 2646 | On Motion to Instruct Conferees | P | Farm Security Act |
106 | Yea | X | 23-Apr | H R 2646 | On Motion to Instruct Conferees | P | Farm Security Act |
107 | Nay | 24-Apr | H R 3763 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Kucinich of Ohio Amendment | |
108 | Nay | 24-Apr | H R 3763 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | LaFalce of New York Substitute Amendment | |
109 | Nay | 24-Apr | H R 3763 | On Motion to Recommit with Instructions | F | Corporate and Auditing Accountability and Responsibility Act | |
110 | Yea | 24-Apr | H R 3763 | On Passage | P | Corporate and Auditing Accountability and Responsibility Act | |
111 | Yea | 25-Apr | H RES 396 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Providing for consideration of H.R. 3231; Immigration Reform and Accountability Act | |
112 | Yea | 25-Apr | H RES 396 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for consideration of H.R. 3231; Immigration Reform and Accountability Act | |
113 | Yea | 25-Apr | JOURNAL | On Approving the Journal | P | ||
114 | Nay | X | 25-Apr | H R 3231 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Issa of California Amendment |
115 | Nay | 25-Apr | H R 3231 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Lofgren of California Amendment | |
116 | Yea | 25-Apr | H R 3231 | On Passage | P | Immigration Reform and Accountability Act | |
117 | Yea | 30-Apr | H R 169 | Suspend the Rules and Agree to Senate Amendments | P | Notification and Federal Employee Antidiscrimination and Reataliation Act | |
118 | Yea | 30-Apr | S 2248 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass | P | To Extend the Authority of the Export-Import Bank until May 31, 2002 | |
119 | Yea | 30-Apr | H CON RES 386 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree | P | Supporting a National Charter Schools Week | |
120 | Nay | 1-May | H R 2871 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Sanders of Vermont Amendment | |
121 | Yea | 1-May | H R 2215 | On Motion to Instruct Conferees | P | To authorize appropriations for the Department of Justice for fiscal year 2002, and for other purposes. | |
122 | Nay | 2-May | H R 2646 | On Motion to Recommit with Instructions | F | Farm Security Act | |
123 | Yea | 2-May | H R 2646 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | Farm Security Act | |
124 | Yea | 2-May | H RES 404 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Providing for consideration of motions to suspend the rules. | |
125 | Yea | 2-May | H RES 404 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for consideration of motions to suspend the rules. | |
126 | Yea | 2-May | H RES 392 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as Amended | P | Expressing Solidarity with Israel in its Fight Against Terrorism | |
127 | Yea | 7-May | H R 2911 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass | P | Designating the Federal Building located at 5100 Paint Branch Parkway in College Park, Maryland, as the Harvey W. Wiley Federal Building | |
128 | Yea | 7-May | H CON RES 271 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree | P | Sense of Congress Supporting the National Importance of Health Care Coverage Month | |
129 | Yea | 8-May | H RES 414 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Providing for the disposition of H.J.Res. 84; Disapproval of the Actions taken by the President Under Sec. 203 of the Trade Act | |
130 | Yea | 8-May | H RES 414 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for the disposition of H.J.Res. 84; Disapproval of the Actions taken by the President Under Sec. 203 of the Trade Act | |
131 | Yea | 8-May | H R 3525 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree to Senate Amendments | P | Enhanced Border Security and Visa Entry Reform Act | |
132 | Yea | 8-May | H J RES 87 | On Consideration of the Resolution | P | Yucca Mountain Repository Site Approval Act | |
133 | Yea | 8-May | H J RES 87 | On Passage | P | Yucca Mountain Repository Site Approval Act | |
134 | Nay | 9-May | ADJOURN | On Motion to Adjourn | F | ||
135 | Yea | 9-May | H RES 415 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Providing for consideration of H.R. 4546; Department of Defense Authorization for F.Y. 2003 | |
136 | Yea | 9-May | H RES 415 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for consideration of H.R. 4546; Department of Defense Authorization for F.Y. 2003 | |
137 | Nay | 9-May | ADJOURN | On Motion to Adjourn | F | ||
138 | Nay | 9-May | H R 4546 | On Motion that the Committee Rise | F | Department of Defense Authorization Act for FY 2003 | |
139 | Nay | 9-May | H R 4546 | On Motion that the Committee Rise | F | Department of Defense Authorization Act for FY 2003 | |
140 | Nay | 9-May | H R 4546 | On Motion that the Committee Rise | F | Department of Defense Authorization Act for FY 2003 | |
141 | Nay | 9-May | H R 4546 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Markey of Massachusetts Amendment | |
142 | Yea | 9-May | H R 4546 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Weldon of Pennsylvania Amendment (As Modified) | |
143 | Nay | 9-May | H R 4546 | On Motion that the Committee Rise | F | Department of Defense Authorization Act for FY 2003 | |
144 | Nay | 9-May | H R 4546 | On Motion that the Committee Rise | F | Department of Defense Authorization Act for FY 2003 | |
145 | Nay | 9-May | H R 4546 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Tierney of Massachusetts Amendment | |
146 | Nay | 9-May | H R 4546 | On Motion that the Committee Rise | F | Department of Defense Authorization Act for FY 2003 | |
147 | Nay | 9-May | H R 4546 | On Motion that the Committee Rise | F | Department of Defense Authorization Act for FY 2003 | |
148 | Nay | 9-May | H R 4546 | On Motion that the Committee Rise | F | Department of Defense Authorization Act for FY 2003 | |
149 | Nay | 9-May | H R 4546 | On Motion that the Committee Rise | F | Department of Defense Authorization Act for FY 2003 | |
150 | Nay | 9-May | H R 4546 | On Motion that the Committee Rise | F | Department of Defense Authorization Act for FY 2003 | |
151 | Nay | 9-May | H R 4546 | On Motion that the Committee Rise | F | Department of Defense Authorization Act for FY 2003 | |
152 | Nay | 10-May | H R 4546 | On Motion that the Committee Rise | F | Department of Defense Authorization Act for FY 2003 | |
153 | Nay | 10-May | H R 4546 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Sanchez of California Amendment | |
154 | Yea | 10-May | H R 4546 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Goode of Virginia Amendment | |
155 | Yea | 10-May | H R 4546 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Paul of Texas Amendment | |
156 | Yea | 10-May | H R 4546 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Bereuter of Nebraska Amendment | |
