An 'X' in the P column indicates a vote where a Representatives vote differs from the vote of the majority of their Party.
Vote Number | Vote | P | Date | Issue | Question | Result | Description |
100 | Yea | 21-Apr | H R 3565 | Suspend the rules and pass | P | Care for Police Survivors Act | |
101 | Yea | 21-Apr | H R 3528 | Suspend the rules and pass, as amended | P | Alternative Dispute Resolution Act | |
102 | Yea | 22-Apr | H J RES 111 | On Passage | F | Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of the United States with Respect to Tax Limitations | |
103 | Nay | 23-Apr | H R 1252 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Delahunt of Massachusetts Amendment | |
104 | Nay | 23-Apr | H R 1252 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Jackson-Lee of Texas Amendment | |
105 | Yea | 23-Apr | H R 1252 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Delay of Texas amendment | |
106 | Nay | 23-Apr | H R 1252 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Lofgren of California amendment | |
107 | Nay | 23-Apr | H R 1252 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Conyers of Michigan Amendment | |
108 | Yea | 23-Apr | H R 1252 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Aderholt of Alabama Amendment | |
109 | Nay | 23-Apr | H R 3579 | On Motion to Instruct Conferees | F | Emergency Supplemental Appropriations, FY 1998 | |
110 | Yea | 28-Apr | H CON RES 218 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as Amended | P | Urgent Need to Establish a Cease Fire in Afghanistan | |
111 | Yea | 28-Apr | S CON RES 37 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree | P | Recognize International Character of Little League Baseball, Inc. | |
112 | Yea | 28-Apr | H J RES 102 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass | P | Fiftieth Anniversary of the Founding of the Modern State of Israel | |
113 | Nay | 29-Apr | H R 3717 | On Motion to Recommit with Instructions | F | Prohibit Federal Funds for Needle Distribution Programs | |
114 | Yea | 29-Apr | H R 3717 | On Passage | P | Prohibit Federal Funds for Needle Distribution Programs | |
115 | Nay | 29-Apr | H R 3546 | On Motion to Recommit with Instructions | F | National Dialogue on Social Security and establishment of Bipartisan Panel to Design Long-Range Social Security Reform. | |
116 | Yea | 29-Apr | H R 3546 | On Passage | P | National Dialogue on Social Security and establishment of Bipartisan Panel to Design Long-Range Social Security Reform. | |
117 | Yea | 30-Apr | H RES 413 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for consideration of S. 1502; District of Columbia Student Opportunity Scholarship Act | |
118 | Nay | 30-Apr | S 1502 | On motion to commit | F | District of Columbia Student Opportunity Scholarship Act | |
119 | Yea | 30-Apr | S 1502 | On Passage | P | District of Columbia Student Opportunity Scholarship Act | |
120 | Yea | 30-Apr | H RES 414 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Waiving a requirement of clause 4(b) of rule XI with respect to consideration of certain resolutions reported from the Committee on Rules | |
121 | Present | X | 30-Apr | H R 3579 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | Emergency Supplemental Appropriations, FY 1998 |
122 | Nay | 5-May | H R 6 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Paul of Texas Amendment | |
123 | Nay | 5-May | H R 6 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Owens of New York Amendment | |
124 | Nay | 5-May | H R 6 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | McGovern of Massachusetts Amendment | |
125 | Yea | 5-May | H CON RES 220 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as Amended | P | Regarding American Victims of Terrorism | |
126 | Yea | 5-May | H RES 267 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as Amended | P | Combat Use of Illegal Drugs by the Nationss Youth | |
127 | Nay | 6-May | H R 1872 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Morella of Maryland amendment | |
128 | Nay | 6-May | H R 1872 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Tauzin of Louisiana amendment | |
129 | Yea | 6-May | H R 1872 | On Passage | P | Communication Satellite Competition and Privatization Act | |
130 | Yea | X | 6-May | H R 6 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Roemer of Indiana Amendment |
131 | Yea | 6-May | H R 6 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Miller of California amendment | |
132 | Nay | 6-May | H R 6 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Stupak of Michigan amendment | |
133 | Yea | 6-May | H R 6 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Riggs of California amendment | |
134 | Yea | 6-May | H R 6 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Campbell of California amendment | |
135 | Yea | 6-May | H R 6 | On Passage | P | Higher Education Amendments of 1998 | |
136 | Nay | 7-May | H R 2646 | On Motion to Instruct Conferees | F | Education Savings Act for Public and Private Schools | |
137 | Nay | 7-May | H R 3694 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Sanders of Vermont amendment | |
138 | Yea | 12-May | H RES 423 | Suspend the rules and agree | P | War on Drugs to Protect Children | |
139 | Yea | 12-May | H R 3811 | Suspend the rules and pass | P | Deadbeat Parents Punishment Act | |
140 | Yea | 12-May | H R 2829 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | Bulletproof Vest Partnership Grant Act of 1997 | |
141 | Yea | 12-May | H RES 422 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree | P | Honoring Slain Law Enforcement Officers | |
142 | Yea | 13-May | H RES 428 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for consideration of H.R. 10; Financial Services Competition Act | |
143 | Yea | 13-May | H R 10 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Bliley of Virginia Amendment | |
144 | Nay | 13-May | H R 10 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | LaFalce of New York Amendment | |
145 | Yea | 13-May | H R 10 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Baker of Louisiana Amendment | |
146 | Nay | X | 13-May | H R 10 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Leach of Iowa substitute amendment |
147 | Yea | 13-May | H R 10 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Roukema of New Jersey amendment, as amended | |
148 | Yea | 13-May | H R 10 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Kingston of Georgia amendment | |
149 | Yea | 13-May | H R 10 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Roukema of New Jersey amendment | |
150 | Yea | 13-May | H R 10 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Metcalf of Washington amendment | |
151 | Yea | 13-May | H R 10 | On Passage | P | Financial Services Competition Act | |
152 | Nay | 14-May | ADJOURN | On Motion to Adjourn | F | ||
153 | Yea | 14-May | MOTION | On motion to table | P | ||
154 | Yea | 14-May | H R 2431 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Hastings of Florida amendment | |
155 | Yea | 14-May | H R 2431 | On Passage | P | Freedom from Religious Persecution Act | |
