An 'X' in the P column indicates a vote where a Representatives vote differs from the vote of the majority of their Party.
Vote Number | Vote | P | Date | Issue | Question | Result | Description |
1 | Present | 3-Jan | QUORUM | Call of the House | P | ||
2 | Nay | 3-Jan | MOTION | Table appeal of the ruling of the chair | P | ||
3 | Nay | 3-Jan | H R 1530 | Passage, the Objections of the President Notwithstanding | F | National Defense Authorization Act for FY 1996 | |
4 | Nay | 3-Jan | H R 2076 | Passage, Objection of the President Notwithstanding | F | Commerce, Justice, State, Judiciary Appropriations, FY 1996 | |
5 | Nay | 4-Jan | H R 1977 | Passage, objections of the President notwithstanding | F | Interior Appropriations for Fiscal Year 1996 | |
6 | Nay | 5-Jan | H RES 334 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Providing for consideration of a motion to dispose of Senate amendment (Continuing Appropriations) to H.R. 1643; Bulgaria | |
7 | Yea | 5-Jan | H R 1643 | Agree to Senate amendment with amendments | P | (Targeted Continuing Appropriations) Bulgaria | |
8 | Nay | 5-Jan | H RES 330 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Authorize the Speaker to Declare Recesses | |
9 | Nay | 5-Jan | H RES 336 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Providing for the dispostion of the Senate amendment to H.J.Res. 134; making further continuing appropriations for F.Y. 1996 | |
10 | Yea | 5-Jan | S 1124 | Closing Portions of the Conference | P | National Defense Authorization Act for FY 1996 | |
11 | No Vote | 5-Jan | H RES 338 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Providing for the disposition of the Senate amendment to H.R. 1358, Targeted Continuing Appropriations and Marine Fisheries Service Laboratory Transfer | |
12 | No Vote | 5-Jan | H RES 338 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for the disposition of the Senate amendment to H.R. 1358, Targeted Continuing Appropriations and Marine Fisheries Service Laboratory Transfer | |
13 | Yea | 23-Jan | H R 2657 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass | P | Ruth and Billy Graham Congressional Gold Medal | |
14 | Yea | 23-Jan | S 1341 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass | P | Saddleback Mountain-Arizona Settlement Act | |
15 | Yea | 23-Jan | H R 2726 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | Technical Corrections to Native American Laws | |
16 | Yea | X | 24-Jan | S 1124 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | National Defense Authorization Act for FY 1996 |
17 | Nay | 25-Jan | H RES 342 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Waiving a requirement of clause 4(b) of rule XI with respect to consideration of certain resolutions reported from the Committee on Rules | |
18 | Yea | 25-Jan | H R 2880 | On Motion to Recommit with Instructions | F | Making appropriations for fiscal year 1996 to make a downpayment toward a balanced budget | |
19 | Nay | X | 25-Jan | H R 2880 | On Passage | P | Making appropriations for fiscal year 1996 to make a downpayment toward a balanced budget |
20 | Nay | 31-Jan | H RES 349 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree | F | Providing for the consideration of S. 534 | |
21 | Yea | 31-Jan | H R 2036 | Suspend the rules and pass, as amended | P | Land Disposal Program Flexibility Act of 1995 | |
22 | Yea | 31-Jan | H R 2546 | Recommit Conference Report With Instructions | F | District of Columbia Appropriations for F.Y. 1996 | |
23 | Nay | 31-Jan | H R 2546 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | District of Columbia Appropriations for F.Y. 1996 | |
24 | Nay | X | 1-Feb | H RES 353 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Waiving points of order against the conference report to accompany S. 652; Telecommunications Reform Act |
25 | Yea | 1-Feb | S 652 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | Telecommunications Reform Act | |
26 | No Vote | 1-Feb | MOTION | Table the Appeal of the Ruling of the Chair | P | ||
27 | No Vote | 1-Feb | MOTION | Table the Appeal of the Ruling of the Chair | P | ||
28 | No Vote | 1-Feb | H RES 355 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Providing for the consideration of H.R. 2924; Social Security Benefits | |
29 | No Vote | 1-Feb | H CON RES 141 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for the adjournment of the two Houses | |
30 | No Vote | 1-Feb | H R 2924 | On Passage | P | Social Security Benefits | |
31 | Nay | 28-Feb | H RES 366 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Providing for the consideration of H.R. 2854, Agricutural Market Transition Act | |
32 | Nay | 28-Feb | H RES 366 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for the consideration of H.R. 2854, Agricutural Market Transition Act | |
