An 'X' in the P column indicates a vote where a Representatives vote differs from the vote of the majority of their Party.
Vote Number | Vote | P | Date | Issue | Question | Result | Description |
1 | Present | 3-Jan | QUORUM | Call of the House | P | ||
2 | Yea | 3-Jan | MOTION | Table appeal of the ruling of the chair | P | ||
3 | Yea | 3-Jan | H R 1530 | Passage, the Objections of the President Notwithstanding | F | National Defense Authorization Act for FY 1996 | |
4 | Yea | 3-Jan | H R 2076 | Passage, Objection of the President Notwithstanding | F | Commerce, Justice, State, Judiciary Appropriations, FY 1996 | |
5 | Yea | 4-Jan | H R 1977 | Passage, objections of the President notwithstanding | F | Interior Appropriations for Fiscal Year 1996 | |
6 | Yea | 5-Jan | H RES 334 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Providing for consideration of a motion to dispose of Senate amendment (Continuing Appropriations) to H.R. 1643; Bulgaria | |
7 | Yea | 5-Jan | H R 1643 | Agree to Senate amendment with amendments | P | (Targeted Continuing Appropriations) Bulgaria | |
8 | Yea | 5-Jan | H RES 330 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Authorize the Speaker to Declare Recesses | |
9 | Yea | 5-Jan | H RES 336 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Providing for the dispostion of the Senate amendment to H.J.Res. 134; making further continuing appropriations for F.Y. 1996 | |
10 | Yea | 5-Jan | S 1124 | Closing Portions of the Conference | P | National Defense Authorization Act for FY 1996 | |
11 | Yea | 5-Jan | H RES 338 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Providing for the disposition of the Senate amendment to H.R. 1358, Targeted Continuing Appropriations and Marine Fisheries Service Laboratory Transfer | |
12 | Yea | 5-Jan | H RES 338 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for the disposition of the Senate amendment to H.R. 1358, Targeted Continuing Appropriations and Marine Fisheries Service Laboratory Transfer | |
13 | Yea | 23-Jan | H R 2657 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass | P | Ruth and Billy Graham Congressional Gold Medal | |
14 | Yea | 23-Jan | S 1341 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass | P | Saddleback Mountain-Arizona Settlement Act | |
15 | Yea | 23-Jan | H R 2726 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | Technical Corrections to Native American Laws | |
16 | Yea | 24-Jan | S 1124 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | National Defense Authorization Act for FY 1996 | |
17 | Yea | 25-Jan | H RES 342 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Waiving a requirement of clause 4(b) of rule XI with respect to consideration of certain resolutions reported from the Committee on Rules | |
18 | Nay | 25-Jan | H R 2880 | On Motion to Recommit with Instructions | F | Making appropriations for fiscal year 1996 to make a downpayment toward a balanced budget | |
19 | Yea | 25-Jan | H R 2880 | On Passage | P | Making appropriations for fiscal year 1996 to make a downpayment toward a balanced budget | |
20 | Nay | 31-Jan | H RES 349 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree | F | Providing for the consideration of S. 534 | |
21 | Yea | 31-Jan | H R 2036 | Suspend the rules and pass, as amended | P | Land Disposal Program Flexibility Act of 1995 | |
22 | Nay | 31-Jan | H R 2546 | Recommit Conference Report With Instructions | F | District of Columbia Appropriations for F.Y. 1996 | |
23 | Yea | 31-Jan | H R 2546 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | District of Columbia Appropriations for F.Y. 1996 | |
24 | Yea | 1-Feb | H RES 353 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Waiving points of order against the conference report to accompany S. 652; Telecommunications Reform Act | |
25 | Yea | 1-Feb | S 652 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | Telecommunications Reform Act | |
26 | Yea | 1-Feb | MOTION | Table the Appeal of the Ruling of the Chair | P | ||
27 | Yea | 1-Feb | MOTION | Table the Appeal of the Ruling of the Chair | P | ||
28 | Yea | 1-Feb | H RES 355 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Providing for the consideration of H.R. 2924; Social Security Benefits | |
29 | Yea | 1-Feb | H CON RES 141 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for the adjournment of the two Houses | |
30 | Yea | 1-Feb | H R 2924 | On Passage | P | Social Security Benefits | |
31 | Yea | 28-Feb | H RES 366 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Providing for the consideration of H.R. 2854, Agricutural Market Transition Act | |
32 | Yea | 28-Feb | H RES 366 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for the consideration of H.R. 2854, Agricutural Market Transition Act | |
33 | Yea | X | 28-Feb | H R 2854 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Chabot of Ohio Amendment |
34 | Yea | 28-Feb | H R 2854 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Shays of Connecticut amendment | |
35 | Yea | 28-Feb | H R 2854 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Miller of Florida Amendment | |
36 | Yea | 28-Feb | H R 2854 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Solomon of New York Amendment | |
37 | Yea | 29-Feb | H R 2854 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Boehlert of New York Amendment | |
38 | No Vote | 29-Feb | H R 2854 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Dooley of California Amendment | |
39 | Nay | X | 29-Feb | H R 2854 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Foley of Florida amendment |
40 | Nay | 29-Feb | H R 2854 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Stenholm of Texas amendments (en bloc) | |
41 | Nay | 29-Feb | H R 2854 | On Motion to Recommit with Instructions | F | Agricultural Market Transition Act | |
42 | Yea | 29-Feb | H R 2854 | On Passage | P | Agricultural Market Transition Act | |
43 | Nay | 29-Feb | H R 956 | Motion to Instruct Conferees | P | Product Liability Reform | |
44 | Yea | 5-Mar | H R 2778 | Suspend the rules and pass, as amended | P | Tax Treatment for Individuals Performing Services in Certain Hazardous Duty Areas | |
45 | Yea | 6-Mar | JOURNAL | On Approving the Journal | P | ||
46 | Yea | 6-Mar | H RES 370 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Waiving points of order against the conference report to accompany H.R. 927; Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity Act | |
47 | Yea | 6-Mar | H R 927 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity Act | |
48 | Nay | X | 7-Mar | H R 3021 | On Passage | P | Debt Limit Extension |
49 | No Vote | 7-Mar | H RES 372 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Dreier of California Amendment | |
50 | No Vote | 7-Mar | H RES 372 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for consideration of H.R. 3019; Omnibus Appropriations for Fiscal Year 1996 | |
51 | Nay | 7-Mar | H R 3019 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Lowey of New York amendment | |
