Voting Record For Hinchey (D)

An 'X' in the P column indicates a vote where a Representatives vote differs from the vote of the majority of their Party.

Vote NumberVotePDateIssueQuestionResultDescription
1Present6-JanQUORUMCall of the HouseP 
3Nay6-JanH RES 5On Ordering the Previous QuestionPAdopting rules for the One Hundred Sixth Congress
4Yea6-JanH RES 5On Motion to Commit with InstructionsFAdopting rules for the One Hundred Sixth Congress
5Nay6-JanH RES 5On Agreeing to the ResolutionPAdopting rules for the One Hundred Sixth Congress
6Nay6-JanH RES 10On Agreeing to the ResolutionPAppointment of Managers to Conduct an Impeachment Trial
7Yea2-FebH R 68On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPSmall Business Investment Company Technical Corrections Act
8Yea2-FebH R 432On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPDante B. Fascell North-South Center Designation
9Yea3-FebH R 99On PassagePFederal Aviation Administration Programs Extension
10Yea3-FebH R 98On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPAviation War Risk Insurance Program Extension
11Yea3-FebJOURNALOn Approving the JournalP 
12Yea9-FebH R 440On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPMicroloan Program Technical Corrections Act
13Yea9-FebH R 439On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPPaperwork Elimination Act
14Yea9-FebH R 435On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPMiscellaneous Trade and Technical Corrections Act
15Yea10-FebH R 350On Agreeing to the AmendmentFBoehlert of New York Amendment
16Yea10-FebH R 350On Agreeing to the AmendmentFWaxman of California Amendment
17Nay10-FebH R 350On PassagePMandates Information Act
18Yea10-FebS CON RES 7On Agreeing to the ResolutionPHonoring the life and legacy of King Hussein ibn Talal al-Hashem
19Yea11-FebH R 391On Agreeing to the AmendmentFKucinich of Ohio Amendment
20Nay11-FebH R 391On PassagePSmall Business Paperwork Reduction Act Amendments
21Yea11-FebH R 437On PassagePPresidential and Executive Office Financial Accountability Act
22Yea23-FebH R 171On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPCoastal Heritage Trail Route in New Jersey
23Yea23-FebH R 193On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPSudbury, Assabet, and Concord Wild and Scenic River Act
24No Vote24-FebH R 438On PassagePWireless Communications and Public Safety Act
25Yea24-FebH R 436On PassagePGovernment Waste, Fraud and Error Reduction Act
26Yea24-FebH R 409On PassagePFederal Financial Assistance Management Improvement Act
27Yea25-FebJOURNALOn Approving the JournalP 
28NayX25-FebH R 514On PassagePWireless Privacy Enhancement Act
29Yea2-MarH J RES 32Suspend the rules and pass, as amendedPExpressing the Sense of the Congress Concerning the Social Security Guarantee Initiative
30Yea2-MarH R 609Suspend the rules and passPTo Amend the Export Apple and Pear Act to Limit the Applicability of the Act to Apples
31Yea3-MarH R 669On PassagePPeace Corps Authorizations FY2000-FY2003
32Yea3-MarH R 603On PassagePClarify the Application of the Death on the High Seas Act to Aviation Incidents
33Yea4-MarH R 707On PassagePDisaster Mitigation and Cost Reduction Act
34No Vote10-MarJOURNALOn Approving the JournalP 
35No Vote10-MarH R 540Suspend the Rules and PassPNursing Home Resident Protection Amendments
36No Vote10-MarH RES 100On Ordering the Previous QuestionPProviding for consideration of H.R. 800; Education Flexibility Partnership Act
37Yea10-MarH R 800On Agreeing to the AmendmentFHolt of New Jersey to Ehlers of Michigan Amendment
38Yea10-MarH R 800On Agreeing to the AmendmentAEhlers of Michigan Amendment
39Yea10-MarH R 800On Agreeing to the AmendmentFGeorge Miller of California Amendment
40Yea11-MarH R 800On Agreeing to the AmendmentFScott of Virginia Amendment
41NayX11-MarH R 800On PassagePEducation Flexibility Partnership Act
42Yea11-MarH R 808Suspend the rules and pass, as amendedPShort-Term Extension of Farm Bankruptcy Law
43Yea11-MarH RES 32Suspend the Rules and AgreePExpressing Support for Open Elections in Indonesia
44Yea11-MarH CON RES 28Suspend the rules and agree, as amendedPExpressing the Sense of Congress criticizing China for its Human Rights Abuses
45Nay11-MarH RES 103On Ordering the Previous QuestionPProviding for consideration of H.Con.Res. 42; Peacekeeping Operations in Kosovo
46Nay11-MarH RES 103On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for consideration of H.Con.Res. 42; Peacekeeping Operations in Kosovo
47Nay11-MarMOTIONSustain the ruling of the chairP 
48Nay11-MarH CON RES 42On Agreeing to the AmendmentFFowler of Florida to Gejdenson of Connecticut
49Yea11-MarH CON RES 42On Agreeing to the ResolutionPPeacekeeping Operations in Kosovo
50Yea16-MarH R 819On PassagePFederal Maritime Commission Authorization Act
51Yea16-MarH R 774On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPWomens Business Center Amendments Act of 1999
52Yea16-MarH CON RES 24On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePExpressing Congressional Opposition to the Unilateral Declaration of a Palestinian State
53Yea17-MarH R 820On Agreeing to the AmendmentAUpton of Michigan Amendment
54Yea17-MarH R 820On Agreeing to the AmendmentALoBiondo of New Jersey Amendment
55Yea17-MarH R 820On PassagePCoast Guard Authorization Act of 1999
56Yea17-MarH R 975On PassagePProvide for a Reduction in the Volume of Steel Imports
57Nay18-MarH RES 120On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for consideration of H.R. 4; National Missile Defense System
58Yea18-MarH R 4On Motion to Recommit with InstructionsFNational Missile Defense System
59NayX18-MarH R 4On PassagePNational Missile Defense System
60Nay23-MarH RES 121On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreeFAffirming the Congress Opposition to All Forms of Racism and Bigotry
61Yea23-MarH R 70On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPArlington National Cemetery Burial Eligibility Act
62Yea23-MarH CON RES 56Suspend the Rules and AgreePCommemorating the 20th Anniversary of the Taiwan Relations Act
63Yea23-MarH CON RES 37Suspend the Rules and Agree, as amendedPConcerning Anti-Semitic Statements Made by Members of the Duma of the Russian Federation
64Yea23-MarH R 800On Motion to Instruct ConfereesFEducation Flexibility Partnership Act
65Yea23-MarH RES 101On Motion to Recommit with InstructionsFCommittee Funding Resolution for the 106th Congress
66Nay23-MarH RES 101On Agreeing to the ResolutionPCommittee Funding Resolution for the 106th Congress
67YeaX24-MarH R 1141On Agreeing to the AmendmentFStenholm of Texas Amendment
68Yea24-MarH R 1141On Agreeing to the AmendmentFObey of Wisconsin Amendment
69Nay24-MarH R 1141On Agreeing to the AmendmentFTiahrt of Kansas Amendment
70Nay24-MarH R 1141On PassagePEmergency Supplemental Appropriations for FY 1999
71Yea24-MarH RES 130On Agreeing to the ResolutionPExpressing support of the House of Representatives for the members of the U.S. Armed Forces engaged in military operations against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
72Nay25-MarH RES 131On Ordering the Previous QuestionPProviding for the consideration of H. Con. Res. 68, Congressional Budget for U.S. Government for FY 2000
73Nay25-MarH RES 131On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for the consideration of H. Con. Res. 68, Congressional Budget for U.S. Government for FY 2000
74Nay25-MarH CON RES 68On Agreeing to the AmendmentFCoburn of Oklahoma Substitute Amendment
75NayX25-MarH CON RES 68On Agreeing to the AmendmentFMinge of Minnesota Substitute Amendment
76Yea25-MarH CON RES 68On Agreeing to the AmendmentFSpratt of South Carolina Substitute Amendment
77Nay25-MarH CON RES 68On Agreeing to the ResolutionPCongressional Budget for U.S. Government for FY 2000
78Yea12-AprH RES 135On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePAgree to Senate Amendments with Amendment to H.R. 98, Aviation War Risk Insurance Program Extension
79Yea12-AprH R 911On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPTo Designate the Federal Building located at 310 New Bern Avenue in Raleigh, North Carolina, as the Terry Sanford Federal Building.