157 | Nay | 10-May | H R 4546 | On Motion to Recommit with Instructions | F | Department of Defense Authorization Act for FY 2003 | |
158 | Yea | 10-May | H R 4546 | On Passage | P | Department of Defense Authorization Act for FY 2003 | |
159 | Yea | 14-May | H R 3694 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | Highway Funding Restoration Act | |
160 | Yea | 14-May | H R 4069 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | To amend title II of the Social Security Act to provide for miscellaneous enhancements in Social Security benefits and for other purposes. | |
161 | Yea | 14-May | JOURNAL | On Approving the Journal | P | ||
162 | Yea | 15-May | H RES 419 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for consideration of H.R. 3994; Afghanistan Freedom Support Act | |
163 | Yea | 15-May | JOURNAL | On Approving the Journal | P | ||
164 | Yea | 15-May | H RES 420 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Waiving a requirement of clause 6(a) of rule XIII with respect to consideration of certain resolutions reported from the Committee on Rules | |
165 | Yea | 15-May | H RES 422 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Providing for the consideration of H.R. 4737; Personal Responsibility, Work, and Family Promotion Act | |
166 | Yea | 15-May | H RES 422 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for the consideration of H.R. 4737; Personal Responsibility, Work, and Family Promotion Act | |
167 | Yea | 16-May | JOURNAL | On Approving the Journal | P | ||
168 | Nay | 16-May | H R 4737 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Cardin of Maryland Substitute Amendment | |
169 | Nay | 16-May | H R 4737 | On Motion to Recommit with Instructions | F | Personal Responsibility, Work, and Family Promotion Act | |
170 | Yea | 16-May | H R 4737 | On Passage | P | Personal Responsibility, Work, and Family Promotion Act | |
171 | Yea | 20-May | H CON RES 314 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree | P | Recognizing the Members of AMVETS for their Service to the Nation and Supporting the Goals of AMVETS National Charter Day | |
172 | Yea | 20-May | H CON RES 165 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree | P | Expressing the Sense of the Congress that Continual Research and Education into the Cause and Cure for Fibroid Tumors be Addressed | |
173 | Yea | 20-May | H CON RES 309 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree | P | Recognizing the Importance of Good Cervical Health and of Detecting Cervical Cancer During its Earliest Stages | |
174 | Yea | 21-May | H R 3833 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | Dot Kids Implementation and Efficiency Act | |
175 | Yea | 21-May | H R 1877 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, As Amended | P | Child Sex Crimes Wiretapping Act | |
176 | Yea | 21-May | H R 3375 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass | P | Embassy Employee Compensation Act | |
177 | Yea | 21-May | H R 4626 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, As Amended | P | Encouraging Work and Supporting Marriage Act | |
178 | Yea | 21-May | H CON RES 405 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, As Amended | P | Commemorating the Independence of East Timor and expressing the sense of Congress that the President should establish diplomatic relations with East Timor | |
179 | Yea | 21-May | H R 3994 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Lantos of California Amendment | |
180 | Yea | 21-May | H R 3994 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Jackson-Lee of Texas en bloc Amendment as Modified | |
181 | Yea | 21-May | H R 3994 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Waters of California Amendment as Modified | |
182 | Yea | 21-May | H R 3994 | On Passage | P | Afghanistan Freedom Support Act | |
183 | Yea | 21-May | H R 4514 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | Veterans Major Medical Facilities Construction Act | |
184 | Yea | 21-May | H R 4015 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | Jobs for Veterans Act | |
185 | Yea | 21-May | H R 4085 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | Veterans and Survivors Benefits Expansion Act | |
186 | Yea | 22-May | H RES 427 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Waiving Points of Order Against the Conference Report on H.R. 3448, Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act | |
187 | Yea | 22-May | JOURNAL | On Approving the Journal | P | ||
188 | Yea | 22-May | H RES 426 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for the consideration of H.R. 3129, Customs Border Security Act | |
189 | Yea | 22-May | H R 3448 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act | |
190 | Yea | 22-May | H R 3717 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, As Amended | P | Federal Deposit Insurance Reform Act | |
191 | Yea | 22-May | H RES 424 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree | P | Paying Tribute to the Workers at Ground Zero in New York | |
192 | Nay | 22-May | H R 3129 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Waters of California Substitute Amendment | |
193 | Yea | 22-May | H R 3129 | On Passage | P | Customs Border Security Act | |
194 | Yea | 22-May | H RES 428 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for the consideration of H.R. 4775, 2002 Supplemental Appropriations Act for Further Recovery From and Respnse To Terrorist Attacks on the United States | |
195 | Nay | 22-May | ADJOURN | On Motion to Adjourn | F | ||
196 | Nay | 22-May | H R 4775 | On Motion that the Committee Rise | F | 2002 Supplemental Appropriations Act for Further Recovery From and Response To Terrorist Attacks on the United States | |
197 | Nay | 23-May | H R 4775 | On Motion that the Committee Rise | F | 2002 Supplemental Appropriations Act for Further Recovery From and Response To Terrorist Attacks on the United States | |
198 | Yea | 23-May | H R 4775 | Sustain the Ruling of the Chair | P | 2002 Supplemental Appropriations Act for Further Recovery From and Response To Terrorist Attacks on the United States | |
199 | Nay | 23-May | H R 4775 | On Motion that the Committee Rise | F | 2002 Supplemental Appropriations Act for Further Recovery From and Response To Terrorist Attacks on the United States | |
200 | Nay | 23-May | H R 4775 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Obey of Wisconsin Amendment | |
201 | Nay | 23-May | H R 4775 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Obey of Wisconsin Amendment | |
202 | Nay | 23-May | H R 4775 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | McGovern of Massachusetts Amendment | |
203 | Yea | 24-May | MOTION | Adjourn to Time Certain | P | ||