52 | Yea | 7-Mar | H R 3019 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Istook of Oklahoma amendment | |
53 | Yea | 7-Mar | H R 3019 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Crapo of Idaho Amendment | |
54 | Nay | 7-Mar | H R 3019 | On Motion to Recommit with Instructions | F | Omnibus Appropriations for Fiscal Year 1996 | |
55 | Yea | 7-Mar | H R 3019 | On Passage | P | Omnibus Appropriations for Fiscal Year 1996 | |
56 | Yea | 12-Mar | H RES 375 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Waiving points of order against the conference report on H.R. 1561, American Overseas Interests Act | |
57 | Yea | 12-Mar | H J RES 78 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | Bi-State Development Agency Authority | |
58 | Yea | 12-Mar | H CON RES 149 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as Amended | P | Condemning Terror Attacks in Israel | |
59 | Yea | 12-Mar | H R 1561 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | American Overseas Interests Act | |
60 | Yea | 13-Mar | H RES 380 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for consideration of H.R. 2703; Anti-Terrorism Act | |
61 | Yea | 13-Mar | H R 2703 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Barr of Georgia Amendment | |
62 | Yea | 14-Mar | H J RES 163 | On Passage | P | Making further continuing appropriations for F.Y. 1996 | |
63 | Yea | 14-Mar | JOURNAL | On Approving the Journal | P | ||
64 | Nay | 14-Mar | H R 2703 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Watt of North Carolina amendment | |
65 | Nay | 14-Mar | H R 2703 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Conyers of Michigan Substitute Amendment | |
66 | Yea | 14-Mar | H R 2703 | On Passage | P | To Combat Terrorism | |
67 | Yea | 14-Mar | H R 2854 | Motion to Instruct Conferees | P | Agricultural Market Transition Act | |
68 | Yea | 19-Mar | H RES 384 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Providing for the consideration of H.R. 2202, Immigration and National Interest Act | |
69 | Yea | 19-Mar | H R 2937 | Suspend the rules and pass, as amended | P | White House Travel Office Employees | |
70 | Yea | 19-Mar | H CON RES 148 | Suspend the Rules and Agree, as amended | P | Taiwan Defense | |
71 | Nay | 20-Mar | H R 2202 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Beilenson of California amendment | |
72 | Nay | 20-Mar | H R 2202 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | McCollum of Florida amendment | |
73 | Yea | 20-Mar | H R 2202 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Bryant of Tennessee Amendment | |
74 | Nay | 20-Mar | H R 2202 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Velazquez of New York amendment | |
75 | Yea | 20-Mar | H R 2202 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Gallegly of California amendment | |
76 | Nay | 20-Mar | H R 2202 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Chabot of Ohio amendment (as modified) | |
77 | Nay | 20-Mar | H R 2202 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Gallegly of California Amendment (as modified) | |
78 | Yea | 20-Mar | H R 2202 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Canady of Florida amendment | |
79 | Yea | 20-Mar | H R 2202 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Dreier of California Amendment | |
80 | Yea | 21-Mar | H RES 386 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Providing for the consideration of H.J. Res. 165, Further Continuing Appropriations, FY 1996 | |
81 | No Vote | 21-Mar | H RES 386 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for the consideration of H.J. Res. 165, Further Continuing Appropriations, FY 1996 | |
82 | Nay | 21-Mar | H J RES 165 | On Motion to Recommit with Instructions | F | Further Continuing Appropriations, FY 1996 | |
83 | Yea | 21-Mar | H J RES 165 | On Passage | P | Further Continuing Appropriations, FY 1996 | |
84 | Nay | 21-Mar | H R 2202 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Chrysler of Michigan amendment | |
85 | Yea | 21-Mar | H R 2202 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Pombo of California Amendment, as Amended | |
86 | Nay | 21-Mar | H R 2202 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Goodlatte of Virginia Amendment | |
87 | Nay | X | 21-Mar | H R 2202 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Burr of North Carolina Amendment |
88 | Nay | 21-Mar | H R 2202 | On Motion to Recommit with Instructions | F | Immigration Act of 1995 | |
89 | Yea | 21-Mar | H R 2202 | On Passage | P | Immigration Act of 1995 | |
90 | Nay | 21-Mar | H R 3019 | On Motion to Instruct Conferees | F | Omnibus Appropriations for Fiscal Year 1996 | |
91 | No Vote | 22-Mar | H RES 388 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for the consideration of H.R.125, Crime Enforcement and Second Amendment Restoration Act | |
92 | No Vote | 22-Mar | H R 125 | On Passage | P | Gun Crime Enforcement and Second Amendment Restoration Act | |
93 | Yea | 27-Mar | H RES 389 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for the consideration of the Senate amendments to the bill (H.R. 1833) to ban partial birth abortions | |
94 | Yea | 27-Mar | H R 1833 | Agree to Senate Amendments | P | Partial-Birth Abortion Ban | |
95 | Yea | 27-Mar | H RES 379 | Suspend the rules and agree | P | Eighth Anniversary of the Massacre of the Kurds | |
96 | Yea | 27-Mar | H CON RES 102 | Suspend the rules and agree | P | Condemn Iranian Treatment of Bahais | |
97 | Yea | 28-Mar | H RES 391 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Providing for consideration of H.R. 3136; Debt Limit Extension | |
98 | Yea | 28-Mar | H RES 391 | On agreeing to the resolution, as amended | P | Providing for consideration of H.R. 3136; Debt Limit Extension | |
99 | Yea | 28-Mar | MOTION | Table Appeal of the Ruling of the Chair | P | ||
100 | Nay | 28-Mar | H R 3136 | Consideration of Motion to Recommit With Instructions | F | Debt Limit Extension | |
101 | Nay | 28-Mar | H R 3136 | On Motion to Recommit with Instructions | F | Debt Limit Extension | |
102 | Yea | 28-Mar | H R 3136 | On Passage | P | Debt Limit Extension | |
103 | Yea | 28-Mar | H RES 392 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Providing for the consideration of H.R. 3103, Health Coverage Availabilty and Affordability Act | |
104 | Nay | 28-Mar | H R 3103 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Dingell of Michigan Substitute Amendment | |
105 | Nay | 28-Mar | H R 3103 | On Motion to Recommit with Instructions | F | Health Coverage Availability and Affordability Act | |
106 | Yea | 28-Mar | H R 3103 | On Passage | P | Health Coverage Availability and Affordability Act | |
107 | Yea | 29-Mar | H R 2854 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | Agricultural Market Transition Act | |
108 | Yea | 29-Mar | H RES 394 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Waiving points of order against the conference report to accompany H.R. 956; Product Liability Reform Act | |
109 | Yea | 29-Mar | JOURNAL | On Approving the Journal | P | ||