80Yea12-AprH CON RES 68On Motion to Instruct ConfereesPCongressional Budget for U.S. Government for FY 2000
81Yea13-AprH R 46On Motion to Suspend Rules and PassPPublic Safety Officer Medal of Valor Act of 1999
82Yea13-AprH CON RES 35On Motion to Suspend Rules and Agree, as AmendedPCongratulating the State of Qatar and its Citizens for their Commitment to Democratic Ideals and Womens Suffrage
83No Vote14-AprJOURNALOn Approving the JournalP 
84Nay14-AprH RES 137On Agreeing to the ResolutionPWaiving Points of Order Against the Conference Report H. Con. Res 68, Congressional Budget for U.S.Government for FY 2000
85Nay14-AprH CON RES 68On Agreeing to the Conference ReportPCongressional Budget for U.S. Government for FY 2000
86Nay14-AprH RES 138On Ordering the Previous QuestionPProviding for the consideration of H.R. 472, Local Census Quality Control Act
87Nay14-AprH RES 138On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for the consideration of H.R. 472, Local Census Quality Control Act
88Yea14-AprH R 472On Agreeing to the AmendmentFMaloney of New York Substitute Amendment
89Nay14-AprH R 472On PassagePLocal Census Quality Control Act
90Nay15-AprH J RES 37On PassageFProposing an Amendment to the Constitution of the United States With Respect to Tax Limitations
91Yea15-AprH R 1376On PassagePAvailability of Certain Tax Benefits For Services As Part of Operation Allied Force
92Yea20-AprH R 573On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPTo Authorize the President to Award a Gold Medal on Behalf of the Congress to Rosa Parks in Recognition of Her Contribution to the Nation
93Yea20-AprH RES 128On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as AmendedPCondemning the Murder of Human Rights Lawyer Rosemary Nelson and Calling for the Protection of Defense Attorneys in Northern Ireland
94NayX21-AprH R 800On Agreeing to the Conference ReportPEducation Flexibility Partnership Act
95Yea21-AprH R 1184On PassagePEarthquake Hazards Reduction Authorization Act
96Yea22-AprH R 1141On Motion to Instruct ConfereesPEmergency Supplemental Appropriations for FY 1999
97Yea27-AprH R 1554On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPSatellite Copyright, Competition, and Consumer Protection Act
98NayX28-AprJOURNALOn Approving the JournalP 
99Nay28-AprH RES 151On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for Consideration of Certain Bills and Resolutions Concerning the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
100Nay28-AprH R 1569On PassagePMilitary Operations in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Limitation Act
101Nay28-AprH CON RES 82On Agreeing to the ResolutionFDirecting the President, pursuant to section 5(c) of the War Powers Resolution, to remove U.S. Armed Forces from their positions in connection with the present operations against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
102Nay28-AprH J RES 44On PassageFDeclaring a State of War Between the United States and the Government of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
103Yea28-AprS CON RES 21On Agreeing to the ResolutionFAuthorizing the President of the United States to Conduct Military Air Operations and Missile Strikes Against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro)
104Yea29-AprH R 1480On PassagePWater Resources Development Act
105Yea4-MayH CON RES 84On Motion to Suspend Rules and Agree, as AmendedPUrging the Congress and the President to Fully Fund the Federal Governments Obligation Under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
106Yea4-MayH CON RES 88On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePUrging the Congress and the President to Increase Funding for the Pell Grant Program and Existing Campus-Based Aid Programs
107Yea4-MayH RES 157On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePExpressing the sense of the House of Representatives in support of Americas teachers.
108Yea5-MayJOURNALOn Approving the JournalP 
109Nay5-MayH RES 158On Ordering the Previous QuestionPProviding for Consideration of the Bill H.R. 833, Bankruptcy Reform Act
110Yea5-MayH R 833On Agreeing to the AmendmentFHyde of Illinois Amendment
111NayX5-MayH R 833On Agreeing to the AmendmentAMoran of Virginia Amendment
112Yea5-MayH R 833On Agreeing to the AmendmentFConyers of Michigan Amendment
113Yea5-MayH R 833On Agreeing to the AmendmentFWatt of North Carolina Amendment
114Yea5-MayH R 833On Agreeing to the AmendmentFNadler of New York Substitute Amendment (As Modified)
115Nay5-MayH R 833On PassagePBankruptcy Reform Act of 1999
116Nay6-MayH RES 159On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for consideration of H.R. 1664; Making emergency supplemental appropriations relating to the conflict in Kosovo
117Nay6-MayH R 1664On Agreeing to the AmendmentFCoburn of Oklahoma Amendment
118Yea6-MayH R 1664On Agreeing to the AmendmentFObey of Wisconsin Amendment
119Nay6-MayH R 1664On Agreeing to the AmendmentFIstook of Oklahoma Amendment
120Yea6-MayH R 1664On PassagePKosovo and Southwest Asia Supplemental Appropriations Act, 1999
121Yea11-MayH R 1550On Motion to Suspend Rules and Pass, as AmendedPFire Administration Authorization Act of 1999
122Yea11-MayH RES 165On Motion to Suspend Rules and AgreePHonoring and Recognizing Slain Peace Officers
123Nay12-MayH RES 166On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for consideration of H.R. 775; Year 2000 Readiness and Responsibility Act
124Yea12-MayH R 775On Agreeing to the AmendmentFScott of Virginia Amendment
125Yea12-MayH R 775On Agreeing to the AmendmentFNadler of New York Amendment
126Yea12-MayH R 775On Agreeing to the AmendmentFConyers of Michigan Substitute Amendment
127Yea12-MayH R 775On Motion to Recommit with InstructionsFYear 2000 Readiness and Responsibility Act
128Nay12-MayH R 775On PassagePYear 2000 Readiness and Responsibility Act
129Nay13-MayH R 1555On Agreeing to the AmendmentFSanders of Vermont Amendment, as Amended
130Yea13-MayH R 1141On Motion to Instruct ConfereesPEmergency Supplemental Appropriations for FY 1999
131YeaX18-MayH RES 173On Agreeing to the ResolutionPWaiving points of order against the conference report to accompany H.R. 1141; Emergency Supplemental Appropriations FY 1999
132Yea18-MayH R 1141On Motion to Recommit the Conference ReportFEmergency Supplemental Appropriations for FY 1999
133NayX18-MayH R 1141On Agreeing to the Conference ReportPEmergency Supplemental Appropriations for FY 1999
134Yea19-MayH R 1654On Agreeing to the AmendmentAWeiner of New York Amendment
135Nay19-MayH R 1654On Agreeing to the AmendmentFRoemer of Indiana Amendment
136Nay19-MayH R 1654On Agreeing to the AmendmentFRoemer of Indiana Amendment
137Nay19-MayH R 1654On Agreeing to the AmendmentFRoemer of Indiana Amendment
138YeaX19-MayH R 1654On Agreeing to the AmendmentFBateman of Virginia Amendment
139Nay19-MayH R 1654On PassagePNational Aeronautics and Space Administration Authorization Act of 1999
140Nay20-MayH RES 180On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for consideration of H.R. 883; American Land Sovereignty Protection Act
141Yea20-MayH R 883On Agreeing to the AmendmentAVento of Minnesota Amendment
142Yea20-MayH R 883On Agreeing to the AmendmentFUdall of Colorado Amendment
143Yea20-MayH R 883on agreeing to the amendment, as amendedASweeney of New York Amendment (As Amended)
144NayX20-MayH R 4On Agreeing to the Senate AmendmentPNational Missile Defense System
145No Vote24-MayH R 1251Suspend the rules and passPDesignating the Noal Cushing Bateman Post Office Building
146No Vote24-MayH R 100On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPTo establish designations for United States Postal Service Buildings in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
147Yea25-MayH RES 185On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for Consideration of H.R. 1906; Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies for FY 2000
148Yea25-MayS 249On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPMissing, Exploited, and Runaway Children Protection Act
149Yea25-MayH R 1833On Motion to Suspend Rules and Pass, as AmendedPTrade Agency Authorizations, Drug Free Borders, and Prevention of On-Line Child Pornography Act of 1999