204 | Yea | 24-May | H RES 431 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for the Further Consideration of H.R. 4775, 2002 Supplemental Appropriations Act for Further Recovery From and Response To Terrorist Attacks on the United States | |
205 | Nay | 24-May | H R 4775 | On Motion to Recommit with Instructions | F | 2002 Supplemental Appropriations Act for Further Recovery From and Response To Terrorist Attacks on the United States | |
206 | Yea | 24-May | H R 4775 | On Passage | P | 2002 Supplemental Appropriations Act for Further Recovery From and Response To Terrorist Attacks on the United States | |
207 | Yea | 4-Jun | H R 4823 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass | P | Holocaust Restitution Tax Fairness Act | |
208 | Yea | 4-Jun | H R 4800 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass | P | To repeal the sunset of the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 with respect to the expansion of the adoption credit and adoption assistance programs. | |
209 | Yea | 5-Jun | JOURNAL | On Approving the Journal | P | ||
210 | Yea | 5-Jun | S 1372 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | Export-Import Bank Reauthorization Act | |
211 | Nay | 5-Jun | H R 4664 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Woolsey of California Amendment | |
212 | Yea | 5-Jun | H R 4664 | On Passage | P | Investing in Americas Future Act | |
213 | No Vote | 6-Jun | ADJOURN | On Motion to Adjourn | F | ||
214 | Yea | 6-Jun | MOTION | Table the Appeal of the Ruling of the Chair | P | ||
215 | Yea | 6-Jun | H RES 435 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Providing for the Consideration of H.R. 2143, Permanent Death Tax Repeal Act | |
216 | Yea | 6-Jun | H RES 435 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for the Consideration of H.R. 2143, Permanent Death Tax Repeal Act | |
217 | Nay | 6-Jun | H R 2143 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Pomeroy of North Dakota Substitute Amendment | |
218 | Nay | 6-Jun | H R 2143 | On Motion to Recommit with Instructions | F | Permanent Death Tax Repeal Act | |
219 | Yea | 6-Jun | H R 2143 | On Passage | P | Permanent Death Tax Repeal Act | |
220 | Yea | 11-Jun | H RES 438 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree | P | Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that improving mens health through fitness and the reduction of obesity should be a priority. | |
221 | Yea | 11-Jun | H CON RES 394 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree | P | Expressing the Sense of the Congress Concerning the 2002 World Cup and Co-Hosts Republic of Korea and Japan | |
222 | Yea | 11-Jun | H CON RES 213 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as Amended | P | Expressing the Sense of Congress Regarding North Korea Refugees who are Detained in China and Returned to North Korea Where they Face Torture, Imprisonment, and Execution | |
223 | Yea | 12-Jun | H R 4 | Markey Motion to Instruct Conferees | P | To enhance energy conservation, research and development and to provide for security and diversity in the energy supply for the American people | |
224 | Nay | 12-Jun | H R 4775 | On Motion to Instruct Conferees | F | 2002 Supplemental Appropriations Act for Further Recovery From and Response To Terrorist Attacks on the United States | |
225 | Yea | 12-Jun | H J RES 96 | On Passage | F | Proposing a Tax Limitation Amendment to the Constitution of the United States | |
226 | Yea | 13-Jun | H RES 440 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for consideration of H.R. 4819; Marriage Penalty Relief Provisions Made Permanent | |
227 | Yea | 13-Jun | JOURNAL | On Approving the Journal | P | ||
228 | Nay | 13-Jun | H R 4019 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Matsui of California Substitute Amendment | |
229 | Yea | 13-Jun | H R 4019 | On Passage | P | Marriage Penalty Relief Provisions Made Permanent | |
230 | Yea | 17-Jun | JOURNAL | On Approving the Journal | P | ||
231 | Yea | 17-Jun | H CON RES 415 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree | P | Recognizing National Homeownership Month and the importance of homeownership in the United States. | |
232 | Yea | 17-Jun | H CON RES 340 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree | P | Supporting the goals and ideals of Meningitis Awareness Month | |
233 | Yea | 18-Jun | H R 327 | On Motion to Agree to Senate Amendments | P | Small Business Paperwork Relief Act | |
234 | Yea | 18-Jun | H R 4794 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass | P | Ronald C. Packard Post Office Designation | |
235 | Yea | 18-Jun | H R 4717 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass | P | Jim Fonteno Post Office Designation | |
236 | Yea | 19-Jun | JOURNAL | On Approving the Journal | P | ||
237 | Yea | 19-Jun | H R 3389 | On Passage | P | National Sea Grant College Program | |
238 | Nay | 19-Jun | H R 3295 | On Motion to Instruct Conferees | F | Help America Vote Act | |
239 | Yea | 20-Jun | JOURNAL | On Approving the Journal | P | ||
240 | Yea | 20-Jun | H RES 447 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for consideration of H.R. 1979; Airport Safety, Security and Air Service Improvement Act | |
241 | Nay | 20-Jun | H R 1979 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Oberstar of Minnesota Amendment | |
242 | Yea | 20-Jun | H R 1979 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Nethercutt of Washington Amendment | |
243 | Yea | 20-Jun | H R 1979 | On Passage | P | Airport Safety, Security and Air Service Improvement Act | |
244 | Yea | 21-Jun | JOURNAL | On Approving the Journal | P | ||
245 | Yea | 21-Jun | H RES 451 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for consideration of H.R. 4931; Retirement Savings Security Act | |
246 | Nay | 21-Jun | H R 4931 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Neal of Massachusetts Substitute Amendment | |
247 | No Vote | 21-Jun | H R 4931 | On Motion to Recommit with Instructions | F | Retirement Savings Security Act | |
248 | No Vote | 21-Jun | H R 4931 | On Passage | P | Retirement Savings Security Act | |
249 | Yea | 24-Jun | H R 3937 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | To revoke a Public Land Order with respect to certain lands erroneously included in the Cibola National Wildlife Refuge, California | |
250 | Yea | 24-Jun | H R 3786 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | Glen Canyon National Recreation Area Boundary Revision Act of 2002 | |
251 | Yea | 24-Jun | H R 3971 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass | P | Independent investigation of Forest Service firefighter deaths that are caused by wildfire entrapment or burnover. | |
