Voting Record For Blumenauer (D)

An 'X' in the P column indicates a vote where a Representatives vote differs from the vote of the majority of their Party.

Vote NumberVotePDateIssueQuestionResultDescription
1Present7-JanQUORUMcall by statesP 
2Nay7-JanMOTIONtable appeal of the ruling of the chairP 
4Nay7-JanH RES 5On Ordering the Previous QuestionPRules of the House of Representatives for the 105th Congress
5Yea7-JanH RES 5On motion to commit with instructionsFRules of the House of Representatives for the 105th Congress
6Nay7-JanH RES 5On Agreeing to the ResolutionPRules of the House of Representatives for the 105th Congress
7Nay7-JanS CON RES 3On Agreeing to the ResolutionP 
8Yea21-JanH RES 31On Agreeing to the ResolutionPIn the Matter of Representative Newt Gingrich
9Yea5-FebH R 499On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPFrank M. Tejeda Post Office Building
10Yea5-FebJOURNALOn Approving the JournalP 
11Nay12-FebH J RES 2On Agreeing to the AmendmentFHutchinson of Arkansas Substitute Amendment
12Nay12-FebH J RES 2On Agreeing to the AmendmentFMcInnis of Colorado Substitute Amendment0
13Nay12-FebH J RES 2On Agreeing to the AmendmentFCrapo of Idaho Substitute Amendment
14Nay12-FebH J RES 2On Agreeing to the AmendmentFBlunt of Missouri Substitute Amendment
15Nay12-FebH J RES 2On Agreeing to the AmendmentFChristensen of Nebraska Substitute Amendment
16Nay12-FebH J RES 2On Agreeing to the AmendmentFEnsign of Nevada Substitute Amendment
17Nay12-FebH J RES 2On Agreeing to the AmendmentFThune of South Dakota Substitute Amendment
18Nay12-FebH J RES 2On Agreeing to the AmendmentFfowler of florida substitute amendment
19Nay12-FebH J RES 2On Agreeing to the AmendmentFscott of virginia substitute amendment
20YeaX12-FebH J RES 2On Agreeing to the AmendmentFbarton of texas substitute amendment
21Nay12-FebH J RES 2On PassageFTerm Limits Constitutional Amendment
22Yea13-FebH J RES 36On PassagePApproving the Presidential Finding Regarding International Family Planning Programs
23Nay13-FebH R 581On PassagePFunds Appropriated for Population Planning
24Yea26-FebJOURNALOn Approving the JournalP 
25Yea26-FebH R 624On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPThe Armored Car Reciprocity Amendments of 1997
26Yea26-FebH R 497On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPTo repeal the Federal Charter of Group Hospitalization and Medical Services, Inc.
27Yea26-FebH R 668On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPAviation Trust Fund Tax Reinstatement
28Yea27-FebJOURNALOn Approving the JournalP 
29Yea5-MarH CON RES 17Suspend the rules and agreePCongratulate Guatemala on the Peace Process
30Yea5-MarH CON RES 18Suspend the rules and agreePCongratulate Nicaragua on Elections
31Nay5-MarH CON RES 31Suspend the rules and agreePExpressing the sense of Congress regarding the display of the Ten Commandments by Judge Roy S. Moore, a judge on the circuit court of the State of Alabama
32Nay6-MarADJOURNOn Motion to AdjournF 
33Yea6-MarJOURNALOn Approving the JournalP 
34Yea6-MarH R 513Suspend the rules and passPDistrict of Columbia Council Contract Review Reform Act
35YeaX6-MarADJOURNOn Motion to AdjournF 
36Yea11-MarH CON RES 16Suspend the rules and agree, as amendedPImprove Living Standards for South Asians
37Yea11-MarH RES 68Suspend the rules and agree, as amendedPReaffirm U.S.- Japan Security Treaty
38Yea11-MarH R 750Suspend the rules and pass, as amendedPHong Kong Reversion Act
39Yea12-MarJOURNALOn Approving the JournalP 
40Nay12-MarADJOURNOn Motion to AdjournF 
41Nay12-MarH RES 90On Ordering the Previous QuestionPProviding for the consideration of H.Res. 89; Request New Balanced Budget from the President
42Nay12-MarH RES 90On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for the consideration of H.Res. 89; Request New Balanced Budget from the President
43Yea12-MarH RES 89On Motion to Recommit with InstructionsFRequest New Balanced Budget from the President
44Nay12-MarH RES 89On Agreeing to the ResolutionPRequest New Balanced Budget from the President
45Nay13-MarH RES 95On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for consideration of H.J.Res. 58; Disapprove Certification of Mexico
46Nay13-MarH J RES 58On Agreeing to the AmendmentAHastert to Gilman Substitute
47Nay13-MarH J RES 58On Agreeing to the AmendmentAGilman Substitute amendment, as amended
48Nay13-MarH J RES 58On PassagePDisapprove Certification of Mexico
49YeaX13-MarH RES 88On Ordering the Previous QuestionPProviding for the consideration of H.R. 852; Paperwork Reduction Amendments
50No Vote13-MarH R 852On PassagePPaperwork Reduction Amendments
51Yea18-MarH R 412On Agreeing to the AmendmentFMiller of California Amendment
52Yea18-MarH R 924On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPVictim Allocution Clarification Act
53Yea18-MarH R 672On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPCopyright Clarification Act
54Nay19-MarH RES 99On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for the consideration of H.R. 1, Working Families Flexibility Act
55Yea19-MarH R 1On Agreeing to the AmendmentAGoodling Amendments (en bloc)
56Yea19-MarH R 1On Agreeing to the AmendmentABoyd of Florida amendment
57Yea19-MarH R 1On Agreeing to the AmendmentFOwens of New York amendment
58Yea19-MarH R 1On Agreeing to the AmendmentFMiller of California Substitute Amendment, as Modified
59Nay19-MarH R 1On PassagePWorking Families Flexibility Act
60Yea20-MarADJOURNOn Motion to AdjournF 
61Nay20-MarH RES 100On Ordering the Previous QuestionPProviding for the consideration of H.R. 1122, Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act
62Nay20-MarH RES 100On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for the consideration of H.R. 1122, Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act
63Nay20-MarH R 1122table appeal of the ruling of the ChairPPartial-Birth Abortion Ban Act
64Yea20-MarH R 1122On Motion to Recommit with InstructionsFPartial-Birth Abortion Ban Act
65Nay20-MarH R 1122On PassagePPartial-Birth Abortion Ban Act
66Present20-MarQUORUMCall of the HouseP 
67Nay20-MarH RES 101On Agreeing to the ResolutionFProviding for consideration of the resolution (H. Res. 91), House Committees Funding Resolution
68No Vote21-MarJOURNALOn Approving the JournalP 
69No Vote21-MarH RES 105On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for consideration of H. Res. 91, Committee Funding for the 105th Congress.