150Yea25-MayH RES 178On Motion to Suspend Rules and AgreePConcerning the Tenth Anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre
151Present25-MayQUORUMCall in CommitteeP 
152Nay25-MayH R 1906On Agreeing to the AmendmentFCoburn of Oklahoma Amendment
153Nay25-MayH R 1906On Agreeing to the AmendmentFCoburn of Oklahoma Amendment
154Nay25-MayH R 1906On Agreeing to the AmendmentACoburn of Oklahoma Amendment
155Nay25-MayH R 1906On Agreeing to the AmendmentFSanford of South Carolina Amendment
156Nay25-MayH R 1906On Agreeing to the AmendmentFCoburn of Oklahoma Amendment
157Nay25-MayH R 1906On Agreeing to the AmendmentFCoburn of Oklahoma Amendment
158Nay26-MayH R 1906On Agreeing to the AmendmentFCoburn of Oklahoma Amendment
159Nay26-MayH R 1906On Agreeing to the AmendmentFCoburn of Oklahoma Amendment
160Nay26-MayH R 1906On Agreeing to the AmendmentFSanford of South Carolina Amendment
161Nay26-MayH R 1906On Agreeing to the AmendmentFCoburn of Oklahoma Amendment
162Nay26-MayH RES 186On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for the consideration of H.R. 1259, Social Security and Medicare Safe Deposit Box Act
163Yea26-MayH R 1259On Motion to Recommit with InstructionsFSocial Security and Medicare Safe Deposit Box Act
164Yea26-MayH R 1259On PassagePSocial Security and Medicare Safe Deposit Box Act
165Nay26-MayS CON RES 35On Agreeing to the ResolutionPAdjournment of the two Houses
166Yea27-MayJOURNALOn Approving the JournalP 
167Yea7-JunJOURNALOn Approving the JournalP 
168Yea7-JunH R 435Suspend the Rules and Agree to Senate AmendmentPMiscellaneous Trade and Technical Corrections Act
169Yea7-JunH R 1915On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPTo Provide Grants to the States to Improve the Reporting of Unidentified and Missing Persons
170Yea8-JunJOURNALOn Approving the JournalP 
171Yea8-JunH R 150On PassagePEducation Land Grant Act
172NayX8-JunH R 1906On Agreeing to the AmendmentFDeFazio of Oregon Amendment
173Nay8-JunH R 1906On Agreeing to the AmendmentACoburn of Oklahoma Amendment
174Nay8-JunH R 1906On Agreeing to the AmendmentFChabot of Ohio Amendment
175Nay8-JunH R 1906On Agreeing to the AmendmentAYoung of Florida Amendment
176Yea8-JunH R 1906On Motion to Recommit with InstructionsFAgriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations, FY 2000
177Nay8-JunH R 1906On PassagePAgriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations, FY 2000
178NayX9-JunJOURNALOn Approving the JournalP 
179NayX9-JunH RES 200On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for consideration of H.R. 1401; National Defense Authorization Act for F.Y. 2000
180No Vote9-JunH R 1401On Agreeing to the AmendmentACox of California Amendment
181No Vote9-JunH R 1401On Agreeing to the AmendmentFRyun of Kansas Amendment
182No Vote9-JunH R 1401On Agreeing to the AmendmentADeLay of Texas Amendment
183No Vote9-JunH R 1401On Agreeing to the AmendmentAGoss of Florida Amendment
184No Vote9-JunH R 1401On Agreeing to the AmendmentFMeek of Florida Amendment
185Yea10-JunH R 1401On Agreeing to the AmendmentABuyer of Indiana Amendment
186Nay10-JunH R 1401On Agreeing to the AmendmentATraficant of Ohio Amendment
187Nay10-JunH R 1401On Agreeing to the AmendmentFSouder of Indiana Amendment
188NayX10-JunH R 1401On Agreeing to the AmendmentAWeldon of Florida Amendment
189Yea10-JunH R 1401On Agreeing to the AmendmentASkelton of Missouri Amendment
190Nay10-JunH R 1401On Agreeing to the AmendmentFShays of Connecticut Amendment
191Yea10-JunH R 1401On PassagePNational Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2000
192Yea10-JunADJOURNOn Motion to AdjournF 
193YeaX10-JunADJOURNOn Motion to AdjournF 
194Nay10-JunH RES 190On Ordering the Previous QuestionPProviding for the consideration of H.R. 1905; Legislative Appropriations for F.Y. 2000
195Nay10-JunMOTIONtable motion to reconsiderP 
196Nay10-JunH RES 190On Agreeing to the AmendmentAPryce of Ohio Amendment
197Nay10-JunMOTIONtable motion to reconsiderP 
198Nay10-JunH RES 190On Agreeing to the Resolution, as amendedPProviding for the consideration of H.R. 1905; Legislative Appropriations for F.Y. 2000
199Nay10-JunMOTIONtable motion to reconsiderP 
200YeaX10-JunADJOURNOn Motion to AdjournF 
201Yea10-JunH R 1905On Motion that the Committee RiseFLegislative Branch Approriations Act for FY 2000
202Yea10-JunH R 1905On Motion to Recommit with InstructionsFLegislative Branch Approriations Act for FY 2000
203Nay10-JunH R 1905On PassagePLegislative Branch Approriations Act for FY 2000
204Yea14-JunH R 1400On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPBond Price Competition Improvement Act of 1999
205Yea15-JunH RES 62Suspend Rules and Agree, as AmendedPExpressing Concern Over Violence in Sierra Leone
206Yea15-JunH CON RES 75Suspend Rules and Agree, as AmendedPCondemning the National Islamic Front (NIF) Government of Sudan
207YeaX15-JunH R 1000On Agreeing to the AmendmentFYoung of Florida Amendment
208Nay15-JunH R 1000On Agreeing to the AmendmentFGraham of South Carolina Amendment
209Yea15-JunH R 1000On PassagePAviation Investment and Reform Act
210Nay16-JunH RES 209On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for consideration of H.R. 1501, Consequences for Juvenile Offenders Act, and H.R. 2122, Mandatory Gun Show Background Check Act
211Nay16-JunH R 1501On Agreeing to the AmendmentAMcCollum of Florida Amendment
212Yea16-JunH R 1501On Agreeing to the AmendmentASalmon of Arizona Amendment
213Nay16-JunH R 1501On Agreeing to the AmendmentFHyde of Illinois Amendment
214Yea16-JunH R 1501On Agreeing to the AmendmentACunningham of California Amendment
215Nay16-JunH R 1501On Agreeing to the AmendmentADeLay of Texas Amendment
216Nay16-JunH R 1501On Agreeing to the AmendmentAStearns of Florida Amendment
217Yea16-JunH R 1501On Agreeing to the AmendmentALatham of Iowa Amendment
218Nay16-JunH R 1501On Agreeing to the AmendmentFRogan of California Amendment
219Nay16-JunH R 1501On Agreeing to the AmendmentATancredo of Colorado Amendment
220Nay17-JunH R 1501On Agreeing to the AmendmentADeMint of South Carolina Amendment
221Nay17-JunH R 1501On Agreeing to the AmendmentAAderholt of Alabama Amendment
222NayX17-JunH R 1501On Agreeing to the AmendmentASouder of Indiana Amendment
223Nay17-JunH R 1501On Agreeing to the AmendmentFSouder of Indiana Amendment
224Nay17-JunH R 1501On Agreeing to the AmendmentFWamp of Tennessee Amendment
225Yea17-JunH R 1501On Agreeing to the AmendmentAMarkey of Massachusetts Amendment
226Yea17-JunH R 1501On Agreeing to the AmendmentAGoodling of Pennsylvania Amendment
227Nay17-JunH R 1501On Agreeing to the AmendmentANorwood of Georgia Amendment
228Yea17-JunH R 1501On Agreeing to the AmendmentAFletcher of Kentucky Amendment
229YeaX17-JunH R 1501On Agreeing to the AmendmentAMcIntosh of Indiana Amendment
230NayX17-JunH R 1501On Agreeing to the AmendmentASchaffer of Colorado Amendment
231Yea17-JunH R 1501On Agreeing to the AmendmentAEmerson of Missouri Amendment
232Yea17-JunH R 1501On Motion to Recommit with InstructionsFConsequences for Juvenile Offenders Act
233Nay17-JunH R 1501On PassagePConsequences for Juvenile Offenders Act
234Nay18-JunH R 2122On Agreeing to the AmendmentADingell of Michigan Amendment
235Yea18-JunH R 2122On Agreeing to the AmendmentFMcCarthy of New York Amendment
236Yea18-JunH R 2122On Agreeing to the AmendmentADavis of Virginia Amendment
237Yea18-JunH R 2122On Agreeing to the AmendmentACunningham of California Amendment
238Yea18-JunH R 2122On Agreeing to the AmendmentAMcCollum of Florida Amendment
239Nay18-JunH R 2122On Agreeing to the AmendmentASessions of Texas Amendment
240YeaX18-JunH R 2122On Agreeing to the AmendmentFGoode of Virginia Amendment
241YeaX18-JunH R 2122On Agreeing to the AmendmentAHunter of California Amendment
242NayX18-JunH R 2122On Agreeing to the AmendmentARogan of California Amendment
243Yea18-JunH R 2122On Agreeing to the AmendmentFConyers of Michigan Amendment
244Nay18-JunH R 2122On PassageFMandatory Gun Show Background Check Act
245Yea22-JunH R 659On PassagePProtect Americas Treasures of the Revolution for Independence for Our Tomorrow Act or the PATRIOT Act.