156 | Nay | 19-May | H R 3534 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Moakley of Massachusetts Amendment, As Modified | |
157 | Nay | 19-May | H R 3534 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Waxman of California Amendment | |
158 | Nay | 19-May | H R 3534 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Boehlert of New York Amendment | |
159 | Nay | 19-May | H R 3534 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Becerra of California Amendment | |
160 | Yea | 19-May | H R 3534 | On Passage | P | Mandates Information Act | |
161 | Yea | 19-May | H RES 440 | Suspend the rules and agree | P | Sense of the Congress Concerning the Committee on Government Reform and Oversight | |
162 | Yea | 19-May | H R 3039 | Suspend the rules and pass, as amended | P | Veterans Transitional Housing Opportunities Act | |
163 | Yea | 19-May | H R 3718 | Suspend the rules and pass | P | Limit the Jurisdiction of the Federal Courts with Respect to Prison Release Orders | |
164 | Yea | 19-May | H R 3809 | Suspend the rules and pass, as amended | P | Drug Free Borders Act of 1998 | |
165 | Yea | 20-May | H RES 441 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Providing for the further consideration of H.R. 3616 | |
166 | Yea | 20-May | H RES 441 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for the further consideration of H.R. 3616 | |
167 | Yea | 20-May | H R 3616 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Spence of South Carolina amendment | |
168 | Yea | 20-May | H R 3616 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Bereuter of Nebraska amendment | |
169 | Yea | 20-May | H R 3616 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Hefley of Colorado amendment | |
170 | Yea | 20-May | H R 3616 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Hunter of California amendment | |
171 | Yea | X | 20-May | H R 3616 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Lowey of New York Amendment |
172 | Yea | 20-May | H R 3616 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Gilman of New York Amendment | |
173 | Yea | 20-May | H R 3616 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Hefley of Colorado Amendment | |
174 | Yea | 20-May | H R 2400 | On Motion to Instruct Conferees | P | Building Efficient Surface Transportation and Equity Act | |
175 | No Vote | 21-May | JOURNAL | On Approving the Journal | P | ||
176 | Yea | 21-May | H RES 432 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Expressing the Sense of the House Concerning the Presidents Assertions of Executive Privilege | |
177 | Yea | 21-May | H RES 433 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Calling upon the President to Cooperate with Congressional Investigations | |
178 | Yea | 21-May | H R 3616 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Thornberry of Texas Amendment | |
179 | Nay | 21-May | H R 3616 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Reyes (TX) Substitute to Traficant (OH) Amendment | |
180 | Yea | 21-May | H R 3616 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Traficant of Ohio Amendment | |
181 | Yea | 21-May | H R 3616 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Gilman of New York amendment | |
182 | Nay | X | 21-May | H R 3616 | On Motion to Recommit with Instructions | F | National Defense Authorization for Fiscal Year 1999 |
183 | Yea | 21-May | H R 3616 | On Passage | P | National Defense Authorization for Fiscal Year 1999 | |
184 | Nay | 21-May | H R 2400 | On Motion to Instruct Conferees | F | Building Efficient Surface Transportation and Equity Act | |
185 | Nay | 21-May | H R 2400 | On Motion to Instruct Conferees | F | Building Efficient Surface Transportation and Equity Act | |
186 | Yea | 21-May | H RES 442 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Providing for consideration of H.J. Res. 119 and H.R. 2183, Campaign Finance Reform. | |
187 | No Vote | 22-May | ADJOURN | On Motion to Adjourn | F | ||
188 | Yea | 22-May | H RES 446 | On Agreeing to the Resolution As Amended | F | Disposing of the Conference Report to Accompany S. 1150 | |
189 | Yea | 22-May | H R 2676 | On Motion to Instruct Conferees | P | to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to restructure and reform the Internal Revenue Service | |
190 | Yea | 22-May | H RES 449 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Waiving points of order against the conference report on H.R. 2400 | |
191 | Nay | 22-May | H R 2400 | Recommit Conference Report With Instructions | F | Building Efficient Surface Transportation and Equity Act | |
192 | Yea | 22-May | H R 2400 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | Building Efficient Surface Transportation and Equity Act | |
193 | No Vote | 3-Jun | JOURNAL | On Approving the Journal | P | ||
194 | No Vote | 3-Jun | H R 3808 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | Designating the Carl D. Pursell Post Office | |
195 | No Vote | 3-Jun | H R 3630 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | Designating the Steven Schiff Post Office | |
196 | Yea | 4-Jun | H RES 453 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for consideration of H.J.Res. 78; Religious Freedom Constitutional Amendment | |
197 | Yea | 4-Jun | H R 3433 | On Passage | P | Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency Act | |
198 | Nay | 4-Jun | H J RES 78 | On Agreeing to Part 1 of the amendment | F | Bishop of Georgia Amendment | |
199 | Nay | 4-Jun | H J RES 78 | On agreeing to Part 2 of the amendment | F | Bishop of Georgia Amendment | |
200 | Nay | 4-Jun | H J RES 78 | On Motion to Recommit with Instructions | F | Religious Freedom Constitutional Amendment | |
201 | Yea | 4-Jun | H J RES 78 | On Passage | F | Religious Freedom Constitutional Amendment | |
202 | Yea | 4-Jun | H CON RES 285 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Sense of Congress Regarding Tiananmen Square | |
203 | Yea | 4-Jun | S 1150 | On Consideration of the Conference Report | P | Agricultural Research, Extension, and Education Reform Act | |
204 | Yea | 4-Jun | S 1150 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | Agricultural Research, Extension, and Education Reform Act | |
205 | Yea | 4-Jun | H RES 455 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for consideration of H.Con.Res. 284; Budget Resolution for Fiscal Year 1999 | |
206 | Nay | 5-Jun | H R 3989 | On Motion to Recommit with Instructions | F | User Fee Act | |
207 | Nay | 5-Jun | H R 3989 | On Passage | F | User Fee Act | |
208 | Nay | X | 5-Jun | H CON RES 284 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Neumann of Wisconsin Amendment |
209 | Nay | 5-Jun | H CON RES 284 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Spratt of South Carolina Amendment | |
210 | Yea | 5-Jun | H CON RES 284 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Budget Resolution for Fiscal Year 1999 | |
211 | Yea | 9-Jun | H R 2709 | On Agreeing to the Senate Amendments | P | Iran Missile Proliferation Sanctions Act | |
212 | Yea | 9-Jun | H RES 417 | Suspend the rules and agree, as amended | P | Importance of Fathers in Raising their Children | |
213 | Yea | 9-Jun | H RES 447 | Suspend the rules and agree, as amended | P | Financial Management by Federal Agencies | |