70No Vote21-MarH RES 91On Motion to Recommit with InstructionsFHouse Committees Funding Resolution
71No Vote21-MarH RES 91On Agreeing to the Resolution, as amendedPHouse Committees Funding Resolution
72Yea8-AprH R 28On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPRural Multifamily Rental Housing Loan Guarantee Program Authorization
73Yea8-AprH R 1000On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPState Prevention of Food Stamp Benefits to Prisoners
74Nay9-AprH RES 107On Ordering the Previous QuestionPProvidng for Consideration of Motions to Suspend the Rules
75Yea10-AprH R 1003On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPAssisted Suicide Funding Restriction Act of 1997
76Yea15-AprH R 1226Suspend the rules and pass, as amendedPTaxpayer Browsing Protection Act
77Yea15-AprH RES 109Suspend the rules and agreePSense of Congress on Family Tax Relief
78Nay15-AprH J RES 62On PassageFTax Limitation Constitutional Amendment
79Nay16-AprH RES 112On Ordering the Previous QuestionPProviding for consideration of motions to suspend the rules
80Yea16-AprH R 607Suspend the rules and pass, as amendedPHomeowners Insurance Protection Act
81Yea16-AprH CON RES 61On motion to suspend the rules and agreePHonoring the lifetime achievements of Jackie Robinson
82Nay17-AprMOTIONstrike the words from the recordP 
83Nay17-AprMOTIONtable motion to proceed in orderP 
84Yea17-AprJOURNALOn Approving the JournalP 
85No Vote17-AprH R 400On Agreeing to the AmendmentFRohrabacher of California Substitute
86YeaX23-AprH R 400On Agreeing to the AmendmentFCampbell of California amendment
87Nay23-AprH R 400On Agreeing to the AmendmentFCampbell of California amendment
88Nay23-AprH R 400On Agreeing to the AmendmentAKaptur of Ohio amendment
89Nay23-AprH R 400On Agreeing to the AmendmentFHunter of California amendment
90YeaX24-AprH R 1275On Agreeing to the AmendmentFRoemer of Indiana amendment
91Yea24-AprH R 1275On Agreeing to the AmendmentFJackson Lee of Texas amendment
92Yea29-AprH R 1342Suspend the rules and pass, as amendedPConservation Reserve Program Enrollment
93Yea29-AprH R 680Suspend the rules and pass, as amendedPAllow Transfer of Federal Property
94Yea29-AprH R 363Suspend the rules and pass, as amendedPElectric and Magnetic Fields Research Program Reauthorization
95Yea29-AprH R 1271On PassagePFAA Research, Engineering, and Development Authorization Act
96Yea30-AprH R 867On PassagePAdoption Promotion Act of 1997
97Yea1-MayJOURNALOn Approving the JournalP 
98Nay1-MayH RES 129On Agreeing to the ResolutionPCommittee Funding Resolution
99Nay1-MayH R 2Question of Consideration of the Committee Substitute AmendmentPHousing Opportunity and Responsibility Act
100Yea1-MayH R 2On Agreeing to the AmendmentFJackson of Illinois Amendment
101Nay1-MayH R 2On Agreeing to the AmendmentFWeldon of Florida Amendment to Jackson of Illinois
102No Vote1-MayH R 2On Agreeing to the AmendmentFJackson of Illinois Amendment
103NayX6-MayH R 2On Agreeing to the AmendmentFWatt of North Carolina amendment
104Yea6-MayH R 2On Agreeing to the AmendmentFFrank of Massachusetts Amendment
105NayX7-MayH RES 93Suspend the rules and agreePExpressing the Sense of the House that the Bureau of Labor Statistics determine any adjustments in the Consumer Price Index
106Yea7-MayH R 2On Agreeing to the AmendmentFFrank of Masachusetts Amendment
107Yea7-MayH RES 142On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for the consideration of H.R. 478: Flood Prevention and Family Protection Act of 1997
108Yea7-MayH R 478On Agreeing to the AmendmentABoehlert of New York Substitute Amendment As Amended
109Nay7-MayH RES 143On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for the consideration of H.R. 3; Juvinile Crime Act
110Yea8-MayJOURNALOn Approving the JournalP 
111Yea8-MayH R 3On Agreeing to the AmendmentFStupak of Michigan Substitute amendment
112YeaX8-MayH R 3On Agreeing to the AmendmentFWaters of California Amendment
113Yea8-MayH R 3On Agreeing to the AmendmentFConyers of Michigan Amendment
114YeaX8-MayH R 3On Agreeing to the AmendmentFScott of Virginia Amendment
115Yea8-MayH R 3On Agreeing to the AmendmentFLofgren of California Amendment
116Yea8-MayH R 3On Agreeing to the AmendmentADunn of Washington Amendment
117Yea8-MayH R 3On Motion to Recommit with InstructionsFJuvenile Crime Control Act
118Nay8-MayH R 3On PassagePJuvenile Crime Control Act
119Yea13-MayH R 2On Agreeing to the AmendmentFKennedy of Massachusetts amendment
120Yea13-MayH R 2On Agreeing to the AmendmentFKennedy of Massachusetts amendment
121Yea13-MayH R 2On Agreeing to the AmendmentFVento of Minnesota amendment
122YeaX13-MayH R 2On Agreeing to the AmendmentFKennedy of Massachusetts Amendment
123Yea13-MayH R 2On Agreeing to the AmendmentFDavis of Illinois Amendment
124Yea13-MayH R 5Suspend rules and pass, as amendedPIndividuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA)
125Nay14-MayH RES 146On Agreeing to the ResolutionFProviding for consideration of H.R. 1469; Emergency Supplemental Appropriations
126Yea14-MayH R 2On Agreeing to the AmendmentFKennedy of Massachusetts Substitute Amendment
127Nay14-MayH R 2On PassagePHousing Opportunity and Responsibility Act
128Yea15-MayJOURNALOn Approving the JournalP 
129Nay15-MayH RES 149On Ordering the Previous QuestionPProviding for consideration of H.R. 1469; Emergency Supplemental Appropriations
130No Vote15-MayH RES 149On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for consideration of H.R. 1469; Emergency Supplemental Appropriations
131Yea15-MayH R 1469On Agreeing to the AmendmentAObey of Wisconsin Amendment
132Nay15-MayH R 1469On Agreeing to the AmendmentFNeumann of Wisconsin Amendment
133Yea15-MayH R 1469On Agreeing to the AmendmentADiaz-Balart of Florida amendment
134Nay15-MayH R 1469On Agreeing to the AmendmentAGekas of Pennsylvania Amendment
135Nay15-MayH R 1469On Agreeing to the AmendmentFNeumann of Wisconsin Amendment
136Nay15-MayH R 1469On PassagePEmergency Supplemental Appropriations
137Yea16-MayH R 1385On Agreeing to the AmendmentFOwens of New York amendment
138Yea16-MayH R 1385On PassagePEmployment, Training, and Literacy Enhancement Act
139Yea20-MayJOURNALOn Approving the JournalP 
140Nay20-MayH RES 152On Ordering the Previous QuestionPProviding for consideration of H. Con. Res. 84; Congressional Budget
141Nay20-MayH RES 152On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for consideration of H. Con. Res. 84; Congressional Budget
142Yea20-MayS CON RES 26Suspend the rules and agreePPermitting the use of the Rotunda of the Capitol for a ceremony honoring Mother Teresa
143Nay21-MayH CON RES 84On Agreeing to the AmendmentFWaters of California Substitute Amendment
144Nay21-MayH CON RES 84On Agreeing to the AmendmentFDoolittle of California Substitute Amendment
145YeaX21-MayH CON RES 84On Agreeing to the AmendmentFBrown of California Substitute Amendment
146NayX21-MayH CON RES 84On Agreeing to the AmendmentFKennedy of Massachusetts Substitute Amendment
147Yea21-MayH CON RES 84On Agreeing to the AmendmentFShuster of Pennsylvania Substitute Amendment
148NayX21-MayH CON RES 84On Agreeing to the ResolutionPCongressional Budget Resolution for FY 1998
149Nay21-MayH RES 153On Ordering the Previous QuestionPProviding for consideration of H.R. 408; International Dolphin Conservation Program Act
150Yea21-MayH R 911Suspend the rules and pass, as amendedPVolunteer Protection Act
151YeaX21-MayH R 408On PassagePInternational Dolphin Conservation Program Act
152Nay22-MayADJOURNOn Motion to AdjournF 
153Yea22-MayH R 956On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPDrug Free Communities Act