246Yea22-JunH R 1175On Motion to Suspend Rules and Pass, as AmendedPTo Locate and Secure the Return of Zachary Baumel, an American Citizen, and other Israeli Soldiers Missing in Action.
247Yea23-JunH RES 218On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for the bill H.R. 2084; FY 2000 Appropriations Act
248Yea23-JunH R 2084On Agreeing to the AmendmentAAndrews of New Jersey Amendment
249Nay23-JunH R 2084On Agreeing to the AmendmentARogan of California Amendment
250Yea23-JunH R 2084On PassagePDepartment of Transportation and Related Agencies Appropriations Act FY 2000
251Yea24-JunH J RES 33On Agreeing to the AmendmentFWatt of North Carolina Substitute Amendment
252Nay24-JunH J RES 33On PassagePConstitutional Amendment to Prohibit the Physical Desecration of the United States Flag
253Yea24-JunH R 775On Motion to Instruct ConfereesPYear 2000 Readiness and Responsibility Act
254Nay24-JunH R 1658On Agreeing to the AmendmentFHutchinson of Arkansas Substitute Amendment
255Yea24-JunH R 1658On PassagePCivil Asset Forfeiture Reform Act
256Yea25-JunH R 1802On PassagePFoster Care Independence Act
257Yea29-JunH R 2280On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPVeterans Benefits Improvement Act of 1999
258Yea29-JunH RES 226On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePExpressing the Sense of the House of Representatives Condemning the Acts of Arson at Three Sacramento, California Synagogues
259YeaX29-JunH CON RES 94On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreeFRecognizing the Need for Reconciliation and Healing and Prayer
260Yea30-JunH R 1218On Motion to Recommit with InstructionsFChild Custody Protection Act
261Nay30-JunH R 1218On PassagePChild Custody Protection Act
262NayX1-JulJOURNALOn Approving the JournalP 
263Yea1-JulH RES 234On Agreeing to the ResolutionPWaiving points of order against the conference report to accompany H.R. 775; Year 2000 Readiness and Responsibility Act
264Nay1-JulH RES 235On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for consideration of H.R. 10; Financial Services Act
265NayX1-JulH R 775On Agreeing to the Conference ReportPYear 2000 Readiness and Responsibility Act
266Yea1-JulS 1059On Motion to Instruct ConfereesPDOD Authorization for FY 2000
267Yea1-JulS 1059On Closing Portions of the ConferencePDOD Authorization for FY 2000
268Nay1-JulH R 10On Agreeing to the AmendmentABurr of North Carolina Amendment
269Nay1-JulH R 10On Agreeing to the AmendmentFBarr of Georgia Amendment
270Nay1-JulH R 10On Agreeing to the AmendmentFCook of Utah Amendment
271Yea1-JulH R 10On Agreeing to the AmendmentARoukema of New Jersey Amendment
272Yea1-JulH R 10On Motion that the Committee RiseFFinancial Services Act
273Nay1-JulH R 10On Agreeing to the AmendmentABliley of Virginia Amendment
274Yea1-JulH R 10On Agreeing to the AmendmentAOxley of Ohio Amendment
275Yea1-JulH R 10On Motion to Recommit with InstructionsFFinancial Services Act
276NayX1-JulH R 10On PassagePFinancial Services Act
277NayX12-JulJOURNALOn Approving the JournalP 
278Yea12-JulH CON RES 107Suspend the rules and agree, as amendedPExpressing the Sense of Congress Concerning the sexual relationships between adults and children
279Yea12-JulH CON RES 117Suspend the rules and agree, as amendedPConcerning United Nations General Assembly Resolution ES-10/6
280Yea13-JulH R 2465On PassagePMilitary Construction Appropriations Act, 2000
281Yea13-JulH R 2466On Agreeing to the AmendmentAMcGovern of Massachusetts Amendment
282NayX13-JulH R 2466On Agreeing to the AmendmentASanders of Vermont Amendment
283Nay13-JulH R 2466On Agreeing to the AmendmentFCoburn of Oklahoma Amendment
284Yea14-JulH R 2466On Agreeing to the AmendmentASanders of Vermont Amendment
285Yea14-JulH R 2466On Agreeing to the AmendmentFSanders of Vermont Amendment
286Yea14-JulH R 2466On Agreeing to the AmendmentFSlaughter of New York Amendment
287Nay14-JulH R 2466On Agreeing to the AmendmentFStearns of Florida Amendment
288Yea14-JulH R 2466On Agreeing to the AmendmentARahall of West Virginia Amendment
289Nay14-JulH R 2466On Agreeing to the AmendmentFWeldon of Florida Amendment
290Yea14-JulH R 2466On Agreeing to the AmendmentAKlink of Pennsylvania Amendment
291Yea14-JulH R 2466On Agreeing to the AmendmentAFarr of California Amendment
292Nay14-JulH R 2466On Agreeing to the AmendmentFTancredo of Colorado Amendment
293Yea14-JulH R 2466On Agreeing to the AmendmentFWu of Oregon Amendment
294Yea14-JulH R 2466On Agreeing to the AmendmentAKlink of Pennsylvania Amendment
295Yea15-JulH R 2466On Motion to Recommit with InstructionsFDepartment of the Interior and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2000
296Yea15-JulH R 2466On PassagePDepartment of the Interior and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2000
297NayX15-JulJOURNALOn Approving the JournalP 
298Yea15-JulH R 1691On Agreeing to the AmendmentFNadler of New York Substitute Amendment
299NayX15-JulH R 1691On PassagePReligious Liberty Protection Act
300Yea15-JulH RES 246On Ordering the Previous QuestionPProviding for the consideration of H.R. 2490, Treasury and General Government Appropriations Act, FY 2000
301Yea15-JulH R 2490On Agreeing to the AmendmentFDeLauro of Connecticut Amendment
302Nay15-JulH R 2490On Agreeing to the AmendmentFSessions of Texas Amendment
303Yea15-JulH R 2490On Agreeing to the AmendmentALowey of New York to Smith of New Jersey Amendment
304Nay15-JulH R 2490On Agreeing to the AmendmentFSanders of Vermont Amendment
305Nay15-JulH R 2490On PassagePTreasury and General Appropriations Act, FY 2000
306Nay16-JulH RES 250On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for the consideration of H.R. 434, African Growth and Opportunity Act
307YeaX16-JulH R 434On PassagePAfrican Growth and Opportunity Act
308No Vote19-JulH R 1033Suspend Rules and PassPLewis and Clark Expedition Bicentennial Commemorative Coin Act
309No Vote19-JulH CON RES 121Suspend Rules and Agree, as AmendedPExpressing the Sense of the Congress Regarding the Victory of the United States in the Cold War and the Fall of the Berlin Wall
310No Vote19-JulH R 1477On Motion to Suspend Rules and PassPIran Nuclear Proliferation Prevention Act
311No Vote20-JulH CON RES 158On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePDesignating the Document Door of the United States Capitol as the Memorial Door.