214 | Yea | 9-Jun | H R 1635 | Suspend the rules and pass, as amended | P | National Underground Railroad Network to Freedom Act | |
215 | Yea | 9-Jun | H CON RES 270 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as Amended | P | U.S. Support for Taiwan | |
216 | Yea | 10-Jun | H RES 462 | On Consideration of the Resolution | P | Providing for the consideration of H.R. 3150, Bankruptcy Reform Act | |
217 | Yea | 10-Jun | H RES 462 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Providing for the consideration of H.R. 3150, Bankruptcy Reform Act | |
218 | Yea | 10-Jun | H RES 462 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for the consideration of H.R. 3150, Bankruptcy Reform Act | |
219 | Nay | 10-Jun | H R 3150 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Nadler of New York Amendment | |
220 | Nay | 10-Jun | H R 3150 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Delahunt of Massachusetts Amendment | |
221 | Nay | X | 10-Jun | H R 3150 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Gekas of Pennsylvania Amendment |
222 | Nay | 10-Jun | H R 3150 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Scott of Virginia Amendment | |
223 | Nay | 10-Jun | H R 3150 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Nadler of New York substitute amendment | |
224 | Nay | 10-Jun | H R 3150 | On Motion to Recommit with Instructions | F | Bankruptcy Reform Act | |
225 | Yea | 10-Jun | H R 3150 | On Passage | P | Bankruptcy Reform Act | |
226 | Nay | 11-Jun | H J RES 119 | On Passage | F | Constitutional Amendment to Permit Limits on Campaign Spending | |
227 | Nay | 11-Jun | H R 2888 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Owens of New York amendment | |
228 | Nay | X | 11-Jun | H R 2888 | On Passage | P | Sales Incentive Compensation Act |
229 | Yea | 11-Jun | H R 3494 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Sherman of California amendment | |
230 | Yea | 11-Jun | H R 3494 | On Passage | P | Child Protection and Sexual Predator Punishment Act | |
231 | Yea | 11-Jun | H RES 466 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Condemning the brutal killing of Mr. James Byrd, Jr. | |
232 | Yea | 16-Jun | H R 1847 | Suspend the Rules and Agree to Senate Amendment | P | Telemarketing Fraud Prevention Act | |
233 | Yea | 16-Jun | H RES 401 | Suspend the rules and agree, as amended | P | Expressing the Sense of the House of Representatives concerning promotions in American Schools | |
234 | Yea | 17-Jun | H RES 472 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Providing for consideration of H.R. 3097; Tax Code Termination Act | |
235 | Yea | 17-Jun | H RES 472 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for consideration of H.R. 3097; Tax Code Termination Act | |
236 | Yea | 17-Jun | H RES 471 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Waiving points of order against the conference report to accompany H.R. 2646; Education Savings Act | |
237 | Present | 17-Jun | QUORUM | Call of the House | P | ||
238 | Nay | 17-Jun | H R 3097 | On Motion to Recommit with Instructions | F | Tax Code Termination Act | |
239 | Yea | 17-Jun | H R 3097 | On Passage | P | Tax Code Termination Act | |
240 | Present | 17-Jun | QUORUM | Call in Committee | P | ||
241 | Yea | 17-Jun | H R 2183 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | White of Washington Substitute Amendment | |
242 | Nay | 18-Jun | H R 2646 | On Motion to Recommit with Instructions | F | Education Savings Act for Public and Private Schools | |
243 | Yea | 18-Jun | H R 2646 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | Education Savings Act for Public and Private Schools | |
244 | Yea | 18-Jun | H RES 476 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Providing for consideration of H.Res. 463; To establish the Select Committee on U.S. National Security regarding the Peoples Republic of China | |
245 | Yea | 18-Jun | H RES 463 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Establish the Select Committee on U.S. National Security and Military/Commercial Concerns With the Peoples Republic of China | |
246 | Yea | 18-Jun | H RES 458 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Providing for the further consideration of H.R. 2183 | |
247 | Yea | 18-Jun | H RES 458 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for the further consideration of H.R. 2183 | |
248 | Yea | 19-Jun | H RES 477 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for consideration of H.R. 4059; Military Construction Appropriations for F.Y. 1999 | |
249 | Yea | 19-Jun | H R 2183 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Thomas (CA) Amendment to Shays Substitute | |
250 | Yea | 19-Jun | H R 2183 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Maloney of New York Amendment to Shays Substitute | |
251 | Yea | 19-Jun | H R 2183 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Gillmor (Oh) Amendment to Shays Substitute | |
252 | Nay | 22-Jun | H R 4060 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Foley of Florida Amendment | |
253 | Yea | 22-Jun | H R 4060 | On Passage | P | Energy and Water Development Appropriations for F.Y. 1999 | |
254 | Yea | 22-Jun | H R 4059 | On Passage | P | Military Construction Appropriations for F.Y. 1999 | |
255 | Yea | 22-Jun | H CON RES 288 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree | P | Money Laundering Associated with Mexican Financial Institutions | |
256 | Yea | 22-Jun | H RES 452 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree | P | Sense of the House of Representatives Concerning Increase in Postage Rates | |
257 | Yea | 23-Jun | H R 3853 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | Drug-Free Workplace Act | |
258 | Nay | 23-Jun | H R 4101 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Neumann of Wisconsin Amendment | |
259 | Nay | 23-Jun | H R 4101 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Bass of New Hampshire Amendment | |
260 | Yea | 24-Jun | H R 4101 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Coburn of Oklahoma Amendment | |
261 | Yea | X | 24-Jun | H R 4101 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Miller of Florida Amendment |
262 | Nay | 24-Jun | H R 4101 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Royce of California Amendment | |
263 | Nay | 24-Jun | H R 4101 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Bass of New Hampshire Amendment | |
264 | Yea | 24-Jun | H R 4101 | On Passage | P | Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1999 | |
265 | Yea | 24-Jun | H RES 484 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for consideration of H.R. 4103; Defense Appropriations for F.Y. 1999 | |
266 | Yea | 24-Jun | H R 4103 | On Passage | P | Defense Appropriations Act for F.Y. 1999 | |
267 | Yea | 25-Jun | H RES 491 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for the consideration of an adjournment resolution | |
268 | Yea | X | 25-Jun | H RES 485 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | F | Providing for the consideration of H.R. 4104; Treasury-Postal Appropriations for F.Y. 1999 |