154Yea22-MayJOURNALOn Approving the JournalP 
155Nay22-MayH CON RES 87On Agreeing to the ResolutionFA Resolution to Adjourn the House for the Memorial Day District Work Period
156Yea3-JunH R 1420Suspend the rules and pass, as amendedPNational Wildlife Refuge System Improvement Act
157Nay4-JunH RES 159On Ordering the Previous QuestionPProviding for consideration of H.R. 1757; Foreign Relations Authorization Act and for considerations of H.R. 1758; The European Security Act of 1997
158Nay4-JunH RES 159On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for consideration of H.R. 1757; Foreign Relations Authorization Act and for considerations of H.R. 1758; The European Security Act of 1997
159Nay4-JunH R 1757On Agreeing to the AmendmentADiaz-Balart of Florida Amendment to Skaggs (CO) Amendment
160Yea4-JunH R 1757On Agreeing to the AmendmentFHamilton of Indiana Amendments En Bloc
161Nay4-JunH R 1757On Agreeing to the AmendmentABachus of Alabama Amendment
162Nay4-JunH R 1757On Agreeing to the AmendmentAGoss of Florida Amendment
163Nay4-JunH R 1757On Agreeing to the AmendmentFPaul of Texas Amendment
164Nay4-JunH R 1757On Agreeing to the AmendmentFStearns of Florida amendment
165Yea5-JunH RES 160On Agreeing to the ResolutionPWaiving Points of Order Against the Conference Reprt on H. Con. Res. 84
166NayX5-JunH CON RES 84On Agreeing to the Conference ReportPCongressional Budget Resolution for FY 1998
167Yea5-JunH R 1757On Agreeing to the AmendmentFCampbell of California to Smith of New Jersey amendment
168Nay5-JunH R 1757On Agreeing to the AmendmentASmith of New Jersey Amendment
169Nay5-JunH R 1469On Agreeing to the Conference ReportPEmergency Supplemental Appropriations
170Nay10-JunH R 1757On Agreeing to the AmendmentFStearns of Florida Amendment
171Yea10-JunH R 1757On Agreeing to the AmendmentAScarborough of Florida Amendment, as Modified
172Yea10-JunH R 1757On Agreeing to the AmendmentAEngel of New York Amendment
173Yea10-JunH R 1757On Agreeing to the AmendmentANethercutt of Washington amendment
174Yea10-JunH R 1757On Agreeing to the AmendmentANey of Ohio Amendment
175Yea10-JunH R 1757On Agreeing to the AmendmentAMiller of California Amendment, as Amended
176No Vote10-JunH CON RES 60Suspend the Rules and Agree to the ResolutionPRelating to the 30th Anniversary of the Reunification of the City of Jerusalem
177Nay10-JunH R 1469Previous Question on Motion to Refer Veto MessagePEmergency Supplemental Appropriations
178Nay11-JunH R 1757On Agreeing to the AmendmentARohrabacher of California Amendment
179Nay11-JunH R 1757On Agreeing to the AmendmentFSanford of South Carolina Amendment
180Yea11-JunH R 1757On Agreeing to the AmendmentAGilman of New York amendments (en bloc)
181Yea11-JunH R 1757On Agreeing to the AmendmentAGilman of New York Amendments en bloc
182Yea11-JunH R 1757On Agreeing to the AmendmentASmith of New Jersey Amendment
183Nay11-JunH R 1757On Agreeing to the AmendmentASkaggs of Colorado Amendment as amended
184Yea11-JunH R 1757On Agreeing to the AmendmentAHefley of Colorado Amendment
185Nay11-JunH R 1757On Agreeing to the AmendmentABachus of Alabama Amendment
186Yea11-JunH R 1757On Agreeing to the AmendmentAGilman of New York Amendments en bloc
187Nay11-JunH R 1757On Agreeing to the AmendmentAGoss of Florida Amendment
188Nay11-JunH R 1757On Agreeing to the AmendmentACoburn of Oklahoma Amendment
189Yea11-JunH R 1757On Agreeing to the AmendmentAGilman of New York Amendments en bloc
190Yea11-JunH R 1757On Agreeing to the AmendmentASmith of New Jersey Amendment
191Yea11-JunH R 1757On Agreeing to the AmendmentFSerrano of New York Amendment
192Yea11-JunH R 1757On Agreeing to the AmendmentAFox of Pennsylvania Amendment
193Yea11-JunH R 1757On Agreeing to the AmendmentALazio of New York Amendment
194Nay11-JunH R 1757On Agreeing to the AmendmentASmith of New Jersey Amendment
195Yea11-JunH R 1757On Agreeing to the AmendmentAScarborough of Florida Amendment
196Yea11-JunH R 1757On Agreeing to the AmendmentANethercutt of Washington amendment
197Yea11-JunH R 1757On Agreeing to the AmendmentAMiller of California Amendment, as Amended
198Yea11-JunH R 1757On Agreeing to the AmendmentAFox of Pennsylvania Amendment
199Yea11-JunH R 1757On Agreeing to the AmendmentANey of Ohio Amendment
200Nay11-JunH R 1757On Agreeing to the AmendmentARohrabacher of California Amendment
201Yea11-JunH R 1757On Agreeing to the AmendmentAPaxon of New York amendment
202NayX12-JunH J RES 54On PassagePConstitutional Amendment to Prohibit the Physical Desecration of the Flag
203Yea12-JunH R 1871On PassagePSupplemental Appropriations, FY 1997
204Yea17-JunH R 1057Suspend the rules and pass, as amendedPDesignating the Andrew Jacobs, Jr. Post Office Building
205Yea17-JunH R 1058Suspend the rules and passPDesignating the John T. Myers Post Office Building
206Yea17-JunH R 985Suspend the rules and pass, as amendedPEagles Nest Wilderness Expansion
207Yea17-JunH J RES 56Supend the rules and passPCelebration of the End of Slavery
208Yea18-JunH R 437On PassagePNational Sea Grants College Program Reauthorization Act
209Yea18-JunJOURNALOn Approving the JournalP 
210Yea19-JunADJOURNOn Motion to AdjournF 
211Nay19-JunADJOURNOn Motion to AdjournF 
212Yea19-JunH RES 169On Agreeing to the AmendmentASolomon of New York Amendment
213NayX19-JunH RES 169On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for consideration of H.R. 1119; National Defense Authorization Act
214YeaX19-JunH R 1119On Agreeing to the AmendmentFSanders of Vermont amendment
215Yea19-JunH R 1119On Agreeing to the AmendmentASpence of South Carolina amendment
216NayX19-JunH R 1119On Agreeing to the AmendmentASpence of South Carolina Amendment
217Yea19-JunH R 1119On Agreeing to the AmendmentFHarman of California Amendment
218Yea20-JunJOURNALOn Approving the JournalP 
219Nay20-JunH RES 167On Ordering the Previous QuestionPProviding special investigative authorities for the Committee on Government Reform and Oversight
220Nay20-JunH RES 167On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding special investigative authorities for the Committee on Government Reform and Oversight
221Yea20-JunH R 1119On Agreeing to the AmendmentFLuther of Minnesota Amendment
222Nay20-JunH R 1119On Agreeing to the AmendmentAHefley of Colorado Amendment
223Nay20-JunH R 1119On Agreeing to the AmendmentAWeldon of Pennsylvania Amendment
224Nay20-JunH R 1119On Agreeing to the AmendmentATraficant of Ohio Amendment
225Yea23-JunH R 1119On Agreeing to the AmendmentABachus of Alabama Amendment
226Yea23-JunH R 1119On Agreeing to the AmendmentATalent of Missouri Amendment
227Yea23-JunH R 1119On Agreeing to the AmendmentABuyer of Indiana Amendment
228Yea23-JunH R 1119On Agreeing to the AmendmentFDellums of California amendment as modified
229Yea23-JunH R 1119On Agreeing to the AmendmentFEverett of Alabama Amendment, as Modified
230Nay23-JunH R 1119On Agreeing to the AmendmentARohrabacher of California Amendment
231Nay24-JunH J RES 79On PassageFDisapproving the Extension of Nondiscriminatory Treatment (Most-Favored-Treatment) to the Products of the Peoples Republic of China
232Yea24-JunJOURNALOn Approving the JournalP 
233Nay24-JunH R 1119On Agreeing to the AmendmentFHilleary (TN) Substitute to the Buyer Amendment
234Nay24-JunH R 1119On Agreeing to the AmendmentABuyer of Indiana Amendment
235Nay25-JunH R 1119On Agreeing to the AmendmentFRohrabacher of California Amendment
236Nay25-JunH R 1119On PassagePNational Defense Authorization Act
237Yea25-JunH CON RES 102Suspend the Rules and Agree to the ResolutionPCost of Government Day