312No Vote20-JulH R 2415On Agreeing to the AmendmentACampbell of (Cal) to Smith of New Jersey Amendment
313No Vote20-JulH R 2415On Agreeing to the AmendmentFSanford of South Carolina Amendment
314No Vote20-JulH R 2415On Agreeing to the AmendmentFPaul of Texas Amendment
315No Vote20-JulH RES 253On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for consideration of H.R. 1995; Teacher Empowerment Act
316No Vote20-JulH R 1995On Agreeing to the AmendmentAGoodling of Pennsylvania Amendment
317No Vote20-JulH R 1995On Agreeing to the AmendmentFMink of Hawaii Amendment
318No Vote20-JulH R 1995On Agreeing to the AmendmentACrowley of New York Amendment
319No Vote20-JulH R 1995On Agreeing to the AmendmentFMartinez of California Substitute Amendment
320No Vote20-JulH R 1995On PassagePTeacher Empowerment Act
321No Vote21-JulH R 2415On Agreeing to the AmendmentAGilman of New York Amendment (as modified)
322No Vote21-JulH R 2415On Agreeing to the AmendmentFSanders of Vermont Amendment
323No Vote21-JulH R 2415On Agreeing to the AmendmentAGibbons of Nevada Amendment
324Nay21-JulH R 2415On Agreeing to the AmendmentFGoodling of Pennsylvania Amendment
325Nay21-JulH R 2415On Agreeing to the AmendmentAStearns of Florida Amendment
326Yea21-JulH R 2415On Agreeing to the AmendmentFWaters of California Amendment
327Yea21-JulH R 2415On Agreeing to the AmendmentABilbray of California Amendment
328Yea21-JulH R 2415On Agreeing to the AmendmentADoggett of Texas Amendment
329Yea21-JulH R 2415On Agreeing to the AmendmentAEngel of New York Amendment
330Nay22-JulH RES 256On Agreeing to the Resolution, as amendedPProviding for consideration of H.R. 2488; Financial Freedom Act of 1999
331Yea22-JulH R 2488On Agreeing to the AmendmentFRangel of New York Substitute Amendment
332Yea22-JulH R 2488On Motion to Recommit with InstructionsFFinancial Freedom Act of 1999
333Nay22-JulH R 2488On PassagePFinancial Freedom Act of 1999
334Yea22-JulH R 2561On PassagePDepartment of Defense Appropriations for F.Y. 2000
335Yea26-JulH R 1074On Agreeing to the AmendmentFHoeffel of Pennsylvania Amendment
336Nay26-JulH R 1074On PassagePRegulatory Right-to-Know Act of 1999
337No Vote27-JulJOURNALOn Approving the JournalP 
338YeaX27-JulH J RES 57On PassageFDisapprove Normal Trade Relations with China
339Nay27-JulH RES 260On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for consideration of H.R. 2587; District of Columbia Appropriations Act, 2000
340Yea27-JulH R 2605On Agreeing to the AmendmentABoehlert of New York Amendment
341Yea27-JulH R 2605On Agreeing to the AmendmentFVisclosky of Indiana Amendment
342Yea27-JulH R 2605On PassagePEnergy and Water Appropriations Act, 2000
343Yea29-JulH R 2465On Agreeing to the Conference ReportPMilitary Construction Appropriations Act, FY 2000
344Nay29-JulH R 2587On Agreeing to the AmendmentATiahrt of Kansas Amendment
345Yea29-JulH R 2587On Agreeing to the AmendmentFNorton of the District of Columbia Amendment
346Nay29-JulH R 2587On Agreeing to the AmendmentFLargent of Oklahoma Amendment
347NayX29-JulH R 2587On PassagePDistrict of Columbia Appropriations Act, 2000
348Nay29-JulH RES 263On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for consideration of H.R. 2606; Foreign Operations Appropriations Act, 2000
349Nay29-JulH R 2606On Agreeing to the AmendmentASmith of New Jersey Amendment
350Yea29-JulH R 2606On Agreeing to the AmendmentAGreenwood of Pennsylvania Amendment
351Nay29-JulH R 2606On Agreeing to the AmendmentFCampbell of California Amendment
352Yea30-JulH R 2606On Agreeing to the AmendmentAMoakley of Massachusetts Amendment
353Nay30-JulH R 2606On Agreeing to the AmendmentFPitts of Pennsylvania Amendment
354Yea30-JulH R 1501On Motion to Instruct ConfereesPConsequences for Juvenile Offenders Act
355Yea30-JulS 900On Motion to Instruct ConfereesPFinancial Services Modernization Act
356Yea2-AugH R 2488On Motion to Instruct ConfereesFFinancial Freedom Act of 1999
357Yea2-AugH R 747On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPArizona Statehood and Enabling Act Amendments
358Yea2-AugH R 1219On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPConstruction Industry Payment Protection Act
359YeaX2-AugH R 2606On Agreeing to the AmendmentFAndrews of New Jersey Amendment
360No Vote3-AugH R 2606On Agreeing to the AmendmentFPaul of Texas Amendment
361No Vote3-AugH R 2606On Agreeing to the AmendmentFPaul of Texas Amendment
362Yea3-AugH R 2606On PassagePForeign Operations Appropriations Act, FY 2000
363NayX3-AugH R 2031On Engrossment and Third ReadingPTwenty-First Amendment Enforcement Act
364NayX3-AugH R 2031On PassagePTwenty-First Amendment Enforcement Act
365Nay3-AugH J RES 58On PassageFDisapproving the extension of the waiver authority contained in section 402(c) of the Trade Act of 1974 with respect to Vietnam.