110 | Yea | 29-Mar | H R 956 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | Product Liability Reform | |
111 | Yea | 15-Apr | H RES 395 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Providing for the consideration of H.J. Res. 159, proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the U.S. to require two-thirds majorities for bills increasing taxes | |
112 | Yea | 15-Apr | H RES 395 | Table the Motion to Reconsider | P | Providing for the consideration of H.J. Res. 159, proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the U.S. to require two-thirds majorities for bills increasing taxes | |
113 | Yea | 15-Apr | H RES 395 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for the consideration of H.J. Res. 159, proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the U.S. to require two-thirds majorities for bills increasing taxes | |
114 | Yea | 15-Apr | H RES 395 | Table the Motion to Reconsider | P | Providing for the consideration of H.J. Res. 159, proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the U.S. to require two-thirds majorities for bills increasing taxes | |
115 | Yea | 15-Apr | MOTION | Consideration of H.J. Res. 159, as Amended | P | ||
116 | Yea | 15-Apr | MOTION | table motion to reconsider | P | ||
117 | Yea | 15-Apr | H J RES 159 | On Passage | F | Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the U.S. to require two-thirds majorities for bills increasing taxes | |
118 | Yea | 16-Apr | JOURNAL | On Approving the Journal | P | ||
119 | Yea | 16-Apr | H R 2337 | Suspend the rules and pass, as amended | P | Taxpayer Bill of Rights Act | |
120 | Yea | 16-Apr | H RES 316 | Suspend the rules and agree | P | Condemn Holocaust Doubters | |
121 | Yea | X | 17-Apr | H R 842 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Minge of Minnesota Amendment |
122 | Nay | X | 17-Apr | H R 842 | On Passage | P | Truth in Budgeting Act |
123 | Yea | 18-Apr | H RES 406 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Tribute to Ronald H. Brown | |
124 | Yea | 18-Apr | H RES 405 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Waiving points of order against the conference report to accompany S. 735; Anti-Terrorism Act | |
125 | Yea | 18-Apr | H RES 405 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Waiving points of order against the conference report to accompany S. 735; Anti-Terrorism Act | |
126 | Yea | 18-Apr | S 735 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | Anti-Terrorism Act | |
127 | Yea | 23-Apr | H R 1965 | Suspend Rules and Pass, As Amended | P | Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 Reauthorization | |
128 | Yea | 23-Apr | H R 2160 | Suspend Rules and Pass, As Amended | P | Cooperative Fisheries Management Act | |
129 | Yea | 24-Apr | H J RES 175 | On Passage | P | Making further continuing appropriations for F.Y. 1996 | |
130 | Yea | 24-Apr | H R 2715 | On Passage | P | Paperwork Elimination Act of 1996 | |
131 | Yea | 24-Apr | H R 1675 | On Passage | P | National Wildlife Refuge Act | |
132 | Yea | 25-Apr | JOURNAL | On Approving the Journal | P | ||
133 | Yea | 25-Apr | H RES 412 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Waiving a requirement of clause 4(b) of rule XI with respect to consideration of certain resolutions from the Committee on Rules | |
134 | Yea | 25-Apr | H RES 412 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Waiving a requirement of clause 4(b) of rule XI with respect to consideration of certain resolutions from the Committee on Rules | |
135 | Yea | 25-Apr | H R 3019 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | Omnibus Appropriations for Fiscal Year 1996 | |
136 | Yea | 30-Apr | H R 1561 | Passage, Objection of the President Notwithstanding | F | American Overseas Interests Act | |
137 | Yea | 30-Apr | H R 3008 | Suspend the rules and pass | P | Helium Privatization Act of 1995 | |
138 | Yea | 30-Apr | H R 1823 | Suspend the rules and pass, as amended | P | Central Utah Project Completion Act | |
139 | Yea | 1-May | JOURNAL | On Approving the Journal | P | ||
140 | Yea | 1-May | H RES 418 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Providing for the consideration of H.R. 2641, United States Marshals Service Improvement Act | |
141 | Yea | 1-May | H R 2641 | On Passage | P | United States Marshals Service Improvement Act | |
142 | Yea | 1-May | H RES 419 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for consideration of H. R. 2149; Ocean Shipping Reform Act | |
143 | Nay | 1-May | H R 2149 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Oberstar of Minnesota Amendment | |
144 | Yea | 1-May | H R 2149 | On Passage | P | Ocean Shipping Reform Act | |
145 | Yea | 1-May | S 641 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | Ryan White Care Act Amendments | |
146 | Yea | 7-May | H R 2974 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Slaughter of New York Amendment | |
147 | Nay | 7-May | H R 2974 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Watt of North Carolina Amendment | |
148 | Yea | 7-May | H R 2974 | On Passage | P | Crimes Against Children and Elderly Persons Increased Punishment Act | |
149 | Yea | 7-May | H R 2137 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | Megans Law | |
150 | No Vote | 8-May | H RES 416 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Establishing a select subcomittee of the Committee on International Relations to investigate the U. S. role in Iranian arms transfers to Croatia and Bosnia | |
151 | No Vote | 8-May | H RES 416 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Establishing a select subcomittee of the Committee on International Relations to investigate the U. S. role in Iranian arms transfers to Croatia and Bosnia | |
152 | Yea | 8-May | H RES 417 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing amounts for the expenses of the Select Subcomittee on the U. S. role in Iranian Arms Transfers to Croatia and Bosnia of the Committee on International Relations | |
153 | Yea | 8-May | H RES 426 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Providing for the consideration of H.R. 2406, U.S. Housing Act of 1996 | |
154 | Nay | 8-May | H R 2406 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Fields of Louisiana Amendment | |
155 | Yea | 9-May | MOTION | Committees to sit | P | ||
156 | Nay | 9-May | H R 2406 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Frank of Massachusetts amendment (as modified) | |
157 | Nay | 9-May | H R 2406 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Velazquez of New York Amendment, En Bloc | |
158 | Nay | 9-May | H R 2406 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Durbin of Illinois Amendment | |
159 | Nay | X | 9-May | H R 2406 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Maloney of New York Amendment |
160 | Nay | 9-May | H R 2406 | On Motion to Recommit with Instructions | F | United States Housing Act of 1996 | |
161 | Yea | 9-May | H R 2406 | On Passage | P | United States Housing Act of 1996 | |
