Algorithmic Complexity of various voting systems

For C candidates and V votes.
space does not include external storage of the votes, except for IRV which effectively internalizes the whole vote set

One VoteCV
CondorcetC^2V*C^2 + C^4
IRV a (traditional multi-pass) or IRNRC*VV*C^2
IRV b (single pass, for when C is tiny and V is huge)C!V*C + C!
IRV c (linked-list buckets)C*VV*C
Borda or RatedCV*C + C log C

There is an important 'caching' effect possible due to the loop order difference in the V*C^2 terms of Condorcet and IRV a. Condorcet is a single pass through the votes with C^2 work done on each. IRV a is C passes through V votes with C work done on each.

I feel like I may be missing some smallish terms in hose time descriptions.