366Nay3-AugH R 987On PassagePWorkplace Preservation Act
367NayX4-AugJOURNALOn Approving the JournalP 
368NayX4-AugH R 1907On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPAmerican Inventors Protection Act
369Nay4-AugH RES 273On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for consideration of H.R. 2670; Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, FY 2000
370Yea4-AugH R 2670On Agreeing to the AmendmentASerrano of New York Amendment
371Yea4-AugH R 2670On Motion that the Committee RiseFDepartments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, FY 2000
372Yea4-AugH R 2670On Agreeing to the AmendmentFScott of Virginia Amendment
373Yea4-AugH R 2670On Agreeing to the AmendmentFDeGette of Colorado Amendment
374Nay4-AugH R 2670On Agreeing to the AmendmentFCoburn of Oklahoma Amendment
375Yea4-AugH R 1664On Agreeing to the Senate AmendmentsPKosovo and Southwest Asia Supplemental Appropriations Act, 1999
376NayX5-AugJOURNALOn Approving the JournalP 
377Nay5-AugH RES 274On Agreeing to the ResolutionPWaiving points of order against the conference report to accompany H.R. 2488; Financial Freedom Act
378Yea5-AugH R 2488On Motion to Recommit with InstructionsFFinancial Freedom Act of 1999
379Nay5-AugH R 2488On Agreeing to the Conference ReportPFinancial Freedom Act of 1999
380Yea5-AugH R 2670On Agreeing to the AmendmentFHall of Ohio Amendment
381YeaX5-AugH R 2670On Agreeing to the AmendmentFBass of New Hampshire Amendment
382Yea5-AugH R 2670On Agreeing to the AmendmentFGeorge Miller of California Amendment
383Nay5-AugH R 2670On Agreeing to the AmendmentAHayworth of Arizona Amendment
384NayX5-AugH R 2670On Agreeing to the AmendmentATauzin of Louisiana Amendment
385Yea5-AugH R 2670On Agreeing to the AmendmentFKucinich of Ohio Amendment
386Yea5-AugH R 2670On Motion to Recommit with InstructionsFDepartments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, FY 2000
387Nay5-AugH R 2670On PassagePDepartments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, FY 2000
388Nay5-AugH RES 275On Ordering the Previous QuestionPProviding for consideration of H.R. 2684; V.A., HUD Appropriations for F.Y. 2000
389Yea5-AugH R 1905On Agreeing to the Conference ReportPLegislative Branch Appropriations Act for FY 2000
390Nay8-SepMOTIONSustaining Ruling of the ChairP 
391Nay8-SepH R 2684On Agreeing to the AmendmentFCunningham of California Amendment
392Nay8-SepH R 2684On Agreeing to the AmendmentFRoemer of Indiana Amendment
393NayX8-SepH R 2684On Agreeing to the AmendmentFNadler of New York Amendment
394Yea8-SepH R 2684On Agreeing to the AmendmentANadler of New York Amendment
395Nay8-SepH R 2684On Agreeing to the AmendmentFRogan of California Amendment
396Yea8-SepH R 2684On Agreeing to the AmendmentFGutierrez of Illinois Amendment
397Nay9-SepH RES 281On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for consideration of a motion to suspend the rules
398NayX9-SepH CON RES 180On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as AmendedPExpressing the sense of Congress that the President should not have granted clemency to terrorists
399Nay9-SepH R 2684On Agreeing to the AmendmentFSmith of Michigan Amendment
400YeaX9-SepH R 2684On Agreeing to the AmendmentFHinchey of New York Amendment
401Yea9-SepH R 2684On Agreeing to the AmendmentATancredo of Colorado Amendment
402Yea9-SepH R 2684On Motion to Recommit with InstructionsFVeterans Affairs and Housing and Urban Development and Independent Agencies Appropriations Act, 2000
403Nay9-SepH R 2684On PassagePVeterans Affairs and Housing and Urban Development and Independent Agencies Appropriations Act, 2000
404Nay9-SepH R 2587On Agreeing to the Conference ReportPDistrict of Columbia Appropriations Act, 2000
405Yea13-SepH R 2561On Closing Portions of the ConferencePDepartment of Defense Appropriations for F.Y. 2000
406Yea13-SepH R 658Suspend the rules and pass, as amendedPThomas Cole National Historic Site Act
407Yea13-SepH CON RES 184Suspend the rules and agreePExpressing the Sense of Congress Regarding the Importance of Family Friendly Programming on Television
408No Vote14-SepJOURNALOn Approving the JournalP 
409Yea14-SepH R 1883On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPIran Nonproliferation Act of 1999
410Yea14-SepH R 2606On Motion to Instruct ConfereesPForeign Operations Appropriations Act, FY 2000
411Nay14-SepH R 417On Agreeing to the AmendmentFWhitfield of Kentucky Amendment, as Modified
412Nay14-SepH R 417On Agreeing to the AmendmentFDoolittle of California Amendment, as Modified
413Nay14-SepH R 417On Agreeing to the AmendmentFDoolittle of California Amendment, as Modified
414Nay14-SepH R 417On Agreeing to the AmendmentABereuter of Nebraska Amendment, as Modified
415Nay14-SepH R 417On Agreeing to the AmendmentFCalvert of California Amendment
416Nay14-SepH R 417On Agreeing to the AmendmentASweeney of New York Amendment
417Nay14-SepH R 417On Agreeing to the AmendmentFDeLay of Texas Amendment
418Nay14-SepH R 417On Agreeing to the AmendmentFEwing of Illinois Amendment
419Nay14-SepH R 417On Agreeing to the AmendmentFDoolittle of California Substitute Amendment
420Nay14-SepH R 417On Agreeing to the AmendmentFHutchinson of Arkansas Substitute Amendment
421Nay14-SepH R 417On Agreeing to the AmendmentFThomas of California Substitute Amendment
422Yea14-SepH R 417On PassagePBipartisan Campaign Finance Reform Act
423Yea15-SepS 1059On Motion to Recommit the Conference ReportFDOD Authorization for FY 2000
424Yea15-SepS 1059On Agreeing to the Conference ReportPDOD Authorization for FY 2000
425Nay15-SepH R 2490On Motion to Recommit the Conference ReportFTreasury and General Appropriations Act, FY 2000
426Yea15-SepH R 2490On Agreeing to the Conference ReportPTreasury and General Appropriations Act, FY 2000
427NayX21-SepH R 2116On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPVeterans Millennium Health Care Act
428NayX21-SepH R 1431On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPCoastal Barrier Resources Reauthorization Act
429Yea21-SepH R 468On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPSaint Helena Island National Scenic Area Act
430Nay22-SepH R 1402On Agreeing to the AmendmentFGreen of Wisconsin Amendment
431Nay22-SepH R 1402On Agreeing to the AmendmentFDooley Amendment to Stenholm Amendment
432Nay22-SepH R 1402On Agreeing to the AmendmentFGutknecht of Minnesota Amendment
433Nay22-SepH R 1402On Agreeing to the AmendmentFRyan of Wisconsin Amendment
434Nay22-SepH R 1402On Agreeing to the AmendmentFManzullo of Illinois Amendment
435Nay22-SepH R 1402On Agreeing to the AmendmentFBoehner of Ohio Amendment
436Yea22-SepH R 1402On PassagePConsolidation of Federal Milk Marketing Orders
437Nay23-SepH RES 295On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for consideration of H.R. 1875; Interstate Class Action Jurisdiction Act
438Yea23-SepH R 1501On Motion to Instruct ConfereesPConsequences for Juvenile Offenders Act
439Yea23-SepH R 1875On Agreeing to the AmendmentFNadler of New York Amendment
440Yea23-SepH R 1875On Agreeing to the AmendmentFJackson-Lee of Texas Amendment
441Yea23-SepH R 1875On Agreeing to the AmendmentFFrank of Massachusetts Amendment
442Yea23-SepH R 1875On Agreeing to the AmendmentFWaters of California Amendment
443Nay23-SepH R 1875On PassagePInterstate Class Action Jurisdiction Act
444Yea24-SepH R 1487On PassagePNational Monument NEPA Compliance Act
445Yea24-SepH R 1501On Motion to Instruct ConfereesFConsequences for Juvenile Offenders Act
446Yea24-SepH R 1501On Motion to Instruct ConfereesPConsequences for Juvenile Offenders Act
447Yea24-SepH R 1501On Motion to Instruct ConfereesPConsequences for Juvenile Offenders Act
448Yea27-SepH CON RES 187On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as AmendedPExpressing the sense of Congress regarding the European Council noise rule affecting hush-kitted and re-engined aircraft.
449Yea27-SepH CON RES 140On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as AmendedPExpressing the sense of the Congress that Haiti should conduct free, fair, transparent, and peaceful elections.
450Yea27-SepS 293Suspend the rules and passPTo Direct the Secretaries of Agriculture and Interior to Convey Certain Lands in San Juan County, New Mexico
451Yea27-SepH R 202Suspend the Rules and Pass, as amendedPPreserving Affordable Housing for Senior Citizens into the 21st Century Act
452Yea27-SepH R 2605On Agreeing to the Conference ReportPEnergy and Water Appropriations Act, 2000
453Yea28-SepH J RES 68On PassagePContinuing Resolution for Fiscal Year 2000
454Yea28-SepH RES 292Suspend the rules and agree, as amendedPExpressing the sense of the House of Representatives regarding the referendum in East Timor
455Yea28-SepH RES 297Suspend the rules and agree, as amendedPExpressing sympathy for the victims of the devastating earthquake that struck Taiwan on September 21, 1999
456Yea28-SepH RES 306Suspend the rules and agreePExpressing the desire of the House of Representatives to not spend any of the budget surplus created by social security receipts and to continue to retire the public debt
457Yea28-SepH R 2506On PassagePHealth Research and Quality Act of 1999
458Yea29-SepH RES 308On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for the consideration of H.R. 2559, Agricultural Risk Protection Act
459NayX29-SepJOURNALOn Approving the JournalP 
460Yea30-SepH RES 312On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for consideration of H.R. 2910; National Transportation Safety Board Authorization
461NayX30-SepJOURNALOn Approving the JournalP 
462Yea30-SepH R 2910On PassagePNational Transportation Safety Board Authorization
463Nay30-SepH R 2436On Agreeing to the AmendmentACanady of Florida Amendment
464Yea30-SepH R 2436On Agreeing to the AmendmentFLofgren of California Substitute Amendment
465Nay30-SepH R 2436On PassagePUnborn Victims of Violence Act
466No Vote1-OctH R 2084On Agreeing to the Conference ReportPDepartment of Transportation and Related Agencies Appropriations Act FY 2000
467Nay1-OctH RES 317On Agreeing to the ResolutionPWaiving Points of Order Against the Conference Report on H.R. 1906, Agriculture and Related Agencies Appropriations for FY 2000
468Yea1-OctH R 1906Motion to Recommit the Conference ReportFAgriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations, FY 2000
469Nay1-OctH R 1906On Agreeing to the Conference ReportPAgriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations, FY 2000
470Yea4-OctH RES 181On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePCondemning the kidnapping and murder by the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Columbia (FARC) of 3 United States citizens.