162 | Yea | 9-May | H R 956 | Passage, Objections of the President Notwithstanding | F | Product Liability Reform | |
163 | Yea | 10-May | JOURNAL | On Approving the Journal | P | ||
164 | Nay | 10-May | H R 3286 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Young of Alaska amendment | |
165 | Yea | 10-May | H R 3286 | On Passage | P | Adoption Promotion and Stability Act | |
166 | Yea | 10-May | H RES 430 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for consideration of H.R. 3230; Defense Authorization for F.Y. 1997 | |
167 | Nay | 14-May | H R 3230 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | DeLauro of Connecticut amendment | |
168 | Yea | 14-May | H R 3230 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Shays of Connecticut Amendment | |
169 | Yea | 15-May | H RES 303 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Providing for the consideration of H.R. 1745 | |
170 | Yea | 15-May | H R 3230 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Solomon of New York amendment | |
171 | Yea | 15-May | H R 3230 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Gilman of New York amendment | |
172 | Yea | X | 15-May | H R 3230 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Klug of Wisconsin amendment |
173 | Nay | 15-May | H R 3230 | On Motion to Recommit with Instructions | F | Department of Defense Authorization, FY 1997 | |
174 | Yea | 15-May | H R 3230 | On Passage | P | Department of Defense Authorization, FY 1997 | |
175 | Yea | 16-May | H RES 435 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Providing for the further consideration of H. Con. Res. 178, Congressional Budget for the U.S. Government | |
176 | Nay | 16-May | H CON RES 178 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Payne of New Jersey Substitute Amendment | |
177 | Nay | 16-May | H CON RES 178 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Orton of Utah Substitute Amendment | |
178 | Nay | 16-May | H CON RES 178 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Sabo of Minnesota Substitute Amendment | |
179 | Yea | 16-May | H CON RES 178 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Congressional Budget For U.S. Government | |
180 | Yea | 21-May | H RES 436 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Providing for the consideration of H.R. 3415; Gas Tax Increase Repeal | |
181 | Nay | 21-May | H R 3415 | On Motion to Recommit with Instructions | F | Gas Tax Increase Repeal | |
182 | Yea | 21-May | H R 3415 | On Passage | P | Gas Tax Increase Repeal | |
183 | Yea | 21-May | H CON RES 167 | Suspend the Rules and Agree | P | 10th Anniversary of the Chornobyl Disaster | |
184 | Yea | 22-May | H R 3259 | On Agreeing to the Amendment, As Amended | A | Richardson of New Mexico amendment (as amended) | |
185 | Nay | 22-May | H R 3259 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Sanders of Vermont amendment | |
186 | Nay | 22-May | H R 3259 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Conyers of Michigan Amendment | |
187 | Nay | 22-May | H R 3259 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Frank of Massachusetts Amendment | |
188 | Nay | 22-May | H R 3259 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Schroeder of Colorado Amendment | |
189 | Yea | 22-May | H RES 440 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for consideration of H.R. 3448; Small Business Job Protection Act and H.R. 1227; Employee Commuting Flexibility Act | |
190 | Yea | 22-May | H R 3448 | On Passage | P | Small Business Job Protection Act of 1996 | |
191 | Nay | 23-May | MOTION | Question of consideration of the amendment | P | ||
192 | Nay | 23-May | H R 1227 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Riggs of California amendment | |
193 | Yea | 23-May | H R 1227 | On agreeing to Subsecs. A, B, & C of the Amendment | A | Goodling of Pennsylvania Amendment | |
194 | Yea | 23-May | H R 1227 | On Agreeing to Subsection D of the Amendment | F | Goodling of Pennsylvania Amendment | |
195 | Nay | 23-May | H R 1227 | On Passage | P | Employee Commuting Act | |
196 | Nay | 29-May | H R 3322 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Lofgren of California Amendment | |
197 | Nay | 29-May | H R 3322 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Brown of California Substitute Amendment | |
198 | Yea | 29-May | H R 3322 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Ehlers of Michigan Amendment | |
199 | Yea | 30-May | JOURNAL | On Approving the Journal | P | ||
200 | Nay | 30-May | H R 3517 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Furse of Oregon amendment | |
201 | Yea | 30-May | H R 3517 | On Passage | P | Military Construction Appropriations, FY 1997 | |
202 | Nay | 30-May | H R 3322 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Jackson Lee of Texas Substitute to Weldon of Florida amendment | |
203 | Yea | 30-May | H R 3322 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Weldon of Florida amendment, as amended | |
204 | Nay | 30-May | H R 3322 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Scott of Virginia Amendment | |
205 | Nay | 30-May | H R 3322 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Roemer of Indiana Amendment | |
206 | Nay | 30-May | H R 3322 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Roemer of Indiana Amendment | |
207 | Nay | 30-May | H R 3322 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Lofgren of California amendment | |
208 | Nay | 30-May | H R 3322 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Jackson Lee of Texas amendment | |
209 | Nay | 30-May | H CON RES 178 | On Motion to Instruct Conferees | F | Congressional Budget For U.S. Government | |
210 | Yea | 5-Jun | H R 3540 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Obey of Wisconsin Amendment | |
211 | Yea | 5-Jun | H R 3540 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Manzullo of Illinois Amendment | |
212 | Yea | 5-Jun | H R 3540 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Burton of Indiana Amendment | |
213 | Yea | 5-Jun | H R 3540 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Traficant of Ohio Amendment | |
214 | Yea | 5-Jun | H R 3540 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Visclosky of Indiana Amendment | |
215 | Nay | 5-Jun | H R 3540 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Obey of Wisconsin amendment | |
216 | Nay | 5-Jun | H R 3540 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Obey of Wisconsin Amendment | |
217 | Yea | 5-Jun | H R 3540 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Radanovich of California Amendment | |
218 | Yea | X | 5-Jun | H R 3540 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Burton of Indiana Amendment |
219 | Yea | 6-Jun | H RES 446 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for consideration of H.R. 3562; Waivers for Wisconsin Welfare Plan | |
220 | Nay | 6-Jun | H R 3562 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Kleczka of Wisconsin Substitute Amendment | |
221 | Yea | 6-Jun | H R 3562 | On Passage | P | Waivers for Wisconsin Welfare Plan | |