33 | Nay | 28-Feb | H R 2854 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Chabot of Ohio Amendment | |
34 | Nay | 28-Feb | H R 2854 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Shays of Connecticut amendment | |
35 | Nay | 28-Feb | H R 2854 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Miller of Florida Amendment | |
36 | Nay | X | 28-Feb | H R 2854 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Solomon of New York Amendment |
37 | Yea | 29-Feb | H R 2854 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Boehlert of New York Amendment | |
38 | Yea | 29-Feb | H R 2854 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Dooley of California Amendment | |
39 | Yea | 29-Feb | H R 2854 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Foley of Florida amendment | |
40 | Yea | 29-Feb | H R 2854 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Stenholm of Texas amendments (en bloc) | |
41 | Yea | 29-Feb | H R 2854 | On Motion to Recommit with Instructions | F | Agricultural Market Transition Act | |
42 | Nay | 29-Feb | H R 2854 | On Passage | P | Agricultural Market Transition Act | |
43 | Yea | 29-Feb | H R 956 | Motion to Instruct Conferees | P | Product Liability Reform | |
44 | Yea | 5-Mar | H R 2778 | Suspend the rules and pass, as amended | P | Tax Treatment for Individuals Performing Services in Certain Hazardous Duty Areas | |
45 | Nay | X | 6-Mar | JOURNAL | On Approving the Journal | P | |
46 | Yea | 6-Mar | H RES 370 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Waiving points of order against the conference report to accompany H.R. 927; Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity Act | |
47 | Yea | 6-Mar | H R 927 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity Act | |
48 | No Vote | 7-Mar | H R 3021 | On Passage | P | Debt Limit Extension | |
49 | No Vote | 7-Mar | H RES 372 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Dreier of California Amendment | |
50 | No Vote | 7-Mar | H RES 372 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for consideration of H.R. 3019; Omnibus Appropriations for Fiscal Year 1996 | |
51 | No Vote | 7-Mar | H R 3019 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Lowey of New York amendment | |
52 | No Vote | 7-Mar | H R 3019 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Istook of Oklahoma amendment | |
53 | No Vote | 7-Mar | H R 3019 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Crapo of Idaho Amendment | |
54 | No Vote | 7-Mar | H R 3019 | On Motion to Recommit with Instructions | F | Omnibus Appropriations for Fiscal Year 1996 | |
55 | No Vote | 7-Mar | H R 3019 | On Passage | P | Omnibus Appropriations for Fiscal Year 1996 | |
56 | No Vote | 12-Mar | H RES 375 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Waiving points of order against the conference report on H.R. 1561, American Overseas Interests Act | |
57 | No Vote | 12-Mar | H J RES 78 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | Bi-State Development Agency Authority | |
58 | No Vote | 12-Mar | H CON RES 149 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as Amended | P | Condemning Terror Attacks in Israel | |
59 | No Vote | 12-Mar | H R 1561 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | American Overseas Interests Act | |
60 | Nay | 13-Mar | H RES 380 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for consideration of H.R. 2703; Anti-Terrorism Act | |
61 | Yea | X | 13-Mar | H R 2703 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Barr of Georgia Amendment |
62 | Nay | 14-Mar | H J RES 163 | On Passage | P | Making further continuing appropriations for F.Y. 1996 | |
63 | Nay | X | 14-Mar | JOURNAL | On Approving the Journal | P | |
64 | Nay | X | 14-Mar | H R 2703 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Watt of North Carolina amendment |
65 | Nay | X | 14-Mar | H R 2703 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Conyers of Michigan Substitute Amendment |
66 | Nay | 14-Mar | H R 2703 | On Passage | P | To Combat Terrorism | |
67 | Yea | 14-Mar | H R 2854 | Motion to Instruct Conferees | P | Agricultural Market Transition Act | |
68 | Nay | 19-Mar | H RES 384 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Providing for the consideration of H.R. 2202, Immigration and National Interest Act | |
69 | Nay | X | 19-Mar | H R 2937 | Suspend the rules and pass, as amended | P | White House Travel Office Employees |
70 | Yea | 19-Mar | H CON RES 148 | Suspend the Rules and Agree, as amended | P | Taiwan Defense | |
71 | Yea | 20-Mar | H R 2202 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Beilenson of California amendment | |
72 | Nay | X | 20-Mar | H R 2202 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | McCollum of Florida amendment |