471Yea4-OctH R 1451On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPAbraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission Act
472Yea4-OctH R 2684On Motion to Instruct ConfereesPVeterans Affairs and Housing and Urban Development and Independent Agencies Appropriations Act, 2000
473Yea4-OctH R 2466On Motion to Instruct ConfereesPDepartment of the Interior and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2000
474Yea5-OctH R 1663Suspend the rules and pass, as amendedPNational Medal of Honor Memorial Act
475Yea5-OctH J RES 65Suspend the rules and pass, as amendedPCommending Battle of the Bulge Veterans
476Yea5-OctH RES 322Suspend the rules and agreePExpressing the sense of the House of Representatives in sympathy for the victims of Hurricane Floyd
477Yea5-OctH R 764On Agreeing to the AmendmentAJackson-Lee (TX) Amendment to McCollum Substitute Amendment
478Yea5-OctH R 764On Agreeing to the AmendmentAJones (OH) Amendment to McCollum Substitute Amendment
479Yea5-OctH R 764On PassagePChild Abuse Prevention and Enforcement Act
480Nay5-OctH R 2606On Agreeing to the Conference ReportPForeign Operations Appropriations Act, FY 2000
481NayX6-OctJOURNALOn Approving the JournalP 
482Nay6-OctADJOURNOn Motion to AdjournF 
483Nay6-OctH RES 323On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for consideration of H.R. 2990; Quality Care for the Uninsured Act of 1999
484Yea6-OctH R 2990On Motion to Recommit with InstructionsFQuality Care for the Uninsured Act of 1999
485Nay6-OctH R 2990On PassagePQuality Care for the Uninsured Act of 1999
486Yea7-OctJOURNALOn Approving the JournalP 
487Nay7-OctH R 2723On Agreeing to the AmendmentFBoehner of Ohio Substitute Amendment
488Nay7-OctH R 2723On Agreeing to the AmendmentFGoss of Florida Substitute Amendment
489Nay7-OctH R 2723On Agreeing to the AmendmentFHoughton of New York Substitute Amendment
490Yea7-OctH R 2723On PassagePBipartisan Consensus Managed Care Improvement Act
491Yea12-OctH RES 303On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as AmendedPExpressing the sense of the House of Representatives urging that 95 percent of Federal education dollars be spent in the classroom.
492Yea12-OctS 800On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPWireless Communications and Public Safety Act
493Yea12-OctH R 2130Suspend the rules and pass, as amendedPHillory J. Farias Date-Rape Prevention Drug Act
494Yea13-OctH R 2561On Agreeing to the Conference ReportPDepartment of Defense Appropriations for F.Y. 2000
495NayX13-OctH R 1993On Agreeing to the AmendmentAManzullo of Illinois to Rohrabacher of California Amendment
496YeaX13-OctH R 1993On Agreeing to the AmendmentFSanford of South Carolina Amendment
497Yea13-OctH R 1993On Agreeing to the AmendmentAMenendez of New Jersey to Terry of Nebraska Amendment
498Yea13-OctH R 1993On Agreeing to the AmendmentAMenendez of New Jersey to Terry of Nebraska Amendment
499Yea13-OctH R 1993On PassagePExport Enhancement Act of 1999
500Yea14-OctH R 2684On Agreeing to the Conference ReportPVeterans Affairs and Housing and Urban Development and Independent Agencies Appropriations Act, 2000
501Yea14-OctH R 2679On PassagePMotor Carrier Safety Act
502NayX14-OctH R 1501On Motion to Instruct ConfereesFConsequences for Juvenile Offenders Act
503Nay14-OctH RES 330On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for Consideration of H.R. 3064; District of Columbia Appropriations Act, 2000
504Nay14-OctH R 3064On PassagePDistrict of Columbia Appropriations Act, 2000
505Yea18-OctJOURNALOn Approving the JournalP 
506Yea18-OctH R 2140On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPChattahoochee River National Recreation Area
507Yea18-OctH R 2886On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPImmigration and Nationality Act Amendments Concerning Adopted Alien Less than 18 Years of Age
508Yea18-OctH CON RES 196On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePUse of the Rotunda of the Capitol for the Presentation of the Congressioanl Gold Medal to President and Mrs. Gerald R. Ford
509Yea19-OctJOURNALOn Approving the JournalP 
510Yea19-OctH J RES 71On PassagePFurther Continuing Appropriations, FY 2000
511Nay19-OctH R 3085Suspend the rules and pass, as amendedFProvide Discretionary Spending Offsets for FY 2000
512Nay19-OctH R 2488Table Motion to Discharge CommitteePFinancial Freedom Act of 1999
513Yea19-OctH R 1180On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPTicket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act
514Yea19-OctH R 1887On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPTo Punish the Depiction of Animal Cruelty
515Yea20-OctJOURNALOn Approving the JournalP 
516Nay20-OctH RES 335On Ordering the Previous QuestionPWaiving points of order against the conference report to accompany H.R. 2670; Commerce, State, Justice Appropriations for F.Y. 2000
517Nay20-OctH RES 335On Agreeing to the ResolutionPWaiving points of order against the conference report to accompany H.R. 2670; Commerce, State, Justice Appropriations for F.Y. 2000
518Nay20-OctH R 2670On Agreeing to the Conference ReportPDepartments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, FY 2000
519Yea20-OctH R 2On Agreeing to the AmendmentAMink of Hawaii Amendment
520Yea21-OctJOURNALOn Approving the JournalP 
521Nay21-OctH R 2On Agreeing to the AmendmentFArmey of Texas Amendment
522Yea21-OctH R 2On Agreeing to the AmendmentFPayne of New Jersey Amendment
523Yea21-OctH R 2On Agreeing to the AmendmentARoemer of Indiana Amendment
524Nay21-OctH R 2On Agreeing to the AmendmentFPetri of Wisconsin Amendment
525Yea21-OctH R 2On Agreeing to the AmendmentAEhlers of Michigan Amendment
526Yea21-OctH R 2On PassagePStudent Results Act
527Nay21-OctH RES 337On Agreeing to the ResolutionPWaiving points of order against the conference report to accompany H.R. 2466; Department of the Interior and Related Agencies Appropriations Act
528Nay21-OctH R 2466On Agreeing to the Conference ReportPDepartment of the Interior and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2000
529Nay21-OctH RES 338On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for consideration of H.R. 2300; Academic Achievement for All Act (Straight As Act)
530Yea21-OctH R 2300On Agreeing to the AmendmentFFattah of Pennsylvania Amendment
531Yea21-OctH R 2300On Motion to Recommit with InstructionsFAcademic Achievement for All Act (Straight As Act)
532Nay21-OctH R 2300On PassagePAcademic Achievement for All Act (Straight As Act)
533Yea25-OctJOURNALOn Approving the JournalP 
534Yea25-OctH R 754Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPMade in America Information Act
535Yea25-OctH R 2303Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPHistory of the House Awareness and Preservation Act
536Yea25-OctH CON RES 194On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePRecognizing the contributions of 4-H Clubs and their members to voluntary community service.
537Yea26-OctH CON RES 190Suspend the Rules and Agree, as AmendedPUrging the United States to seek a global consensus supporting a moratorium on tariffs and on special multiple, and discriminatory taxation of electronic commerce.
538NayX26-OctH CON RES 208On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePExpressing the sense of Congress that there should be no increase in Federal taxes in order to fund additional Government spending.