222 | Yea | 10-Jun | H R 3364 | Suspend the Rules and Pass, As Amended | P | Designating the William J. Nealon U.S, Courthouse | |
223 | Yea | 10-Jun | H R 3400 | Suspend the Rules and Pass, As Amended | P | Designating the Roman L. Hruska U.S. Courthouse | |
224 | Yea | 10-Jun | H R 3060 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass | P | Antarctic Environmental Protection Act | |
225 | Yea | 11-Jun | JOURNAL | On Approving the Journal | P | ||
226 | Nay | 11-Jun | H R 3103 | Motion to Instruct Conferees | F | Health Coverage Availability and Affordability Act | |
227 | Nay | 11-Jun | H R 3540 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Frank of Massachusetts amendment | |
228 | Yea | 11-Jun | H R 3540 | On Passage | P | Foreign Operations Appropriations for F.Y. 1997 | |
229 | Yea | 12-Jun | JOURNAL | On Approving the Journal | P | ||
230 | Yea | X | 12-Jun | H R 3603 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | DeFazio of Oregon Amendment |
231 | Yea | X | 12-Jun | H R 3603 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Kolbe of Arizona amendment |
232 | Yea | X | 12-Jun | H R 3603 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Kennedy of Massachusetts Amendment |
233 | Yea | X | 12-Jun | H R 3603 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Durbin of Illinois Amendment |
234 | Yea | 12-Jun | H R 3603 | On Passage | P | FY 1997 Agriculture Appropriations | |
235 | Yea | 12-Jun | H RES 450 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Waiving points of order against the conference report to accompany H.Con.Res. 178; Budget for U.S. Government for F.Y. 1997 | |
236 | Yea | 12-Jun | H CON RES 178 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | Congressional Budget For U.S. Government | |
237 | Nay | X | 13-Jun | H R 2754 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Bateman of Virginia Amendment |
238 | Nay | X | 13-Jun | H R 2754 | On Passage | P | Shipbuilding Trade Agreement Act |
239 | Yea | 13-Jun | H R 3610 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Young of Florida Amendment | |
240 | Nay | 13-Jun | H R 3610 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Obey of Wisconsin Amendment | |
241 | Nay | 13-Jun | H R 3610 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Obey of Wisconsin Amendment | |
242 | Nay | 13-Jun | H R 3610 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Obey of Wisconsin Amendment | |
243 | Nay | 13-Jun | H R 3610 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Obey of Wisconsin Amendment | |
244 | No Vote | 13-Jun | H R 3610 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Schroeder of Colorado Amendment | |
245 | Nay | 13-Jun | H R 3610 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Shays of Connecticut Amendment | |
246 | Nay | 13-Jun | H R 3610 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | DeFazio of Oregon amendment, as amended | |
247 | Yea | 13-Jun | H R 3610 | On Passage | P | Fiscal Year 1997 Department of Defense Appropriations | |
248 | Yea | 18-Jun | H R 3525 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | Church Arson Prevention Act | |
249 | Yea | 19-Jun | H R 3005 | Suspend the rules and pass, as amended | P | Securities Amendments of 1996 | |
250 | Yea | 19-Jun | H R 3107 | Suspend the rules and pass, as amended | P | Iran and Libya Sanctions Act | |
251 | Yea | X | 19-Jun | H R 3662 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Farr of California Amendment |
252 | Yea | 19-Jun | H R 3662 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Walker of Pennsylvania Amendment | |
253 | Nay | 19-Jun | H R 3662 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Dicks of Washington Amendment | |
254 | Nay | 19-Jun | H R 3662 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Richardson of New Mexico Amendment | |
255 | Nay | 19-Jun | H R 3662 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Vento of Minnesota Amendment | |
256 | Nay | 19-Jun | H R 3662 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Miller of California Amendment | |
257 | Nay | 19-Jun | H R 3662 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Richardson of New Mexico Amendment | |
258 | No Vote | 19-Jun | H R 3662 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Kennedy of Massachusetts Amendment | |
259 | Nay | X | 20-Jun | H R 3662 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Parker of Mississippi amendment |
260 | Nay | 20-Jun | H R 3662 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Sanders of Vermont Amendment | |
261 | Yea | 20-Jun | H R 3662 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Shadegg of Arizona amendment | |
262 | Nay | 20-Jun | H R 3662 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Furse of Oregon Amendment | |
263 | Yea | 20-Jun | H R 3662 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Istook of Oklahoma Amendment | |
264 | Yea | X | 20-Jun | H R 3662 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Gutknecht of Minnesota Amendment |
265 | Yea | X | 20-Jun | H R 3662 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Sanders of Vermont Amendment |
266 | Nay | 20-Jun | H R 3662 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Kennedy of Massachusetts Amendment | |
267 | Nay | 20-Jun | H R 3662 | On Motion to Recommit | F | Interior Appropriations for F.Y. 1997 | |
268 | Yea | 20-Jun | H R 3662 | On Passage | P | Interior Appropriations for F.Y. 1997 | |
269 | Yea | 25-Jun | H RES 456 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for the consideration of H.R. 3666, VA-HUD Appropriations, FY 1997 | |
270 | Nay | 25-Jun | H R 3666 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Kennedy of Massachusetts Amendment | |
271 | Nay | 26-Jun | ADJOURN | On Motion to Adjourn | F | ||
272 | Yea | 26-Jun | H R 3666 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Lazio of New York amendment | |
273 | No Vote | 26-Jun | H R 3666 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Shays of Connecticut Amendment | |
274 | No Vote | 26-Jun | H R 3666 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Sanders of Vermont Amendment | |
275 | Yea | 26-Jun | H R 3666 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Hefley of Colorado Amendment | |
276 | Yea | 26-Jun | H R 3666 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Hostettler of Indiana amendment | |
277 | Yea | X | 26-Jun | H R 3666 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Gutknecht of Minnesota amendment |
278 | Yea | 26-Jun | H R 3666 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Walker of Pennsylvania Amendment | |
279 | Nay | 26-Jun | H R 3666 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Markey of Massachusetts Amendment | |
280 | Nay | X | 26-Jun | H R 3666 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Roemer of Indiana Amendment |
281 | Nay | 26-Jun | H R 3666 | On Motion to Recommit with Instructions | F | VA-HUD Appropriations, FY 1997 | |
282 | Yea | 26-Jun | H R 3666 | On Passage | P | VA-HUD Appropriations, FY 1997 | |