269 | Yea | 25-Jun | H RES 489 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Providing for the consideration of H.R. 4112; Legislative Appropriations for F.Y. 1999 | |
270 | Yea | 25-Jun | H RES 489 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for the consideration of H.R. 4112; Legislative Appropriations for F.Y. 1999 | |
271 | Nay | 25-Jun | H R 4112 | On Motion to Recommit with Instructions | F | Legislative Branch Appropriations, FY 1999 | |
272 | Yea | 25-Jun | H R 4112 | On Passage | P | Legislative Branch Appropriations, FY 1999 | |
273 | Nay | 25-Jun | H R 2676 | On Motion to Recommit the Conference Report | F | to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to restructure and reform the Internal Revenue Service | |
274 | Yea | 25-Jun | H R 2676 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to restructure and reform the Internal Revenue Service | |
275 | Yea | 14-Jul | H R 2183 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Doolittle (CA) as modified to Shays Substitute | |
276 | Yea | 14-Jul | H R 2183 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Fossella (NY) Amendment to Shays Substitute | |
277 | Yea | 15-Jul | H RES 499 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Providing for the consideration of H.R. 3682, Child Custody Protection Act | |
278 | Yea | 15-Jul | H RES 499 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for the consideration of H.R. 3682, Child Custody Protection Act | |
279 | Nay | 15-Jul | H R 3682 | On Motion to Recommit with Instructions | F | Child Custody Protection Act | |
280 | Yea | 15-Jul | H R 3682 | On Passage | P | Child Custody Protection Act | |
281 | Nay | 15-Jul | H R 3267 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Miller of California Substitute amendment | |
282 | Yea | 15-Jul | H R 3267 | On Passage | P | Sonny Bono Memorial Salton Sea Reclamation Act | |
283 | Yea | 15-Jul | H RES 498 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Providing for consideration of H.R. 4101; Treasury, Postal Service Appropriations for F.Y. 1999 | |
284 | Yea | 15-Jul | H RES 498 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for consideration of H.R. 4101; Treasury, Postal Service Appropriations for F.Y. 1999 | |
285 | Yea | 16-Jul | H RES 501 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for the consideration of H.R. 4194, VA, HUD Approriations, FY 99 | |
286 | Nay | 16-Jul | H R 4104 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Schumer of New York amendment | |
287 | Nay | 16-Jul | H R 4104 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Maloney of New York amendment | |
288 | Nay | 16-Jul | H R 4104 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | DeLauro of Connecticut Amendment | |
289 | Nay | 16-Jul | H R 4104 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Hefner of North Carolina Amendment | |
290 | Yea | X | 16-Jul | H R 4104 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Lowey of New York Amendment |
291 | Yea | 16-Jul | H R 4104 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Sanders of Vermont Amendment | |
292 | Nay | X | 16-Jul | H R 4104 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Smith of New Jersey amendment |
293 | Yea | 16-Jul | H R 4104 | On Passage | P | Treasury, Postal Service Appropriations, FY 1999 | |
294 | Yea | 16-Jul | H R 3731 | On Passage | P | Steve Schiff Auditorium Designation | |
295 | Nay | 17-Jul | H R 4194 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Stokes of Ohio Amendments (en bloc) | |
296 | Yea | 17-Jul | H R 4194 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Lazio of New York Amendment | |
297 | Yea | 20-Jul | H R 3874 | Suspend the rules and pass, as amended | P | Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Amendments of 1998 | |
298 | Yea | 20-Jul | H CON RES 208 | Suspend the rules and agree | P | Expressing the Sense of the Congress Regarding Access to Affordable Housing and Expansion of Homeownership Opportunities | |
299 | Yea | 20-Jul | H RES 392 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as Amended | P | Relating to the Importance of Japanese-American Relations | |
300 | Yea | 20-Jul | H CON RES 301 | Suspend the rules and agree | P | Affirming the United States Commitment to Taiwan | |
301 | Yea | 20-Jul | H R 2183 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Wicker of Mississippi to Shays Substitute | |
302 | Yea | 20-Jul | H R 2183 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Stearns of Florida to Shays Substitute | |
303 | Yea | 20-Jul | H R 2183 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Pickering of Mississippi (as modified) to Shays Substitute | |
304 | Yea | 20-Jul | H R 2183 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | DeLay of Texas Amendment to Shays Substitute | |
305 | Yea | 20-Jul | H R 2183 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | McInnis (CO) Amendment to Shays (CT) Substitute | |
306 | Yea | 20-Jul | H R 2183 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Paxon (NY) Amendment to Shays (CT) Substitute | |
307 | Yea | 20-Jul | H R 2183 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Hefley (CO) Amendment to Shays (CT) Substitute | |
308 | Yea | 20-Jul | H R 2183 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Northup (KY) Amendment to Shays (CT) Substitute | |
309 | Nay | 21-Jul | ADJOURN | On Motion to Adjourn | F | ||
310 | Yea | 21-Jul | H RES 504 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Providing for consideration of H.R. 4193; Interior Appropriations for F.Y. 1999 | |
311 | Yea | 21-Jul | H RES 504 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for consideration of H.R. 4193; Interior Appropriations for F.Y. 1999 | |
312 | Nay | 21-Jul | H R 4193 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Johnson of Connecticut Amendment | |
313 | Nay | 21-Jul | H R 4193 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Skaggs of Colorado Amendment | |
314 | Yea | 21-Jul | H R 4193 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Sanders of Vermont amendment | |
315 | Nay | 21-Jul | H R 4193 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | McGovern of Massachusetts amendment | |
316 | Present | 22-Jul | QUORUM | Call of the House | P | ||
317 | Nay | 22-Jul | H J RES 121 | On Passage | F | To Disapprove Most-Favored-Nation Treatment to China | |
318 | Yea | 22-Jul | H R 1689 | Suspend the rules and pass, as amended | P | Securities Litigation Uniform Standards Act | |
319 | Yea | X | 22-Jul | H R 4193 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Parker of Mississippi Amendment |
320 | Nay | 22-Jul | H R 4193 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Miller of California Amendment | |
321 | Yea | 23-Jul | H R 1122 | Motion to Discharge the Committee | P | Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act | |
322 | Yea | 23-Jul | H R 3616 | Motion to Instruct Conferees | P | National Defense Authorization for Fiscal Year 1999 | |
323 | Yea | 23-Jul | H R 3616 | Closing Portions of the Conference | P | National Defense Authorization for Fiscal Year 1999 | |
324 | Present | 23-Jul | QUORUM | Call of the House | P | ||