238Nay25-JunH RES 174On Ordering the Previous QuestionPProviding for the consideration of H.R. 2015, Balanced Budget Act of 1997; and H.R. 2014, Revenue Reconciliation Act of 1997
239Nay25-JunH RES 174On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for the consideration of H.R. 2015, Balanced Budget Act of 1997; and H.R. 2014, Revenue Reconciliation Act of 1997
240Yea25-JunH R 2015On Motion to Recommit With InstructionsFBalanced Budget Act of 1997
241Nay25-JunH R 2015On PassagePBalanced Budget Act of 1997
242YeaX26-JunH RES 176On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for Consideration of an Adjournment Resolution
243Yea26-JunH R 2014On Agreeing to the AmendmentFRangel of New York Substitute Amendment
244Yea26-JunH R 2014On Motion to Recommit With InstructionsFRevenue Reconciliation Act of 1997
245Nay26-JunH R 2014On PassagePRevenue Reconciliation Act of 1997
246Yea8-JulH R 849On PassagePProhibit Relocation Assistance to Illegal Aliens
247Yea8-JulS J RES 29Suspend the rules and passPAuthorize Statue Showing FDRs Disability
248Yea8-JulH R 1658Suspend the rules and pass, as amendedPAtlantic Striped Bass Conservation Act
249NayX8-JulH R 748Suspend the rules and pass, as amendedPProhibition on Financial Transactions with Countries Supporting Terrorism
250Yea8-JulH R 2016On PassagePMilitary Construction Appropriations FY 1998
251Yea9-JulH R 858On PassagePQuincy Library Group Forest Recovery and Economic Stability Act
252Yea9-JulH RES 179On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for consideration of H.R. 1775, FY 1998 Intelligence Authorization
253Yea9-JulH R 1775On Agreeing to the AmendmentFSanders of Vermont Amendment, as Modified
254Yea9-JulH R 1775On Agreeing to the AmendmentFConyers of Michigan amendment
255Yea9-JulH R 1775On Agreeing to the AmendmentFFrank of Massachusetts Amendment
256Yea10-JulJOURNALOn Approving the JournalP 
257Yea10-JulH R 2015Motion to Instruct ConfereesPBalanced Budget Act of 1997
258Yea10-JulH R 2014Motion to Insruct ConfereesFRevenue Reconciliation Act of 1997
259Nay10-JulH RES 181On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for the consideration of H.R. 2107, Interior Appropriations Act for FY 1998
260Yea10-JulH R 2107On Agreeing to the AmendmentFSanders of Vermont amendment
261Nay10-JulH R 2107On Agreeing to the AmendmentFMaloney of New York Amendment
262Nay10-JulH R 2107On Agreeing to the AmendmentADicks (WA) Amendment to Porter (IL) Amendment
263Yea10-JulH R 2107On Agreeing to the AmendmentAPorter of Illinois Amendment, as amended
264YeaX11-JulH R 2107On Agreeing to the AmendmentFKlug of Wisconsin amendment
265YeaX11-JulH R 2107On Agreeing to the AmendmentFRoyce of California Amendment
266Nay11-JulH R 2107On Agreeing to the AmendmentFEhlers of Michigan amendment
267Yea15-JulH R 1818Suspend the rules and pass, as amendedPJuvenile Crime Control and Delinquency Prevention Act
268Yea15-JulH R 2035Suspend the rules and pass, as amendedPTransfer Naval Vessels
269Yea15-JulJOURNALOn Approving the JournalP 
270Nay15-JulH R 2107On Agreeing to the AmendmentFChabot of Ohio Amendment
271NayX15-JulH R 2107On Agreeing to the AmendmentACrapo of Idaho amendment
272Nay15-JulH R 2107On Agreeing to the AmendmentFIstook of Oklahoma amendment
273Nay15-JulH R 2107On Agreeing to the AmendmentACoburn of Oklahoma Amendment
274Yea15-JulH R 2107On Agreeing to the AmendmentAWeldon of Florida Amendment
275Nay15-JulH R 2107On PassagePInterior Appropriations for F.Y. 1998
276Yea16-JulH R 2158On Agreeing to the AmendmentAObey of Wisconsin Amendment
277Yea16-JulH R 2158On Agreeing to the AmendmentAStokes of Ohio Amendment
278YeaX16-JulH R 2158On Agreeing to the AmendmentFSensenbrenner of Wisconsin Amendment
279Yea16-JulH R 2158On Motion to Recommit with InstructionsFVA-HUD-Independent Agencies Appropriations
280Yea16-JulH R 2158On PassagePVA-HUD-Independent Agencies Appropriations
281Nay17-JulH R 2160On resolving into CommitteePAgriculture Appropriations for F.Y. 1998
282Nay17-JulH R 2160Table reconsider resolving into CommitteePAgriculture Appropriations for F.Y. 1998
283Yea17-JulH R 2160On Motion that the Committee RiseFAgriculture Appropriations for F.Y. 1998
284Yea17-JulMOTIONOn Motion that the Committee RiseF 
285Yea17-JulMOTIONOn Motion that the Committee RiseP 
286Yea22-JulH R 1853On Agreeing to the AmendmentFMink of Hawaii Amendment
287Yea22-JulH R 1853On Agreeing to the AmendmentFKennedy of Massachusetts Amendent
288Yea22-JulH R 1853On Motion to Recommit with InstructionsFCarl D. Perkins Vocational-Technical Education Act Amendments
289Yea22-JulH R 1853On PassagePCarl D. Perkins Vocational-Technical Education Act Amendments
290Yea22-JulH R 765On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPShackleford Banks Wild Horses Protection Act
291Yea22-JulH R 1944On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPWarner Canyon Ski Hill Land Exchange
292Yea22-JulH R 1663On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPEmigrant Wilderness Dams
293Yea22-JulH R 1661On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPTrademark Law Treaty Implementation Act
294Yea22-JulH CON RES 81Suspend the Rules and Agree, as AmendedPPeace in Cyprus
295Yea22-JulH CON RES 88Suspend the Rules and AgreePCongratulating El Salvador
296Yea22-JulH RES 175Suspend the Rules and Agree, as AmendedFViolence in the Republic of Congo
297Yea22-JulH CON RES 99Suspend the Rules and AgreePConcern Over Coup in Sierra Leone
298Yea22-JulH RES 191Suspend the Rules and AgreePRegarding Interference of European Commission in Boeing/McDonnell Douglas Merger
299Yea22-JulH R 1585On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPStamp Out Breast Cancer Act
300YeaX23-JulH R 2003On Motion to Recommit with InstructionsFBudget Enforcement Act of 1997
301YeaX23-JulH R 2003On PassageFBudget Enforcement Act of 1997
302Yea23-JulH R 2169On PassagePTransportation Appropriations for F.Y. 1998
303NayX23-JulADJOURNOn Motion to AdjournF 
304NayX23-JulADJOURNOn Motion to AdjournF 
305Nay23-JulH RES 193On Ordering the Previous Question on the AmendmentPProviding for further consideration of H.R. 2160; Agriculture Appropriations for F.Y. 1998
306Nay23-JulH RES 193On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for further consideration of H.R. 2160; Agriculture Appropriations for F.Y. 1998
307No Vote24-JulADJOURNOn Motion to AdjournF 
308Yea24-JulH R 2160On Agreeing to the AmendmentFObey of Wisconsin amendment
309Yea24-JulH R 2160On Agreeing to the AmendmentFMeehan of Massachusetts amendment
310Yea24-JulH R 2160On Agreeing to the AmendmentFLowey of New York Amendment
311No Vote24-JulH R 2160On Agreeing to the AmendmentACox of California Amendment
312YeaX24-JulH R 2160On Agreeing to the AmendmentFMiller of Florida Amendment
313Yea24-JulH R 2160On Motion that the Committee RiseFAgriculture Appropriations for F.Y. 1998
314YeaX24-JulH R 2160On Agreeing to the AmendmentFNeumann of Wisconsin Amendment
315Yea24-JulMOTIONstrike the enacting clauseF 
316Nay24-JulH R 2160On Agreeing to the AmendmentFChabot of Ohio amendment
317Yea24-JulH R 2160On ordering the previous question on motion to recommitPAgriculture Appropriations for F.Y. 1998
318Nay24-JulH R 2160On Motion to Table the Motion to ReconsiderPAgriculture Appropriations for F.Y. 1998
319Nay24-JulH R 2160On Motion to RecommitFAgriculture Appropriations for F.Y. 1998
320Nay24-JulH R 2160On Motion to Table the Motion to ReconsiderPAgriculture Appropriations for F.Y. 1998
321Yea24-JulH R 2160On PassagePAgriculture Appropriations for F.Y. 1998
322YeaX24-JulH R 2160On Motion to Table the Motion to ReconsiderPAgriculture Appropriations for F.Y. 1998
323YeaX24-JulADJOURNOn Motion to AdjournF 