252 | Yea | 24-Jun | H J RES 95 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | Designating an Official Flag of the Medal of Honor and Providing for Presentation of that Flag to each Recipient of that Medal of Honor | |
253 | Yea | 25-Jun | JOURNAL | On Approving the Journal | P | ||
254 | Yea | 25-Jun | H R 4858 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass | P | To Improve access to physicians in medically underserved areas | |
255 | Yea | 25-Jun | H R 4679 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | Lifetime Consequences for Sex Offenders Act of 2002 | |
256 | Yea | 25-Jun | H R 4623 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, As Amended | P | Child Obscenity and Pornography Prevention Act of 2002 | |
257 | Yea | 25-Jun | H R 4846 | On motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | Silver Eagle Coin Continuation Act of 2002 | |
258 | Yea | 26-Jun | H R 4598 | On Passage | P | Homeland Security Information Sharing Act | |
259 | Yea | 26-Jun | H R 4477 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | Sex Tourism Prohibition Improvement Act | |
260 | Yea | 26-Jun | H R 4070 | ON Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | Social Security Program Protection Act | |
261 | Yea | 26-Jun | JOURNAL | On Approving the Journal | P | ||
262 | Nay | 26-Jun | ADJOURN | On Motion to Adjourn | F | ||
263 | Nay | 26-Jun | ADJOURN | On Motion to Adjourn | F | ||
264 | Yea | 26-Jun | H RES 450 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Relating to consideration of the Senate Amendment to H.R. 3009; Andean Trade Preference Act | |
265 | Yea | 26-Jun | H R 3764 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | Securities and Exchange Commission Authorization Act | |
266 | Yea | 26-Jun | H R 3180 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass | P | To Consent to Certain Amendments to the New Hampshire-Vermont Interstate School Compact | |
267 | Yea | 27-Jun | JOURNAL | On Approving the Journal | P | ||
268 | Nay | 27-Jun | ADJOURN | On Motion to Adjourn | F | ||
269 | Nay | 27-Jun | H R 5010 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Tierney of Massachusetts Amendment | |
270 | Yea | 27-Jun | H R 5010 | On Passage | P | Department of Defense Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2003 | |
271 | Yea | 27-Jun | H CON RES 424 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree | P | Commending the Patriotic Contibutions of the Roofing Professionals Involved in the Rebuilding of the Pentagon | |
272 | Yea | 27-Jun | H R 3034 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass | P | Frank Sinatra Post Office Building | |
273 | Yea | 27-Jun | H RES 459 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree | P | Expressing the Sense of the House of Representatives that Newdow v. U.S. Congress was Erroneously Decided, and for other purposes | |
274 | Yea | 27-Jun | H RES 462 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Providing for consideration of H.R. 5011; Military Construction Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2003 | |
275 | Yea | 27-Jun | H RES 462 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Myrick of North Carolina Amendment | |
276 | Yea | 27-Jun | H RES 462 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for consideration of H.R. 5011; Military Construction Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2003 | |
277 | Yea | 27-Jun | H R 5011 | On Passage | P | Military Construction Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2003 | |
278 | Nay | 27-Jun | S 2578 | Motion to Commit with Instructions | F | To amend title 31 of the United States Code to increase the public debt limit. | |
279 | Yea | 27-Jun | S 2578 | On Passage | P | To amend title 31 of the United States Code to increase the public debt limit. | |
280 | Yea | 27-Jun | H RES 465 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for consideration of H.R. 4954; Medicare Modernization and Prescription Drug Act of 2002 | |
281 | Nay | 28-Jun | H R 4954 | On Motion to Recommit with Instructions | F | Medicare Modernization and Prescription Drug Act of 2002 | |
282 | Yea | 28-Jun | H R 4954 | On Passage | P | Medicare Modernization and Prescription Drug Act of 2002 | |
283 | No Vote | 8-Jul | H R 4609 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass | P | Rathdrum Prairie Spokane Valley Aquifer Study Act | |
284 | No Vote | 8-Jul | H R 2643 | On motion to suspend the rules and pass, as amended | P | Fort Clatsop National Memorial Expansion Act | |
285 | No Vote | 9-Jul | H R 3295 | On Motion to Instruct Conferees | P | Help America Vote Act | |
286 | No Vote | 9-Jul | H R 5063 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass | P | Armed Forces Tax Fairness Act | |
287 | No Vote | 9-Jul | H RES 393 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, As Amended | P | Concerning the Rise in Anti-Semitism in Europe | |
288 | Yea | 10-Jul | H R 4635 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | DeFazio of Oregon Amendment | |
289 | Yea | 10-Jul | H R 4635 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Hostettler of Indiana Amendment | |
290 | Nay | 10-Jul | H R 4635 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Hostettler of Indiana Amendment | |
291 | Yea | 10-Jul | H R 4635 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | DeFazio of Oregon Amendment | |
292 | Yea | 10-Jul | H R 4635 | On Passage | P | Arming Pilots Against Terrorism Act | |
293 | Yea | 11-Jul | H R 2733 | On Passage | P | Enterprise Integration Act | |
294 | Yea | 11-Jul | H R 2486 | On Passage | P | Inland Flood Forecasting and Warning System Act | |
295 | Yea | 12-Jul | H R 4687 | On Passage | P | National Construction Safety Team Act | |
296 | Yea | 15-Jul | H R 3482 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | Cyber Security Enhancement Act | |
297 | Yea | 15-Jul | H R 4755 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass | P | Clarence Miller Post Office Building Designation Act | |
298 | Nay | X | 15-Jul | H R 3479 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | F | National Aviation Capacity Expansion Act |
299 | Yea | 16-Jul | H R 5118 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | Corporate Fraud Accountability Act of 2002 | |
300 | Yea | 16-Jul | H RES 482 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree | P | Honoring Ted Williams and extending the condolences of the House of Representatives on his death. | |
301 | Yea | 16-Jul | H RES 452 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree | P | Congratulating the Detroit Red Wings for winning the 2002 Stanley Cup Championship | |
302 | Yea | 16-Jul | H RES 483 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for the consideration of H.R. 5093; Department of Interior Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2003 | |