539Yea26-OctH CON RES 102Suspend the rules and agreePCelebrating the 50th anniversary of the Geneva Conventions
540Yea26-OctH CON RES 188Suspend the rules and agreePCommending Greece and Turkey for their Mutual and Swift Response to the Recent Earthquakes in both Countries
541Yea26-OctH R 1175Suspend the Rules and Agree to Senate AmendmentsPTo Locate and Secure the Return of Zachary Baumel, an American Citizen, and other Israeli Soldiers Missing in Action.
542Yea27-OctH R 2260On Agreeing to the AmendmentFScott of Virginia Amendment
543Yea27-OctH R 2260On Agreeing to the AmendmentFJohnson of Connecticut Substitute Amendment
544Nay27-OctH R 2260On PassagePPain Relief Promotion Act
545NayX28-OctJOURNALOn Approving the JournalP 
546Yea28-OctH J RES 73On PassagePMaking further continuing appropriations for F.Y. 2000
547Nay28-OctH RES 345On Agreeing to the ResolutionPWaiving points of order against the conference report to accompany H.R. 3064; District of Columbia Appropriations Act, 2000
548Nay28-OctH R 3064On Motion to Recommit Conference ReportFDistrict of Columbia Appropriations Act, 2000
549Nay28-OctH R 3064On Agreeing to the Conference ReportPDistrict of Columbia Appropriations Act, 2000
550No Vote1-NovH R 348On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPTo authorize the construction of a monument to honor those who have served the Nations civil defense and emergency management programs.
551Yea1-NovH R 2737Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPLand Conveyance, Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail, Illinois
552Nay1-NovH R 1714Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedFElectronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act
553Yea2-NovH CON RES 213On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePEncouraging the Secretary of Education, and State and Local Educational Agencies to Promote Financial Literacy Training
554Yea2-NovH RES 59On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as AmendedPExpressing the sense of the House of Representatives that the United States remains committed to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).
555Yea2-NovH R 3164On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPForeign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act
556Yea2-NovH RES 349On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePExpressing the sense of Congress that the President should transmit to Congress the Presidents recommendations for emergency response actions to provide relief to the victims of Hurricane Floyd.
557NayX3-NovJOURNALOn Approving the JournalP 
558Yea3-NovH R 2990On Motion to Instruct ConfereesPQuality Care for the Uninsured Act of 1999
559Yea3-NovH R 2389On Agreeing to the AmendmentFUdall of Colorado Amendment
560Nay3-NovH R 2389On PassagePCounty Schools Revitalization Act
561Nay3-NovH RES 353On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for consideration of motions to suspend the rules.
562Nay3-NovH R 3194On PassagePDistrict of Columbia Appropriations Act, 2000
563Yea4-NovJOURNALOn Approving the JournalP 
564YeaX4-NovH CON RES 214On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as AmendedFExpressing the Sense of Congress that Direct Systematic Phonics Instruction Should be Used in All Schools
565Yea4-NovH J RES 75On PassagePFurther Continuing Appropriations, FY 2000
566Nay4-NovMOTIONTable appeal from ruling of chairP 
567Nay4-NovMOTIONtable appeal from ruling of the chairP 
568Nay4-NovMOTIONTable appeal from ruling of the chairP 
569NayX4-NovH RES 355On Agreeing to the ResolutionPWaiving points of order against the conference report to accompany S.900; Financial Services Modernization Act
570NayX4-NovS 900On Agreeing to the Conference ReportPFinancial Services Modernization Act
571Yea5-NovH R 3196On Agreeing to the AmendmentAYoung of Florida Amendment
572Yea5-NovH R 3196On PassagePForeign Operations Appropriations, FY 2000
573NayX5-NovH R 3075On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPMedicare, Medicaid, and SCHIP Balanced Budget Refinement Act
574No Vote8-NovH RES 94On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePRecognizing the Generous Contribution Made by Each Living Person Who Has Donated a Kidney to Save a Life
575No Vote8-NovH R 2904On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPReauthorize Funding for the Office of Government Ethics
576Yea8-NovH RES 344On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePRecognizing and Honoring Payne Stewart and Extending Condolences to His Family and the Families of Those Who Died With Him
577Yea9-NovH R 1714On Agreeing to the AmendmentAInslee of Washington Amendment
578Yea9-NovH R 1714On Agreeing to the AmendmentFDingell of Michigan Amendment
579NayX9-NovH R 1714On PassagePElectronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act
580Yea9-NovH CON RES 223Suspend the rules and agreePExpressing the sense of the Congress regarding Freedom Day
581Yea9-NovH R 1554Suspend Rules Agree to Conference ReportPSatellite Copyright, Competition, and Consumer Protection Act
582Nay10-NovH RES 367On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for consideration of H.R. 3073; Fathers Count Act of 1999
583Yea10-NovH R 3073On Agreeing to the AmendmentFMink Of Hawaii Amendment
584Yea10-NovH R 3073On Agreeing to the AmendmentFEdwards of Texas Amendment
585Yea10-NovH R 3073On Motion to Recommit with InstructionsFFathers Count Act of 1999
586NayX10-NovH R 3073On PassagePFathers Count Act of 1999
587Yea16-NovH R 3257Suspend the rules and pass, as amendedPState Flexibility Clarification Act
588Yea16-NovH CON RES 222Suspend the rules and agreePCondemning the assassination of Armenian Prime Minister Vazgen Sargsian and other officials of the Armenian Government
589Yea16-NovH CON RES 211Suspend the rules and agreePExpressing the strong support of the Congress for the recently concluded elections in the Republic of India
590Nay16-NovH RES 374On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for Consideration of Motions to Suspend the Rules
591Yea16-NovH RES 169Suspend the Rules and Agree, as AmendedPExpressing the sense of the House of Representatives with respect to democracy, free elections, and human rights in the Lao Peoples Democratic Republic.
592Yea16-NovH CON RES 165On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePExpressing United States policy toward the Slovak Republic
593Yea16-NovH CON RES 206Suspend the Rules and Agree, as AmendedPExpressing grave concern regarding armed conflict in the North Caucasus region of the Russian Federation.
594Yea16-NovH RES 325On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePExpressing the sense of the House of Representatives regarding the importance of increased support and funding to combat diabetes.
595YeaX16-NovH R 2336Suspend the rules and pass, as amendedFUnited States Marshals Service Improvement Act of 1999
596Yea17-NovH J RES 80On PassagePMaking further continuing appropriations for FY 2000
597Nay17-NovS 440Suspend the Rules and PassFTo provide support for certain institutes and schools.
598No Vote18-NovADJOURNOn Motion to AdjournF 
599NayX18-NovH RES 385On Ordering the Previous QuestionPProviding for consideration of H.J. Res 82; making further continuing appropriations for FY 2000
600NayX18-NovH RES 385Table Motion to ReconsiderPProviding for consideration of H.J. Res 82; making further continuing appropriations for FY 2000
601Yea18-NovH RES 385On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for consideration of H.J. Res 82; making further continuing appropriations for FY 2000
602Nay18-NovMOTIONTable Motion to ReconsiderPProviding for consideration of H.J. Res 82; making further continuing appropriations for FY 2000
603Nay18-NovADJOURNOn Motion to AdjournF 
604Nay18-NovADJOURNOn Motion to AdjournF 
605Nay18-NovADJOURNOn Motion to AdjournF 
606Nay18-NovH J RES 82On Motion to RecommitFMaking further continuing appropriations for F.Y. 2000
607Yea18-NovH J RES 82On PassagePMaking further continuing appropriations for F.Y. 2000
608Nay18-NovH RES 386On Agreeing to the ResolutionPWaiving points of order against the conference report on H.R. 3194, D.C. Appropriations, FY 2000
609Yea18-NovH R 3194On Motion to Recommit Conference ReportFDistrict of Columbia Appropriations Act, 2000
610Yea18-NovH R 3194On Agreeing to the Conference ReportPDistrict of Columbia Appropriations Act, 2000
611Yea18-NovH R 1180On Agreeing to the Conference ReportPTicket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act

328 Yea, 243 Nay, 2 Present, 37 No Vote (6.06 %)
67 votes (10.97 %) not with majority of D-party.