324No Vote25-JulH RES 197On Ordering the Previous QuestionPProviding for consideration of H.R. 2209; Legislative Branch Appropriations for F.Y. 1998
325No Vote25-JulH RES 197On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for consideration of H.R. 2209; Legislative Branch Appropriations for F.Y. 1998
326No Vote25-JulH R 2203On Agreeing to the AmendmentFKlug of Wisconsin Amendment
327No Vote25-JulH R 2203On Agreeing to the AmendmentFMarkey of Massachusetts Amendment
328No Vote25-JulH R 2203On Agreeing to the Substitute AmendmentAFazio (CA) Substitute to Petri (WI) Amendment
329No Vote25-JulH R 2203On PassagePEnergy and Water Development Appropriations, FY 1998
330No Vote25-JulH R 1119On Motion to Instruct ConfereesPNational Defense Authorization Act
331No Vote25-JulH R 1119On Motion to Close Portions of the ConferencePNational Defense Authorization Act
332Yea28-JulH R 2209On Agreeing to the AmendmentFFazio of California Amendment
333Nay28-JulH R 2209On Agreeing to the AmendmentFKlug of Wisconsin Amendment
334Yea28-JulH R 2209On Motion to Recommit with InstructionsFLegislative Branch Appropriations, FY 1998
335Nay28-JulH R 2209On PassagePLegislative Branch Appropriations, FY 1998
336Yea29-JulH R 2266On Agreeing to the AmendmentFObey of Wisconsin Amendment
337YeaX29-JulH R 2266On Agreeing to the AmendmentFShays of Connecticut amendment
338NayX29-JulH R 2266On PassagePDepartment of Defense Appropriations, FY 1998
339Yea29-JulH CON RES 75On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePViolent Crimes By Repeat Offenders
340Yea29-JulH R 1348Suspend the rules and pass, as amendedPRelating to War Crimes
341Nay30-JulH RES 201On Ordering the Previous QuestionPWaiving a requirement of clause 4(b) of rule XI with respect to consideration of certain resolutions reported from the Committee on Rules
342Nay30-JulH RES 201On Agreeing to the ResolutionPWaiving a requirement of clause 4(b) of rule XI with respect to consideration of certain resolutions reported from the Committee on Rules
343Nay30-JulH RES 202On Ordering the Previous QuestionPWaiving Points of Order Against the Conference Report on H.R. 2015, The Balanced Budget Act of 1997
344Present30-JulQUORUMCall of the HouseP 
345NayX30-JulH R 2015On Agreeing to the Conference ReportPBalanced Budget Act of 1997
346Nay30-JulH R 2159On Agreeing to the AmendmentFRoyce of California Amendment
347Nay30-JulH R 2159On Agreeing to the AmendmentFPaul of Texas amendment
348Yea30-JulH CON RES 133On Agreeing to the ResolutionP 
349Present31-JulQUORUMCall of the HouseP 
350NayX31-JulH R 2014On Agreeing to the Conference ReportPRevenue Reconciliation Act of 1997
351Yea31-JulH CON RES 136On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for an adjournment of the two Houses
352Yea3-SepH R 2209On Motion to Instruct ConfereesFLegislative Branch Appropriations, FY 1998
353Yea3-SepH R 2160On Motion to Instruct ConfereesPAgriculture Appropriations for F.Y. 1998
354Yea3-SepH R 2266On Closing Portions of the ConferencePDepartment of Defense Appropriations, FY 1998
355Nay4-SepADJOURNOn Motion to AdjournF 
356Nay4-SepH R 2159On Agreeing to the AmendmentFBurton of Indiana Amendment
357Yea4-SepH R 2159On Agreeing to the AmendmentACampbell of California amendment
358Nay4-SepH R 2159On Agreeing to the AmendmentFPaul of Texas amendment
359Yea4-SepH R 2159On Agreeing to the AmendmentFFox of Pennsylvania amendment
360Yea4-SepH R 2159On Agreeing to the AmendmentFTorres of California amendment
361Yea4-SepH R 2159On Agreeing to the AmendmentAStearns of Florida Amendment
362Yea4-SepH R 2159On Agreeing to the AmendmentFGilman (NY) Amendment to the Smith (NJ) Amendment
363Nay4-SepH R 2159On Agreeing to the AmendmentASmith of New Jersey Amendment
364Yea4-SepH R 2159On PassagePForeign Operations Appropriations, FY 1998
365Yea4-SepJOURNALOn Approving the JournalP 
366Nay5-SepADJOURNOn Motion to AdjournF 
367Nay5-SepH R 2264On Agreeing to the AmendmentFMcIntosh of Indiana Amendment
368Nay5-SepH R 1119Motion to instruct confereesPNational Defense Authorization Act
369Nay8-SepH R 2264On Agreeing to the AmendmentFBlunt of Missouri amendment
370Nay8-SepH R 2264On Agreeing to the AmendmentFNorwood of Georgia amendment
371Nay9-SepADJOURNOn Motion to AdjournF 
372Nay9-SepADJOURNOn Motion to AdjournF 
373Nay9-SepH R 2264On Agreeing to the AmendmentFSouder of Indiana amendment
374Nay9-SepMOTIONOn Motion that the Committee RiseF 
375Present9-SepQUORUMCall in CommitteeP 
376Yea9-SepH R 2264On Agreeing to the AmendmentABurton of Indiana amendment
377Nay9-SepH R 2264On Agreeing to the AmendmentFCoburn of Oklahoma amendment
378Yea9-SepH R 2264On Agreeing to the AmendmentACastle (DE) Substitute to Istook (OK) Amendment
379Yea9-SepH R 2264On Agreeing to the AmendmentAIstook of Oklahoma amendment as amended
380Nay10-SepADJOURNOn Motion to AdjournF 
381Yea10-SepJOURNALOn Approving the JournalP 
382Nay10-SepADJOURNOn Motion to AdjournF 
383Present10-SepQUORUMCall in CommitteeP 
384Nay10-SepMOTIONOn Motion that the Committee RiseF 
385Nay10-SepH R 2264On Agreeing to the AmendmentFHayworth of Arizona Amendment
386Nay10-SepH R 2264On Agreeing to the AmendmentFBob Schaffer of Colorado amendment
387Nay11-SepMOTIONOn Motion that the Committee RiseF 
388Nay11-SepH R 2264On Agreeing to the AmendmentAHyde of Illinois amendment
389Nay11-SepH R 2264On Agreeing to the AmendmentFHefley of Colorado Amendment
390Nay11-SepH R 2264On Agreeing to the AmendmentFCrane of Illinois Amendment
391Nay11-SepH R 2264On Agreeing to the AmendmentAHastert of Illinois Amendment
392Nay11-SepH R 2264On Agreeing to the AmendmentFHostettler of Indiana Amendment
393Nay16-SepH RES 228On Ordering the Previous QuestionPWaiving points of order against the conference report to accompany H.R. 2016, Military Construction Appropriations, FY 1998
394Yea16-SepH R 2016On Agreeing to the Conference ReportPMilitary Construction Appropriations FY 1998
395Yea16-SepS 910Suspend the rules and passPEarthquake Hazards Reductions Act
396Yea16-SepH CON RES 134Suspend the rules and agree, as amendedPUse of the Rotunda of the Capitol to Receive His All Holiness Patriarch Bartholomew
397Yea16-SepS 562Suspend the rules and Pass, as amendedPSenior Citizen Home Equity Protection Act
398Nay16-SepH R 2264On Agreeing to the AmendmentAGoodling of Pennsylvania Amendment
399Nay16-SepH R 2264On Agreeing to the AmendmentAHoekstra of Michigan amendment
400Nay17-SepADJOURNOn Motion to AdjournF 
401Nay17-SepADJOURNOn Motion to AdjournF 
402Yea17-SepH R 2264On PassagePLabor, Health, and Human Services Appropriations for F.Y. 1998
403Yea17-SepH R 2378On PassagePTreasury, Postal Appropriations, FY 1998
404Nay17-SepADJOURNOn Motion to AdjournF 
405Nay18-SepADJOURNOn Motion to AdjournF 
406Yea18-SepJOURNALOn Approving the JournalP 
407Nay18-SepH RES 230On Ordering the Previous QuestionPProviding for consideration of H.Res. 168; Ethics Reform Task Force Recommendations
408Yea18-SepH RES 168On Agreeing to the AmendmentALivingston of Louisiana Amendment
409Nay18-SepH RES 168On Agreeing to the AmendmentAMurtha of Pennsylvania Amendment
410Nay18-SepH RES 168On Agreeing to the AmendmentFTauzin of Louisiana Amendment
411Nay18-SepH RES 168On Agreeing to the AmendmentABunning of Kentucky Amendment
412NayX18-SepH RES 168On Motion to Recommit with InstructionsFEthics Reform Task Force Recommendations
413Nay18-SepH RES 168On Agreeing to the ResolutionPEthics Reform Task Force Recommendations
414Nay18-SepH RES 233On Motion to TableF 
415No Vote18-SepH RES 233On Agreeing to the ResolutionPA resolution raising the qustion of the privilges of the House
416Yea23-SepH R 2343On PassagePAbolish RTC Oversight Board