303 | Yea | 16-Jul | H R 4866 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | F | Fed Up Higher Education Technical Amendments of 2002 | |
304 | Yea | 16-Jul | H CON RES 395 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as Amended | P | Celebrating the 50th anniversary of the constitution of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. | |
305 | Nay | 16-Jul | H R 5093 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Toomey of Pennsylvania Amendment | |
306 | Yea | 16-Jul | H R 5093 | On motion to limit debate | P | Department of Interior Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2003 | |
307 | Nay | 16-Jul | H R 5093 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Flake of Arizona Amendment | |
308 | Nay | 16-Jul | MOTION | On Motion that the Committee Rise | F | ||
309 | Yea | 17-Jul | JOURNAL | On Approving the Journal | P | ||
310 | Yea | X | 17-Jul | H R 5093 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Slaughter of New York Amendment |
311 | Nay | 17-Jul | H R 5093 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Rahall of West Virginia Amendment | |
312 | Nay | 17-Jul | H R 5093 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Hayworth of Arizona Amendment | |
313 | Nay | 17-Jul | H R 3763 | On Motion to Instruct Conferees | F | Corporate and Auditing Accountability and Responsibility Act | |
314 | Nay | X | 17-Jul | H R 5093 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Tancredo of Colorado Amendment |
315 | Yea | X | 17-Jul | H R 5093 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Capps of California Amendment |
316 | Nay | 17-Jul | H R 5093 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Blumenauer of Oregon Amendment | |
317 | Nay | X | 17-Jul | H R 5093 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Shadegg of Arizona Amendment |
318 | Yea | 17-Jul | H R 5093 | On Passage | P | Department of Interior Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2003 | |
319 | Yea | 18-Jul | H RES 489 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for consideration of H.R. 5121; Legislative Branch Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2003 | |
320 | Nay | 18-Jul | H R 5121 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Moran of Virginia Amendment | |
321 | Yea | 18-Jul | H R 5121 | On Passage | P | Legislative Branch Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2003 | |
322 | Yea | 18-Jul | H RES 488 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Providing for the consideration of H.R. 5120, Treasury and General Appropriations Act, 2003 | |
323 | Yea | 18-Jul | H RES 488 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for the consideration of H.R. 5120, Treasury and General Appropriations Act, 2003 | |
324 | Yea | 22-Jul | H CON RES 439 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree | P | Honoring Corinne Lindy Clairborne Boggs on the Occasion of the 25th Anniversary of the Founding of the Congressional Womens Caucus | |
325 | Yea | 22-Jul | H RES 492 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree | P | Expressing gratitude for the 10-month World Trade Center cleanup and recovery efforts at the Fresh Kills Landfill on Staten Island, New York, following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 | |
326 | Yea | 23-Jul | JOURNAL | On Approving the Journal | P | ||
327 | Yea | 23-Jul | H R 3479 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | National Aviation Capacity Expansion Act | |
328 | Yea | 23-Jul | H R 4775 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | 2002 Supplemental Appropriations Act for Further Recovery From and Response To Terrorist Attacks on the United States | |
329 | Nay | 23-Jul | H J RES 101 | On Passage | F | Disapproving the Extension of the Waiver Authority Contained in Section 402(c) of the Trade Act of 1974 with Respect to Vietnam | |
330 | Yea | 23-Jul | H R 5120 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Goss of Florida Amendment | |
331 | Nay | 23-Jul | H R 5120 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Flake of Arizona Amendment | |
332 | Nay | 23-Jul | H R 5120 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Flake of Arizona Amendment | |
333 | Nay | 23-Jul | H R 5120 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Rangel of New York Amendment | |
334 | Yea | 23-Jul | H R 3609 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | Pipeline Infrastructure Protection to Enhance Security and Safety Act | |
335 | Yea | 24-Jul | H R 4547 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | Cost of War Against Terrorism Authorization Act of 2002 | |
336 | Yea | X | 24-Jul | H R 5120 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Moran of Virginia Amendment |
337 | Nay | X | 24-Jul | H R 5120 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Hefley of Colorado Amendment |
338 | Nay | X | 24-Jul | H R 5120 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Hefley of Colorado Amendment |
339 | Yea | X | 24-Jul | H R 5120 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Sanders of Vermont Amendment |
340 | Yea | 24-Jul | H RES 498 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for consideration of the bill H.R. 4965; Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act | |
341 | Yea | 24-Jul | H R 5120 | On Passage | P | Treasury and General Government Appropriations Act, 2003 | |
342 | Nay | 24-Jul | H R 4965 | On Motion to Recommit with Instructions | F | Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act | |
343 | Yea | 24-Jul | H R 4965 | On Passage | P | Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act | |
344 | Yea | 24-Jul | H CON RES 188 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, As Amended | P | Expressing the sense of Congress that the Government of the Peoples Republic of China should cease its persecution of Falun Gong practitioners | |
345 | Nay | 24-Jul | H RES 495 | On motion to postpone consideration | F | In the matter of James A. Traficant, Jr. | |
346 | Yea | 24-Jul | H RES 495 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | In the matter of James A. Traficant, Jr. | |
347 | Nay | 25-Jul | H R 4628 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Roemer of Indiana Amendment as Amended | |
348 | Yea | 25-Jul | H R 3763 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | Corporate and Auditing Accountability and Responsibility Act | |
349 | Yea | 25-Jul | H R 4546 | On Motion to Instruct Conferees | P | Department of Defense Authorization Act for FY 2003 | |
350 | Yea | 25-Jul | H R 4546 | On Closing Portions of the Conference | P | Department of Defense Authorization Act for FY 2003 | |
351 | Yea | 25-Jul | H R 4946 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | Improving Access to Long-Term Care Act | |