325 | Yea | 23-Jul | H R 1122 | Passage, Objections of the President Notwithstanding | P | Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act | |
326 | Yea | X | 23-Jul | H R 4193 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | DeFazio of Oregon amendment |
327 | Nay | 23-Jul | H R 4193 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | McDermott of Washington Amendment | |
328 | Nay | 23-Jul | H R 4193 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Hinchey of New York Amendment | |
329 | Nay | 23-Jul | H R 4193 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Miller of California Amendment | |
330 | Nay | X | 23-Jul | H R 4193 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Pappas of New Jersey Amendment |
331 | Yea | 23-Jul | H R 4193 | On Passage | P | Interior Appropriations for F.Y. 1999 | |
332 | Nay | 23-Jul | H R 4194 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Obey of Wisconsin Amendment | |
333 | Present | 23-Jul | QUORUM | Call in Committee | P | ||
334 | Nay | 23-Jul | H R 4194 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Waxman of California Amendment | |
335 | Yea | 24-Jul | H RES 509 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for consideration of H.R. 4250; Patient Protection Act | |
336 | Nay | 24-Jul | H R 4250 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Dingell of Michigan Substitute Amendment | |
337 | Yea | 24-Jul | H R 4250 | On Motion to Table the Appeal of the Ruling of the Chair | P | Patient Protection Act | |
338 | Nay | 24-Jul | H R 4250 | On Motion to Recommit with Instructions | F | Patient Protection Act | |
339 | Yea | 24-Jul | H R 4250 | On Passage | P | Patient Protection Act | |
340 | Yea | 27-Jul | H CON RES 311 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Honoring the memory of Detective John Gibson and Private First Class Jacob Chestnut of the United States Capitol Police | |
341 | No Vote | 28-Jul | QUORUM | Call of the House | P | ||
342 | Yea | 28-Jul | ADJOURN | On Motion to Adjourn | P | ||
343 | Yea | 29-Jul | H RES 511 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Waiving points of order against the conference report on H.R. 629 | |
344 | Yea | 29-Jul | H R 629 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | Texas Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Compact | |
345 | Nay | 29-Jul | H R 4194 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Roemer of Indiana Amendment | |
346 | Nay | 29-Jul | H R 4194 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Hinchey of New York Amendment | |
347 | Nay | X | 29-Jul | H R 4194 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Hilleary of Tennessee amendment |
348 | Present | 29-Jul | QUORUM | Call in Committee | P | ||
349 | Yea | 29-Jul | H R 4194 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Riggs of California Amendment | |
350 | Yea | 29-Jul | H R 4194 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Coburn of Oklahoma Amendment | |
351 | Nay | 29-Jul | H R 4194 | On Motion to Recommit with Instructions | F | VA-HUD Appropriations Act for FY 1999 | |
352 | Yea | 29-Jul | H R 4194 | On Passage | P | VA-HUD Appropriations Act for FY 1999 | |
353 | Yea | 29-Jul | H R 4059 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | Military Construction Appropriations for F.Y. 1999 | |
354 | Present | 29-Jul | QUORUM | Call of the House | P | ||
355 | Yea | 30-Jul | H R 4328 | On Passage | P | Transportation and Related Agencies Appropriations, FY 1999 | |
356 | Yea | 30-Jul | H J RES 120 | On Passage | F | Disapproval of Presidential Waiver for Vietnam | |
357 | Yea | 30-Jul | H RES 507 | On agreeing to the resolution, as amended | P | Providing special investigative authority for the Committee on Education and the Workforce | |
358 | Yea | 30-Jul | H R 2183 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Goodlatte (VA) Amendment to Shays (CT) Substitute | |
359 | Yea | 30-Jul | H R 2183 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Wicker of Mississippi to Shays Substitute | |
360 | Yea | 30-Jul | H R 2183 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Calvert of California to Shays Substitute | |
361 | Nay | X | 30-Jul | H R 2183 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Smith of Washington to Shays Substitute |
362 | Yea | 30-Jul | H R 2183 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Rohrabacher of California to Shays Substitute | |
363 | Nay | 30-Jul | H R 2183 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Paul of Texas to Shays Substitute | |
364 | Nay | 30-Jul | H R 2183 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Paul of Texas to Shays Substitute | |
365 | Yea | 30-Jul | H R 2183 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | DeLay of Texas to Shays Substitute | |
366 | Yea | 30-Jul | H R 2183 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Peterson (PA) to Shays (CT) Substitute | |
367 | Yea | 31-Jul | H R 2183 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Barr (GA) Amendment to Shays (CT) Substitute | |
368 | Yea | 31-Jul | H R 2183 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | McIntosh of Indiana to Shays Substitute | |
369 | Yea | X | 31-Jul | H R 2183 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Horn of California to Shays Substitute |
370 | Yea | 31-Jul | H R 2183 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Shaw of Florida to Shays Substitute | |
371 | Yea | 31-Jul | H R 2183 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Kaptur of Ohio (as modified) to Shays Substitute | |
372 | Yea | 31-Jul | H R 2183 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Stearns of Florida to Shays Substitute | |
373 | Yea | 31-Jul | H R 2183 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Stearns of Florida to Shays Substitute | |
374 | Yea | X | 31-Jul | H R 2183 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Whitfield of Kentucky to Shays Substitute |
375 | Yea | 31-Jul | H R 2183 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Whitfield of Kentucky to Shays Substitute | |
376 | Yea | 31-Jul | H R 2183 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | English of Pennsylvania to Shays Substitute | |
377 | Yea | 3-Aug | H R 3743 | Suspend the rules and pass, as amended | P | Concerning the Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant in Iran | |
378 | Yea | 3-Aug | S J RES 54 | Suspend the rules and pass | P | Finding the Government of Iraq in Unacceptable and Material Breach of its International Obligations | |
379 | Nay | 3-Aug | H R 2183 | On Agreeing to the Amendment, as amended | A | Shays of Connecticut Substitute Amendment, as Amended | |
380 | Yea | 4-Aug | H CON RES 213 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as Amended | P | Sense of Congress that the European Union in Unfairly Restricting the Importation of U.S. Agricultural Products | |
381 | Nay | 4-Aug | H R 4276 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Mollohan of West Virginia Amendment | |
382 | Nay | 4-Aug | H R 4276 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Skaggs of Colorado Amendment, as amended | |