417Yea23-SepH R 2414On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPFifty-State Commemorative Coin Program Act
418Yea23-SepS 996Suspend the rules and pass, as amendedPDistrict Court Arbitration and Extension of Judgeships
419Yea23-SepH R 2027Suspend the rules and passPCanadian Border Boat Landing Permits
420Yea23-SepH R 1683Suspend the rules and pass, as amendedPCrimes Against Children and Sexually Violent Offender Registration
421Yea23-SepH R 643On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPCarl B. Stokes U.S. Courthouse
422Yea23-SepH R 824On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPHoward T. Markey National Courts Building
423Yea23-SepS 871On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPOklahoma City National Memorial Act
424Yea23-SepH R 1420Suspend the Rules and Agree to Senate AmendmentsPNational Wildlife Refuge System Improvement Act
425Yea23-SepH R 1948On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPHood Bay Land Exchange Act
426YeaX24-SepADJOURNOn Motion to AdjournF 
427Yea24-SepJOURNALOn Approving the JournalP 
428Nay24-SepMOTIONTable Reconsider Ordering Yeas and Nays on AdjournP 
429NayX24-SepADJOURNOn Motion to AdjournF 
430Nay24-SepH RES 238On Ordering the Previous QuestionPWaiving Points of Order Against the Conference Report on H.R. 2209
431Yea24-SepH RES 238On Agreeing to the ResolutionPWaiving Points of Order Against the Conference Report on H.R. 2209
432Yea24-SepH R 2209On Agreeing to the Conference ReportPLegislative Branch Appropriations, FY 1998
433YeaX24-SepADJOURNOn Motion to AdjournF 
434Nay24-SepADJOURNOn Motion to AdjournF 
435Yea24-SepH R 2378On Ordering the Previous QuestionPTreasury, Postal Appropriations, FY 1998
436Yea24-SepH R 2378On Motion to Instruct ConfereesPTreasury, Postal Appropriations, FY 1998
437Nay24-SepADJOURNOn Motion to AdjournF 
438Nay25-SepADJOURNOn Motion to AdjournF 
439Yea25-SepJOURNALOn Approving the JournalP 
440Nay25-SepADJOURNOn Motion to AdjournF 
441Yea25-SepH RES 242On Agreeing to the ResolutionPWaiving Points of Order Against the Conference Report on H.R. 2266
442NayX25-SepH R 2266On Agreeing to the Conference ReportPDepartment of Defense Appropriations, FY 1998
443NayX25-SepH R 2267On Agreeing to the AmendmentAHyde of Illinois Amendment
444Yea25-SepH R 2267On Agreeing to the AmendmentFScott of Virginia Amendment
445Yea25-SepH R 2267On Agreeing to the AmendmentFWaters of California Amendment
446Nay25-SepH R 2267On Agreeing to the AmendmentFCoburn of Oklahoma Amendment
447Yea25-SepH R 2267On Agreeing to the AmendmentFNorton of the District of Columbia Amendment
448Nay25-SepMOTIONOn Motion that the Committee RiseF 
449Yea25-SepH R 2267On Agreeing to the AmendmentAMollohan of West Virginia Amendment
450NayX25-SepH R 2267On Motion that the Committee RiseFCommerce, State, Justice, the Judiciary Appropriations, FY 1998
451Nay25-SepH R 2267Sustaining the Ruling of the ChairPCommerce, State, Justice, the Judiciary Appropriations, FY 1998
452Yea25-SepH R 2267On Agreeing to the AmendmentASanders of Vermont Amendment
453NayX25-SepH R 2267On Motion that the Committee RiseFCommerce, State, Justice, the Judiciary Appropriations, FY 1998
454NayX25-SepH R 2267On Motion that the Committee RiseFCommerce, State, Justice, the Judiciary Appropriations, FY 1998
455Nay25-SepH R 2267On Agreeing to the AmendmentFHefley of Colorado Amendment
456Nay25-SepH R 2267On Agreeing to the AmendmentFHostettler of Indiana Amendment
457Yea26-SepH R 2267On Agreeing to the AmendmentAGilman of New York Amendment
458Nay26-SepH R 2267On Agreeing to the AmendmentFBartlett of Maryland Amendments En Bloc
459Nay26-SepH R 2267On Agreeing to the AmendmentAHoekstra of Michigan Amendment
460Nay29-SepADJOURNOn Motion to AdjournF 
461Yea29-SepH J RES 94On PassagePMaking continuing Appropriations for the fiscal year 1998
462Yea29-SepS 1211On motion to suspend rules and passPPermanent Authorization for Au Pair Program
463Yea29-SepH R 2261Suspend the rules and pass, as amendedPSmall Business Programs Reauthorization
464Yea29-SepH R 2472On motion to suspend the rules and passPEnergy Policy and Conservation Extension
465Yea30-SepADJOURNOn Motion to AdjournF 
466Yea30-SepJOURNALOn Approving the JournalP 
467Yea30-SepH RES 254On Agreeing to the ResolutionPWaiving points of order against the conference report to accompany H.R. 2203; Making appropriations for Energy and Water for F.Y. 1998
468Yea30-SepH R 2203On Agreeing to the Conference ReportPEnergy and Water Development Appropriations, FY 1998
469Yea30-SepH RES 255On Ordering the Previous QuestionPProviding for consideration of H.R. 1370; to reauthorize the Export- Import Bank of the United States
470NayX30-SepH R 1370On Motion that the Committee RiseF 
471Yea30-SepH R 1370On Motion that the Committee RiseFExport-Import Bank Reauthorization Act
472Yea30-SepH R 1370On Agreeing to the AmendmentAEvans of Illinois Amendment
473Yea30-SepH R 1370On Agreeing to the AmendmentALa Falce of New York Amendment
474Yea30-SepH R 2378On Agreeing to the Conference ReportPTreasury, Postal Appropriations, FY 1998
475Yea30-SepH R 2267On Agreeing to the AmendmentFMollohan of West Virginia amendment
476Nay30-SepH R 2267On PassagePCommerce, State, Justice, the Judiciary Appropriations, FY 1998
477Nay30-SepH RES 253On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for the consideration of H. Res. 244, Subpoena Enforcement in the Case of Dornan v. Sanchez
478Nay1-OctH RES 244On Agreeing to the ResolutionPSubpoena Enforcement in the Case of Dornan v. Sanchez
479Nay1-OctADJOURNOn Motion to AdjournP 
480Yea1-OctH R 1757On Motion to Instruct ConfereesPForeign Relations Authorization Act, FYs 1998 and 1999
481Yea1-OctADJOURNOn Motion to AdjournF 
482Nay1-OctS 1161On motion to suspend rules and passFRefugee Assistance Authorization
483Yea1-OctADJOURNOn Motion to AdjournF 
484YeaX1-OctH CON RES 131Suspend the rules and agree, as amendedFSense of Congress Regarding the Oceans
485YeaX1-OctH R 2233Suspend the rules and pass, as amendedFCoral Reef Conservation Act
486Yea1-OctADJOURNOn Motion to AdjournF 
487Nay1-OctH R 2007Suspend the rules and pass, as amendedFCanadian River Reclamation Project
488Nay1-OctH R 1476On motion to suspend the rules and passFMiccosuke Settlement Act
489Nay1-OctH R 1262On motion to suspend the rules and passFSEC Authorization
490Yea6-OctH RES 232On Agreeing to the ResolutionPWaiving Points of Order Against the Conference Report on H.R. 2160
491Yea6-OctH R 2160On Agreeing to the Conference ReportPAgriculture Appropriations for F.Y. 1998
492Yea6-OctH R 1370On PassagePExport-Import Bank Reauthorization Act
493Yea7-OctH R 1127On Agreeing to the AmendmentFVento of Minnesota Amendment
494Nay7-OctH R 1127On Agreeing to the AmendmentAHansen of Utah Substitute Amendment
495Nay7-OctH R 1127On PassagePNational Monument Fairness Act
496Nay7-OctH R 2159On Motion to Instruct ConfereesPForeign Operations Appropriations, FY 1998
497Yea7-OctH R 629On PassagePTexas Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Compact
498Yea7-OctH R 901On Agreeing to the AmendmentFVento of Minnesota Amendment
499Nay8-OctH RES 262On Ordering the Previous QuestionPProviding for the consideration of the Senate Amendments to H.R. 1122, Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act
500Nay8-OctH R 1122Agree to Senate AmendmentsPPartial-Birth Abortion Ban Act
501Yea8-OctH R 901On Agreeing to the AmendmentFFarr of California amendment
502Yea8-OctH R 901On Agreeing to the AmendmentAVento of Minnesota amendment
503Yea8-OctH R 901On Agreeing to the AmendmentFMiller of California amendment