352 | Nay | 26-Jul | H R 5005 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Waxman of California Amendment | |
353 | Nay | 26-Jul | H R 5005 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Oberstar of Minnesota Amendment | |
354 | Nay | 26-Jul | H R 5005 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Cardin of Maryland Amendment | |
355 | Yea | 26-Jul | H R 5005 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Rogers of Kentucky Amendment | |
356 | Yea | 26-Jul | H R 5005 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Shays of Connecticut Amendment | |
357 | Nay | 26-Jul | H R 5005 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Morella of Maryland Amendment | |
358 | Yea | 26-Jul | H R 5005 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Quinn of New York Amendment | |
359 | Nay | 26-Jul | H R 5005 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Turner of Texas Amendment | |
360 | Nay | 26-Jul | H R 5005 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Waxman of California Amendment | |
361 | Yea | 26-Jul | H R 5005 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Armey of Texas Amendments (en bloc) | |
362 | Nay | 26-Jul | H R 5005 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Oberstar of Minnesota Amendment | |
363 | Nay | 26-Jul | H R 5005 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Schakowsky of Illinois Amendment | |
364 | Yea | 26-Jul | H R 5005 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Tom Davis of Virginia Amendment | |
365 | Nay | 26-Jul | H R 5005 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Weldon of Florida Amendment | |
366 | Yea | X | 26-Jul | H R 5005 | On Motion to Recommit with Instructions | P | Homeland Security Act |
367 | Yea | 26-Jul | H R 5005 | On Passage | P | Homeland Security Act | |
368 | Yea | 27-Jul | H RES 507 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Waiving a requirement of clause 6(a) of rule XIII with respect to consideration of certain resolutions reported from the Committee on Rules | |
369 | Yea | 27-Jul | H RES 509 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Waiving Points of Order Against the Conference Report on H.R. 2002, Trade Act of 2002 | |
370 | Nay | X | 27-Jul | H R 3009 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | Andean Trade Preference Act |
371 | Yea | 4-Sep | H R 5203 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, As Amended | F | Education Savings and School Excellence Permanence Act of 2002 | |
372 | Yea | 4-Sep | H R 3287 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass | P | To redesignate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 900 Brentwood Road, NE, in Washington D.C. as the Joseph Curseen, Jr. and Thomas Morris, Jr. Processing and Distribution Center | |
373 | Yea | 5-Sep | H R 4727 | On Passage | P | Dam Safety and Security Act | |
374 | Yea | 5-Sep | H RES 94 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree | P | Honoring the contributions of Venus and Serena Williams | |
375 | No Vote | 9-Sep | H R 5157 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass | P | Federal Transit Formula Grants Flexibility | |
376 | No Vote | 9-Sep | H CON RES 401 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as Amended | P | Recognizing the Heroism and Courage Displayed by Airline Flight Attendants Each Day | |
377 | No Vote | 9-Sep | H RES 516 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree | P | Congratulating the Valley Sports American Little League Baseball Team from Louisville, Kentucky, for their Outstanding Performance in the Little League World Series | |
378 | No Vote | 10-Sep | H R 5010 | On Closing Portions of the Conference | P | Department of Defense Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2003 | |
379 | No Vote | 10-Sep | H R 3210 | On Motion to Instruct Conferees | P | Trade Act of 2002 | |
380 | No Vote | 10-Sep | JOURNAL | On Approving the Journal | P | ||
381 | No Vote | 10-Sep | H RES 513 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as Amended | P | Recognizing the Historical Significance and Timeliness of the United States-Ireland Business Summit | |
382 | No Vote | 10-Sep | H R 3880 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | Temporary Waiver for New York Areas for Clean Air Transportation Conformity and Metropolitan Planning Requirements | |
383 | No Vote | 10-Sep | H CON RES 320 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, As Amended | P | Expressing the sense of the Congress regarding Scleroderma | |
384 | Yea | 11-Sep | H CON RES 464 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Expressing the Sense of the Congress on the Anniversary of the Terrorist Attacks Launched Against the United States on September 11, 2001 | |
385 | Yea | 12-Sep | H R 1646 | On Motion to Go to Conference | P | Department of State Authorization for FY 2002 and 2003 | |
386 | Yea | 12-Sep | JOURNAL | On Approving the Journal | P | ||
387 | Yea | 12-Sep | H RES 521 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for the Consideration of H.R. 5193, Back to School Tax Relief Act | |
388 | Yea | 17-Sep | H CON RES 435 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree | P | Expressing the Sense of the Congress that the Therapeutic Technique Known as Rebirthing is a Dangerous and Harmful Practice and Should be Prohibited | |
389 | Yea | 17-Sep | H R 4102 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass | P | Rollan D. Melton Post Office Building | |
390 | Yea | 17-Sep | H R 5333 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass | P | Joseph D. Early Post Office Building | |
391 | Yea | 18-Sep | H RES 528 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for the Consideration of H.R. 1701, Consumer Rental Purchase Agreement Act | |
392 | Nay | 18-Sep | H R 1701 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | LaFalce of New York Amendment | |
393 | Nay | 18-Sep | H R 1701 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Waters of California Amendment | |
394 | Nay | 18-Sep | H R 1701 | On Motion to Recommit with Instructions | F | Consumer Rental Purchase Agreement Act | |
395 | Yea | 18-Sep | H R 1701 | On Passage | P | Consumer Rental Purchase Agreement Act | |
396 | Yea | 19-Sep | JOURNAL | On Approving the Journal | P | ||
397 | Yea | 19-Sep | H RES 527 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Providing for consideration of H.Res. 524; sense of the House that Congress should complete action on the Permanent Death Tax Repeal Act, and H.Res. 525 sense of the House that Congress should complete action on legislation extendingand strengthing the successful 1996 welfare reforms. | |