383 | Nay | 4-Aug | H R 4276 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Souder of Indiana Amendment | |
384 | Nay | X | 4-Aug | H R 4276 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Bass of New Hampshire Amendment |
385 | Nay | 4-Aug | H R 4276 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Scott of Virginia Amendment | |
386 | Nay | X | 4-Aug | H R 4276 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Gutknecht of Minnesota Amendment |
387 | Nay | 4-Aug | H R 4276 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | DeGette of Colorado Amendment | |
388 | Nay | 5-Aug | H R 4276 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Mollohan of West Virginia Amendment | |
389 | Nay | 5-Aug | H R 4276 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Pallone of New Jersey Amendment | |
390 | Nay | 5-Aug | H R 4276 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Engel of New York Amendment | |
391 | Nay | X | 5-Aug | H R 4276 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Royce of California Amendment |
392 | Yea | 5-Aug | H R 4276 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Bartlett of Maryland Amendment | |
393 | Yea | 5-Aug | H R 4276 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Talent of Missouri Amendment | |
394 | Yea | 5-Aug | H R 4276 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Stearns of Florida Amendment | |
395 | Yea | 5-Aug | H R 4276 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Callahan of Alabama Amendment | |
396 | Nay | 5-Aug | H R 4276 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Conyers of Michigan Amendment | |
397 | Yea | X | 5-Aug | H R 4276 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Hutchinson of Arkansas Amendment |
398 | Nay | X | 5-Aug | H R 4276 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Hefley of Colorado Amendment |
399 | Yea | 5-Aug | H R 4276 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Kolbe of Arizona Amendment | |
400 | Yea | 5-Aug | H R 4276 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | McIntosh of Indiana Amendment | |
401 | Nay | 5-Aug | H R 4276 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Kucinich of Ohio Amendment | |
402 | Yea | 6-Aug | H R 4276 | On Passage | P | Commerce, Justice, State, Judiciary Appropriations, FY 1999 | |
403 | Yea | 6-Aug | H R 2183 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Doolittle of California Substitute Amendment | |
404 | Yea | 6-Aug | H R 2183 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Hutchinson of Arkansas Substitute Amendment | |
405 | Nay | 6-Aug | H R 2183 | On Passage | P | Campaign Finance Reform | |
406 | Yea | 6-Aug | H RES 517 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for the consideration of H.R. 4380, District of Columbia Appropriations for FY 1999 | |
407 | Nay | 6-Aug | H R 4380 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Norton of the District of Columbia Amendment | |
408 | Nay | 6-Aug | H R 4380 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Norton of the District of Columbia Amendment | |
409 | Nay | 6-Aug | H R 4380 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Norton of the District of Columbia Amendment | |
410 | Nay | 6-Aug | H R 4380 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Norton of the District of Columbia Amendment | |
411 | Yea | 6-Aug | H R 4380 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Armey of Texas Amendment | |
412 | Yea | 7-Aug | H R 4380 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Tiahrt of Kansas Amendment | |
413 | Nay | 7-Aug | H R 4380 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Moran of Virginia Amendment, as Modified | |
414 | Yea | 7-Aug | H R 4380 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Largent of Oklahoma Amendment | |
415 | Yea | 7-Aug | H R 4380 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Bilbray of California Amendment | |
416 | Yea | 7-Aug | H R 4380 | On Passage | P | District of Columbia Appropriations for FY 1999 | |
417 | Yea | 9-Sep | H R 678 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | Thomas Edison Sesquicentennial Commemorative Coin Act | |
418 | Yea | 9-Sep | H R 1560 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | Lewis and Clark Expedition Bicentennial Commemorative Coin Act | |
419 | Yea | 9-Sep | H RES 459 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as Amended | P | Commemorating 50 Years of Relations Between the United States and the Republic of Korea | |
420 | Yea | 10-Sep | H R 2863 | On Passage | P | Migratory Bird Treaty Reform Act | |
421 | Yea | 10-Sep | H R 2538 | On Passage | P | Guadalupe-Hidalgo Treaty Land Claims of 1998 | |
422 | Nay | 10-Sep | H R 3892 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Martinez (CA) to the Riggs (CA) Amendment | |
423 | Yea | 10-Sep | H R 3892 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Riggs of California Amendment | |
424 | Yea | 10-Sep | H R 3892 | On Passage | P | English Language Fluency Act | |
425 | Yea | 11-Sep | H RES 525 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for a deliberative review by the Committee on the Judiciary of a communication from an independent counsel, and for the release thereof | |
426 | Yea | 14-Sep | S 2206 | Suspend the rules and pass, as amended | P | Community Opportunities, Accountability, and Training and Educational Services Act | |
427 | Yea | 14-Sep | H CON RES 304 | Suspend the rules and agree | P | Expressing the Sense of Congress Regarding War Crimes in the former Yugoslavia | |
428 | Yea | 14-Sep | H CON RES 254 | Suspend the rules and agree, as amended | P | Calling on the Government of Cuba to Extradite to the U.S. convicted felon Joanne Chesimard | |
429 | Yea | 14-Sep | H CON RES 185 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as Amended | P | 50th Anniversary of the Signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights | |
430 | Yea | 15-Sep | H R 4101 | Previous question on motion to instruct conferees | P | Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1999 | |
431 | Yea | 15-Sep | H R 4103 | On Motion to Instruct Conferees | P | Defense Appropriations Act for F.Y. 1999 | |
432 | Yea | 15-Sep | H R 4103 | Motion to close portions of the conference | P | Defense Appropriations Act for F.Y. 1999 | |
433 | Yea | X | 15-Sep | H R 4328 | On Motion to Instruct Conferees | P | Transportation and Related Agencies Appropriations, FY 1999 |
434 | Yea | 15-Sep | H R 4194 | On Motion to Instruct Conferees | P | VA-HUD Appropriations Act for FY 1999 | |
435 | Yea | 15-Sep | H J RES 117 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | Expressing the Sense of Congress that Marijuana is a Dangerous and Addictive Drug and Should not be Legalized for Medicinal Use | |
436 | Yea | 15-Sep | S 2073 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | Juvenile Crime Control and Delinquency Prevention Act | |
437 | Yea | 15-Sep | H R 4382 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | Mammography Quality Standards Reauthorization | |
438 | Yea | 16-Sep | H R 4300 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | McCollum of Florida Amendment | |