283 | Yea | 27-Jun | MOTION | Permission to use exhibit | P | ||
284 | Yea | X | 27-Jun | H J RES 182 | On Passage | F | Disapproving most-favored-nation treatment to the products of the Peoples Republic of China |
285 | Yea | 27-Jun | H RES 461 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Regarding U.S. Concerns With Specific Violations by the Peoples Republic of China | |
286 | Yea | 27-Jun | H RES 465 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for the consideration of an adjournment resolution | |
287 | Yea | 27-Jun | H RES 468 | On Motion to Table the Resolution | P | Privilege of the House | |
288 | Nay | 28-Jun | H R 3675 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Oberstar of Minnesota amendment | |
289 | Nay | 28-Jun | H R 3675 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Filner of California Amendment | |
290 | Nay | 28-Jun | H R 3675 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Andrews of New Jersey Amendment | |
291 | Nay | 28-Jun | H R 3675 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Collins of Georgia Amendment | |
292 | Yea | 28-Jun | H R 3675 | On Passage | P | Transportation Appropriations for F.Y. 1997 | |
293 | Yea | 10-Jul | H CON RES 193 | Suspend the rules and agree | P | Expressing Sense of Congress Regarding Reductions in Government Spending and Regulatory Programs | |
294 | Yea | 10-Jul | JOURNAL | On Approving the Journal | P | ||
295 | Yea | 10-Jul | H R 3754 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Campbell of California Amendment, As Modified | |
296 | Yea | 10-Jul | H R 3754 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Gutknecht of Minnesota Amendment | |
297 | Nay | 10-Jul | H R 3754 | On Motion to Recommit with Instructions | F | Legislative Branch Appropriations for F.Y. 1997 | |
298 | Yea | 10-Jul | H R 3754 | On Passage | P | Legislative Branch Appropriations for F.Y. 1997 | |
299 | Yea | 10-Jul | H RES 472 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Providing for the consideration of H.R. 3755, Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education Appropriations, FY 1997 | |
300 | Yea | 11-Jul | H RES 474 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for consideration of H.R. 3396; Defense of Marriage Act | |
301 | Nay | 11-Jul | H R 3755 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Pelosi of California Amendment | |
302 | Nay | 11-Jul | H R 3755 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Lowey of New York amendment | |
303 | Nay | 11-Jul | H R 3755 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Obey of Wisconsin Amendment | |
304 | Yea | X | 11-Jul | H R 3755 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Lowey of New York amendment |
305 | Yea | 11-Jul | H R 3755 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Hefley of Colorado Amendment | |
306 | Nay | 11-Jul | H R 3755 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Sanders of Vermont Amendment | |
307 | Nay | 11-Jul | H R 3755 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Lowey of New York Amendment | |
308 | Nay | 11-Jul | H R 3755 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Hoyer of Maryland Substitute Amendment | |
309 | Yea | 11-Jul | H R 3755 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Bunning of Kentucky Amendment | |
310 | Nay | 12-Jul | H R 3755 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Obey of Wisconsin Substitute Amendment | |
311 | Yea | 12-Jul | H R 3755 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Istook of Oklahoma Amendment, as amended | |
312 | Yea | X | 12-Jul | H R 3755 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Gutknecht of Minnesota Amendment |
313 | Yea | 12-Jul | H R 3755 | On Passage | P | Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education Appropriations for FY 1997 | |
314 | Nay | 12-Jul | H R 3396 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Frank of Massachusetts Amendment | |
315 | Nay | 12-Jul | H R 3396 | On Motion to Recommit with Instructions | F | Defense of Marriage Act | |
316 | Yea | 12-Jul | H R 3396 | On Passage | P | Defense of Marriage Act | |
317 | Yea | 16-Jul | H R 3756 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Metcalf of Washington Amendment | |
318 | Nay | X | 16-Jul | H R 3756 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Gutknecht of Minnesota Amendment |
319 | Nay | 17-Jul | MOTION | Strike the enacting clause | F | ||
320 | Nay | 17-Jul | H R 3756 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Hoyer of Maryland Amendment | |
321 | Nay | 17-Jul | H R 3756 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Solomon of New York Amendment | |
322 | No Vote | 17-Jul | H R 3756 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Gutknecht of Minnesota Amendment, As Modified | |
323 | Yea | 17-Jul | H R 3756 | On Passage | P | Treasury, Postal Sevice, Executive Office of the President, Independent Agencies Appropriations, FY 1997 | |
324 | Yea | 17-Jul | H R 3166 | Suspend the rules and pass, as amended | P | Government Accountability Act of 1996 | |
325 | Nay | X | 17-Jul | H R 3161 | Suspend the rules and pass | P | Extending Most-Favored-Nation Status to Romania |
326 | Yea | 17-Jul | H R 3230 | Close portions of the Conference | P | Department of Defense Authorization, FY 1997 | |
327 | Yea | 18-Jul | H RES 482 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for the consideration of H.R. 3734 | |
328 | Yea | 18-Jul | H R 3734 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Ney of Ohio Amendment | |
329 | Nay | 18-Jul | H R 3734 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Tanner of Tennessee Amendment | |
330 | Nay | 18-Jul | H R 3734 | On Motion to Recommit with Instructions | F | Welfare and Medicaid Reform Act of 1996 | |
331 | Yea | 18-Jul | H R 3734 | On Passage | P | Welfare and Medicaid Reform Act of 1996 | |
332 | Nay | 22-Jul | H R 3845 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Norton of District of Columbia amendment | |
333 | Yea | 22-Jul | H R 3845 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Gutknecht of Minnesota Amendment | |
334 | Yea | 22-Jul | H R 3845 | On Passage | P | District of Columbia Appropriations for F.Y. 1997 | |
335 | Yea | 22-Jul | H R 3267 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass | P | Child Pilot Safety Act | |
336 | Yea | 22-Jul | H R 3536 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | Airline Pilot Hiring and Safety Act | |
337 | Yea | 22-Jul | H R 3159 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | National Transportation Safety Board Amendments of 1996 | |
338 | Yea | 23-Jul | H R 3564 | Suspend the rules and pass, as amended | P | NATO Enlargement Facilitation Act | |
339 | Yea | 23-Jul | H R 1627 | Suspend the rules and pass, as amended | P | Food Quality Protection Act | |
340 | Yea | 23-Jul | H R 3814 | On agreeing to the amendments en bloc | A | Rogers of Kentucky Amendments En Bloc | |