398 | Yea | 19-Sep | H RES 527 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for consideration of H.Res. 524; sense of the House that Congress should complete action on the Permanent Death Tax Repeal Act, and H.Res. 525 sense of the House that Congress should complete action on legislation extendingand strengthing the successful 1996 welfare reforms. | |
399 | Yea | 19-Sep | H RES 523 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree | P | Recognizing the Contributions of Historically Black Colleges and Universities | |
400 | Yea | 19-Sep | H RES 525 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that the 107th Congress should complete action on and present to the President, before September 30, 2002, legislation extending and strengthing the successful 1996 welfare reforms. | |
401 | Yea | 19-Sep | H RES 524 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Expressing the sense of the House that Congress should complete action on the Permanent Death Tax Repeal Act of 2002 | |
402 | Yea | 19-Sep | H CON RES 337 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree | P | Recognizing the Teams and Players of the Negro Baseball Leagues for their Achievements, Dedication, Sacrifices, and Contributions to Baseball and the Nation | |
403 | Yea | 19-Sep | H R 3295 | On Motion to Instruct Conferees | P | Help America Vote Act | |
404 | Yea | 24-Sep | H CON RES 472 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree | P | Recognizing the 100th Anniversary of the 4-H Youth Development Program | |
405 | Yea | 24-Sep | H CON RES 301 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree | P | Expressing the Sense of Congress regarding American Gold Star Mothers, Inc., Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc., the Service Flag, and the Service Lapel Button | |
406 | Yea | 24-Sep | H RES 533 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree | P | Welcoming Madame Chen Wu Sue-jen, the First Lady of Taiwan, to Washington, D.C. | |
407 | Yea | 25-Sep | JOURNAL | On Approving the Journal | P | ||
408 | Yea | 25-Sep | H R 2982 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, As Amended | P | Victims of Terrorist Attacks Memorial Act | |
409 | Yea | 25-Sep | H CON RES 297 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree | P | Recognizing the historical significance of 100 years of Korean immigration to the United States | |
410 | Yea | 25-Sep | H RES 546 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for Consideration of H.R. 4691, Abortion Non-Discrimination Act | |
411 | Nay | 25-Sep | H R 4691 | On Motion to Recommit with Instructions | F | Abortion Non-Discrimination Act | |
412 | Yea | 25-Sep | H R 4691 | On Passage | P | Abortion Non-Discrimination Act | |
413 | Yea | 25-Sep | H RES 547 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Providing for consideration of H.Res 540 regarding completion of Congressional action on H.R. 3762, Pension Security; H. Res. 544, regarding permanency of pension reform provisions; and H.Res. 543, regarding completion of Congressionalaction on H.R. 4019, making marriage tax relief permanent. | |
414 | Yea | 25-Sep | H RES 540 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Sense of the House that Congress should complete action on H.R. 3762, Pension Security Act of 2002 | |
415 | Yea | 25-Sep | H RES 544 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Expressing the Sense of the House of Representatives on Permanency of Pension Reform Provisions | |
416 | Yea | 26-Sep | H RES 552 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Waiving points of order against the conference report to accompany H.R. 2215; Department of Justice Authorization | |
417 | Yea | 26-Sep | JOURNAL | On Approving the Journal | P | ||
418 | Yea | 26-Sep | H R 3295 | On Motion to Instruct Conferees | P | Help America Vote Act | |
419 | Yea | 26-Sep | H RES 553 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for consideration of H.R. 4600; Help Efficient, Accessible, Low Cost, Timely Healthcare Act of 2002 | |
420 | Nay | 26-Sep | H R 4600 | On Motion to Recommit with Instructions | F | Help Efficient, Accessible, Low Cost, Timely Healthcare Act of 2002 | |
421 | Yea | 26-Sep | H R 4600 | On Passage | P | Help Efficient, Accessible, Low Cost, Timely Healthcare Act of 2002 | |
422 | Yea | 26-Sep | H R 2215 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | To authorize appropriations for the Department of Justice for fiscal year 2002, and for other purposes. | |
423 | Yea | 26-Sep | H J RES 111 | On Passage | P | Making continuing appropriations for fiscal year 2003, and for other purposes | |
424 | Yea | 1-Oct | S 434 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | Yankton Sioux Tribe of South Dakota and Santee Sioux Tribe of Nebraska Compensation | |
425 | Yea | 1-Oct | H R 4125 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | Federal Courts Improvement Act of 2002 | |
426 | Yea | 1-Oct | H RES 538 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree | P | Honoring Johnny Unitas and extending condolences to his family on his passing | |
427 | Yea | 2-Oct | JOURNAL | On Approving the Journal | P | ||
428 | Yea | 2-Oct | H CON RES 476 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree | P | Expressing support for the goals and ideas of a day of tribute to all fire- fighters who have died in the line of duty and recognizing the important mission of the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation | |
429 | Yea | 2-Oct | H R 2357 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass | F | House of Worship Political Speech Protection Act | |
430 | Yea | 2-Oct | H RES 543 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Expressing the sense of the House that Congress should complete action on H.R. 4019; making marriage tax relief permanent | |
431 | Yea | 2-Oct | H RES 559 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Expressing the sense of the House that each State should examine its existing statutes, practices, and procedures governing special elections so that, in the event of a catastrophe, vacancies in the House of Representatives may be filled in a timely fashion. | |
432 | Yea | 2-Oct | H R 3295 | On Motion to Instruct Conferees | P | Help America Vote Act | |
433 | Yea | 2-Oct | MOTION | Table the Appeal of the Ruling of the Chair | P | ||
434 | Yea | 2-Oct | MOTION | Table the Appeal of the Ruling of the Chair | P | ||
435 | Yea | 2-Oct | MOTION | Table the Appeal of the Ruling of the Chair | P | ||
436 | Yea | 2-Oct | MOTION | Table the Appeal of the Ruling of the Chair | P | ||
437 | Yea | 3-Oct | JOURNAL | On Approving the Journal | P | ||
438 | Yea | 3-Oct | H RES 568 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Providing for consideration of H.J.Res. 112; Making further continuing appropriations for fiscal year 2003 | |
439 | Yea | 3-Oct | H J RES 112 | On Passage | P | Making further continuing appropriations for fiscal year 2003 | |