439 | Nay | 16-Sep | H R 4300 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Reyes (TX) Amendment, as Modified, to Traficant (OH) Amendment | |
440 | Yea | 16-Sep | H R 4300 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Traficant of Ohio Amendment | |
441 | Nay | 16-Sep | H R 4300 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Waters of California Amendment | |
442 | Yea | 16-Sep | H R 4300 | On Passage | P | Western Hemisphere Drug Elimination Act | |
443 | Nay | X | 16-Sep | H R 4550 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Taylor of Mississippi Amendment |
444 | Yea | 16-Sep | H R 4550 | On Passage | P | Drug Demand Reduction Act | |
445 | Yea | 17-Sep | H J RES 128 | On Passage | P | Making continuing appropriations for F.Y. 1999 | |
446 | Yea | 17-Sep | H RES 542 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for consideration of H.R. 4569; Foreign Operations Appropriations for F.Y. 1999 | |
447 | Yea | X | 17-Sep | H R 4569 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Porter of Illinois Amendment |
448 | Nay | 17-Sep | H R 4569 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Kennedy (MA) Substitute to Torres Amendment | |
449 | Yea | 17-Sep | H R 4569 | On Passage | P | Foreign Operations Appropriations for F.Y. 1999 | |
450 | Nay | 18-Sep | H R 3248 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Mink of Hawaii Amendment | |
451 | Nay | 18-Sep | H R 3248 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Martinez of California Amendment | |
452 | Yea | 18-Sep | H R 3248 | On Passage | P | To Provide Dollars to the Classroom | |
453 | Yea | 23-Sep | H RES 545 | On Motion to Table the Resolution | P | Impeachment of Kenneth W. Starr | |
454 | Yea | 23-Sep | H RES 144 | Suspend the Rules and Agree, as amended | P | Bicentennial of the Lewis and Clark Expedition | |
455 | Yea | 23-Sep | H RES 505 | Suspend the Rules and Agree | P | Diplomatic Relations with Pacific Island Nations | |
456 | Yea | 23-Sep | H CON RES 315 | Suspend the Rules and Agree, as amended | P | Condemn Serbian Atrocities in Kosovo | |
457 | Yea | 24-Sep | H R 4112 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | Legislative Branch Appropriations, FY 1999 | |
458 | Yea | 24-Sep | H R 3616 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | National Defense Authorization for Fiscal Year 1999 | |
459 | Nay | 24-Sep | H R 3736 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Watt of North Carolina Substitute Amendment | |
460 | Yea | 24-Sep | H R 3736 | On Passage | P | Workforce Improvement and Protection Act | |
461 | Yea | 25-Sep | H RES 552 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Providing for the consideration of H.R. 4578 and H.R. 4579 | |
462 | Yea | 25-Sep | H RES 552 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for the consideration of H.R. 4578 and H.R. 4579 | |
463 | Nay | 25-Sep | H R 4578 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Rangel of New York Substitute Amendment | |
464 | Yea | 25-Sep | H R 4578 | On Passage | P | Protect Social Security Account | |
465 | Yea | 25-Sep | H RES 553 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Providing for the consideration of H.R. 2621 | |
466 | Yea | 25-Sep | H R 2621 | On Passage | F | Reciprocal Trade Agreement Authorities Act | |
467 | Yea | 26-Sep | JOURNAL | On Approving the Journal | P | ||
468 | Nay | 26-Sep | H R 4579 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Rangel of New York Substitute Amendment | |
469 | Yea | 26-Sep | H R 4579 | On Passage | P | Taxpayer Relief Act | |
470 | Yea | 28-Sep | H R 3891 | Suspend the rules and pass, as amended | F | Trademark Anticounterfeiting Act | |
471 | Yea | 28-Sep | H R 4103 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | Defense Appropriations Act for F.Y. 1999 | |
472 | Yea | 28-Sep | H R 4060 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | Energy and Water Development Appropriations for F.Y. 1999 | |
473 | Yea | X | 28-Sep | H R 3150 | On Motion to Instruct Conferees | P | Bankruptcy Reform Act |
474 | Yea | 1-Oct | S 2073 | On Motion to Go to Conference | P | Juvenile Crime Control and Delinquency Prevention Act | |
475 | Nay | 1-Oct | H RES 563 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | F | Waiving points of order against the conference report on H.R. 4104 | |
476 | Yea | 2-Oct | H RES 564 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for consideration of H.R. 4274; Labor, Health, and Human Services Appropriations for F.Y. 1999 | |
477 | Yea | 2-Oct | JOURNAL | On Approving the Journal | P | ||
478 | Nay | 2-Oct | H R 4101 | Recommit the Conference Report with Instructions | F | Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1999 | |
479 | Yea | 2-Oct | H R 4101 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1999 | |
480 | Yea | 5-Oct | H R 4614 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | F | New Hampshire Land Conveyance | |
481 | Yea | X | 5-Oct | H R 1154 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | F | Indian Federal Recognition Administrative Procedures Act of 1997 |
482 | Yea | 5-Oct | H R 4655 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | Establishing a Program to Support a Transition to Democracy in Iraq | |
483 | Yea | 6-Oct | H R 4194 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | VA-HUD Appropriations Act for FY 1999 | |
484 | Yea | 6-Oct | H RES 575 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Waiving a requirement of clause 4(b) of rule XI with respect to consideration of certain resolutions reported from the Committtee on Rules | |
485 | Nay | 6-Oct | H R 4259 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Cummings of Maryland Substitute Amendment | |
486 | Nay | 7-Oct | H R 3694 | Recommit Conference Report with Instructions | F | FY 1999 Intelligence Authorization | |
487 | Yea | 7-Oct | H R 3694 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | FY 1999 Intelligence Authorization | |
488 | Yea | 7-Oct | H RES 573 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for consideration of H.R. 4570; Omnibus National Parks and Public Lands Act | |
489 | Yea | 7-Oct | H R 4570 | On Passage | F | Omnibus National Parks and Public Lands Act | |
490 | Yea | 7-Oct | H RES 579 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Waiving points of order against the conference report on H.R. 4104 | |
491 | Yea | 7-Oct | H R 4616 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass | P | Designating the Corporal Harold Gomez Post Office | |
492 | Yea | 7-Oct | H R 2348 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass | P | Designating the Mervyn Dymally Post Office Building | |
493 | Nay | 7-Oct | H R 4104 | Recommit Conference Report with Instructions | F | Treasury, Postal Service, Independent Agencies Appropriations, FY 1999 | |
494 | Yea | 7-Oct | H R 4104 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | Treasury, Postal Service, Independent Agencies Appropriations, FY 1999 | |
495 | Yea | 8-Oct | JOURNAL | On Approving the Journal | P | ||
496 | Present | 8-Oct | QUORUM | Call of the House | P | ||