341 | Nay | 23-Jul | H R 3814 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Mollohan of West Virginia Amendment | |
342 | Yea | 23-Jul | H R 3814 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Radanovich of California amendment | |
343 | Nay | 23-Jul | H R 3814 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Schroeder of Colorado amendment | |
344 | Nay | 23-Jul | H R 3814 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Scott of Virginia Amendment | |
345 | Yea | X | 23-Jul | H R 3814 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Hostetler of Indiana Amendment |
346 | Yea | X | 24-Jul | H R 3814 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Goss of Florida Amendment |
347 | Yea | 24-Jul | H R 3814 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Allard of Colorado amendment | |
348 | Nay | 24-Jul | H R 3814 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Frank of Massachusetts amendment | |
349 | Yea | 24-Jul | H R 3814 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Ganske of Iowa Amendment | |
350 | Yea | X | 24-Jul | H R 3814 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Gutknecht of Minnesota Amendment |
351 | Nay | X | 24-Jul | H R 3814 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Collins of Georgia Amendment |
352 | Nay | X | 24-Jul | H R 3814 | On Passage | P | Commerce, Justice, State, the Judiciary Appropriation, FY 1997 |
353 | Yea | 24-Jul | H R 3734 | On Motion to Instruct Conferees | P | Welfare and Medicaid Reform Act of 1996 | |
354 | Nay | 24-Jul | H R 3816 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Petri of Wisconsin Amendment | |
355 | Yea | 24-Jul | H R 3816 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Klug of Wisconsin Amendment | |
356 | Yea | X | 24-Jul | H R 3816 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Rohrabacher of California Amendment |
357 | Nay | 25-Jul | H R 3816 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Obey of Wisconsin Amendment | |
358 | Nay | 25-Jul | H R 3816 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Schaefer of Colorado Amendment | |
359 | Nay | 25-Jul | H R 3816 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Markey of Massachusetts Amendments En Bloc | |
360 | Yea | 25-Jul | H R 3816 | On Passage | P | Energy and Water Appropriations, FY 1997 | |
361 | Yea | 25-Jul | H RES 481 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Providing for consideration of H.R, 3820; Campaign Finance Reform Act | |
362 | No Vote | 25-Jul | H RES 481 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for consideration of H.R, 3820; Campaign Finance Reform Act | |
363 | Nay | 25-Jul | H R 3820 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Fazio of California Substitute | |
364 | Nay | 25-Jul | H R 3820 | On Motion to Recommit with Instructions | F | Campaign Finance Reform Act | |
365 | Yea | 25-Jul | H R 3820 | On Passage | F | Campaign Finance Reform Act | |
366 | Yea | 26-Jul | JOURNAL | On Approving the Journal | P | ||
367 | Yea | 26-Jul | H RES 488 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for consideration of H.R. 2391; Working Families Flexibility Act of 1996 | |
368 | Yea | 26-Jul | H CON RES 203 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for an Adjounment of Both Houses | |
369 | Yea | 26-Jul | H R 3448 | Motion to Instruct Conferees | P | Small Business Job Protection Act of 1996 | |
370 | Yea | 30-Jul | H R 2391 | On Passage | P | Working Families Flexibility Act of 1996 | |
371 | Yea | 30-Jul | H R 3118 | Suspend the rules and pass, as amended | P | Veterans Health Care Eligibility Act | |
372 | Yea | 30-Jul | H R 3610 | Close portions of the conference | P | Fiscal Year 1997 Department of Defense Appropriations | |
373 | Yea | 31-Jul | JOURNAL | On Approving the Journal | P | ||
374 | Yea | 31-Jul | MOTION | Permitting the Use of an Exhibit | P | ||
375 | Yea | 31-Jul | MOTION | Table the Motion to Reconsider | P | ||
376 | Nay | 31-Jul | ADJOURN | On Motion to Adjourn | F | ||
377 | Nay | 31-Jul | ADJOURN | On Motion to Adjourn | F | ||
378 | No Vote | 31-Jul | ADJOURN | On Motion to Adjourn | F | ||
379 | Yea | 31-Jul | MOTION | Permitting the Use of an Exhibit | P | ||
380 | Yea | 31-Jul | MOTION | Table Motion to Reconsider | P | ||
381 | Yea | 31-Jul | H RES 495 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Waiving points of order against the conference report to accompany the bill (H.R. 3734) to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 201(a)(1) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 1997 | |
382 | No Vote | 31-Jul | H RES 495 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Waiving points of order against the conference report to accompany the bill (H.R. 3734) to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 201(a)(1) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 1997 | |
383 | Yea | 31-Jul | H R 3734 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | Welfare and Medicaid Reform Act of 1996 | |
384 | Nay | 31-Jul | H R 2823 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Studds of Massachusetts Amendment | |
385 | Yea | 31-Jul | H R 2823 | On Passage | P | Marine Mammal Protection Act | |
386 | Yea | 1-Aug | H R 3754 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | Legislative Branch Appropriations for F.Y. 1997 | |
387 | Yea | 1-Aug | H R 3603 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | FY 1997 Agriculture Appropriations | |
388 | No Vote | 1-Aug | H RES 499 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for the consideration of H.R. 123 | |
389 | Nay | 1-Aug | H R 123 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Serrano of New York amendment | |
390 | Nay | 1-Aug | H R 123 | On Motion to Recommit with Instructions | F | English Language Empowerment Act | |
391 | Yea | 1-Aug | H R 123 | On Passage | P | English Language Empowerment Act | |
392 | Nay | 1-Aug | H R 3103 | Recommit conference report with instructions | F | Health Coverage Availability and Affordability Act | |
393 | Yea | 1-Aug | H R 3103 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | Health Coverage Availability and Affordability Act | |
394 | Yea | 1-Aug | H R 3517 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | Military Construction Appropriations, FY 1997 | |
395 | Yea | 1-Aug | H R 3845 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | District of Columbia Appropriations for F.Y. 1997 | |
396 | Nay | 1-Aug | H R 3230 | On Motion to Recommit with Instructions | F | Department of Defense Authorization, FY 1997 | |
397 | Yea | 1-Aug | H R 3230 | On agreeing to the conference report | P | Department of Defense Authorization, FY 1997 | |
398 | Nay | X | 2-Aug | H R 3448 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | Small Business Job Protection Act of 1996 |
399 | Yea | 2-Aug | S 1316 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | Safe Drinking Water Act amendments of 1995 | |
400 | Yea | 2-Aug | H RES 508 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for consideration of a certain motion to suspend the rules. (Relating to combating terrorism) | |