73 | Nay | 20-Mar | H R 2202 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Bryant of Tennessee Amendment | |
74 | Yea | 20-Mar | H R 2202 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Velazquez of New York amendment | |
75 | Nay | 20-Mar | H R 2202 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Gallegly of California amendment | |
76 | Yea | X | 20-Mar | H R 2202 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Chabot of Ohio amendment (as modified) |
77 | Nay | 20-Mar | H R 2202 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Gallegly of California Amendment (as modified) | |
78 | Nay | 20-Mar | H R 2202 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Canady of Florida amendment | |
79 | Yea | 20-Mar | H R 2202 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Dreier of California Amendment | |
80 | Nay | 21-Mar | H RES 386 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Providing for the consideration of H.J. Res. 165, Further Continuing Appropriations, FY 1996 | |
81 | Nay | 21-Mar | H RES 386 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for the consideration of H.J. Res. 165, Further Continuing Appropriations, FY 1996 | |
82 | Yea | 21-Mar | H J RES 165 | On Motion to Recommit with Instructions | F | Further Continuing Appropriations, FY 1996 | |
83 | Nay | 21-Mar | H J RES 165 | On Passage | P | Further Continuing Appropriations, FY 1996 | |
84 | Yea | 21-Mar | H R 2202 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Chrysler of Michigan amendment | |
85 | Nay | 21-Mar | H R 2202 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Pombo of California Amendment, as Amended | |
86 | Nay | 21-Mar | H R 2202 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Goodlatte of Virginia Amendment | |
87 | Nay | 21-Mar | H R 2202 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Burr of North Carolina Amendment | |
88 | Yea | 21-Mar | H R 2202 | On Motion to Recommit with Instructions | F | Immigration Act of 1995 | |
89 | Nay | X | 21-Mar | H R 2202 | On Passage | P | Immigration Act of 1995 |
90 | Yea | 21-Mar | H R 3019 | On Motion to Instruct Conferees | F | Omnibus Appropriations for Fiscal Year 1996 | |
91 | Yea | X | 22-Mar | H RES 388 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for the consideration of H.R.125, Crime Enforcement and Second Amendment Restoration Act |
92 | Yea | X | 22-Mar | H R 125 | On Passage | P | Gun Crime Enforcement and Second Amendment Restoration Act |
93 | Nay | 27-Mar | H RES 389 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for the consideration of the Senate amendments to the bill (H.R. 1833) to ban partial birth abortions | |
94 | Nay | 27-Mar | H R 1833 | Agree to Senate Amendments | P | Partial-Birth Abortion Ban | |
95 | Yea | 27-Mar | H RES 379 | Suspend the rules and agree | P | Eighth Anniversary of the Massacre of the Kurds | |
96 | Yea | 27-Mar | H CON RES 102 | Suspend the rules and agree | P | Condemn Iranian Treatment of Bahais | |
97 | Nay | 28-Mar | H RES 391 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Providing for consideration of H.R. 3136; Debt Limit Extension | |
98 | Nay | 28-Mar | H RES 391 | On agreeing to the resolution, as amended | P | Providing for consideration of H.R. 3136; Debt Limit Extension | |
99 | Nay | 28-Mar | MOTION | Table Appeal of the Ruling of the Chair | P | ||
100 | Yea | 28-Mar | H R 3136 | Consideration of Motion to Recommit With Instructions | F | Debt Limit Extension | |
101 | Yea | 28-Mar | H R 3136 | On Motion to Recommit with Instructions | F | Debt Limit Extension | |
102 | Yea | 28-Mar | H R 3136 | On Passage | P | Debt Limit Extension | |
103 | Nay | 28-Mar | H RES 392 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Providing for the consideration of H.R. 3103, Health Coverage Availabilty and Affordability Act | |
104 | Yea | 28-Mar | H R 3103 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Dingell of Michigan Substitute Amendment | |
105 | Yea | 28-Mar | H R 3103 | On Motion to Recommit with Instructions | F | Health Coverage Availability and Affordability Act | |
106 | Nay | 28-Mar | H R 3103 | On Passage | P | Health Coverage Availability and Affordability Act | |
107 | Nay | X | 29-Mar | H R 2854 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | Agricultural Market Transition Act |
108 | Nay | 29-Mar | H RES 394 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Waiving points of order against the conference report to accompany H.R. 956; Product Liability Reform Act | |
109 | Nay | X | 29-Mar | JOURNAL | On Approving the Journal | P | |
110 | Nay | 29-Mar | H R 956 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | Product Liability Reform |
39 Yea, 51 Nay, 1 Present, 19 No Vote (4.18 %)
17 votes (3.74 %) not with majority of D-party.