504Nay8-OctH R 901On PassagePAmerican Land Sovereignty Protection Act
505Yea8-OctH R 2158On Agreeing to the Conference ReportPVA-HUD-Independent Agencies Appropriations
506Nay8-OctH R 1757On Motion to Instruct ConfereesPForeign Relations Authorization Act, FYs 1998 and 1999
507Yea9-OctH RES 263On Agreeing to the ResolutionPWaiving Points of Order Against the Conference Report on H.R. 2169, Transportation Appropriations, FY 1998
508Yea9-OctH RES 264On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for the consideration of H.R. 2607, District of Columbia Appopriations, FY 1998
509Yea9-OctJOURNALOn Approving the JournalP 
510Yea9-OctH R 2169On Agreeing to the Conference ReportPTransportation Appropriations for F.Y. 1998
511Yea9-OctH R 2607On Agreeing to the AmendmentASabo of Minnesota Amendment
512Yea9-OctH R 2607On Agreeing to the AmendmentFMoran of Virginia Substitute Amendment
513Nay9-OctH R 2607On PassagePDistrict of Columbia Appropriations, FY 1998
514Nay9-OctH R 2607On Motion to Table the Motion to ReconsiderPDistrict of Columbia Appropriations, FY 1998
515Nay21-OctH RES 265On Ordering the Previous QuestionPProviding for the consideration of H.R. 2204, Coast Guard Authorization Act
516Yea21-OctH R 2464Suspend Rules and Pass, As AmendedPExempt Internationally Adopted Children From Vaccines
517Yea21-OctH R 1962Suspend Rules and Pass, As AmendedPPresidential and Executive Office Financial Accountability Act
518NayX22-OctH R 1534On Agreeing to the AmendmentFBoehlert of New York Substitute Amendment
519YeaX22-OctH R 1534On PassagePPrivate Property Rights Implementation Act
520Nay22-OctH RES 270On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for the consideration of H.R. 2247
521Yea23-OctJOURNALOn Approving the JournalP 
522YeaX23-OctH RES 274On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for consideration of H.R. 2646; Education Savings Act for Public and Private Schools
523Yea23-OctH R 2646On Agreeing to the AmendmentF 
524Nay23-OctH R 2646On PassagePEducation Savings Act for Public and Private Schools
525Yea23-OctH RES 276On Agreeing to the ResolutionFPrivileges of the House
526Yea24-OctJOURNALOn Approving the JournalP 
527Nay24-OctH RES 277On Agreeing to the ResolutionPWaiving points of order against the conference report to accompany H.R. 2107; Interior Appropriations for F.Y. 1998
528Yea24-OctMOTIONOn Motion that the Committee RiseF 
529Nay24-OctH R 2247On Agreeing to the AmendmentFQuinn of New York Substitute Amendment for LaTourette
530Yea24-OctADJOURNOn Motion to AdjournF 
531NayX24-OctH R 2107On Agreeing to the Conference ReportPInterior Appropriations for F.Y. 1998
532Nay28-OctADJOURNOn Motion to AdjournF 
533Yea28-OctH RES 278On Agreeing to the ResolutionPWaiving points of order against the conference report on H.R. 1119, National Defense Authorization Act
534Nay28-OctH R 1119On Agreeing to the Conference ReportPNational Defense Authorization Act
535Nay29-OctADJOURNOn Motion to AdjournF 
536Nay29-OctH RES 283On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for the consideration of H.R. 1270, Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1997
537Nay29-OctH RES 287On Motion to TableP 
538Nay29-OctH RES 139Suspend the rules and agree, as amendedPDollars to Classroom Act
539Yea29-OctH R 1484Suspend the rules and pass, as amendedPDesignating the J.Roy Rowland Federal Courthouse
540Yea29-OctH R 1479Suspend the rules and pass, as amendedPDesignating the David W. Dyer Federal Courthouse
541Nay29-OctH R 2267On Motion to Instruct ConfereesFCommerce, State, Justice, the Judiciary Appropriations, FY 1998
542NayX29-OctH R 1270Question on ConsiderationP 
543Yea29-OctH R 1270On Agreeing to the AmendmentAKildee of Michigan Amendment
544Yea29-OctH R 1270On Agreeing to the AmendmentATraficant of Ohio Amendment, As Modified
545Nay30-OctH RES 284On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for consideration of H.R. 2493; Forage Improvement Act of 1997
546Yea30-OctH R 2493On Agreeing to the AmendmentFKlug of Wisconsin to Vento of Minnesota amendment
547Yea30-OctH R 2493On Agreeing to the AmendmentFVento of Minnesota amendment
548Yea30-OctH R 2493On Agreeing to the AmendmentFVento of Minnesota Amendment
549Nay30-OctH R 2493On PassagePForage Improvement Act
550YeaX30-OctH R 1270On Agreeing to the AmendmentFEnsign of Nevada Amendment
551YeaX30-OctH R 1270On Agreeing to the AmendmentFGibbons of Nevada Amendment
552YeaX30-OctH R 1270On Agreeing to the AmendmentFEnsign of Nevada Amendment
553Yea30-OctH R 1270On Agreeing to the AmendmentFMarkey of Massachusetts amendment
554Nay30-OctH R 1270On Agreeing to the AmendmentFGibbons of Nevada amendment
555Yea30-OctH R 1270On Agreeing to the AmendmentATraficant of Ohio amendment
556Yea30-OctH R 1270On Motion to Recommit with InstructionsFNuclear Waste Policy Act
557NayX30-OctH R 1270On PassagePNuclear Waste Policy Act
558Nay30-OctH RES 290On Motion to TablePQuestion of the Privileges of the House
559Nay30-OctH RES 291On Motion to TablePQuestion of the Privileges of the House
560Nay30-OctH RES 292On Motion to TablePQuestion of the Privileges of the House
561Nay30-OctH RES 293On Motion to TablePQuestion of the Privileges of the House
562Nay30-OctH RES 294On Motion to TablePQuestion of the Priveleges of the House
563Nay30-OctH RES 295On Motion to TablePQuestion of the Privileges of the House
564Nay30-OctH RES 296On Motion to TablePQuestion of the Privileges of the House
565Nay30-OctH RES 297On Motion to TablePQuestion of the Privileges of the House
566Nay31-OctH RES 288On Ordering the Previous QuestionPProviding for the consideration of H.R. 2746 and H.R. 2616
567Nay31-OctH RES 288On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for the consideration of H.R. 2746 and H.R. 2616
568Yea4-NovH R 2746On Motion to Recommit with InstructionsFHelping Empower Low-Income Parents (HELP) Scholarships Amendments
569Nay4-NovH R 2746On PassageFHelping Empower Low-Income Parents (HELP) Scholarships Amendments
570YeaX4-NovH R 2644Suspend the rules and passFU.S. Caribbean Trade Partnership Act
571Yea4-NovH R 1493Suspend the rules and pass, as amendedPIdentification of Criminal Aliens
572Yea4-NovS 587On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPHinsdale, Colorado, Land Exchange
573Yea4-NovH R 1839Suspend the rules and pass, as amendedPNational Salvage Vehicle Consumer Protection Act
574Yea4-NovH R 948On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassFBurt Lake Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians Act
575Yea5-NovJOURNALOn Approving the JournalP 
576Present5-NovQUORUMCall of the HouseP 
577Yea5-NovH R 2676On PassagePInternal Revenue Service Restructuring And Reform Act
578Nay5-NovH RES 302On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for consideration of nine measures relating to the policy of the United States with respect to the Peoples Republic of China
579Yea5-NovH R 2358On Agreeing to the AmendmentAGilman of New York Amendment
580Yea5-NovH R 2358On PassagePPolitical Freedom in China Act
581Nay5-NovH R 2195On Motion to Table the Appeal of the Ruling of the ChairPEnforce Ban on Slave Labor Products
582Yea5-NovH R 2195On PassagePEnforce Ban on Slave Labor Products
583Nay5-NovH RES 307On Motion to TablePQuestion of the Privileges of the House
584Nay5-NovADJOURNOn Motion to AdjournP 
585YeaX6-NovADJOURNOn Motion to AdjournF 
586YeaX6-NovADJOURNOn Motion to AdjournF 
587Nay6-NovH RES 305On Ordering the Previous QuestionPWaiving a requirement of clause 4(b) of rule XI with respect to consideration of certain resolutions reported from the Committee on Rules, and for other purposes.