401 | Yea | 2-Aug | H R 3953 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass | P | Aviation Security and Antiterrorism Act of 1996 | |
402 | Yea | 4-Sep | H R 447 | Suspend the rules and pass, as amended | P | Toll Free Consumer Hotline | |
403 | Yea | 4-Sep | H CON RES 120 | Suspend the rules and agree, as amended | P | Support Ukrainian Democracy | |
404 | Yea | 5-Sep | H R 3308 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Bartlett of Maryland amendment | |
405 | Yea | 5-Sep | H R 3308 | On Passage | P | United States Armed Forces Protection Act | |
406 | Yea | 5-Sep | H R 3719 | On Passage | P | To amend the Small Business Act and the Small Business Investment Act of 1958 | |
407 | Yea | 11-Sep | H R 3666 | On Motion to Instruct Conferees | P | VA-HUD Appropriations, FY 1997 | |
408 | Nay | 11-Sep | H R 2202 | On Motion to Instruct Conferees | F | Immigration Act of 1995 | |
409 | Yea | 11-Sep | H RES 470 | Suspend the Rules and Agree | P | Monitoring of Student Right to Know and Campus Security Act | |
410 | Yea | 11-Sep | H R 3863 | Suspend the rules and pass, as amended | P | Student Debt Reduction Act of 1996 | |
411 | Nay | X | 11-Sep | H R 3539 | Suspend the rules and pass, as amended | P | Federal Aviation Authorization Act of 1996 |
412 | Nay | 11-Sep | H R 3759 | Suspend the rules and pass, as amended | F | Exports, Jobs, and Growth Act of 1996 | |
413 | Yea | 12-Sep | H R 3816 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | Energy and Water Appropriations, FY 1997 | |
414 | Yea | 17-Sep | H R 3802 | Suspend the rules and pass, as amended | P | Electronic Freedom of Information Amendments Act | |
415 | Yea | 17-Sep | H J RES 191 | Suspend the rules and pass, as amended | P | To confer Honorary Citizenship of the United States on Mother Teresa | |
416 | Yea | 17-Sep | H R 3723 | Suspend the rules and pass, as amended | P | Economic Espionage Act | |
417 | Nay | X | 17-Sep | H R 3803 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | George Bush School of Government and Public Service |
418 | Yea | 18-Sep | H R 3923 | Suspend the rules and pass, as amended | P | Aviation Disaster Family Assistance Act | |
419 | Yea | 18-Sep | H R 3675 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | Transportation Appropriations for F.Y. 1997 | |
420 | Yea | 19-Sep | JOURNAL | On Approving the Journal | P | ||
421 | Yea | 19-Sep | H R 1833 | On Motion to Discharge the Judiciary Committee | P | Partial-Birth Abortion Ban | |
422 | Yea | 19-Sep | H R 1833 | Passage, Objections of the President Notwithstanding | P | Partial-Birth Abortion Ban | |
423 | Yea | 19-Sep | H RES 524 | On motion to table | P | ||
424 | No Vote | 19-Sep | H RES 526 | On motion to table | P | ||
425 | Yea | 24-Sep | H RES 525 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Waiving a requirement of clause 4(b) of rule XI with respect to consideration of certain resolutions reported from the Committee on Rules | |
426 | Nay | X | 24-Sep | H R 3666 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | VA-HUD Appropriations, FY 1997 |
427 | Nay | X | 24-Sep | H R 3452 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | Presidential and Executive Office Accountability Act |
428 | Yea | 24-Sep | H RES 531 | On Motion to Table the Resolution | P | Question of the Privileges of the House | |
429 | Yea | 24-Sep | H RES 532 | On Motion to Table the Resolution | P | Question of the Privileges of the House | |
430 | Yea | 25-Sep | H RES 528 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Waiving points of order against the conference report to accompany H.R. 2202; Immigration and Nationality Act | |
431 | Nay | 25-Sep | H R 2202 | Recommit conference report with instructions | F | Immigration Act of 1995 | |
432 | Yea | 25-Sep | H R 2202 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | Immigration Act of 1995 | |
433 | Yea | 25-Sep | H R 4134 | On Passage | P | To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to authorize States to deny public education benefits to aliens not lawfully present in the U.S. who are not enrolled in public schools during the period beginning September 1, 1996, and ending July 1, 1997 | |
434 | Yea | 26-Sep | H R 3852 | Suspend the rules and pass, as amended | P | Comprehensive Methamphetamine Control Act | |
435 | Yea | 26-Sep | H R 4137 | Suspend the rules and pass | P | Drug-Induced Rape Prevention and Punishment Act | |
436 | Yea | 26-Sep | H R 3456 | Suspend the rules and pass, as amended | P | Sexual Offender Tracking and Identification Act | |
437 | No Vote | 26-Sep | H R 2092 | Suspend the rules and pass, as amended | P | Private Security Officer Quality Assurance Act | |
438 | Yea | 26-Sep | H RES 535 | Suspend the Rules and Agree | P | Government Accountability Act | |
439 | Yea | 26-Sep | H R 3497 | Suspend the rules and pass, as amended | P | Snoqualmie National Forest Boundary Adjustment | |
440 | Yea | 26-Sep | H CON RES 145 | Suspend the rules and agree | P | Remove Russian Forces from Moldova | |
441 | Yea | 26-Sep | H CON RES 189 | Suspend the rules and agree, as amended | P | U.S. Membership in South Pacific Organizations | |
442 | Yea | 26-Sep | H R 3752 | Suspend the rules and pass, as amended | F | American Land Sovereignty Protection Act | |
443 | No Vote | 26-Sep | H R 4011 | Suspend the rules and pass, as amended | P | Congressional Pension Forfeiture Act | |
444 | Yea | 26-Sep | H R 3841 | Suspend the rules and pass, as amended | F | Civil Service Reform Act | |
445 | Yea | 27-Sep | H RES 540 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Waiving points of order against the conference report on H.R. 3539 | |
446 | Yea | 27-Sep | H R 3539 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | Federal Aviation Authorization Act of 1996 | |
447 | Yea | 27-Sep | H R 4073 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass | F | National Underground Railroad Freedom Center | |
448 | Yea | 27-Sep | S 39 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass | P | Sustainable Fisheries Act | |
449 | Yea | 27-Sep | H R 4000 | Suspend the rules and pass, as amended | P | Reestablish POW/MIA Procedures | |
450 | Yea | 27-Sep | S 1505 | Suspend the rules and pass | P | Accountable Pipline Safety and Partnership Act of 1996 | |
451 | Yea | 28-Sep | H R 1332 | Suspend the rules and pass, as amended | P | Omnibus Insular Areas Act of 1996 | |
452 | Yea | 28-Sep | H R 3163 | Suspend the rules and pass | F | State Authority Tax Compensation Act | |
453 | Yea | 28-Sep | H R 4236 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | Omnibus Parks and Public Lands Management Act | |
454 | Yea | 28-Sep | H RES 546 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Consideration of Sine Die Resolutions | |
455 | Nay | X | 28-Sep | H R 3610 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | Department of Defense Appropriations for F.Y. 1997 |
296 Yea, 138 Nay, 1 Present, 20 No Vote (4.40 %)
38 votes (8.35 %) not with majority of R-party.