497 | Nay | 8-Oct | H RES 581 | On Motion to Recommit with Instructions | F | Authorizing and directing the Committee on the Judiciary to investigate whether sufficient grounds exist for the impeachment of William Jefferson Clinton, President of the United States | |
498 | Yea | 8-Oct | H RES 581 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Authorizing and directing the Committee on the Judiciary to investigate whether sufficient grounds exist for the impeachment of William Jefferson Clinton, President of the United States | |
499 | Nay | 8-Oct | ADJOURN | On Motion to Adjourn | F | ||
500 | Yea | 8-Oct | H RES 584 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Further providing for the consideration of H.R. 4274 | |
501 | Yea | 8-Oct | H RES 584 | table motion to reconsider | P | Further providing for the consideration of H.R. 4274 | |
502 | Yea | 8-Oct | H RES 584 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Further providing for the consideration of H.R. 4274 | |
503 | Yea | 8-Oct | H RES 584 | table motion to reconsider | P | Further providing for the consideration of H.R. 4274 | |
504 | Yea | 8-Oct | H R 4274 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Istook Substitute Amendment to Greenwood Amendment | |
505 | Nay | 9-Oct | H R 3150 | Recommit Conference Report with Instructions | F | Bankruptcy Reform Act | |
506 | Yea | 9-Oct | H R 3150 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | Bankruptcy Reform Act | |
507 | Yea | 9-Oct | H RES 565 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree | P | Expressing the Sense of the House of Representatives Regarding the Importance of Mammograms and Biopsies in the Fight Against Breast Cancer | |
508 | Yea | 9-Oct | H CON RES 331 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree | F | Expressing the sense of Congress Concerning the Inadequacy of Sewage Infrastructute Facilities in Tijuana, Mexico | |
509 | Yea | 9-Oct | H RES 557 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree | P | Expressing Support for U.S. Government Efforts to Identify Holocaust-Era Assets | |
510 | Yea | 9-Oct | H R 3874 | Suspend the rules and agree to Conference Report | P | Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Amendments of 1998 | |
511 | Yea | 9-Oct | H J RES 133 | On Passage | P | Further Continuing Approriations, FY 1999 | |
512 | Yea | 10-Oct | MOTION | Table appeal from ruling of the chair | P | ||
513 | Yea | 10-Oct | H RES 589 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Waiving a requirement of clause 4(b) of rule XI with respect to consideration of certain resolutions reported from the Committee on Rules | |
514 | Yea | 10-Oct | H RES 588 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for consideration of H.R. 4761; Uruguay Round Agreements Compliance Act | |
515 | Yea | 10-Oct | H RES 592 | Suspend the rules and agree | P | Concurrence by the House with amendments in the Senate Amendment to H.R. 4110; Veterans Benefits Improvement Act | |
516 | Yea | 10-Oct | H R 4567 | Suspend the rules and pass, as amended | P | Medicare Home Health Care and Veterans Health Care Improvement Act | |
517 | Yea | 10-Oct | H CON RES 334 | Suspend the rules and agree | P | Taiwan World Health Organization | |
518 | Yea | 10-Oct | H CON RES 320 | Suspend the rules and agree, as amended | P | Supporting the Baltic People of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania | |
519 | Yea | 10-Oct | H R 2616 | Suspend the Rules and Agree to the Senate Amendment | P | Charter Schools | |
520 | Yea | 10-Oct | S 852 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | National Salvage Motor Vehicle Consumer Protection Act | |
521 | Yea | 12-Oct | H R 3494 | Suspend the rules and agree to Senate amendments | P | Child Protection and Sexual Predator Punishment Act | |
522 | Yea | 12-Oct | H CON RES 350 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree | F | Calling Upon the President to Respond to the Significant Increase of Steel Imports | |
523 | Yea | 12-Oct | S 2095 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | F | National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Establishment Act | |
524 | Yea | 13-Oct | H RES 494 | Suspend the rules and agree | P | Expressing the Sense of the House of Representatives that the U.S. has enjoyed the loyalty of the U.S. citizens of Guam | |
525 | Yea | 13-Oct | S 1364 | Suspend the rules and pass, as amended | P | Federal Reports Elimination Act of 1998 | |
526 | Yea | 13-Oct | H R 4756 | Suspend the rules and pass, as amended | P | Year 2000 Preparedness Act of 1998 | |
527 | Nay | X | 13-Oct | S 1754 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | Health Professions Education Partnerships Act |
528 | Yea | 13-Oct | S 1260 | Suspend the Rules and Agree to Conference Report | P | Securities Litigation Uniform Standards Act | |
529 | Yea | 13-Oct | S 1722 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass | P | Womens Health Research and Prevention Amendments | |
530 | Yea | 14-Oct | H R 3963 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | F | Sell Canyon Ferry Reservoir Cabins | |
531 | Yea | 14-Oct | H R 559 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass | P | Add Bronchiolo-Alveolar Carcinoma to Service-Connected Diseases | |
532 | Nay | X | 15-Oct | H RES 598 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree | P | Steel Imports |
533 | Yea | 15-Oct | S 1733 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass | P | To require the Commissioner of Social Security and Food Stamp Agencies to take certain actions to ensure that food stamp coupons are not issued for deceased individuals | |
534 | Yea | 15-Oct | S 2133 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass | F | To preserve the cultural resources of the Route 66 corridor | |
535 | Yea | 15-Oct | S 1132 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass | F | Bandelier National Monument Administrative Improvement and Watershed Protection Act | |
536 | Yea | 20-Oct | H RES 605 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Waiving points of order against the Conference Report to accompany H.R. 4328 | |
537 | Yea | 20-Oct | H RES 604 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for the consideration of S. 1132 and S. 2133 | |
538 | Yea | 20-Oct | H R 4328 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | Transportation and Related Agencies Appropriations, FY 1999 | |
539 | Yea | 17-Dec | H RES 612 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Supporting United States Troops in the Persian Gulf | |
540 | Nay | 18-Dec | ADJOURN | On Motion to Adjourn | F | ||
541 | Yea | 19-Dec | JOURNAL | On Approving the Journal | P | ||
542 | Yea | 19-Dec | MOTION | Table appeal from ruling of the chair | P | ||
543 | Yea | 19-Dec | H RES 611 | Adopting the First Article | A | ||
544 | Yea | 19-Dec | H RES 611 | Adopting the Second Article | F | ||
545 | Yea | 19-Dec | H RES 611 | Adopting the Third Article | A | ||
546 | Yea | 19-Dec | H RES 611 | Adopting the Fourth Article | F | ||
547 | Yea | 19-Dec | H RES 614 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Appointment of Managers |
309 Yea, 124 Nay, 9 Present, 6 No Vote (1.10 %)
31 votes (5.67 %) not with majority of R-party.