588Nay6-NovH RES 305On Motion to Table the Motion to ReconsiderPWaiving a requirement of clause 4(b) of rule XI with respect to consideration of certain resolutions reported from the Committee on Rules, and for other purposes.
589Nay6-NovH RES 305On Agreeing to the ResolutionPWaiving a requirement of clause 4(b) of rule XI with respect to consideration of certain resolutions reported from the Committee on Rules, and for other purposes.
590Nay6-NovH RES 305On Motion to Table the Motion to ReconsiderPWaiving a requirement of clause 4(b) of rule XI with respect to consideration of certain resolutions reported from the Committee on Rules, and for other purposes.
591Nay6-NovADJOURNOn Motion to AdjournF 
592Yea6-NovH RES 188On Agreeing to the ResolutionPAcquisition By Iran of C-802 Cruise Missiles
593Nay6-NovH RES 188On motion to table the motion to reconsiderPAcquisition By Iran of C-802 Cruise Missiles
594Nay6-NovADJOURNOn Motion to AdjournF 
595Yea6-NovH R 967On PassagePProhibiting Certain Chinese Government and Religious Officials from Participating in International Conferences
596Nay6-NovH R 967On Motion to Table the Motion to ReconsiderPProhibiting Certain Chinese Government and Religious Officials from Participating in International Conferences
597Nay6-NovADJOURNOn Motion to AdjournF 
598Yea6-NovH R 2570On PassagePForced Abortion Condemnation Act
599Nay6-NovH R 2570On motion to table the motion to reconsiderPForced Abortion Condemnation Act
600Nay6-NovADJOURNOn Motion to AdjournF 
601Nay6-NovH R 2386On PassagePUnited States-Taiwan Anti-Ballistic Missile Defense Cooperation Act
602Nay6-NovH R 2386On Motion to Table the Motion to ReconsiderPUnited States-Taiwan Anti-Ballistic Missile Defense Cooperation Act
603YeaX6-NovADJOURNOn Motion to AdjournF 
604Nay6-NovH R 2605Table motion to appeal the ruling of the ChairPCommunist China Subsidy Reduction Act
605Yea6-NovH R 2605On PassagePCommunist China Subsidy Reduction Act
606YeaX7-NovADJOURNOn Motion to AdjournF 
607Yea7-NovS 858On Agreeing to the Conference ReportPIntelligence Authorization, FY 1998
608YeaX7-NovH R 2616On motion that the Committee RiseFCharter Schools Amendments Act
609YeaX7-NovH R 2616On Motion that the Committee RiseFCharter Schools Amendments Act
610Yea7-NovH R 2616On Agreeing to the AmendmentFTierney of Massachusetts Amendment
611NayX7-NovH R 2616On PassagePCharter Schools Amendments Act
612Nay7-NovH R 2616On Motion to Table the Motion to ReconsiderPCharter Schools Amendments Act
613Nay7-NovADJOURNOn Motion to AdjournF 
614No Vote7-NovH R 2647On PassagePMonitor Chinese Military Products
615No Vote7-NovH R 2264On Agreeing to the Conference ReportPLabor, Health, and Human Services Appropriations for F.Y. 1998
616No Vote8-NovJOURNALOn Approving the JournalP 
617No Vote8-NovH R 2631On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPRegarding Items Line Item Vetoed in the Military Construction Appropriations Conference Report
618No Vote8-NovH R 2534On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as AmendedPAgricultural Research, Extension, and Education Reauthorization Act
619No Vote8-NovH R 2813On Motion to Suspend the Rules and PassPMedal of Honor
620No Vote8-NovH RES 315On Motion to TablePQuestion of the Privileges of the House
621No Vote8-NovADJOURNOn Motion to AdjournP 
622Nay9-NovH RES 318On Motion to TablePQuestion of the Privileges of the House
623Yea9-NovH R 2232On PassagePRadio Free Asia Act
624Yea9-NovH R 1129Suspend rules and pass, as amendedPMicroenterprise Act
625Nay9-NovH CON RES 22Suspend the rules and agree, as amendedFRegarding Religious Persecution in Germany
626Yea9-NovH CON RES 139Suspend the rules and agree, as amendedPEncourage U.S. Participation in EXPO 2000
627Yea10-NovH R 2920On motion to suspend the rules and passPU.S.-Canadian Border Controls
628Nay10-NovH RES 311On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for consideration of certain resolutions in preparation for the adjournment of the first session sine die
629Yea12-NovH RES 319On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for consideration of S. 738; Amtrack Reform and Accountability Act
630Nay12-NovH RES 314On Agreeing to the ResolutionPWaiving a requirement of clause 4(b) of rule XI with respect to consideration of certain resolutions reported from the Committee on Rules
631Yea13-NovH R 2159On Agreeing to the Conference ReportPForeign Operations Appropriations, FY 1998
632Nay13-NovH RES 301On Agreeing to the ResolutionPAmending the Rules of the House of Representatives to repeal the exception to the requirement that public committee proceedings be open to all the media.
633Nay13-NovH RES 326On Ordering the Previous QuestionPCommittee on Government Reform and Oversight
634Nay13-NovH RES 326On Agreeing to the ResolutionPCommittee on Government Reform and Oversight
635Yea13-NovH RES 327On Motion to Suspend the Rules and AgreePProviding for the consideration of H.R. 865 and the Senate Amendment thereto
636No Vote13-NovH RES 330On Agreeing to the ResolutionPWaiving points of order against the conference report on H.R. 2267; Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary Appropriations for F.Y. 1998
637No Vote13-NovH CON RES 137On motion to suspend the rules and agreePInternational Tribunal to Try Iraqi War Criminals
638No Vote13-NovS CON RES 68On Agreeing to the ResolutionPProviding for the adjournment of the two Houses
639No Vote13-NovH R 2267On Motion to RecommitFCommerce, State, Justice, the Judiciary Appropriations, FY 1998
640No Vote13-NovH R 2267On Agreeing to the Conference ReportPCommerce, State, Justice, the Judiciary Appropriations, FY 1998

332 Yea, 267 Nay, 7 Present, 33 No Vote (5.16 %)
66 votes (10.31 %) not with majority of D-party.