440 | Yea | 3-Oct | MOTION | Table appeal of the ruling of the chair | P | ||
441 | Yea | 3-Oct | MOTION | Table appeal of the ruling of the chair | P | ||
442 | Yea | 7-Oct | H R 3340 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | Thrift Savings Plan Catch-Up Contributions; Merit Systems Protection Board Reauthorization; Office of Special Counsel Reauthorization | |
443 | Yea | 7-Oct | H R 5531 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | Sudan Peace Act | |
444 | Yea | 7-Oct | H RES 468 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as Amended | P | Transatlantic Security and NATO Enhancement Resolution | |
445 | Yea | 8-Oct | S 2690 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | To reaffirm the reference to one Nation under God in the Pledge of Allegiance | |
446 | Yea | 8-Oct | H R 5422 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | Child Abduction Prevention Act | |
447 | Yea | 8-Oct | H RES 549 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree | P | Expressing appreciation for the Prime Minister of Great Britain for his loyal support and leadership in the war on terrorism and reaffirming the strong relationship between the people of the United States and Great Britain. | |
448 | Yea | 9-Oct | H R 5542 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | Black Lung Consolidation of Administrative Responsibility Act | |
449 | Yea | 9-Oct | H J RES 113 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | Recognizing the contributions of Patsy T. Mink | |
450 | Yea | 9-Oct | H R 3580 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | Medical Device User Fee and Modernization Act | |
451 | Yea | 9-Oct | H R 5557 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass | P | Armed Forces Tax Fairness Act | |
452 | Nay | 10-Oct | H J RES 114 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Lee of California Substitute Amendment | |
453 | Nay | 10-Oct | H J RES 114 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Spratt of South Carolina Substitute Amendment | |
454 | Nay | 10-Oct | H J RES 114 | On Motion to Recommit with Instructions | F | To Authorize the Use of United States Armed Forces Against Iraq | |
455 | Yea | 10-Oct | H J RES 114 | On Passage | P | To Authorize the Use of United States Armed Forces Against Iraq | |
456 | Yea | 10-Oct | H RES 579 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Waiving points of order against the conference report to accompany H.R. 5010 making appropriations for the Department of Defense for FY 2003 | |
457 | Yea | 10-Oct | H R 5010 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | Department of Defense Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2003 | |
458 | Yea | 10-Oct | H R 5011 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | Military Construction Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2003 | |
459 | Yea | 10-Oct | H RES 580 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for the Consideration of H.J. Res. 122, Further Continuing Approriations for FY 2003 | |
460 | Nay | 10-Oct | H J RES 122 | On Motion to Recommit with Instructions | F | Making further continuing appropriations for the fiscal year 2003 | |
461 | Yea | 10-Oct | H J RES 122 | On Passage | P | Making further continuing appropriations for the fiscal year 2003 | |
462 | Yea | 10-Oct | H R 3295 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | Help America Vote Act | |
463 | Yea | 10-Oct | H R 4546 | On Motion to Instruct Conferees | P | Department of Defense Authorization Act for FY 2003 | |
464 | Yea | 16-Oct | JOURNAL | On Approving the Journal | P | ||
465 | Yea | 16-Oct | H R 2155 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | To amend title 18, United States Code, to make it illegal to operate a motor vehicle with a drug or alcohol in the body of the driver at a land border port of entry. | |
466 | Yea | 16-Oct | S 1533 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | Health Care Safety Net Amendments | |
467 | Yea | 16-Oct | H RES 585 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Providing for consideration of H.J. Res 123; Making further continuing appropriations for fiscal year 2003 | |
468 | Yea | 16-Oct | H RES 585 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for consideration of H.J. Res 123; Making further continuing appropriations for fiscal year 2003 | |
469 | Nay | 16-Oct | H J RES 123 | On Motion to Recommit with Instructions | F | Making further continuing appropriations for the fiscal year 2003 | |
470 | Yea | 16-Oct | H J RES 123 | On Passage | P | Making further continuing appropriations for the fiscal year 2003 | |
471 | Nay | 13-Nov | ADJOURN | On Motion to Adjourn | F | ||
472 | Yea | 13-Nov | H RES 602 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for consideration of H.J. Res 124, making further continuing appropriations for the fiscal year 2003; and for consideration of H.R. 5708, to reduce preexisting PAYGO balances. | |
473 | Nay | 13-Nov | H J RES 124 | On Motion to Recommit with Instructions | F | Making further continuing appropriations for the fiscal year 2003, and for other purposes. | |
474 | Yea | 13-Nov | H J RES 124 | On Passage | P | Making further continuing appropriations for the fiscal year 2003, and for other purposes. | |
475 | Yea | 13-Nov | H RES 600 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for consideration of H.R. 5710; to establish a Department of Homeland Security | |
476 | Nay | 13-Nov | H R 5710 | On Motion to Recommit with Instructions | F | Homeland Security Act | |
477 | Yea | 13-Nov | H R 5710 | On Passage | P | Homeland Security Act | |
478 | Yea | 14-Nov | H RES 606 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | F | Waiving Points of Order Against the Conference Report on H.R. 333, Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act | |
479 | Yea | 14-Nov | H RES 609 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Providing for the Consideration of the Senate Amendments to H.R. 5063, Armed Forces Tax Fairness Act | |
480 | Yea | 14-Nov | H RES 609 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for the Consideration of the Senate Amendments to H.R. 5063, Armed Forces Tax Fairness Act | |
481 | Nay | 14-Nov | H R 5708 | On Motion to Recommit with Instructions | F | To reduce preexisting PAYGO balances | |
482 | Yea | 14-Nov | H R 5708 | On Passage | P | To reduce preexisting PAYGO balances | |
483 | Yea | 15-Nov | H R 4628 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2003 | |
484 | Yea | 15-Nov | H R 333 | agree to senate amendment with an amendment | P | Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act |
344 Yea, 122 Nay, 1 Present, 17 No Vote (3.51 %)
28 votes (5.79 %) not with majority of R-party.